[PM7000] k1928746 Sireenuch Chamlongrat

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Creative future


BRIEF Based on principles of self-management, design a way to support people whose arm and hand have been severely affected by stroke. Your design will support users in developing confidence and skills for self-management, enabling them to manage recovery of the stroke-affected arm and hand, regain better

TARGET AUDIENCE This project is suitable for stroke patients who

can use arm or other hand that can be moved to note their activities in an application

in order to make plan activities and need a reminder. this digital platform is good for a person who wants to note their emotions in every day and it would be useful for processing together with therapyquality of life



First, I researched about stroke. What is the main factor in their problems, including how medicine can help. Moreover, I focused on how patients take care of themselves after treatment, which results in improved physical and mental health


I focus on self-management, which is important for patients who require long-term stroke therapy. Self-management must consider the factors that affect the physical and mental health of the patient. Those are sensitive processes.

IMAGE 1 : “Self-management” by Fiona Jone, IMAGE 2 : “When you have a stroke“ Tino Kulnik (2018) a short guide book by Stroke Association (2019)

IMAGE 3 : “Self-management” by Fiona Jone, Tino Kulnik (2018)

IMAGE 4 : “Self-management” by Fiona Jone, Tino Kulnik (2018)


INTERVIEW I have the opportunity to meet and engage with people with severe arm and hand weakness following stroke and their family members. I have spent the time to interview and discuss a lot of experience with 2 patients who kindly shared their stories in my class.




After considering a lot of information from patients interview as a way to manage daily life and mental health care. On the point, I have received information key that living on their own is very important, and has the positive thinking it causes the patient to be able to continue their recovery. First, some of them need a planner on their phone to manage their activities on a daily basis. Another reason why some patients prefer to use the application platform, because for makes it easy reminders, Including sharing out for discussion with friends and family. Second, sometimes they need encouragement to help create a soft power of positive thinking. Therefore, my aim is to create art to help them encourage themselves to continue therapy.


I designed card games that included positive thinking messages to patients and messages that helped in starting conversations with friends and family. So that patients can have communication with other people



I got an idea by opening the calendar application to note my plans every day. From interviewing, the patients Some of them have many things to do, such as exercising, going to the clinic, and meeting friends. Some people do not have much activity to do. But only needs to move a hand or arm a day. So, I have the idea to create a calendar for event planning using stickers to reduce the use of messages and can be easily understood. Patients can use the normal hand to use. I designed this idea for making real calendars and calendars in a smartphone application.


DEVELOPMENT From professor’s suggestion, I will add a function to measure daily mood level of the patient. To show the emotions come out each month, the patient was aware of the emotions that affect healing. The results will be displayed in graph form. Which has a show every time the patient records their emotional level I suggest that patients can use this information to recovery


STICKERS RESEARCH I would say that I want to use CAT to be my main character stickers. Because cats have a habit of stretching the body like the treatment of patients. Which must focus on the movement and stretching of the body in order to return the body to be as good as before Moreover, I want to comfort the patient with an illustration that doesn’t look too serious. Therefore want to use cats to make patients feel refreshed when choosing cat stickers for use in daily life

IMAGE 6 : ”Why do cats stretch so much?”


by Laura Geggel ( publiced on April 21, 2016)

IMAGE 7 : 1979 Hallmark Disco Stickers

IMAGE 8 : 1979 Hallmark Disco Stickers

IMAGE 9 : Cat Yoga by JodiLynnDoodles (2018)

IMAGE 10 : Sushi Yoga by Huebucket (2019)


VISUAL OUTCOME - REMINDER STICKERS I have ideas for determining the types of STICKERS ON APPLICATION that are used to easily plan daily activities, it can also remind them and used to encourage the patient on the day they felt discouraged or upset about something that happened while they were while recovering. I suggest that it can add a positive f eeling when they see a good message with a relaxed visual style.



