12 minute read
from Paglayag Volume 2 Issue 1
There is a common denominator for a truly successful life, and it is to include wisdom, faith in a higher being, and peace. Success and its elements as we all fold the page on an academic year, is an essential cue to further acknowledge our hard works that endeavor both of our time and eff ort to pursue it. Hence, For some of us, this might have been the most important year of our lives. As we end school and prepare ourselves for the next phase, we indulge our thoughts in the prize that everyone dreams of, what some would call ‘The Pinnacle of Success’.
Our minds drift off thinking of Success, and at that instant we tremble, panic and curl into the corner, as the shadow of the obstacles that will stand in our path appears across the horizon. To succeed at college, individuals must be of all of their own passion and desire and follow the three main keys of success which are setting specifi c goals and objectives, constructing a clear plan and working hard to be able to achieve that vision.
Moreover, for a student, success stands for academic excellence with equal opportunities to shine in all fi elds of life. It is the mandate of their well-being with equally pursued fi ends of endless devotion subdued into it. Achieving success in a specifi c profession is not served on a silver platter, thus it requires a lot of progress and dedication in order for an aspiring individual to achieve it.
Thus, for more urgent services are inevitable, along with the sudden increase in population; more registered professionals are required to help. Each course leads to an enlivening profession, but with all the interests stirring around, those who took it as a way of leaving their legacy have always been fazed with tiring provocations of whether they would be battling for success or otherwise. The primary purpose of the board examination is to grant permission to practice as committed professionals after the applicants have met the competencies showing that they are able to safely perform activities within their chosen scope.
In line with this, the Mariano Marcos State University has once again immensely grasped the spark to nurture licensed individuals in P skorequired to help. Each course leads

P sko showcasing their brilliance and modesty. In line with the recently conducted Physician Licensure Examination, MMSU has mandated a total of 100% passing rate; highly envisioning its utmost triumph in the medical fi eld. Thus, the university has also surpassed the national passing rate of 39.34% for the Civil Engineering Licensure Examination (CELE), after obtaining an overall passing rate of 50.53%. Furthermore, MMSU has also reaped countless successes in the teaching fi eld after garnering a range of passing rates from Elementary (54.45%) to Secondary (50.94%) Level.
Nonetheless, through instilling great progress, the Mariano Marcos State University has obtained a total of 99.47% passing rate during the Nursing Licensure Examination and was recognized as number 2 top performing school nationally. Furthermore, with its undying credibility to seek competence in the nursing fi eld, the university has also dignifi edly produced two board topnotchers ranked 7th (Abiday, Jezreel Troy) and 10th (Alejandro, Augustine Nikolai).
As this endeavor marks another milestone for the newly licensed professionals; now is their juncture to savor their triumph and move up the corporate ladder at their desired fate. For a professional, success is all about making a name and leaving a certain legacy in a chosen fi eld by showing well-forged skills and acumen. Nonetheless, it is also viewed as the consequence of having earned a series of accomplishments by means of having to fulfi ll various desired visions and planned goals.
Therefore, it is a multidisciplinary fi eld for it evolves with a set of priority changes. Thus, it could be diff erent for a student, an employee, or a professional. But one common goal unites all these groups, and that is to be appraised with what they have achieved in life; and this could be anything from surfi ng life’s roughest waves to climbing up the corporate ladder. Thus, all of these happen due to the intense amount of expectation put onto the shoulders of the newly-licensed professionals by their loved ones. Hence, a fi xed score of percentage was kept as a gift entailing triumphic warmth among the hearts of whom they have touched in this upcoming quintessence of Christmas.

The ‘Person of the Year’
(and More Than That)
By Graziel Ramat
On December 07, 2022, Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, was named by Time magazine as the Person of the Year. The world saluted and recognized his valor and patriotism when the Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” against
Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Horrors of the said war have surprised the world; shells dropping on the homes of the Ukranians, like a descending angel of death knocking on their doors–an unexpected visitor.
Zelensky stood and fought with his people; stayed as a symbol of de�iance, of wanting just one thing: peace. With his combat boots, khaki pants, green t-shirt, and a trimmed beard –who would’ve thought that a man who was once a comedian, would lead a country, and now �ighting in the middle of a war?
Zelensky is just one of the many known �igures who is a proof that it’ll only takes to be you and your pure intentions and the world will do its own thing to honor you–and when I mean honor, I do not mean being hailed as the Person of the Year per se, but rather you being known and remembered by people through your good deeds.
Good deeds that do not have to be grandiose, because even the smallest of good deeds brings big, pleasing impacts which could ripple without it being seen.
And I know someone who does the exact thing. Someone who, in his own little ways, deserves to be recognized and appreciated.
The name Bejorn T. Alejandro is a name not known to many. He doesn’t belong to a big, in�luential family, but in a quiet and humble abode in the rural municipality of Nueva Era. Unlike Volodymyr Zelensky, Bejorn was never a trend in the world of social media. However, like Zelensky, Bejorn has his own story to tell worth knowing.
The BEginning of the JOuRNey of Giving
Bejorn Alejandro is a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science student in the College of Arts and Sciences. At 21, we could say that he has already achieved and experienced so many ful�illing things that a 21-year old is too young to be engaging with. Experiences, like everyone else, came along with him as he grew–pleasant and unpleasant ones; both satisfactory and the disappointing ones.
At the age of 9, his eyes were opened to the reality that in life, money will always matter. He has once witnessed his father exhaust his own resources just to make Bejorn attend an anticipated national activity when he was in the Boy Scout, and when he failed to do so, both the guilt and sadness on his father’s face have etched on his young mind.
When Bejorn grew up years later, there were times during rice planting season when he occasionally skipped school to do farm work without the knowledge of his family. It started when

