The Sealy Gazette! August & September 2016

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Arroyo High School Key Club

August and September 2016

Issue 3

This Month’s Newsletter: ❏ A Message to New Members! ❏ Key Club Information! ❏ Getting Involved! ❏ Event Update! ❏ Division News!

Key Club International | Cali - Nev - Ha District | Region 13 Lionfish | Division 35 West

A Message from Our President: Hello, it's me. How are you seals? It's been about 6 months since my term has started (half way point!) and I'm extremely proud of all the things we have done to help give back to the community! I can honestly say that there hasn't been a moment in my term where I haven't kept a positive attitude and a smile! Let's keep up the good work, ya'll make mama so proud! - Michelle Ng, President


Table of Contents

Message to New Members…..4

Key Club Information.....6

How to Get Involved!.....8

10…..Event Updates

12……Division Update


A Message to New Members By Michael Nguyen, Vice President of Communications

Hello seals! November has arrived, and you know what that means? You seals have finished your first two months in Key Club! Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished your first few weeks of Key Club, it’s a great time to look back and see what you’ve accomplished. Maybe you’ve volunteered at every possible opportunity or gone to every division event. Maybe you haven’t gotten involved at all. It’s alright. There’s still over six months left for you to experience your first year of Key Club, so go out and explore! More importantly, find your Key Club Moment. A Key Club Moment is a moment of realization you have that makes you understand why you enjoy Key Club and what it’s all about. Whether it be through volunteering or a spirit battle, go out and find what it means to be a seal!

Guy Suankaew, Vice President of Records My key club moment was definitely Fall Rally. Getting to see all those key clobbers from every part of the state made me realize the range of this organization and how many schools are apart of this movement. Everyone there had a smile on their face and that sparked something inside me.


Kevin Hua, External Vice President My "Key Club Moment" was probably Freshman year at Fall Rally when I didn't really know what was going on but I was cheering for Connor anyways. It was a Key Club Moment because that was the point in time when I started to get sucked in.

Our Key Club Moments By Various Key Club Officers

Chris Tran, Historian

Joanna Truong, MRC

My Key Club moment would be when I volunteered with my friends. Once I am at an event with my fellow peers, I realized how much fun I was having and how much I was enjoying myself. When I am at an event with my friends, I have this sense of security and warmth. It’s that feeling that makes me enjoy being in Key Club much more. In addition, if there is a scenario where I would feel uncomfortable, the thought of my friends being there with me would brighten my view and I would feel much better than before.

My "Key Club Moment" would definitely have to be getting the MRC position. Because of that, I was able to become more active than freshman and sophomore year COMBINED. I was able to learn so much more about Key Club and how I was able to work with a group of wonderful people.

Tran Kiem, Vice President of Communications I don't have a Key moment; I think every moment that I’m in Key is my Key moment whether its volunteering or just being in the meeting. Seeing members and the officers are my Key moment.


Key Club Information Still a little bit lost about Key Club beyond our club? Here’s some information about its structure and history to fill you in!

District Level: California - Nevada - Hawaii (CNH) Mascot: Bees Events: DCON

Region Level: 13 (with D10N, D10S, D15, D35W, D35E) Mascot: Bees Events: RTC, Region Picnic, Fall Rally, etc.

Division Level: Division 35 West Mascot: Seals Events: DCMs, Joint Projects, OTC, etc.

Club Level: Arroyo High School Events: Weekly Meetings, Volunteer Events, etc.


Timeline 1925 - The first Key Club is founded at Sacramento High School, which still boasts an active Key Club today.

1939 - Florida forms the first Key Club district.

1943 - Key Club reaches international status. The first international convention selects Malcolm Lewis as the first international president. 1952 - Key Club reaches its 1,000th charter.

1955 - Arroyo founds its Key Club.

1999 - Key Club membership tops over 200,000 members.

1967 - Key Club goes beyond the United States and Canada, with one being chartered at Nassau in the Bahamas.

Today - Key Club is now made up of over 260,000 members and 5,000 clubs serving 33 districts in over 30 countries.


How Key Club Gets Involved! By Michael Nguyen, Vice President of Communications

Key Club isn’t just defined solely by volunteering, solely by spirit, or by any other isolated factor. There are many opportunities a member can pursue in Key Club from leadership to service. Let’s take a look!

Volunteering At our core, we’re a service club that gives back to the community, and we hold service events weekly in order to do so! Some of the events we do include Emerald Necklace, which improves the parks in our area, walks which raise awareness for issues such as AIDS, and other events as well.

