The Active City | Integrated Greenfield Development

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The Active City Greenfield Development Project Rancharda, Ahmedabad

CEPT University

Yash Siroliya . PG191177

Disclaimer The information presented in this report has been generated by the author as a part of the Master plan Studio in Masters of Urban Design at Faculty of Planning, CEPT University. Any omissions and errors are deeply regretted.

Acknowledgment I would like to express my gratitude towards CEPT University, Ahmedabad and Faculty of Planning for conducting Master plan Studio in Masters of Urban Design program for developing the basic understanding about large scale green field developments in urban areas. I am grateful to Prof. Purvi Chhadva, Prof. Brijesh Bhatha and academic associate Sophiya Islam who have constantly been active in imparting the best of their knowledge and skills to us. 2

The Active City

Studio Brief The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large green field developments in peri urban areas. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centres, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. The studio operates within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is a typically developer driven activity and involves design on a large tract of land under single ownership. The design of the project will involve preparing a three dimensional urban design master plan with strategies of street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets, defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy. Students will be required to prepare an urban design master plan for these developments with an emphasis on creating liveable neighbourhoods that explore the ideas of future living through their designs. The design process will consistently retain its focus on how these ideas can be translated into reality. The studio outcome will also involve preparing effective representation graphics and persuasive communication strategy for the design project.

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Summary Urban centers are ever growing and to suffice the development needs newer township are coming up which can be seen as a synonym to contemporary neighbourhoods, emerging with a central Idea. This academic report is thus a detailed compilation of an integrated greenfield development project at outskirts of Ahmedabad. The report is structured in four segments to strengthen the central idea of creating an active city. The first segment is about Introduction to the project and site contextualization. The second segment talks about the conceptual framework for the proposed township project, third segment discuss the proposed Active City master plan and its detailed features. Finally the fourth segment talks about the achieved vision and how it can transform cities through learnings gathered throughout the semester.


The Active City

Contents Disclaimer Acknowledgment Studio Brief Summary Contents


Introduction Location Site Context & Analysis Case Example Why “The Active City� ? Site Potential & Challenges

2 Conceptual Framework Vision Key Objectives Spatial Strategies

3 The Active City Masterplan

Masterplan Highlights Open Space Program Getting Around in the Active City Urban Built Character The Living Environment Design Guidelines Phasing Strategy

4 Conclusion

Idea of Life Learnings

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


1 Introduction Location Site Context & Analysis Case Example Why “The Active City” ? Site Potential & Challenges


The Active City

Integrated Greenfield Development Project




The integrated greenfield residential township project is developed with a framework based on “Gujarat Integrated township policy”. The proposed design model is based on the idea that the land is developer owned and is under single ownership. Thus, the design has been so perceived with a market based strategy of how such large developments attract people’s attention. And on the idea of what is the quality of life that the proposed residential township offers.

The proposed greenfield site is located in Rancharda i.e. the western part of Ahmedabad. The site also provides a close proximity with popular satellite towns. Recently with development city is seeing an emerging trend of residential townships nearby. Thus, with increase in population influx the site offers potential to develop an integrated residential township as the site is just 2025kms away from major transit hubs and is just 5kms away from the major arterial of the city.


Site Area 356 acre / 144ha Major Road S.P Ring Road Major Landmark Indus University Distance from Airport 25km Distance from City Transit Stations 22km

The Active City

AMC Boundary AUDA Boundary Satellite Towns Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Site Context & Analysis The Site offers direct connection to existing central business district with public transit facility available in the vicinity at bus stops within 2mins & metro stations within 20mins of distance. The site is just 45mins away from the city center and 25mins away from Thol lake which is prominent recreation spot for people of Ahmedabad. 45mins Away From CBD - Ashram Road


Major Landmarks Transit Stations Major Roads

The Active City

Scale Comparison

Covers 110 Manhattan city blocks + 1/4th of the Central Park Block size : 100m x 70m

Covers 120 Barcelona city blocks Block size : 133m x 133m

Context with respect to Gandhinagar Sector

Physical Features The proposed site is surrounded by agricultural land, residential settlements, University and various ecological features like canal and lake. The topography of site ranges from +47m to +43m and overall the site slopes towards the east into a seasonal water-body.

Agricultural Land Agricultural Land




Narmada Canal

PROPOSED SITE Indus University

Agricultural Land Integrated Greenfield Development Project



Case Example The Connected City Hamburg, Germany

The development covers an area of around 124hectares. The vision of development is to create good connections between Oberbillwerder, the city of Hamburg, and the neighbouring villages. The key strategy is to design a lively and urban futureoriented district that offers diversity in zoning to harness the maximum land potential within the district. Thus, the idea of MIX to MAX defines the district.

