Acknowledgement Sirenna would like to thank you for the opportunity to present you with our Capability Statement. The success and outcome of any project we take on requires the continued guidance and assistance from our customers. We are extremely fortunate to have worked with an array of great organisations and the fantastic individuals within them. With a great deal of experience in the industry, partnered with our skills and enthusiasm, we will aim to work with you to not only achieve, but to exceed expectations as we begin this journey with you.
About Sirenna
Our Services
What We Do
What We Can Do For You?
Wow Factors
Engaging Learners
Why Choose Us?
Our Clients
Video Interviews
Our Staff
Animations Simulations Onscreen Hotspots “Drag-and-Drop” Features Scenario-Based Learning Virtual Reality
Our Approach
Contact Us
Confirm Training Requirements
Call/ Email Us
Agree Initial Design
Find Us
Detailed Design and Development
Follow Us
Pilot Courses Final Course Design Evaluation Standards Quality Assurance Reviews Working With You Subject Matter Expertise Benefits of Our Approach
About Sirenna What We Do Wow Factors Why Choose Us? Our Clients Our Staff
About Sirenna Sirenna offer a wealth of experience having worked with a wide range of diverse clients and projects. We aim to use these experiences and the standards we have incorporated over the years to fulfil every one of your training requirements. Sirenna are passionate about designing bespoke training solutions that directly improve performance. We are more than just a consultancy, we provide robust, training solutions that are tailored to your needs and budget.
Delivers global solutions locally
Enables clients to gain maximum advantage from technological innovation
Provides a pragmatic partnership approach
Committed to building long term relationships with clients
01 Learning solutions company
02 Established in 2010
03 UK based with a creative hub in Pune, India
04 International client base
Wow Factors Many providers offer technical solutions that provide a robust IT infrastructure for their clients. During complex Change Management Programmes staff have to adapt quickly to changes in technology, software or legislation. This is where Sirenna come in. With over 20 years of consulting experience, Sirenna provides you with the services that will enhance the skills and knowledge of your workforce, enabling them to take on board and apply the newly acquired knowledge, and allow you to see a beneficial return on your investment. We have worked in a range of market sectors. Our customers include government departments, leading financial institutions and commercial organisations.
Developed over 300 hours of online learning content
25,000 people trained on personal development courses in India
800,000 clinicians trained on bespoke IT systems across the NHS
20,000 people trained on Insurance Regulations
Why Choose Us Sirenna is a boutique Training Company. We are a small minnow but a smart minnow! Through the quality of our services, our products and our enthusiastic, professional and committed staff, we add value to your business. We have found that the bigger a company grows the less attention it can give. Large often = spread too thinly. We can give your project the attention it deserves.
Small makes us Agile
Small makes us Adaptable
Small makes us Flexible
Small makes us Unique
What Does That Mean? Sirenna develop great customer relationships. We come to you. We aim to work directly alongside you, to formulate a clear learning strategy from the very beginning and then carry out your training requirements as long as you need us. With offices in the UK and India we have the geographical reach to be on hand wherever you need us.
Worldwide Client Site Training Revolutionary solutions to match your Company Culture
Rapid Development of Bespoke Innovative Solutions Competitive Pricing‘Realistic costs’ High Standards & Professional Quality Our flexible model allows us to offer:
Our Clients With clients spread across the world and with the experience of working in such a varied range of industries, large and small, Sirenna has developed an innate ability to adapt, and in turn, to deliver the best for our customers.
Our Staff Sirenna’s continuing success, and its ability to meet its clients’ requirements is dependent on the quality of its people.
Their experience Their knowledge of the subject / specialist areas of expertise Cultural fit - are they right for your organisation? Their availability for the key stages of your project
We employ training staff from a wide range of backgrounds including teaching, engineering, training and IT. The majority of our training staff are professionally qualified and many hold professionally relevant post-graduate qualifications.
The bedrock of Sirenna is its vision to work together to provide you with the best solution.
If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old. Sirenna prides itself in designing solutions that makes us stand out from the competition.
Persistence, Perfection, Patience and Passion is how we ensure our commitment to you.
We’re passionate about designing bespoke training solutions that improve performance by learning.