he was 12. Being the less fortunate at that time, he had no other choice but to work for himself and to help his father. His father, being the only support they have, have struggled to send him and his brothers to school. Imagine a boy, at the age of supposedly being sheltered as he grows at his own pace, was waking up early in the morning with his bag carrying farm clothes instead of books; sneaking out before the sun could even rise as he looked forward to a day of heat, sweat, and soiled hands. Dirty hands that will eventually receive good money. During those years, aside from learning the process and techniques of rice planting–agbunubon, agsikka, agraep, ken aggapas–he has also learned to operate machineries like kuliglig. God must have seen him working so hard, he gave Bejorn a day that he will always remember. That day in December was merry and unforgettable. That was Bejorn’s �irst time attending a Thanksgiving celebration of a church. There were kids his age; some he knew; some he didn't. There was food served, and gifts. Being only

invited by one of his friends, he was hesitant at �irst. What if the organizers won’t welcome him? What if they get mad? What if he will only feel left out–
All of his what ifs vanished into the cold December breeze when they gave him his gift. He rarely receives gifts, unexpected on that part, and he thought it was a nice feeling.
Amidst the laughter of the other children during the program, with their big smiles holding their own gifts, he then wondered....
What does it feel to be the one giving? The Feeling of Giving
Bejorn started from small, counted steps.
High School was the start of Bejorn being a consistent student-leader. Climbing the ladder of the student body means carrying a heavier responsibility each step. However, for Bejorn, this is also one of the many ways that made him grow more and widen his horizon. He has met many different people and somewhat been a part of their lives. He was able to re�lect on their experiences, and he realized he must have been struggling, but at some point, he’s still lucky.
As someone who still has nothing, Bejorn still made sure to utilize his position onto something meaningful. When he became the vice president of the Supreme Student Government of
Nueva Era National High School, he proposed a project that gives attention and value to the youth under the care of DSWD Nueva Era. With the help of his SSG adviser and the rest of the committee, the said charity was

Outside the school, he has also volunteered as an organizer in many outreach programs and donation drives for calamities in Ilocos Norte. Through these activities, Bejorn has acquired the necessary things to do in organizing such drives, and to make it all happen.
When Bejorn was ready, he decided to get out of his comfort zone and explored more of his skills and grabbed every opportunity the world was offering in front of him. He parttimed in photography–doing photoshoots with babies for their Christenings, toddlers and preschoolers for their birthdays, and debutantes, to name a few. He has also done other computerrelated stuff like video editing for school projects.
This part-time job wasn’t that big, however it was something. He was earning enough to be able to give cash donations now other than volunteering for manpower. It was something, in a sense that he was also able to invest in small businesses with the people that he met through the years.
With these resources, Bejorn, on his own efforts and resources, was able to organize small outreach programs from his own pocket. With the help of his friends and the community leaders from Nueva Era, Carassi, Solsona, and Piddig, he was able to reach out to those who are truly in need and able to express to them his

kindness that
they will forget.
Social never
media has also been a way for Bejorn to extend his help without exception. When the pandemic hit, it was also not easy for Bejorn. Everything drastically went down in a blink of an eye, and losing a loved one during the time of quarantines is something that Bejorn never expects to happen.
At some point, Bejorn almost lost everything that he has been working for, but he has already made it that far. With God and family as his support systems, Bejorn went back on his feet–walking from house to house under the heat, giving relief goods, restocking community pantries; giving assistance to students–it’s like he is in a better momentum after he stumbled.
Looking back, would’ve thought that the boy who once had nothing, is now a man who shares his blessings? Who would’ve thought that the boy who once attended a Thanksgiving program on that one December, is now organizing one annually? He makes December more to be a month of giving.
And the feeling? It is priceless.
To see the people he is helping have hope in their eyes. To see the children be excited and �lash their big smiles. To help one slowly rise without asking for anything in return… Sel�less. That is how his friends see him–someone who is genuine of what he is doing. And it may be true that for the Time magazine’s Person of the Year, courage is contagious, but so is kindness. And for someone who needs no loud recognition and applause, Bejorn knew at some point, he was more than that title for those who are grateful of him.
Bejorn has no regrets.