Idea of loops that defines the connected city Source:

The Connected City – Oberbillwerder Masterplan Mobility Hubs Ensure parking free district

Central Axis Defines the district with existing connections nearby

Schools Institutions form the core of the new district

Open Spaces Integrated with green loop as a part of every day urban life

Cycleways A differentiated network allows effective and attractive routes


The Active City

Why “The Active City” ?

The proposed idea of active city questions the current development paradigm that looks physical activity as a separate entity, thus creating a dispersed neighbourhood. Therefore the intended idea is to create an interconnected neighbourhood where physical and mental wellbeing is a part of everyday routine.

Current development Trend

Dispersed Neighborhood

Integrated Greenfield Development Project

Proposed Development Idea

Interconnected neighborhood


Site Potentials




Potential to foster a vibrant public life as the development parcel is connected with city and nearby settlements

Topography provides multiple water catchment zones creating potential to support a sustainable ecosystem for people

Proximity to different ecological features supports development connected to nature and promotes an active lifestyle


The Active City

Site Challenges




Edges surrounding site offer limited permeability and thus defines the land parcel for development

Limited points to establish access between the proposed township development and the city

Restricted options for creating road network connectivity at city level and the district

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


2 Conceptual Framework Vision Key Objectives Spatial Strategies


The Active City

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Vision An urban environment in connection with nature that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

/ /


Connected to Nature Hierarchy of public open spaces in connection with surrounding ecology.

Healthy Lifestyle Green mobility options with active recreation facilities for people.

The Active City

Key Objectives







Link different ecological assets like lake, canal and agricultural farm lands together through green linkages so as to create a resilient landscape framework.

A robust movement strategy that effectively connects township with the city and promotes green mobility options thus establishing an easy access.

Establish a connect between nature and people & with other neighbourhood level and township level public open spaces.

Agricultural Land

Access Routes



Green Mobility Loop

Open Spaces

Waterbody Canal

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Spatial Strategies The adopted strategies to achieve the intended objectives were as follows : •

First, the idea was to establish a link, via understanding water flow through the site, the catchment areas were reserved as green pockets for water recharge and thus creating a green loop to connect all the green pockets and the ecological assets along edges. Resultant was an open space network.


Second, the strategy was to establish an access. For this development areas were identified based on site topography. Then after creating a robust primary movement framework. Green mobility routes were integrated for an efficient pedestrian movement and finally secondary movement lines were connected to primary network and adjacent blocks to establish easy access.


Finally, to establish a connect with the proposed development, commercial was provided along the connected edge, and the resultant parcels were demarcated as predominantly residential districts. The streets and neighborhoods spaces were activated through mixed use retail and residential amenities & finally green open spaces were connected with parcels to create a well integrated neighbourhood.

01 Link

? Existing Site

Green Loop 20

The Active City

02 Access

Primary Network

Movement Strategy

03 Connect

Edge Potential

Zoning Strategy Integrated Greenfield Development Project


3 The Active City Masterplan Masterplan Highlights Open Space Program Getting Around in the Active City Urban Built Character The Living Environment Design Guidelines Phasing Strategy


The Active City

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Masterplan Highlights

What Defines the Active City ?

01 GR E E N L OOP Green loop that supports active lifestyle in close connection with nature

02R E T A IL S T R E E T A mixed use street that provides a unique public experience to pedestrians

03P E DE S T R IA N COR R IDOR Pedestrian corridors that connects community spaces and supports active public life

04S P OR T S COMP L E X City level sports and training facilities

05L A K E P A R K An active leisure park with lakefront that supports city level recreation 24

The Active City

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Open Space Program Why will people move ?

Public Open & Green Spaces

The idea behind why will people move is addressed by providing diverse open space program within the township. The program focuses on different segments to create a healthy lifestyle. This open space program is achieved through public open and green spaces that creates a diverse urban structure and supports an active lifestyle. And also via hierarchy of private open and green spaces to help establish connect with nature.

35% Public Open

Private Open Spaces

Public Green

Private Green


16% Private Open

Public Open

Active Body

Active Mind

Active Spirit

Sports + Health

Community + Vocational

Culture + Recreation

Exhibition spaces

Cricket Squash

Outdoor Cinema

Fitness Hubs Volleyball

Tennis Healthcare

Play & Leisure Spaces

Workshop Spaces Jogging

Community Clubs


Training Facility

Conventions Spaces

Badminton Yoga & Meditation

Play School

Basketball Gymnasium

Cycling Skating Rink

Indoor Sports Facility





Running Track

Markets Event Spaces


Skill Development Centers



The Active City

Getting Around in the Active City How do people move ? The township promotes various green mobility options to support a healthy lifestyle , This are mixed traffic with dedicated cycle lanes , light traffic routes shared streets, pedestrian routes and paths within green loop. All of this is achieved through robust network of streets that provides an easy access within blocks and is characterized as primary access ranging from 18m - 30m and secondary access ranging from 15m - 6m. Lots of paths for getting around

The proposed network also provides good connection to the city and neighbouring settlements and also internally within township through E-bus lines with transit stops located at a maximum of 7-8 mins of walking distance.

