arroyo key club first semester newsletter

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what’s poppin seals! it’s your tech editor with a special edition of the newsletter! this newsletter will range from not only a mere one or two events, but it will highlight all the events that we have done as a club. In addition to that, it will go over some basic facts about dcon, fall rally, and conclave, for some um- edumacation. I was talking to my friend group a while ago explaining certain stuff about key club, and mid way through the convo they said “wait key club does that?? i didn’t know that!” Because of that, I wanted members to not only see what’s going on in the club but actually LEARN about key club since so many actually didn’t know a lot of the things we do and why we do them. This newsletter will be 20+ pages long explaining about some history and background, highlight our volunteer events since september-december, and of course recognize our members for the amazing and incredible work they have done not only for us, but for the community <333 Enjoy reading this newsletter, I’ve worked hard and it’s truly a piece of work that i can confidently say i’m proud of! So sit back and relax because this will be an indeed a long one :o proudly to serve you with as much love and affection, -batherine boogin


Hi luvs! Your president here, susan duong! I hope you guys are enjoying your time in Key Club. Hopefully I see more faces at events, so far I have been so so so blessed to have the opportunities to spend time with you guys. Ahhh half the term has passed, I’m going to be so sad when I retire and leave office, which reminds me: DCON! DCON is a yearly district convention where general members can learn more about Key Club, many members have actually had their love for Key Club spark because of DCON, you may become one of those people! But if you don’t want to go for that, then come to my retirement :((( In addition to DCON, we have so many upcoming and exciting events coming up! I strongly encourage you guys to come! Rose Float decorations are def one of the hugest events we have within the club, bring a homie or whatever and come! Lastly, make sure you guys are taking care of yourself, especially after finals szn because it be like that. Remember your mental health is priority, which means taking care of yourself properly! Proudly serving you, my luvs <333, - susan duong


table of contents


editor’s note + president’s corner

3-6 7-10 11-19 21

Table of Contents + msg

month of sep oct nov & dec + Event details

Volunteer events April 12-14, 2019 Division events


table of contents

stan talent, stan susan duong -5-4-

self care 101

self care 101 -5-

Hi guys! I understand that it is finals szn, which is why i want you guys to take care of yourself because you matter and so does your mental health! I also want you guys to remember that even if your didn’t earn your desire score, that it is a-okay, grades don't determine who you are as a person. A grading scale shouldn’t degrade your personality or who you are. Know that there are other ways to get your dream career and the answer doesn’t necessarily mean going to a UC fresh out of high school. DO what makes you HAPPY. Anyways here’s a few tips and tricks to chillax! Go on your preferred social media: to many of us that means tik tok or whateva! If going on tik tok or youtube cheers you up then go for it! Eat ice cream: when i would be stressed or sad, a friend drove me out to eat ice cream. why? He told me scientifically, ice cream releases the dopamine chemicals in your brain to make you feel good. So stressed? Maybe even sad? Eat ice cream! Hang out with your friends: hanging out with your friends is one of the best things to do, especially having a friend group where all personalities come to together to create the ultimate circus energy. It really does hit so differently when you and your friends hang out and don’t have to worry about the next upcoming assignment/test. Self-care day: Essentially, a self care day is a day of reflection, usually it is a great chance for you to rejuvenate and heal after the PTSD cause by finals. (if you know you know)


sun mon tue wed thurs fri sat

















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Adopt a Highway Pasadena Pops


sun mon tue wed thurs fri sat









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14 15



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28 29 30


LA Korean Festival AIDS Walk


sun mon tue wed thurs fri sat











11 12


14 15



18 19


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28 29 30

November DCM Fall Rally South


sun mon tue wed thurs fri sat

















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25 26 27





December DCM Rose Floats


adopt a highway beautifying our community beautifying our community beautifying our community beautifying our community

adopt a highway? Adopt a highway is one of our monthly service events that we do in order to help beautify a few blocks in hacienda heights. Volunteers walk a few blocks and pick up wastes left behind. Cigarettes butts are also picked up during the of the event to be exchanged for money to our club, meaning the more cigarette butts picked up, the more money our club earns.


pasadena pops meet the members:

cindy fan, selena lam, catherine soukaphay pasadena pops? A seasonal event, that happens in the summer! Honestly, this is an extremely fun event, the only criticism I really have is the heat, but I mean what can you do? You set up tables, carry their items, and help guide people to their tables. Every now and then, volunteers will earn tips, but don’t let that steer you away from your true morals and what it means to volunteer.


