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ruumilabor on loovbüroo, mille asutajateks on sisearhitektid janno Roos ja Andres Labi. Tänaseks on loodud bürookeskkondi, riigiasutuste esindusruume, hotelle, mitmeid kauplusi, kohvikuid ja restorane ning innovatiivseid näitusekujundusi. ruumilabori kaasabil valmis Eesti paviljoni projekt EXPo maailmanäitusele Shanghais.

Ruumilabor is a creative bureau, the founders of which are the interior architects Janno Roos and Andres Labi. By now they have created office environments, official rooms for governmental institutions, hotels, several shops, cafés and restaurants, and innovative exhibition designs. The Estonian pavilion project for the EXPO world exhibition in Shanghai was completed with the cooperation of Ruumilabor.



EEsti EnErgia branchEs


tellija/client: teenusedisain/service design: visuaalne identiteet/ visual identity:


janno Roos, Andres Labi, Liisa Põime (Ruumilabor) Eesti Energia Urmas Pastarus


Reio Avaste, Ruumilabor

arvestades energiaturu vabanemist on mõistetav tellija soov viia muutunud sisu ka vormi. uus, värskelt roheline, üldmuljes kerge ja õhuline. samas – ilmselt on klienditeeninduse vorm reaalse ruumina kindlalt taandumas. rahvas eelistab virtuaalset ruumi. Ma usun, et oleme siin tunnistajaks millelegi, mis mõne aasta perspektiivis on füüsilise ruumina kaduv. nii nagu hiljuti kadus linnaruumist viimane taksofon.

Kaido Kivi, sisearhitekt ja ESLi aastapreemiate žürii esimees


Eesti Energia korraldas klienditeenindussaalide kujunduskonkursi juba aastal 2000, et tuua minevikuhõngulised äärelinna kontorid linna keskele ning kujundada endale uus nägu. Viimasel ajal on elekter kuum teema, see huvitab absoluutselt kõiki inimesi.

Millega on Eesti Energia uute esinduste puhul täpsemalt tegu? Andres Labi (AL): See on uus klienditeeninduse kontor, mis tekkis seoses energiaturu avanemisega, mille hanke me võitsime. Töötasime välja korduvlahenduste printsiibi ja koostasime stiiliraamatu ehk manuaali, mille esimeseks katsetuseks oli Tähesaju kontor. Tänaseks on uuendatud esindusi veel, näiteks Tartus, Paides, Jõhvis, mis on uue manuaali järgi tehtud. ruumidega on nagu on, mõni on liiga suur, teine liiga väike, neid ei saa valida, tuleb kohaneda.

Energia teema on fookuses, kui paljud siia kohapeale jõuavad? AL: oodati inimesi, kes hakkaksid lepinguid uuendama, seega vajati kohta, et olla hästi nähtav, et tulge nüüd siia. See läkski ilusasti käima. Nüüdseks on tunglemine muidugi möödas. Janno Roos (JR): Ökonoomsem oleks olnud avada energiaturu avanemise hetkeks ajutised kontorid.

Kuidas arenes teie kujunduskontseptsioon? AL: Lähteülesanne oli leida lahendus, mis oleks odav ja ei sõltuks sellest ruumist, kuhu see kontor tuleb. Üritasime võimalikult vähe ruumi muuta – olgugi et värvime ära seinad, põrandat me ei muuda, kui see vähegi kannatab, lage ei muuda. Planeeringus kergseinu küll ehitame, eraldame kontoripoole teenindussaalist. Eesmärk oli muuta lahendus paindlikuks ja ette näha, kuidas tundmatusse ruumi kogu vajalik mööbel sisse tuua.

Kas midagi on läinud teisiti kui algne mõte? AL: Üritasime kogu seda asja võimalikult rohkem iseteeninduseks viia ja vähendada klassikaliste teeninduslettide osakaalu. oli üleminekuaeg, Eesti Energial tekkis ka konkurents ja riski vältimiseks jäeti siiski suurem osa teeninduslette alles, et mitte liiga uuenduslikult läheneda – kasutajad on vanemad inimesed. roheline värv, värskus ja paindlik planeering, kus iseteenindus on hästi nähtav, et klient sinna läheks, ja alles siis, kui ta ei saa hakkama, läheb ta teenindaja juurde. Üritasime ka moodsad olla, näiteks teenindajal on kaasaskantav lauaarvuti. JR: Formaat on sarnane pangakontoriga: energia on nagu kapital, sa tuled teenust saama. Keskmine klient, kes siia tuleb, on väga hinnatundlik. Niisiis me pidime saavutama selle, et tulemus oleks kerge, samas lihtne ja arusaadav ning peegeldaks edasipüüdlikkust ja innovatiivsust. Erinevalt pangakontoritest ei tohiks mõjuda kallilt. Puit on tavaline oksavaba mänd näiteks. Selline asjalik, mis kõnetab inimest. Eesti Energial ei ole liiga hea maine, kõik kiruvad teda, tasakaalustamiseks saab kontoritega hoida sõbralikumat joont. Testkontor.

