SISEL Eurasia 2013 promo (eng)

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Sisel 2013 p r o m o




The charge of emotions, inspiration and joy

The charge of emotions, inspiration and joy we received during the convention in Turkey still lasts! That was an amazing event full of energy and power, which is hard to be put in words! That is the thing that motivates us organizing Eurasian Convention 2013 even more bright and magnificent. Following a wish of distributors throughout Europe to join that event, we will require a long-term preparatory work before! We will notify the venue and conditions of convention organization very soon. So that we could establish our fund for lottery tickets now, we have announced start of promotion 2013 with a draw of three top prizes of 500$, 500$ and 1000$, which would be summarized with the total prize money henceforth and drawn at the convention! Attention! Promotion is valid already now, in January!

Conditions to obtain lottery tickets are as follows

Qualification between January and August included ensures you the following: - 1 lottery ticket for each month of qualification GOLD (150 PV), - 2 lottery tickets for each month of qualification PLATINUM (200 PV) Your uninterrupted monthly qualification GOLD or PLATINUM between February and August enables you to receive additional 3 tickets! This condition refers to newcomers as well who enter our business no later than May. They must qualify constantly since the month of their subscription to August inclusive. You receive an additional lottery ticket for recruitment of every new distributor GOLD into your first level provided that you have qualification GOLD or PLATINUM yourself during that month.

Terms and conditions of the lottery

The lottery will be organized in 2 rounds. Valuable prizes will be drawn during the first round. One precious prize per 10 participants! All the distributors with any number of tickets participate in the round. The more tickets you have the more chances to win a prize! A winning lottery ticket terminates your further participation in the 1st round. Announced super prizes are drawn during the 2nd round! The distributors who have obtained 17 and more lottery tickets participate in the 2nd rund only. The condition of one winning per person is valid in the 2nd round as well. The distributors having 17 tickets and more will participate in two lotteries with a total number of obtained tickets.


Any distributor who wishes to join the promotion must register addressing Mrs. Antonida Platonova, manager of Moscow office. If a distributor registers later than January, s/he must provide information on his/her meeting terms of promotion in previous months in order to check data in company’s software. Distributors from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic States participate therein. Personal presence at the convention 2013 is a must for joining the lottery.




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