When the patient opens the application, They will see the main calendar which has a simple look. There is a graph which shows the mood each month. The mood data comes from the person recording the mood in the application on the day they choose to note their activity and mood on that day.




Users can click into “Planer” to plan their activities as well as being able to choose their own mood for the day to use this information here to process the mood graph on the main page. On the “Planner” page, when users have done their activities or notes. They will be able to see an overview of the schedule for the day in a format which is very simple and comfortable for reading.




For notes, when users click on “the date” they want to plan their activity or their feelings for that day on the “Planner” page. Then, the application page will change to be a space for notes. They can add stickers that suitable for their activities or positive messages to encourage themselves




CRITICAL REFLECTION The beginning of this project was a challenge I had never experienced before. I started by reading briefs and then I was interested, even though these were things that I wasn’t familiar with. One thing that made me decide to join this project is to get a chance to meet, talk and interview stroke patients. It is something that I can not find it by reading books or researching on the Internet. In addition to research the background of this disease. Researching with experienced people is my most important work process. This project made me question myself what being an illustrator can do to cure patients when I’m not an expert or a healthcare professional, until I discovered that I was able to produce works of art in the form of everyday objects in human life, which were different in helping the patient develop both physically and emotionally. So, I realized that art can be designed as a part of helping people closely and I can help them. Talking with patients and experts have made me aware of having been involved in digital format, which is widely used in people. These things affect mood and mental health is a very important part of treatment. Although they received care from the best technology. However, if you have poor mental health, and can not control. It is difficult to carry out the treatment to be better. So I decided to do a project with mental health and planning. Designed to patients is a very sensitive issue. I have received comments from patients that they should consider designs that prevent them from feeling alienated and must support their feelings in a positive way. This is my opportunity to be able to create art that inspires patients. While doing this project, my intention is to only give a positive feeling, which does not cause pressure on the patient. Even when they feel sad, I have designed in the form of encouragement. It’s a very good practice. I have gained a lot of experience from the research stage to the design. It’s important to teach me to develop further in this project is to understand fully the real needs of consumers, which is very delicate. It’s not just the design, but the work that affects the feeling at first sight. This is a challenge that makes me remember to be more developed.



What my topic and aims are Let people know if they TRY to go vegan for 1 day. Understand what veganism believes about changing food ingredients to better ingredients but it still looks delicious as normal food, and how are those ingredients beneficial to health.

Who my target Audience is Basically for PUBLIC not only a person who well knows about vegan but this artwork suitable for people who are over teenagers, It’s good way to let them know that they can eat vegan food as normal thing. They can see that they have more choices in their life.


STARTING POINT - why go vegan

I started this project by challenging myself by trying vegan food, which is something new for me. I asked the question with the interest of why people are now turning to go vegan or becoming veganism today. What do they believe? Why can they live a long and happy vegan life? I just asked the question “Why?�. There are more interesting things for example in health, the environment or the human mind. These are like some changes in society that give people more choices. I decided to do this project for education. Not just for myself, but I have the intention to give to others as well.



IMAGE 12 : #veganuary2020 by Veganuary(2020)

IMAGE 11 : “Veganism: Why are vegan diets on the rise?”

IMAGE 13 : Vegan Logo

by Lora Jones (publiced on 2 January 2020)

by Vegetarian Society Approved (2019)

I spent time to research and found that a vegan diet involves cutting out animal products like meat, fish, dairy and eggs. According to the latest research by the Vegan Society, conducted in 2018, there are around 600,000 vegans in Great Britain. Also around 360,000 people also describe themselves as lifestyle vegans, who commit to only using or buying cosmetics and clothes free from animal products.


