Arroyo June Newsletter

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s e a l y

Arroyo Key Club Presents

Volume 3 | Issue 3

June 2019 Newsletter Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 13 | Division 35 West

g a z e t t e

a note from your

Hi seals! It’s your tech editor once again.This issue will be a bit short, in which I apologise for, however the wholesome quality is as equal as a 27 page one :). I don’t have much to say, except for continue volunteering and racking them hours. Have a fun and safe summer seals!


a message from the

Happy summer seals! I hope those hours have been stacking up! We had our annual summer event, Pasadena POPS, which I would highly recommend you to go because it’s a fun event, provides many hours, AND you can listen to concert music for free. There’ll be more coming up soon, so I hope to seal ya there The new school year is also coming up, so expect big things from Arroyo Key Club! Keep cool and keep summer serving.


table of contents 4-5 table of contents

7 Jim davis

6 pasadena pops

2-3 note from president + tech editor


8 book & bike safety fair

table of contents 10 spring into summer run

9 pasadena chalk

11 dlt updates 12 closing page


Pasadena Pops was an entertaining and lively event! What is Pasadena Pops? A live orchestra is present and will be the star of the show as guests and their families come to enjoy a meal together as well as music. As volunteers, we were to help set up the event, usher and assist guests to their tables,

Pasadena Pops taking their belongings in case they were in need of assistance, and we helped make the event run smoothly. The people you volunteer with really is key to having an amazing time, and the day/night was full of laughter. I would definitely recommend volunteering for Pasadena Pops!


Jim Davis Jim Davis was a very fun and wholesome experience, even though we questioned it and were confused at first. We ended have enjoying it. Eventually we had fun by serving our community. The work was challenged, but had fun with it at the same time. We had to sweep and clean up the roads. The weather was hot, and we were intensely sweating. When we hit a shady tree it felt like it was the best thing in the world. However, that didn’t stop us. Would I come back? I enjoyed this event and would be happy to come back.


Books and Bikes Safety Fair The Book and Bike Safety fair was a very fun event! Members got to socialize and play with kids, while also meeting others from the division. During the event, we got to pass out books, help with face painting, and make kids happy! It was a very fun and relaxing event overall and it was a good experience. I would definitely recommend anyone this service event!


Pasadena Chalk

Pasadena Chalk Festival was a fun event, I was able to see artists create art with their own hands and help run the event. I also helped kids draw, by using their creativity! Their drawings were very wholesome and I appreciated their efforts as much as I appreciated the artists! Would I do this event again? Yeah most definitely it was very wholesome!


Spring Into Summer Run Spring Into Summer 5k went really well. We did get lost in the morning trying to find the event but we don’t talk about that. Haha it was chill. There were many college students volunteering.We were in charge of giving out T-shirts. There were many students there who signed up to run. They were all students from the LA district area. There were also teachers. Our job, giving out shirts was super easy. It was nice how we had to give out the shirts mark their bibs before the race because we wouldn’t have to deal with sweaty people. After we finished and the race started, other people were setting the barbecue in the back. We basically had nothing to do after. The event was done like 2 hours early so we’re just went home. Would I go again? Yeah because the jobs they gave us were super easy and it’s a great event to get easy hours.


division updates dlt board

OTC: Studi-OTC Ghibli

Kiwanis Family Foundation Chair: Janet Teng @_janet.t._ LTG: Robin Yi @bobbin.yi Executive Assistant: Jenny Chen @ jennychenn_ Executive Assistant: Catherine Nguyen @batherine.boogin

Date: July 13 Time: 10am-3pm Where: South Hills High School

Division Secretary: William Trang @willypichu Event Task Coordinator: Kevin Do @beyond_higher

Other reminders

Fundraising Task Coordinator: Alyssa Chen @alyssa.chen_ News Editor: Matthew Hui @manto_canto Spirit Coordinator: Vy Tran @smol.vy Spirit Coordinator: Rita Kuang @hitthekuangg Member Recognition Chair: Vanessa Li @cyvanessali



Stay active on facebook group


Future volunteer events


Continue serving the community!


Go to the DCMs!


Hi seals! It’s your tech editor Catherine Nguyen! Though the graphics aren’t as good as the one from last month, I did want to honor pride month as well to just support the community, so if you did notice the rainbow throughout the pages, hey you found an Easter egg haha. I wanted to do this because I wanted to show that no matter who you are, you will always be welcomed here <3333. Thank you for reading and I will be signing off BYE!

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