Do You Love Me?

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Do You Love Me?

A talk given to a gathering of men, Dec. 12, 1987.

Copyright © 1987 John L. Barger Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved ISBN 0-918477-57-3

Sophia Institute Press® Box 5284, Manchester, NH 03108


t’s easy to scorn women, and most men do. We see women as physically weak, easy to intimidate, bound to the menial tasks of motherhood, emotional, illogical, and often petty. Or we see them as temptresses: in desire we idolize them and parade them across the pages of magazines, yet we scorn and hate them for their commanding sexual power over us. Male scorn for women affects every aspect of our lives: our relations with our mothers, our girlfriends, our secretaries, our wives, our children, the Church, and even God Himself. I do not speak here merely of your scorn of women; I speak of mine as well. My relatives grew up on the streets during the Depression, learning early the fury and scorn that characterize so many people in dire circumstances: drinking heavily and seeing women alternately as sex objects or servants. Very early, I picked up these same attitudes, had them reinforced in my years in the military, and never had them seriously challenged by our culture. As a result, I swaggered through marriage for many years, ruling my wife Susan and my seven children with an iron hand while citing Scripture as justification for my privileges and authority: after all, Scripture explicitly commands wives to obey their husbands. Years of dominating my wife and children left them habitually resentful and fearful of me, yet unwilling to challenge me because of the fury it might provoke. I lived by the adage that “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” My family experienced the truth of a different adage: “When the tough get going, the going gets tough.” I alienated Susan and the children, and lost their love. Home was not a pleasant place to be — for them or for me. By 1983, Susan would have left me if it weren’t for the children, and even that bond was losing its force. 1

Then a number of dramatic events occurred, which wrought a profound change in my moral, psychological, and spiritual life. My eyes were opened, and during the past five years my family has been restored. This morning I will mention some of these personal events to explain to you the understanding I now have of the proper relation between men and women, as well as why I think that such relations profoundly affect your spiritual life.


y 1983, we had six children and, despite our spiritual estrangement, Susan was four months pregnant. Our first six babies had been born without any problems whatsoever. However, in the early morning hours of December 6, 1983, Susan began hemorrhaging and within two hours delivered our seventh baby dead. Little Christopher had died in Susan’s womb when his placenta tore loose from its wall. What a shock! At two in the morning in a stark, bright hospital delivery room, I held in my left hand my tiny lifeless son, and stared in disbelief at his death. What an injustice! Others should have died, not him! I should have died, not him. I was guilty but alive! He was innocent but dead! In an instant (as never before) I saw that there is deeply rooted in this universe an Evil that afflicts even the most innocent. And I realized that many things are simply beyond my power: I could not raise my poor baby from the dead; I could not command my wife’s love. In that same instant, I was forced to choose: either to rage against the universe that contained this Evil, to hate it for harming and killing my baby — or to acknowledge that although this Evil existed, and although I was powerless to undo many of its effects or fend off many of its attacks, other things remained very much within my power and under my influence: particularly my living children and my wife, whom to that point I had treated so poorly. I had the power to make their lives worse by raging against my baby’s death and my wife’s lack 2

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