TARGET AUDIENCE I researched about doing vegan business to reach the general public. In this case, the vegan business person wants people to try new things. However, he doesn’t want to pressure people to start too hard. So, he has a campaign to invite people to eat vegan food for every Monday. It is like a soft power that gives people the courage to TRY. When people try new experiences, they can know what they like. Finally, it will affect them to add vegan food as part of their dietary

IMAGE 14 : ‘Veganism Is A Huge Global Momentum’ Says

IMAGE 15 : vegan carrot hot dogs

Green Monday Founder David Yeung by GRACE HAN

by by Iosune (Published July 4, 2018)


DOCUMENTARY It’s “The Game Changers” film. It’s diet “documentary”, promoting a specific way of eating for optimal health or athletic performance, based around the stories and experiences of an individual. In this case it’s all about the benefits of a plantbased diet

IMAGE 16 : “The Game Changers” film (2018)

I found the key points of this documentary that wants to present to people that they can eat vegetables instead of meat, and sometimes vegetables can substitute nutrients and create health benefits more than meat. Therefore, it is not uncommon for you to see foods that look like they were made from meat but are actually made from plants. On this point, they said that people can eat vegan food like normal food, these are more healthy food and creative


RESEARCH นืON INTERVIEW I decided to research from reading the interviews with vegan restaurants in London and in Bangkok, both of which are currently showing significant growth. I want to know what are the causes they believe in engaging vegan remain in the present.

IMAGE 17 : Vegan Nut Cheese by Barefood Bangkok by Ganganit (Publiced on October 13, 2018)


IMAGE 18 : We Caught up With the Wild Food Café by YOGAMATTERS (Publiced on February 5th, 2016)




After discussion with friends and teachers in the classroom, I came back to develop my concept again to increase clarity in my project. The first thing I want is my project must be a work that can be easily understood by one keyword. From all research experience, I developed and concluded that the most important thing is to make people start to open their minds to TRY VEGAN. Even after what will happen, it can be considered that my work has achieved the goal that I want people TRY to have experience with Vegan.


STORYTRLLING The main point for this project is to let people know if they TRY vegan for 1 day and know what veganism believe for living with vegan as normal thing, show that they just change the ingredient in food and product to be better ingredient.open their minds to TRY VEGAN. Even after what will happen, it can be considered that my work has achieved the goal that I want people TRY to have experience with Vegan. So, I went to research about the most popular food that people eats in breakfast, lunch, break time and dinner. these could be something looks as ordinary food but it is vegan.


ิBOOK DESIGN To increase creativity for the audience, I have the idea of ​​making a guidebook on a brochure platform which the audience can open to receive information on the steps. I would like the guidebook to be easily portable and lightweight for easy sharing when they want to share their vegan knowledge with others, like friends or family

IMAGE 19 : “Tiger King” by JooHee Yoon

IMAGE 20 : Swan Lake conertina by Ping Zhu

IMAGE 21 : Swan Lake conertina by Ping Zhu


NOTE : A guide bood will design in a long paper, the audience can see an illustration clearly details



From the first time, I plan to have hidden messages in my project. Basically, it is to increase the clarity for the audience to have a bite action on my work. I would say that the importance of this point is for the audience to get more information about what benefits of vegan ingredients are for them. Unfortunately, I have tried to cut the paper, but the quality of the paper when opened closed often, there is a risk of tearing. From this concern, I conclude that this idea may not be suitable for my work, which needs to be open to learning and to be shared and shared if people want it. Next time, If I have the chance I would like to try using stronger materials to increase the durability of the guidebook.





ดFEEDBACK & SUGGESTION I received many comments from my classmates, the first thing that is quite clearly a problem in my project is many people do not understand what I want to communicate from my illustration Then, I realize that the directions for my illustration are not clear enough. Therefore, I advised to add an introduction of ‘what is vegan’ when the audiences open guidebook on the first page



I redesigned the cover and the first page of the guidebook to make it more interesting. From comments from my classmate, let me designed the first page to be an introduction about ‘what vegans eat’ and ‘what vegans use’ with an illustration which conveys how veganism believe



