Fundraising Alongside volunteering, we also host fundraisers for a number of causes in Key Club! These include ELIMINATE, which provides vaccinations to help prevent maternal/neonatal tetanus, and PTP, which helps prevent child injuries from easily preventable trauma. In most of our fundraisers, almost all of the proceeds go to a noteworthy charity.


Leadership Key Club wishes to build character as well as leadership alongside service, and there are a number of opportunities to become a leader in Key Club! Officer elections each February allow you to take a club position such as President or Secretary, and other positions can be found within the division and region as well.

Spirit Aside from the service and leadership that we go through, Key Club also provides opportunities for members to show their spirit! The divisions and regions meet up frequently at events such as RTC, Fall Rally, Region 13 Winter Formal, and more!


August + September

4/2016): Nisei Week Parade (8/1 was one of "The Nisei Week Parade tually! my favorite events ac to was to The job I was assigned for control the CD player at performed some of the groups th st part? in the parade. The be rs and I got Several other voluntee trucks in to ride on the backs of d and order to work the soun that, it was speaker system! Beside for us to also a really cool way Japanese learn more about the scinating)! culture (which is very fa

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Gladiator Run (8/27/2016): I guided people to where the y were supposed to run. Then, after the event, I helped the staff cle an up, such as by pick up trash. I also help them put their equipme nt away. I like doing this event because I can communicate with other people and give a hand to the staff when they need it.


Event Review! By You! The Members!

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Kiwanis Ribfest (9/1


At the Kiwanis Ribfe st event, we helped set up foo d and made each table look ni ce. We also prepared drinks and served food to people who att ended. What I liked about this eve nt was that we were able to he lp the Kiwanis have a successful event, and we made new friends who were from the Kiwins.

JACCC Little Toky o Book Festival (9/24/2016): It was somewhat informational because of the p anels with the authors. I loved h earing what they talked about rela ting to their books.


Division Update! By Gina Duong, Spirit Task Coordinator

Greetings Knights! I hope you've all had an August and September as wonderful as D35W has had! In the last two months the division has participated in a series of service events including Region 13 Beach Cleanup, Emerald Necklace, Nisei Grand Parade, Gladiator Rock'n Run, Kiwanis Face Painting, Ribfest, and the Los Angeles Korean Festival! At each event our members got the opportunity to be assigned and given tasks ranging everywhere from picking up trash on the beach alongside 300 other key clubbers to riding on top of trucks working sound systems, to helping haul runners over muddy and slippery 20 foot walls! On top of that the division also held two of its monthly DCM (Division Council Meetings)! For August we met up at Legg Lake, in South El Monte and played a series of fun ice breakers while also creating plastic yarn to knit into blankets for the homeless! In addition there was also a mini race to see who could race around the whole lake first, with a full-paid admission to Fall Rally reward which two of Arroyo's very own Kevin Hua and Shoshana Tran claimed! For September the Division met at Steinmetz Park in Hacienda Heights for a day full of not only adorable dogs, and a dog toy-making, but a Spirit Session as well! The Division continues to thrive, standing at an amazing current 6,594 service hours! Keep in mind that with each event you attend you are adding to that number, so give yourself a pat on the back! This concludes the Division update! All love, Gina Duong, Division Spirit Task Coordinator


Two Weeks Until Fall Rally! Make sure you’re prepared for Fall Rally!

Have You Met Your Requirements? ❏ 1 Division Spirit Session ❏ 2 After School Spirit Sessions ❏ 10 Hours of Volunteer Service

Do You Know the Cheers? Find the cheers online or come out to another spirit session to be prepared: ❏ 11/4: Home Spirit Session ❏ 11/5: Pre Fall Rally #3 ❏ 11/7: Home Spirit Session ❏ 11/10: Home Spirit Session Do You Have Your Supplies Ready? Be prepared! Here are some items to bring on the day of! ❏ Portable Charger ❏ Water & Coughdrops ❏ Medical Release Form ❏ Money IF YOU WANT TO WIN THAT SPIRIT STICK YOU GOT TO GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT! SEE YOU THERE SEALS!


Thanks for reading this month’s newsletter!

Want to contribute? Contact any of the officers on Facebook or email us any content that you want to submit in! Remember, this is your newsletter as much as it is ours!

Officers: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Michelle Ng Kevin Hua Tran Kiem Michael Nguyen Guy Suankaew Cindy Nguyen

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Iverson Lai Jefferson Diep Martin Rivera Chris Tran Joanna Truong Gina Duong

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