LA korean festival


meet the members: angelina chau kelly quach lynna lin alyssa chen jenibelle ho selina lin experience: fun fact LA Korean Festival was actually my first ever event as a freshman. This event is a yearly event that we do, and in addition to pasadena pops, it is also one of the fun events. Usually during the event you pass out pamphlets and pick up trash, however once they let you go on break, it is so fun to just explore and eat food. Even while working just walking around and exploring the area is fun! I definitely recommend this event.

ryan ly & kevin do -14-

AIDS walk raising awareness raising awareness raising awareness

raising awareness raising awareness raising awareness -15-

why we walk AIDS Walk is our annual event Arroyo Key Club participates in. Many wonder “okay well why do we even do this? like we just walk there’s no point of really signing up for this event” Well allow me to provide some context, AIDS is a disease otherwise known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (basically a disease where a person's immune system attacks itself). This disease is incurable which is very tragic as many victims die each year. The importance of this event is well, to bring awareness and raise money for the research of AIDS (the government has only funded 3% in AIDS research in the previous year). Though we are only simply walking, we ARE, in a sense, contributing to our community.


how else we contribute: Arroyo Key Club does not only walk the event, like I mentioned AIDS research doesn’t get much funding from the government, so when members sign up, we make it mandatory to donate a dollar. So for those of you who wonder, “well leo volunteers for free” Arroyo Key Club donates the money to the AIDS foundation.



What is fall rally? Due to the District's massive size, two Fall Rallies are held each year; one in Northern California at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, one in Southern California at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Thousands of members gather at each of the two theme parks on their selected day, one in October, one in November. At Fall Rally North and South, LTGs and Executive officers are "auctioned" off to Divisions; the winning Division is able to then spend a designated period of time with the "purchased" officer. Auction funds and a portion of the ticket sales for both events go towards the Pediatric Trauma Program.

Personal Experience Personally, as a dlt member I was seriously so burnt out. I actually was ready to get the term over with and just go back to becoming a home club officer (a more relaxed position). However, going to Fall Rally was pretty magical to me. Even though to me, everyone was more dead than last year, going into the spirit round and seeing how much each division cheered their hearts out, made my heart full again. It gave me a sense of purpose, because I realized how much the LTGs not only worked, but actually made a bridge of connection with their division. Honestly, it really does seem cheesy, but that moment was the moment I remembered why I applied for executive assistant, and most importantly, why I love Key Club.


ROSE FLOATS one of our most popular events at arroyo key club is definitely rose floats. rose floats is a very strenuous volunteer event for members to help decorate floats in preparation of the rose parade. members are assigned a various amount of jobs ranging from cutting trees to gluing beans individually. However, it becomes quite rewarding because after all that hard work, members see the beautiful float that they spent countless hours on. though, this event is definitely a exhausting one, once the floats are done it definitely becomes treat because we get to see our hard work on television!


DIVISIONAL UPDATES November DCM: Thankskeyving November 30 December DCM: Blanket Making December 28 January DCM: Talent Show January 12

Conclave 2020 New Year New LTG January 18



Hey hi hello, this is so late but whatever :) I recently learned that newsletter editions cannot be merged, but frankly I do not really care too much, mainly because I love what I do which is making newsletters for a club that I love. Even if this does not follow graphic standards and I can’t enter into contests I know how mcuh you guys love my newsletters and thank you so much for taking your time to read them. It really does mean a lot to me, knowing how much time and effort I put into these newsletters.

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