CRITICAL REFLECTION This project brought me back to my consideration of what I was interested in and my passion for doing. Of course, I love creating art. However, more than that I want to give some communication to people so that they can use the art to open their minds. In the past, I understood that people learned only in the classroom or reading knowledge books until I grew up and had the opportunity to see many art media that can educate people as well. That is an amazing thing that fascinates me, creating something that affects people’s daily lives. Giving them a thought process while viewing artwork as if they were trying a new experience, which they will later decide if they agree with the presentation of artwork. In my opinion, This is a beautiful thing for creating art for people. The target audience must be considered as carefully as possible. Before I started, I always questioned what the people wanted and the right to make contributions to my work as efficiently as possible. My commitment is to provide education along with easily accessible illustrations. When I assign keywords before starting work. I can understand immediately that this project is for everyone. But in a specific way, This project is about how some people believe and human health. Therefore, it is necessary to be concerned about limiting the age of the target audience so that they can see the art with critical thinking. These were small details, but great as this is what I learned while working these things make me produce a clear demand to invite people to open up and encourage them to take what they get. The most beneficial thing during work is getting an opportunity to discuss ideas with my peers and professor. Listening to other people’s opinions makes me see my work from a different perspective. Then, I have received a lot of feedback for further development. However, The important thing that I have learned is that I have many comments, but considering that it can be applied appropriately will lead to the best development. Since everyone has different opinions but I also have to hold on to the key concepts so that the direction of the work does not change from the initial intention that I want to communicate with the audience. Although some ideas are not adopted in the final stage because of the failure of the experiment. However, from the beginning, I am very satisfied with my work and enjoy the many illustrations that are colourful. Composition for long paper is a challenge that I can finally design to be clearly concept. This is a very good opportunity for me to keep thinking about in the future that I can continue to develop this work, and one day it can be found at the bookstore, which is public for everyone.


ไWHAT HAS THE เฌฌGDCP DONE FOR ME ? MY MANIFESTO For me, every artwork can work for people, just the way the presentation comes from the creator. However, I believe that art can speak. Art can communicate with humans even without specific explanations. When people look at some art. They are able to think critically in different perspectives. I think this is the charm of art, which lets people open Minded. Therefore, art is one of human learning.






ิำ�BEFORE THE GDCP Throughout my research experience from my projects in my previous study programme, which mostly are a short film 3D animation I had done. I dedicated my time to introduce the public about those information using various ways of communication. First and foremost, I found that the media significantly influences our way of thinking in both negative and positive ways. I studied this case for unravelling my curiosity about what could happen to personal relationships in media environments in current days. Therefore, it is now my aim to create innovative media messages and raise awareness on a larger scale, in addition to my previous study programme. When I look back, my work in the past generally was created to be a video. Actually, my interests in media are broad, ranging from web and print journalism to music, film and television. I found that the most things I value in the thought process is pre-production as how designers think about their work. From my perspective, I realise how important to be creative more than just being a creator. After studying for 4 years in my previous education program, I admit to myself that I like to work in the form of 2D illustration rather than video. Of course, in the past, I enjoyed working as a team, also I’m ready to work with others. On the other hand, I also want to focus more on my skill training for further development as well.




ฉCREATIVE STANDPOINT Generally Speaking, I believe that the identity of designers and artists are driven by their ideas and their interests. I come back to look at myself again to find what I’m really interested in. Basically, it would be something that is very simple in daily life and happy to work or talk which can drive me to be creative and working with passion. I work to present to people in society who have little interest in daily life things that may affect some of those things which are both positive and negative, such as giving importance to taking care of oneself or actions that affect the environment. I work to make people realize these things through my art work. Basically, being an illustrator is an option which I foresee that I can release my own imagination freely, not just designing but able to communicate to the audience to receive the message that I want to convey and the audience still able to enjoy my art style at the same time.


