B U I L D I N G C U R I O S I T Y, AMBITION AND GENEROSITY IN EVERY INDIVIDUAL – Sir William Perkins’s School has much to offer individuals who demonstrate outstanding talents and potential in their chosen field. In our mission to develop, extend and nurture talent, a range of scholarships are available to exceptional students who will benefit from the experiences and opportunities our Scholars’ programmes offer. We believe in developing our students’ talent, supporting them to become curious, ambitious and generous individuals, ready to take on life when they leave us. The school supports, develops and celebrates talent in the fields of Academic, Creative and Performing Arts and Sport though our range of Scholarship programmes.
A PROGRAMME OF DEVELOPMENT TO NURTURE A N D R E W A R D TA L E N T – Academic Scholarships are awarded following the successful outcome of an interview with either the Head or Academic Deputy and attract a variable level of remission from the academic tuition fees, along with the provision of a Scholars’ programme. Art, Drama, Music, Rowing and Sport scholarship awards are made on successful completion of the individual department assessment process and attract a variable level of remission from the academic tuition fees. All scholarship awards are held throughout a student’s Sixth Form career, but may be subject to certain conditions required by the Department making the award. Scholarships will be reviewed at any time in the light of a student’s performance in the school and commitment to the Scholars’ programme. In exchange for the privilege andenhanced programme of learning and development, Scholars will be expected to apply themselves fully, making a positive contribution to school life.
Opportunities to attend and participate in Academic Ambition forums, lectures and workshops every term, which allow Scholars to learn about and discuss with their peers a range of current affairs from ‘climate denialism’ and ‘controversial art’ to ‘online exams’ and ‘AI in the classroom’.
Full commitment to the Academic Ambition Programme in agreement with the Academic Ambition Coordinator.
Specialist trips with fellow Academic Scholars, such as to the British Library.
Represent SWPS and fellow Scholars by presenting at the Scholars’ Showcase and other similar events.
Academic Scholars’ Tea with the Head at the end of each term; students will be invited to discuss their academic achievements over tea and cakes. One-to-one mentor meetings with the Head, Deputy Head or Academic Ambition Co-ordinator to discuss progress and celebrate successes. Academic monitoring and summer report by the Academic Ambition Coordinator. Opportunity to develop leadership, oracy and mentoring skills. Fee remission from the value of academic tuition.
Regular attendance and participation in Academic Ambition forums, lectures and trips.
Participate in extra-curricular and supercurricular activities to complement academic studies. Help compose content for the school newsletter. Demonstrate an aspiration and commitment to meet their academic potential, and to show enthusiasm for their ambassadorial role as an Academic Scholar. Participate in a termly review with their mentor to discuss academic progress, review participation in the programme, and celebrate successes.
ART SCHOLARSHIPS – ART SCHOLARS’ PROGRAMME The chance to take part in Art workshops run by practising artists from within the Department and from outside of school. Regular showcasing of their artwork through displays, exhibitions and our Art Department website Masterclasses in areas such as printmaking, darkroom photography, animation and digital imaging. The opportunity to be involved with the design and painting of sets and props for major school drama productions. The opportunity to develop leadership, oracy and mentoring skills. Fee remission from the value of academic tuition.
E X P E C TAT I O N S O F A R T SCHOLARS Engagement with Art and Design cocurricular activities. Putting together images, thoughts and ideas, in the form of artwork, writing, photographs and/or films, for the Art Department website. Representing SWPS and the Art & Design Department by creating and displaying their artwork at school events. Working as part of a team on the design and painting of sets and props for major school drama productions. Attending workshops, trips and masterclasses. Demonstrating an aspiration and commitment to meeting their artistic potential, and showing enthusiasm for their ambassadorial role as an Art & Design Scholar.
Opportunities to perform in a range of productions and showcase events.
Full commitment to the Drama co-curricular offering in agreement with the Head of Drama.
Opportunities to attend, perform and participate in scholarship masterclasses/ workshops/lectures every term. Attend specialist Theatre trips with all the Drama scholars from each year group. Access to the ‘Drama Scholar’s Forum’ . ‘Scholars’ teas’ each half term. One-to-one coaching for auditions to National Youth Theatre and other external Drama programmes. The opportunity to develop leadership, oracy and mentoring skills. Fee remission from the value of academic tuition.
Compose items for the Drama department in the school newsletter. Take a leading role in public speaking at assemblies, services and other events. Represent SWPS and the department by performing showcase material at school events. Attend workshops, trips or masterclasses once a term. Be an active member of the ‘Drama Scholars’ Forum’. Demonstrate an aspiration and commitment to meet their dramatic potential, and to show enthusiasm for their ambassadorial role as a Drama Scholar. Participate in a termly review with a member of staff from the Drama department.