The strength of Sirenna’s team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team. Together we achieve success.
Our Team
Rani Dablar Director and Head of Training Design
Paul Buckland Director of Training
Tabassum Awaghade Learning Project Manager
Pranali Deshmukh Technical Project Manager
Claire Hellawell Lead Trainer
Oliver Jackson Instructional Designer
Harshada Kunjir Lead Graphic Designer
Shivani Parihar Instructional Designer
Pritam Kolage Graphic Designer
Our Services What We Can Do For You? Engaging Learners Interactivity Video Interviews Animations Simulations Onscreen Hotspots “Drag-and-Drop” Features Scenario-Based Learning Virtual Reality
Our Services Sirenna is a Training Solutions Company. We provide you with the following: • Classroom based training delivery, • eLearning training design, development and delivery, • Training and information technology consultancy, and • Managed training services.
Training Delivery
• High Calibre trainers • One to One Coaching and Facilitation • Hosted eLearning content • Learning Management Systems • End user training schedules
Development • Classroom to eLearning conversion • Bespoke courses • Classroom courses • Presentations • Technical writing • Template design
Consultancy • Devise robust solutions to meet your time and budget
Project Management • Maximise your ROI • World class Training Strategies
• Maximise your organizations productivity
• Devise project plans around the solution
• Maximise your profits
• Manage risk and issues of the project
• Exploiting new technologies
• Resource the project
• Multi-device training
• Manage budgets
What We Can Do For You? Sirenna design and deliver high-end solutions. Our training modules are designed to be highly interactive with the following key features: • Modular in structure, • Bite-sized and highly engaging, • Media rich with video and animations, • Telestrations and presenter-led videos, • Immersive case studies and real life scenarios, • Varied mix of interactive exercises with assessments, • Created as multi-device for PCs, tablets, iPads and smartphones.
Engaging Learners Sirenna design interactive and engaging learning content. Depending on your individual requirements, we include a combination of the following features:
Hotspots: Used to click an image to reveal more information.
Audio: Allow users to play sound files, podcasts and have narrative throughout the module.
Quizzes: A variety of question types to help test knowledge.
Video: Watch and learn, small clips that are easily downloadable and play in a variety of media.
Sequence: Allowing users to step through a process.
Web-based simulations: Allowing users to walk through an application.
Animations: Visually stimulating graphics to enhance learning.
Virtual Reality: Bring learners to the learning like never before with VR.
Interactivity Interactivity is extremely important to keep your learners engaged. Our solutions are media-rich and include presentation sequences, audio, video clips and animations to help maintain the attention of your staff. Sirenna’s solutions feature the following components to enhance your learners’ online journey:
Informative animations and visually stimulating graphics
Interactive video sequences with branching options
Onscreen ‘Hotspots’ and ‘Drag-and-drop’ features to reveal more information
Online quizzes with multiple question banks to test your users knowledge
Interactive case studies
Voiceovers to add resonance
Video Interviews Colleague testimonials are very influential and can deliver key points for your users in a variety of settings. One great way to showcase company culture is through employee video testimonials, as your staff see genuine conversations from people they know and trust. Adding employee video testimonials is a great way to highlight benefits and makes the experience more relatable and believable.
Animations Animations are extremely useful for learners. By actively showing a learner the concept, animations can break down complex processes, visualising change and creating focal points for learning. Educational animation is a powerful tool in engaging and communicating with learning audiences and can be used to deliver complex messages clearly and succinctly.
Simulations Simulating a system allows the learner to walk through a demonstration which can be repeated as many times as required. Questions and knowledge checks can be included throughout the learning, while assessments can be added, scored and recorded back to your Learning Management System (LMS).
Onscreen Hotspots Studies show that interactivity increases engagement, which in turn increases the retention of information. Hotspots make static elements interactive, as users can toggle between layers and links can even be provided to external content to hop from one page of a document to another. Sometimes, diagrams get so large that they become difficult to see and understand. Using a hotspot can ensure that key information can be broken down into more manageable pieces.
Drag and Drop Features Drag and drop actions allows learners to drag a piece of text or an image and drop it on one or more corresponding ‘drop-zones’. These activities enable the learner to associate two or more elements, making logical connections in a visual way. They are brilliant to help people reflect on what they’ve learned so far, or to test their understanding of a topic before further learning is carried out.
