The Sealy Gazette! - July 2016

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Arroyo High School Key Club

July 2016

Issue 2

This Month’s Newsletter: ❏ Event Review ❏ Emerald Necklace! ❏ Division Update ❏ July Event Calendar ❏ Member Recognition

Key Club International | Cali - Nev - Ha District | Region 13 Lionfish | Division 35 West

A Message from Our President: Hello Knights! I hope you had a fantastic summer break, thank you so much to those of you that volunteered this summer! It means a lot to me and the other officers because it shows the love and dedication you have for this club! Lets keep up that Key Club attitude and have a great year full of amazing memories! Stay Sealy my friends. - Michelle Ng, President


Table of Contents: A Message From Our President - 2 Table of Contents - 3 Previous Volunteer Events - 4 Division Update - 6 A Message From Our LTG - 7 Emerald Necklace - 8 Upcoming Events - 10 Beyond the Club - 11


July Event Basketball Tourna ment (7/5/2016): At the basketball tournament, we were positioned a t the entrance to handle the food a nd tickets. I really enjoyed this even t because it was an opportunity to socialize with fellow Key Clubbe rs and family that came to support their players while volunteering at th e same time.

Griffith Park Relay and 8K (7/17/2016): Griffith Park Relay and 8K was a pretty simple event! We didn’t have to do much aside from handin g out T - Shirts and tank tops as well as signing people up to get more of those, but I do know that other shifts and club s had different jobs such as handing ou t medals or water! I liked that they ga ve us free pizza for lunch and let us take any shirts or tank tops that we wan ted.


10/2016): Colorado Street Bridge Party (7/ do much The morning volunteers didn’t s because much of the event wa ges and already set up, such as the sta lunteers food booths. The afternoon vo by taking helped set up the dining area tables. out the chairs and setting up the

Relay for Life (7/9/2016): We handed out water bottles for each runner that wanted water. I liked how we got medals and T - Shirts at the event while being able to help out the runners.

Review! By You! The Members! Awesome 80s Run (7/23/ 2016): We handed out water an d flavored drinks to the runners afte r they completed the race. W e were given medals or shirts after we cleaned up, and they allowed us to take some of the foods and drinks. I lik ed the costumes people wore and the shirts we were given.

LA Food Bank (7 /30/2016): Ashley and I we re assigned to so rting different kinds o f bread and che cking to see if they we re expired. We so rted them into differe nt categories su ch as sliced, muffins, fla vored, etc. Wha tI liked about this event was that a ll this food we were so rting would go to and feed many fam ilies in need.

(7/10/2016): Korean Culture Booth lit off into During the event, we sp d a rotation. different groups and di the little kids Some of us would help me station, with crafts, run the ga n booth, or help at the informatio ething help people try on som , which is called a í•œëłľ (hanbok) r. What I Korean traditional wea ent is that I liked most about the ev eer with kids got to meet and volunt d that I got from other schools, an things from to help people try on was a really my culture! Overall, it experience. fun and great learning


Division By Cindy Nguyen, Executive Assistant and Dylan Tran, Lieutenant Governor

Hello! This is your Senior Executive Assistant of D35W here to update you with all the latest division news of July! For the month of July, we volunteered for Emerald Necklace, collecting data of native trees and watering surrounding plants. Members also participated in Night Nation Run, doing tasks such as directing traffic, taking photos for runners, handing out T-shirts, and so on. In addition to Night Nation and Emerald Necklace, we volunteered for Care Packages for the Homeless, where members made PB&J sandwiches and assembled care packages filled with food, hygienic products, and clothing! The packages were then individually distributed out to all the people in need living around LA. To top it off, Division 35 West held a successful joint DCM with Division 35 East. LTGs Dylan & Emily created a photo scavenger hunt where members had to take photos with DLT officers! At the end of the afternoon, members made welcome banners for returning veterans. The day was filled with fun ice breakers, cool seal hats, amazing food, & laughter! However, with much sadness, Shirley Chen, former Executive Assistant of 35 West, had to leave her position due to her moving schools and we all said our last goodbyes to her. We will never forget all the contributions she made whether it was big or small! With all this in mind, the division has accomplished so much in the month of July! For more updates on the division & upcoming volunteer events please check out our Facebook page (Division 35 West Key Club)! Don't forget to attend our monthly DCMs (Division Council Meetings)! You will be able to meet new people, learn more from other home clubs in the division, and work on special service projects! I hope to see and volunteer alongside all you fellow seals! This is your Senior Executive Assistant, Cindy Nguyen, signing out for the month of July!


