3 minute read

10. Learning Estonian

The official state language of Estonia is Estonian. At the same time majority of the Estonian population also speaks Russian and/or English, as well as other international languages.

If you are not able to communicate in Estonian or an official’s lack of skill in a foreign language impedes your interaction, for example, with a health care provider or an educational institution, the accommodation centre and/or support person can provide you with help in arranging translation services.


You should try to learn Estonian as soon as possible. Learning Estonian is very important to meet new people, to make yourself understood in everyday life, to find work and also to understand the local culture.


If you are a beneficiary of international protection, by law you must obtain: • A1 level knowledge of Estonian language within 1 year starting from receiving protection and residence permit and • A2 level knowledge within 2 years from receiving protection and residence permit.

You can obtain A1-B2 level language at Tartu Rahvaülikool (Foundation Tartu Folk High School, www.rahvaylikool.ee) to whom the state would be covering the cost. These language classes may be provided all over Estonia.

You can also contact the accommodation centre or your support person directly for more information on language courses. In case you do not obtain the desired language level during the time foreseen in the law, you may have to reimburse the cost of the language courses.

You must obtain B1 level knowledge of Estonian within 5 years. If you are learning in basic, secondary or higher educational institution in Estonian, then attending language courses is not obligatory. Obtaining B1 level is your own responsibility, you have to find the course and pay for it. However, you can apply for coverage from Innove Foundation according to its established regulations: • Reimbursing language study expenses for individuals who have passed the state exam

• Reimbursing language study expenses for individuals who have been referred by the Language Inspectorate for a language examination. Also, Integratsiooni Sihtasutus (Estonian Integration Foundation) has many Estonian language courses, including free of charge, and other activities that support language learning up to the level of C1. See more information: www.integratsioon.ee.

Remember that by law it is your obligation to learn Estonian language and attend the classes.

Integration Foundation has established Estonian language houses in Tallinn (Rävala 5) and in Narva (Linda 2). Estonian language houses offer various language learning possibilities like language courses, language cafes, Estonian language and culture clubs, language practicing events and consultations with a teacher.

Beside that there are many other ways to improve and practice your Estonian language:

• Find Estonian friends who you can practice your Estonian with • Try to memorize new words you see around you • Try talking to yourself in Estonian • Speak Estonian whenever and wherever possible • Use language learning apps - like Speakly for example • Follow your interests - consume content that would interest you in other language as well

• Try out online language courses like keeleklikk.ee and keeletee.ee

• Participate in language cafes • Listen to Estonian radio and podcasts in


• Set specific goals that state your language level goal and due date for • Perfect your pronunciationz • Learn the 100 most common words first

• Watch Estonian TV shows

• Go to an Estonian language course

With some time and effort, you will be able to master Estonian language, but you have to practice it from the very beginning and as often as possible.


Ma ei saa aru.

Palun rääkige aeglasemalt. Palun korrake. Ma räägin eesti keelt natuke. I don’t understand. Please speak more slowly.

Please say that again. I speak Estonian a bit.

Ma räägin eesti keelt väga hästi. I speak Estonian very good.

Kas Te räägite inglise/ Do you speak English/Arabic/ araabia/vene keelt? Russian? Eesti keele kursus Estonian language course Keelekohvik Language café

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