Scenario-Based Learning Learning-by-doing is generally considered to be the most effective way to learn practical skills, so we’ll challenge learners to apply knowledge in realistic scenarios. Role-play or acted scenarios, featuring believable characters and situations, help learners to visualise new ways of working. We aim to introduce appropriate elements of gamification to our scenarios to increase engagement and focus attention, with a scoring system so that learners can immediately see how well they’re performing.
Virtual Reality For interactive walkthroughs there can be no better medium than Virtual Reality (VR). VR is very popular with learners but requires a higher level of investment than photo-based scenarios. We are increasingly turning to video-based learning with the explosion of various video distribution platforms, such as YouTube. For inductions, rather than a department list that your staff need to understand why not get your staff to put on a VR headset and “walk through each department� to gain the vital information about your company.
Our Approach Confirm Training Requirements Agree Initial Design Detailed Design and Development Pilot Courses Final Course Design Evaluations Standards Quality Assurance Reviews Working With You Subject Matter Expertise Benefits of Our Approach
Our Approach Our breadth and depth of experience across sectors, domains and training media allows us to readily understand our clients’ requirements and provide an independent, pragmatic and objective view of how best to deal with training needs and implement optimal solutions. This customer focus is supported by our approach to the development of training materials that is designed to provide an early agreed view of the requirement and baseline the way forward. This structured approach entails the use of: • Experienced training and development consultants, • Accurate requirements gathering processes, • Detailed specification, and • Incremental, focused reviews on the interim deliverables. Our approach ensures that we deliver exactly what you need. Based on the frameworks that we establish together in advance and utilising our experience in multiple sectors and disciplines, we link subject matter experts in a broad range of technical areas together to help us provide important added value.
Confirm Training Requirements Help define the size and scope of the project Clearly indicate roles and responsibilities and avoid unnecessary duplicated effort Provide a consistency of approach across a multi-skilled project team Assist project planning and estimating
Are fully integrated with Sirenna’s project management procedures
Provide defined milestones to assist project management and control
Agree Initial Design A detailed technical specification is prepared as the baseline for all subsequent design and development effort. The initial design would be signed off at set stage gates prior to development to ensure both of our expectations are aligned.
Instructional Approach, including Assessment Strategy
Content Scope and structure
Target Audience Learning Objectives
Functional Specifications and Standards for technical delivery
Detailed Design and Development This phase will produce an engaging design for the bespoke training units and any support material provided. Whether converting a course for web delivery, or building a fully integrated eLearning environment, an Instructional Design Specification is prepared as the baseline for all subsequent design and development. To ensure client expectations are aligned with ours, Sirenna takes special care to ensure the specification contains a very clear statement of: • Key learning objectives, • Target audience, • Content scope and structure, • Instructional approach, including assessment strategy, and • Functional specifications and standards for technical delivery.
Prototyping Early prototyping may also be used to enable proof of concept. As part of the design process, we will ensure that all methods, processes and documents are approved prior to moving ahead with the development stage and beginning further work. 1.0 Module Title
Key learning points
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Main Content
1.1.1 Objectives and learning outcomes
1.2.1 Tell, Show, Do
1.3 Knowledge Check 1.3.1 Recap (as required)
1.2.2 Practice 1.1.2 Overview
1.3.2 Next steps and Learning Resources 1.3.3 Summary
Pilot Courses A pilot is essential given the level of investment in any course and the amount of time that participants are required to make available to attend. We pilot all of our course materials, whether they are hosted online, or they are classroom-based end user training sessions. This ensures that our course content achieves the following: • They cover the right content to the right depth, • They meet the objectives, • The right balance for any exercises has been achieved, • The timings are achievable, and • There is a logical and coherent structure.
Final Course Design Before final version sign off and delivery of all training courseware, we carry out a stringent set of measures to maintain the high standards of our outputs. We make the necessary changes based on pilot course feedback and additional ‘Quality Assurance’ measures carried out on all our materials. These additional Quality Assurance measures apply to the following: • Branching from menu pages, • Access to menu at all times, • Access to additional resources, and • Navigation content to aid navigation around our course material.