28% Streets

Hierarchy of road network

Good Connection with the city

Mixed traffic lanes

Primary Access 18m – 30m

AMTS Bus Lines

Light traffic routes

Secondary Access 15m – 6m

Township E-Bus lines

Pedestrian routes Paths in Green Loop Integrated Greenfield Development Project

200m radius reach 27

Section through cross over street – 30m wide street The character along 30m wide cross over street is defined by continuous lake park edge on one side and active ground floor use on the opposite side with dedicated 3m wide footpaths, 2.5m wide cycle lanes & multi utility zone & 6.5m wide carriageway.

Section along 24m wide retail street Section along the retail street is defined by public colonnades on either end, public margins with street furniture, 2m wide dedicated cycle lanes and 2.5m wide footpath and multi utility zone & 5m wide carriageway.


The Active City

Section along connecting 18m wide primary street The section along primary 18m wide residential streets is defined by continuous greens to ensure safety within residential parcels. A 3m wide footpath with 1.5m of painted cycle lane and 6.5m of two lane carriageway defines the street.

Section through 12m wide shared residential street The 12m wide shared residential street is defined by continuous greens on edges and public margins with street furniture. The street provides 3m of footpath on either side and a 6m wide shared carriageway.

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Urban Built Character The idea of distinctive districts that provide different character within blocks shapes the urban character of township. First, is commerce district located along the main connecting edge & houses commercial & residential . Second, is the social district with predominantly residential & mixed use with several community level open spaces, Third is a green district with community gardens, townhouses & premium residential, Fourth is a knowledge district that consists of institutions & finally a lake district with city level recreation facilities.

Commerce District

Knowledge District

Social District

Lake District

Green District


The Active City

Commerce District

Social District

Social District - Neighbourhood Space

Green District

Knowledge District

Lake District

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Envisioned typologies in different locations provides housing potential for everyone The typologies within different districts provides wide range of housing potential to achieve neighbourhood diversity. The range varies from luxury housing, mid-range , affordable to EWS housing. Making a total developable land of 64% which also includes multitenanted offices and various township amenities.

64% Developable Land Luxury Housing

23% Public Greens

Medium – Range Housing Affordable Housing

13% Public Thoroughfare

EWS Housing Luxury Housing Luxury Housing

Multi Tenanted offices Multi Tenanted Offices

Medium – Range Housing Medium - Range Housing

Township Amenities Township Amenities

Affordable Housing Affordable Housing

Public Greens Public Greens

EWS Housing EWS Housing

Public Thoroughfares Public Thoroughfares

Multi Tenanted offices Township Amenities Public Greens Public Thoroughfares


The Active City

Different typologies & densities create diverse urban spaces in township

Built : 21% Open : 79%

Global F.S.I 1.41

Varied height and bulk that creates area of transitions between blocks

Mix of uses within blocks that generates building use flexibility within township

High Density (9-14 Floors)

Residential 56%

Medium Density (6-8 Floors)

Commercial 13%

Low Density (3-5 Floors)

Residential Mixed Use 19% Amenities 8% Institutional 4%

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


The Living Environment Commerce District Commercial block in commerce district has a block size of 310m x 400m, the block access follow certain street hierarchy and the entry to parcel is from secondary 12m wide streets. There is a continuous 36m wide public green loop that

crosses through the block and connects to various public spaces that amounts for a total of 20% and private open is 16%. The block offers various mix of uses with average parcel FSI of 2.7.

Front Plaza

Retail Street

Average Parcel size : 230m x 140m

Entry Plaza Varied Mix of Uses

Active Node Average Parcel FSI : 2.7 34

Envisioned Commercial Block Character The Active City

Community Plaza

Cross Over Street (Parkway) Active Node

Public Margins

Shared Street

Green Loop

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


The character image shown below is from green loop that offers a tranquil environment and acts as an ecological assets for the township with floodable landscapes and the surface area is permeable so as to recharge the ground water levels. View from the green loop in commerce district

Walkway finished with permeable pavers 36

Jogging Lane

Floodable Landscape

The Active City

A view from community plaza in commerce district of the township. This particular space serves as a multi-functional public space with shaded open grounds that serves as a space for community events and festival gatherings. View of community plaza from commerce district

Permeable Surfaces

Integrated Greenfield Development Project

Open grounds for community events 37

Social District Residential block in social district has a block size of 300m x 450m. The block access follow certain street hierarchy with entry to parcels from secondary 12m wide streets. There is a continuous 12m wide pedestrian corridor that connects to several public open spaces such as market plaza, sports facility, activity park & pedestrian

Average Parcel size : 230m x 140m

corridor this spaces accounts for a total of 17% and private open spaces are 19%. The block offers various mix of uses ranging from residential to mix use and recreational public amenities. The average parcel FSI is 2.5.

