• Year 11 study leave begins on Friday 3 May 2024
• Year 13 study leave begins Friday 10 May 2024
Once study leave begins you only need to attend school when you have an examination, although there will be facilities available each day should you prefer to study in school. During this time, you must sign in and out at Reception when you are not in an exam so that we know who is in school in case of an emergency.
• Students should assemble outside the exam room stated on their personalised timetable
• Students will begin entering the exam room at:
08:45 for the morning sessions
13:15 for the afternoon sessions
The Head of Year, Tutors, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team will be present and can direct you if you are unclear
09:00 for morning examinations
13:30 for afternoon examinations
There is a copy of the full examination timetable on Firefly and a personalised timetable has been emailed to you.
A clash occurs when two different subjects are scheduled to be examined at the same time. Where both examinations total more than 3 hours, one of the subjects will be moved to another examination session on the same day. If they total less than 3 hours you will be given a short break after the first exam and then begin the second exam.
Timings for clash exams will be confirmed on your personalised timetable. When a student has finished their first examination, they will be supervised until the second examination begins. This will include supervised access to toilets. If your second exam is due to take place in the afternoon exam session you will need to bring a packed lunch and / or snacks.
Please note the following points:
• Have spare pens available (BLACK INK ONLY).
• Pencils should be HB and only used for drawing. Have spares and a pencil sharpener.
• Make sure that you have an eraser. Some subjects may require rulers, compasses, protractors, etc. The provision of these is the student’s responsibility.
• Pencil cases must be transparent (see-through). Transparent polythene bags are suitable.
• Calculators are permitted for certain examinations. Students are responsible for the calculator’s power supply; the calculator’s working condition and clearing anything stored in the calculator. Calculator cases are not permitted in the examination room.
These must not be taken into the examination room as this is a breach of public examination regulations. YOU MUST LOCK YOUR PHONE/WATCH IN YOUR LOCKER.
Any items which do not adhere to the JCQ regulations will be removed before a student is allowed to enter the examination venue.
The main venue for the examinations will be the Sports Hall. It will not be possible for bags to be placed inside the hall – they will have to be left outside, in form rooms or the Sixth Form Centre. They will NOT be supervised.
In general, there is no need to bring to school anything other than examination materials. No student will have access to their bags during the examination.
Food must NOT be brought into the examination room unless prior permission has been granted via formal procedures relating to medical conditions and approved by JCQ.
You are allowed to bring a bottle of water into the examination room; this must be clear and free from any writing or branding, and any labels MUST be removed
A water bottle like this which can be purchased from Ikea would be acceptable.
All students must wear appropriate clothing, please see Sixth Form Dress Code. No coats, hats, hoodies with the hood up. Please dress according to the weather and remember that it is always cooler in the Sports Hall than it is outside.
The JCQ document Information for Candidates - Written Exams also gives important information about the rules you need to follow. The Warning to Candidates Poster will be displayed outside every exam room, alongside the Unauthorised Items Poster. Further JCQ documents can be found on Firefly and should be read before examinations begin.
You will be disqualified if you:
• Attempt to communicate with another student by any method, including speaking, passing of notes etc.
• Attempt to look at another student’s work.
• Bring into the examination room a mobile phone, watch, books, notes and any other electronic device.