DEVELOPING PRACTICE I have worked at a large scale during the final years of the program study before. However, something different is that I tend to finish my job just by completing the digital video. What challenged me so far is to start thinking about working in different ways, aside from just digital media. For example, in my last term of studying in the AlterEgo class, I received feedback and comments about how to push myself to work differently than my previous style in order to improve myself and learn new techniques. Changing completely is not an easy task. For the reason, I gradually changed my work style. Beginning with what is possible to be easily achieved and continues to develop is better than before. Finding myself makes me very surprised. I always ask myself when I start doing other work, what style is my favorite style? and I discovered after compiling my past work. I found that I like to work with friendly illustrations and colorful things. Then, I realized during the research process, I often researched colours as how they relate to my project. Meanwhile, the important thing that I always wanted to improve was creating art work which can impress people or become visually appealing the first time they look at it. Of course, those things have to go through a lot of research processes. In the past, I just thought of my ideas and created my work. But for now, things which have been developed and changed are the processes of work that have encouraged me to produce my work more clearly and more interestingly, including a lot of feedback would give me more ideas as well.




ดFUTURE According to me, my aspiration is to work with being inspired by nature. Generally speaking, I believe that simple things can spark creativity, which reflects people’s way of life. I have always believed that art can communicate with people. In that detail, I found these ideas when I started a project on Target Audience class which makes me really enjoy researching and developing my work in different ideas. In my view, the beauty of nature can make people aware of something, leading to certain human development. Therefore, it can be concluded that art and nature are more than just beauty, similar to my dream project is storytelling through illustration, in which flowers and plants are presented as the main attention. From my perspective, I want to work for people who give me free imagination when I work and show how my art style is. Moreover, bringing art to meet people and see things more beautiful is my attention too. Working with people in different countries definitely has to get their culture involved. That was a challenge I thought it was fun to do. For another ambition in my job, If the viewer can feel my country through my art, that is a successful work. In the future, I expect myself to be an artist who can make some art work to reflect the current issue holistically and can lead everyone to open their eyes wide enough to discuss it. I believe when people come to talk about something, it would be an opportunity to educate and raise more awareness. Then, I want to try more concepts which I never do with different materials and accept more experiences.







CRITICAL REFLECTION My experience of almost a year has been more than I expected. I dare to say that I have a good studying and work experience and I do not regret the time I spend because I spend all the time I can get as much as I can. Honestly, I just hope to draw and develop my own creativity. But after I had reviewed myself before and after starting this course I was able to realize that I could create endless works without worrying later. Although sometimes it will fail or not be used, exchanging ideas with peers in the classroom, including people in the city, all helped me to see new things better than I had imagined from different perspectives. That is a precious thing that I received. Being an artist is a starting point, like guiding your life path. I have an opinion that all the principles that I have learned can be applied. Although in the future I may not be working as an illustrator I can be a good worker by developing yourself all the time, and must not forget to share ideas with others. Finally, there is nothing better than finding yourself in which you are interested. That is a question that I always find the answer for myself after I graduate because I want people to remember me with my art. Therefore, looking back to the experience that goes on every day is very useful. I love drawing, people, thinking about creative concepts. I want to give people a special feeling like a gift. That’s what I am.


Design has allowed us to stand out; to look different and show that difference boldly. — Joe Mansueto


An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. — Dr. Edwin Land


BIBLIOGRAPHY Healing and Happiness After Stroke: How to Get Back Up After Life Turned Upside-Down. Kari Dahlgren, 2016 Disability and Rehabilitation. Journal, Volume 41, Issue 1, 2017 Available online : https://www.tandfonline.com/ Healing and Happiness After Stroke: How to Get Back Up After Life Turned Upside-Down. Kari Dahlgren, 2016 Planning for Everything: The Design of Paths and Goals. Peter Morville, 2018 How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease. Michael Greger, 2015 ‘Veganism Is A Huge Global Momentum’ Says Green Monday Founder David Yeung. GRACE HAN, 2019 Available online : https://www.plantbasednews.org/ The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Compassionate Living Without Sacrifice. Erik Marcus, 2011 51 Plant-Based High-Protein Recipes : For Athletic Performance and Muscle Growth. Jules Neumann, 2018



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