Active Node

Retail Street

Shared Street Varied Mix of Uses

Market Plaza

Average Parcel FSI : 2.5 38

Envisioned Residential Block Character The Active City

Pedestrian Corridor

Active Node

Cross over street (Parkway)

Public Margins

Activity Park Sports & Training Facility Integrated Greenfield Development Project


A view from market plaza in residential block of social district with neighbourhood spaces integrated with market and a dedicated market space in connection with pedestrian corridor.

View from the Market plaza of social district

Neighborhood spaces integrated with market 40

Dedicated market space

The Active City

The character view below is from pedestrian corridor that opens up towards community space, which offers an active play environment for people of different age groups. As the park provides variety of spaces for user to interact. View from pedestrian corridor towards activity park in social district

Cycle lanes in connection With public open spaces Integrated Greenfield Development Project

Pedestrian Walkway in connection with community spaces

Activity Park


View of Activity Park at Social District

Badmint The demonstrated isometric representation is from activity park of residential block in social district. The park provides diverse dynamic spaces ranging from community plaza, amphitheater, kids play areas, sandpit, volleyball & badminton courts resulting in an active neighbourhood public space.


Community plaza

Community Centre

The Active City

Pedestrian Corridor Amphitheatre

Volleyball Court

Kids Play Areas

ton Court


Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Design Guidelines Active Streets 01 Organize continuous building frontage through built to line along primary streets with a setback of 6m so as to establish an identity of township.


Focus on urban retail uses and other programs on ground floor along primary streets to achieve an active urban character of the district.

03 Create a continuous human scale pedestrian experience through the 24m & 30 wide street by providing a step back of 4.5m after 8m of height.


The Active City

04 Provide a distinct pedestrian street character along 24m & 30m wide street through a continuous 2.5m wide public colonnade up to 3.6m of height.

Active Corridors


Establish permeability via pedestrian access & connections between primary streets and neighborhood level public amenities to encourage green mobility.

06 Reserve the existing ecology and respect the existing topography to create hierarchy of green spaces that supports a active lifestyle and create communities, connected to nature. Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Phasing Strategy Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phasing strategy is based on idea to meet the market demands and also attract people to the township. Thus Phase 1 includes residential to meet the emerging real estate residential demands in the precinct , It also includes a segment of green loop i.e. a township level public open space and a segment of water catchment area for township to meet the water demands for development and to also make development ecological sensitive.

Phase 2 includes premium residential properties to attract people looking for luxury housing properties such as independent villas, townhouses 5bhk and 4bhk apartments etc. It also include community garden to lease a part of land for gardening to encourage active lifestyle practices. The phase also takes into development some key township amenities like sports and training facility to attract people looking for active recreation facilities nearby.

The 3rd phase includes medium range residential i.e. 2bhk and 3bhk housing units with residential mixed use units that surrounds the neighbourhood edge and also suffice to township level retail demands. This phase also includes key commercial properties that forms the face to the development and includes multi tenanted office spaces. This is to attract attention of users looking to invest in commercial properties and also to bring in more footfall to development.


The Active City

Phase 4

Phase 5

4th phase looks over developing affordable residential housing that includes 1.5 - 2bhk and 3bhk housing units to attract people of different economic groups towards the development. This particular phase also looks over development of school and some other public amenities to pitch sales with an idea of necessary facilities nearby. The phase also takes up resultant commercial and residential mixed use development to further attract people with diverse choice.

The final phase includes development of EWS housing and other public facilities for people in the township. It basically incorporates residential properties and development of township level public open spaces i.e. lake park that not only functions as a recreational space but also works as a storm water catchment to recharge ground water levels thus enhancing the overall ecology of the place. Finally, this phase includes all the ancillary public amenities.

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


4 Conclusion Idea of life Learnings


The Active City

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Idea of Life

The Active City


The active city intends to create an urban environment that promotes healthy lifestyle as a natural part of everyday life.


The Active City

Integrated Greenfield Development Project


Learnings Master plan studio imparted the ability to comprehend large scale urban design projects. The studio provided learning on how to develop large scale urban design masterplans for green field developments. Also, it provided an understanding as to identify an appropriate development model for such projects, which is quite crucial for such scales of developments. The learnings were not only limited on how to design such a big project. Rather the studio aimed at providing a minuscule, but a key learning on how do people live?, What is the idea of life?, What do this big developments are aimed at?, How do people think when looking for a place to live?. These are quite significant questions that one should ask for and cater too when creating liveable neighbourhoods that will shape how our future communities will look and function.


The Active City

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Integrated Greenfield Development Project


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