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Our best teas for those who want some spice in their life! Rich in spices, best brewed strong and served with a splash of milk and sugar.
4 9584 Lilac Lovin’ $14
• Fine stainless steel mesh infuser with food grade silicone top and tray.
• Dishwasher safe.
5 9192 $17
• Magnetic bottom.
• Batteries not required, just wind for the perfect cup, every time.
unIvERsAl tEA InFusER
6 9280 $19
• This stainless steel fine infuser is great for any kind of tea. Teflon trim holds infuser snugly in your cup or teapot. Lid doubles as a coaster.
• Works with BFF Mug, Double Bubble Cup & Glitter Cup.
ButtERscotcH cHAI
1577CA $17 | 75 g (2.65 oz)
Ingredients: Black tea, Cinnamon, Fenugreek seeds, Ginger, Cloves, Cardamom, Fennel seeds, Natural flavours. C cInnAMon cHAI
1917CA $17 | 75 g (2.65 oz)
Ingredients: Black tea*, Cinnamon*, Ginger *, Cloves*, Black pepper*, Cardamom*. *Organic. C
DARK cHocol AtE cHAI
8247CA $17 | 75 g (2.65 oz)
Ingredients: Cinnamon*, Cocoa bean bits*, Cocoa shells*, Orange peel*, Star anise*, Ginger*, Pink pepper*, Cloves*, Black pepper*, Cardamom*. *Organic. C sPIcy cHAI
5297CA $17 | 75 g (2.65 oz)
Ingredients: Pu’erh tea, Cinnamon pieces, Cardamom, Ginger pieces, Cloves, Natural flavour. C