Update! Hello Arroyo Knights! First of all, I would like to thank you all for the continuous support of both your club and Division 35 West! I am honestly very lucky to have Arroyo as a club in 35W. I consistently see new faces at each and every event and it really makes me smile. Get ready for our upcoming term to be filled with a whole bunch of spirit and service! For new Key Club members I will be holding a DCM, or a division council meeting, which is a gathering of the 12 schools in our division! This is a great first event for you all to attend. There will be spirit, social, and service aspects included in this DCM! Alongside that Fall Rally is 3 months away! Before I get into what Fall Rally is, try and imagine this: 6,000 Key Club members from schools all around California, Nevada and Hawaii gathered at Six Flags. Fall Rally is our annual fundraiser for PTP which is a charity that Key Club supports! Our mascot are seals with our colors being silver and teal! Besides a t-shirt and bandana given to you with your ticket price, you will have the opportunity to create your own spirit gear. Some members have created flags, spirit sticks, and more! Be creative as your want! I hope that you are able join this wonderful club! To those of you who are returning members I hope you are also able to recruit new members to your first meetings or even some division events!


By Michael Nguyen, Vice President of Communications

Emerald Necklace is a weekly event held at local parks here in El Monte by an organization called Amigos de Los Rios. The goal of these events is to develop and beautify these parks in order to provide recreational areas, restore native habitats, and promote conservation. Common tasks at these events often include planting, mulching, and putting up interpretive signage. After last year, Emerald Necklace events became less common because of an abundance of other volunteer opportunities. However, this July, we decided to bring back Emerald Necklace as a way to give back to our local communities. Let’s see what our members have to say!


I like Emerald Necklace. It’s a great way to interact with people, and you also help out with weeding and planting seeds.

At Emerald Necklace, we ripped out weeds. We assisted the other volunteers with watering the plants. Then we helped with cleanup. It was over 90 degrees so the day went by pretty slow. I liked that the coordinator was very friendly and that everyone was very connected and positive. Also, they had food!

During previous Emerald Necklace events, volunteers were given jobs to plant trees, water plants, and mulch the area. This time volunteers were able to participate in collecting scientific data of the trees in the Peck Road Water Conservation Park. What I really enjoyed about this event was we all had the opportunity to work along side with the other key clubs in our divison. Amigos De Los Rios would always make sure every volunteer was okay and give us snacks and water when we were hungry.


Lymphoma Walk: We will be helping with multiple tasks such as registration, finish line, cheering on runners, and so on.

Back to School Resource Fair: Jobs will be determined at the event.


Gladiator Run: Tasks will vary from helping at water stations to cleaning up after the event.

August DCM: We will be marking plastic yarn as a service project and bonding through games and more.

Beyond Our Club By Tran Kiem, Vice President of Communications A lot of Key Club members recognize only their school club officers, but there is much more beyond the officers in Key Club. The most obvious tier beyond our club is the division, which is a group of clubs. Other schools in our division range from Arcadia and El Monte to Glen A. Wilson and Sierra Vista. Each division is led by a lieutenant governor and has a mascot For example, Division 35 West is led by none other than Dylan Tran, and our mascot is the seal! In addition, the Lieutenant Governor has a board to assist him, which is composed of the Executive Assistant, News Editor, Division Secretary, Spirit Coordinator, Interclub Coordinator, and Member Recognition Chair. Divisions meet very frequently in monthly events called Division Council Meetings (DCMs) and also frequently collaborate on volunteer events. Above the division is the region level, which is a group of divisions. We are Region 13, whose mascot is the Lionfish! The other divisions in our Region 13 are the 10 North Ninja Turtles, 10 South Blue Turtles, 15 Giraffes, and 35 East Elephants. The divisions in our region meet up at various events throughout the year, such as Fall Rally South to battle for the spirit stick, or at some smaller events such as joint DCMs where we collaborate on service projects. Finally, many regions come together to make one district, which usually spans across a large region. We are part Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH), meaning that we are in the same district as other key clubs throughout California, Nevada, and Hawaii! We are represented by the bees, and our district is run by a governor, district secretary, district treasurer, and the district bulletin editors. Districts usually meet up once a year in a gigantic gathering known as the District Convention, or DCON, which usually takes place every March or April. But no matter how often we get to meet up with our division, region, or district, we still work together as part of one larger Key organization to serve the communities around us.


Thanks for reading this month’s newsletter!

Want to contribute? Contact any of the officers on Facebook or email us any content that you want to submit in! Remember, this is your newsletter as much as it is ours!

Officers: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Michelle Ng Kevin Hua Tran Kiem Michael Nguyen Guy Suankaew Cindy Nguyen

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Iverson Lai Jefferson Diep Martin Rivera Chris Tran Joanna Truong Gina Duong

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