Eesti Energia held a design competition for its customer service outlets in 2000 already in order to bring its suburban offices with their air of the past into the city centre and to design a new appearance for itself. Electricity has recently been a hot topic. It interests absolutely everybody.

What exactly do the new Eesti Energia branches entail? Andres Labi (AL): This is a new customer service office that was born in connection with the opening up of the electrical energy market. We won the procurement bid for it. We worked out a principle for repeating solutions and we drew up a stylebook or manual. The Tähesaju office is the first test of this manual. By now, other customer service branches have been renovated according to this new manual as well, for instance in Tartu, Paide and Jõhvi. The rooms are what they are, some are too large, others are too small. You can’t choose them, you simply have to adjust.

The theme of energy is in focus. How many people make their way here? AL: People were expected to come and start renewing their contracts. Thus a highly visible office was needed that would be inviting to people. It started up very well. The rush is over by now, of course. Janno Roos (JR): It would have been more economical to open temporary offices for the moment when the electrical energy market opens up.

How did your design concept develop? AL: The original task was to find a solution that would be cheap and would not depend on the room where the office was to be installed. We tried to change the room as little as possible – even though we paint the walls, we don’t change the floors if at all possible, and we don’t change the ceiling. We build walls in the planning design, and we separate the office side from the service space. The objective was to make the solution as flexible as possible and to foresee how to bring all the necessary furniture into an unfamiliar room.

Has anything gone differently than the original idea? AL: We tried to give self-service as big a role here as possible, generally speaking, and to reduce the relative proportion of classical service counters. It was a transitional period. Eesti Energia encountered competition, and in order to avoid risk, the greater portion of service counters was nevertheless retained so as not to approach the renovation too innovatively – the customers are older people. The colour green, freshness and flexible planning, where self-service is prominently visible so that the customer would go there and he goes to a customer service representative only if he can’t manage. We tried to be modern as well. For instance, customer service representatives have portable laptops. JR: The format is similar to a bank branch: energy is like capital, you go there to obtain service. The average customer that comes here is very price-sensitive. Thus we had to achieve a result that would be easy and at the same time simple and understandable, and would reflect ambitiousness and innovativeness. Unlike bank branches, it shouldn’t leave an impression of expensiveness. The wood is ordinary pine without knotholes, for instance. It’s businesslike and speaks to people. Eesti Energia doesn’t have a very good reputation, everyone curses it. Offices can maintain a friendlier stance to balance things out. A test office.

Ma ei saa aru sellest taastuvenergia jutust, see ei ole lihtsalt termodünaamika ehk loodusseadustele vastav. Energia ei teki ega kao, vaid muutub ühest olekust teise. päike kustub kord termotuumareaktsiooni tõttu kääbuseks, aga seegi toimub millegi arvelt, hoolimata tossu ja tuha puudumisest lõplikul põlemisel. Just see millegi arvelt, täpsemalt arvete-meeldivaks-tasumise-jutt ongi sünnitanud rohelise energia müüdist inspireeritud Eesti Energia uute teeninduskeskuste imagoloogia materialiseerunud tulemi. on tõesti raske vaielda nendega, kes eelistavad rohelist sinisele, vineeri-puitu plastmassile. võib-olla tõesti näevad paljud elektrist rääkides kohe rohelist värvi ja puitu. Kuigi elekter on otseselt ju midagi nähtamatut, pigem ulmelist...

Raivo Puusepp, arhitekt ja ESLi aastapreemiate zürii liige

I don’t understand that talk of renewable energy. It simply does not correspond to thermodynamics or the laws of nature. Energy is not created or lost, instead it changes from one state to another. The sun will one day shrink to minute size due to a thermonuclear reaction but even that will take place at the expense of something, regardless of the absence of smoke and ashes as it burns. Just this at the expense of something, more precisely the talk of making the payment of bills pleasant, has given birth to the materialised outcome of Eesti Energia’s new customer service centre imagology inspired by the myth of green energy. It really is difficult to argue with people who prefer green to blue and plywood to plastic. Perhaps many people really do immediately see wood and the colour green when speaking of electricity. Even though electricity is something invisible, more like science fiction…

Raivo Puusepp, architect and member of the ESL annual awards jury

Considering the opening up of the energy market, the customer’s wish to give form to its changed content is understandable. New, freshly green, light and airy in terms of overall impression. At the same time – the form of customer service as an actual room is apparently definitely receding. People prefer virtual rooms. I believe that here we are witnesses of something that is disappearing as a physical room in the perspective of a few years time. Just like the last payphone disappeared recently from our urban space.

Kaido Kivi, interior architect and chairman of the ESL annual awards jury

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