Evaluation Training evaluation can help to identify areas for improvement and provide continual quality assurance throughout the training phase. Our evaluation includes the following features: • Knowledge checks throughout the course, • Reporting from your LMS including the following; - Complete / Not Complete, - Pass / Fail, - Test / Assessment score, • Formal learner feedback via online questionnaires / surveys; - Immediate evaluation feedback following completion of a course, - 3 weeks - questionnaire to measure knowledge transfer, - 3 months - questionnaire to measure productivity/impact of learning on the workplace, and • Forums on the LMS or other available technologies.
Standards All of Sirenna’s learning modules are designed and developed to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), and are built to AICC and SCORM 1.2 standards.
Disability Discrimination Act • Web technologies for example, XML • Accessibility • W3C WAI
Text size
A Seeing
We have the experience of the previous delivery of over 19,500 hours of system and process training for the ‘Equality and Human Rights Commission’, http://www.equalityhumanrights.com, delivering content in line with their strict working standards. All the learning that we design and develop will support delegates with minor accessibility needs by enabling them to adjust: • Text size, and • Colour and contrast of the background area and text to enhance readability for colour blind and dyslexic learners.
• ADL/SCORM • IMS Metadata • IEEE • e-GIF
Quality Assurance Sirenna’s dedication to providing a high-quality service is evidenced by its commitment to achieve certification to ISO 9001 covering all aspects of its business. Sirenna has a strong commitment to quality and the implementation of the quality manual. This in turn results in the detailed associated quality procedures system that affects all aspects of our day-to-day business.
Reviews Sirenna operate a rigorous, continuous review process. Evaluation of all outputs from early prototypes to final trials is an essential risk reduction strategy as it helps ensure client and developer expectations remain aligned. Users, project stakeholders and developers undertake reviews to ensure that all aims, and objectives are met using: • Robust Standards Documentation, • Quality Assurance Management, • Level 1 and Level 2 QA Reviews, • Final Sign Off Stage gates.
Storyboards match 1st build. Successfully loads to the LMS.
Changes following the review of Alpha Build.
Final build signed off by you the client.
Working With You Collaborative working leads to successful projects. Here at Sirenna we employ a partnership approach and try to have a consistent presence on our customers’ site. We feel this enables us to establish clear lines of communication and to work more closely with our clients; allowing us to develop the best training content in unison with yourselves whilst avoiding the type of issues that arise with separation. Internally we will: • Review all content, • Build effective training that meets your requirements, • Quality Assure everything from specifications to the final build, • Work to plan and budget.
Subject Matter Expertise Why learn from the student, when you could learn from the master? We understand that to maximise the quality of our training material we have to source the best possible content from those who are most learned in the fields in which we are operating. We are training specialists and have operated as such by consulting and utilising the Subject Matter Experts that you, in your own field look up to and respect most highly. Our approach will see us: • Engage early with the key experts, allowing us to establish the expectations of all involved, carry out training and agree processes, • Schedule time in content development and reviews to consult and take advise, • Record feedback from these experts so we are able to incorporate the finest of details that are often easily missed and often wholly important, and • Conduct Face to Face meetings to discuss review comments and agree amendments.
Benefits of Our Approach Why our customers like working with Sirenna:
2 1
We develop content that is ‘right first time’
4 3
We get under the skin of your requirement via in-depth analysis
5 We test everything from storyboards to screen interactivity
We ensure that content is reviewed every step of the way, ensuring it is effective, and outcome based
We plan to achieve with key stage gates and clear sign off criteria
7 6
9 8
It’s great value for money There are no surprises at the end as you have been part of the development journey
We work with you, establishing full collaboration throughout, including on site working with your SMEs, regular project meetings and weekly reporting
10 We provide support from day one of your project and offer extended warranty periods after your project goes live
We exceed your expectations
Contact Us Sirenna Head Office The Viking, Thurland Castle, Tunstall LA6 2QR Sirenna Pune Office City Vista, Kolte Patil’s Downtown, Fountain Road, Kharadi Pune, Maharashtra, India 411014 Call +44 (0) 7990555228 +44 (0) 7957133987 Mail info@sirenna.co.uk