Opportunities to perform as a soloist at termly Scholars’ Concerts.
Perform at termly Scholars’ Recitals.
Opportunities to attend, perform and participate in scholarship masterclasses/ workshops/lectures with a specialist tutor.
Full commitment to the Music co-curricular offering in agreement with the Director of Music.
Access to weekly co-curricular ensembles with specialist tutors.
Represent SWPS and the department through solo performance at Open Mornings.
Guaranteed places on school trips. The opportunity to develop leadership, oracy and mentoring skills. Fee remission from the value of academic tuition.
Represent SWPS and the department at significant school events either as a soloist or part of a co-curricular group. Attend workshops or masterclasses. Demonstrate an aspiration and commitment to meet their musical potential, and to show musical enthusiasm for their ambassadorial role as a Music Scholar. Participate in a termly review with a staff mentor.
ROWING SCHOLARSHIPS – ROWING SCHOLARS’ PROGRAMME Comprehensive training programme, with a track record of supporting the most able athletes to fulfil their dreams of national and international success. Year-round access to a coaching team comprising multiple former international athletes and current international coaches. Individually tailored training programmes to ensure each athlete’s needs are assessed and supported throughout Sixth Form. Education on the importance of Strength & Conditioning for young rowers, including 2-3 sessions per week as part of the Senior Squad Training Programme. Talks and workshops on key areas of junior athletic performance, such as nutrition, female health in sport, psychology of training and racing. Personalised individual training programmes in periods of mock and public exams, to ensure top academic and sporting performances are supported and championed. One-to-one mentoring for athletes on the GB Rowing Team performance pathway.
Step-by-step support at every stage of the GB Rowing Team trials system, ensuring athletes have access to extensive in-house knowledge of the processes involved, giving them the best possible chance of their best performances coming at the most important moments. Individual support in periods of illness/injury to ensure a positive, safe and timely return to training. Excellent pastoral care. Athlete-focussed coaching ethos, viewing rowers and their wider lives holistically to support their development throughout Sixth Form. Opportunity to attend 10-day overseas warm-weather Easter Training Camp. Opportunity and guidance to develop leadership skills, both on water and land. Fee remission from the value of school tuition.
ROWING SCHOLARSHIPS /CONTINUED – E X P E C TAT I O N S O F R O W I N G SCHOLARS Immerse themselves in the world of rowing at SWPS, where academics and sport are their two major focusses of Sixth Form life. Be a leading member of the Senior Squad, both in terms of attitude and performance. Represent SWPS Boat Club with confidence, integrity and excellence in training and competition throughout the season. Achieve major national success as part of SWPS Boat Club’s leading crews at Henley Royal Regatta, National Schools’ Regatta, British Rowing Junior Championships and Henley Women’s Regatta. Target international selection and as part of representative squads (Great Britain U19 Rowing Team, Home International Regatta Teams – England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales). Be ambassadors for the Club at sporting and social events throughout the season.
Demonstrate an aspiration and commitment to meet their full sporting potential. Commitment to the Boat Club’s Senior Squad Training Programme, both in termtime and holiday periods. Attend all Squad performance workshops, talks and individual mentor meetings. Communicate openly and honestly with Coaching Team regarding illness/injury in a timely fashion. Contribute to the whole SWPS Community, leading by example as elite performers in their chosen field. Showcase sporting talent alongside humility, drive and the bravery to take risks.
SPORT SCHOLARSHIPS – SPORT SCHOLARS’ PROGRAMME One-to-one mentor meeting every half term with the Head of Sport Scholarship Programme. Scholarship Talks every half term on subjects such as ‘Nutrition’, ‘Being a female athlete’ and ‘Mindset and dealing with performance pressure’.
E X P E C TAT I O N S O F S P O R T SCHOLARS Represent SWPS in their main sport and show willingness to develop skills in a wide range of sports. Represent SWPS every term, with the exception of main sport clashes of County level or equivalent.
Access to weekly Strength and Conditioning sessions.
Attend all Sport Scholarship Talks and mentor meetings.
Flexibility given for sporting representation beyond school.
Communicate any inability to participate in sport and provide a plan to return to sport.
Provision for school representation across a wide range of sports throughout the year.
Contribute to the SWPS Sports Community, for example, Open Mornings and SWPS Showcase.
Access to specialist and former international coaching. Develop leadership skills as captain, coach or official. Fee remission from the value of academic tuition.
Mentor a Lower School Sport Scholar as part of the ‘Buddy Scheme’ Demonstrate an aspiration and commitment to meet their sporting potential. Show sporting talent alongside positivity, coachability, capacity for growth and prospective leadership potential.
Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 9BN 01932 574 900