2 minute read
from Paglayag Volume 2 Issue 1
Are your wallets ready? better make it a ‘yes’ this month. The most frequent occasions when people zoom into various stores and buy whatever they want out of tradition are probably seasonal events, particularly Christmas. Giving gifts to someone we care about, whether it’s a family member, your barkadas, or your “sana-ol” special someone, allows us to express our feelings and gratitude for them. Not only that, but giving gifts usually makes us feel wonderful as well. It’s better to give than to receive, they always say, and that’s extremely accurate for our mindsets. “How am I supposed to give while I’m going for broke?” you ask. There’s nothing to worry about for Filipinos like us because we have a special technique that people regularly practice. We normally go to a place where your money doesn’t have to barf out what it ate, like such a place called “Ukay-Ukay.” Filipinos are incredibly thrifty and can save money in a very ef�icient manner. This is why we’ve become fond of ukay-ukay stores; everyone enjoys a good deal on items. Clothing, accessories, houseware, cookware, and toys are all second hand products, which makes this type of business similar to a thrift shops. ‘Ukay-ukay’ literally means ‘dig-dig,’ which explains why shopping is done by digging among piles of clothes until a good �ind is found. Literally, it can be found anywhere, at any town/city. Your �inancial sense is at the top of the list as long as you hear “Pasok mga suki, presyong divisoria” which translates to “Come regular customers, Divisoria prices here” (Divisoria - a large division in Manila where Ukay-ukay businesses are everywhere) Each of their price ranges are incredibly cheap, ranging from 30-150 pesos for any item, with some even offering excellent bargains such as 3 for 100. These businesses are capable of doing something unique: displaying multiple brands in one location. We like how unusual they are, despite the fact that they are inexpensive. At this point, we don’t even care about the brands. What we’re seeing at the time appears to be quite luxurious. If you ever come across a jacket with the same design as the one you saw at the mall, consider yourself quite blessed. One thing that can rarely happen is when you �ind a one-of-a-kind product/design that no other store in your place has. It can happen to anyone, and when they do, that will likely represent an amazing hidden treasure. Ukay-ukay might be a vast or small area; normally, it is large, though, is it really necessary for you to go from beginning to end? Your purchasing success is determined by your ability to pick and bargain. It normally takes 2 hours or more to �inish your shopping spree, but you probably wouldn’t mind because your extra savings will make it all worthwhile.
Having said that, most people believe that Ukay-ukay is the greatest spot to shop this holiday season. With the growth of ukay-ukay businesses, your tradition of buying secondhand products for gifts will most likely become your one and only hope for sharing joy and happiness while keeping your expenses minimal. Nonetheless, people will still appreciate you whether your gifts are cheap or expensive, what matters most to them is how they are thankful for being nice this Christmas. It’s a win-win!