Sisi Zhang_DAAP Interior Design_Capstone_Final Design Book

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Zero Blue Calico E xperience Center: A R e n o v a t i o n f o r E r j i a D y e Fa c t o r y The Design Book


Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Abstract Background What is Blue Calico Fabric? Current Situation of Nantong Erjia Dye Factory User Concept Design Plan and Programs Axon Materials Program Description Display Systems Perspectives Section Diagrams Appendix


This project is aimed to explore a way for renovation of Nantong Erjia Dye Factory. Located in Erjia, Nantong, China, Nantong Erjia Dye Factory focuses on dying blue calico and other fabrics since 1954. Now, Erjia Dye Factory is still working on design, make and produce blue calico fabric. Blue calico is a transitional hand-printed and hand-dyed craft with more than 400 years of history, which is considered a cultural heritage in local people’s minds. However, with the social, economical and technological developments, blue calico fabric bears the competition with the increasing number of choices that has come into the market. As a result, less and less people are paying attention to the craft of making the blue calico, and as a result the factory and craft is in a crisis. For me, as a Nantong resident, I believe the craft in making the blue calico fabric is worth being preserved and elevated as a valuable craft. For this reason I wanted to contribute to its preservation. So, how might we revive the interest of crafts and culture of blue calico is the main question that I am focusing on and try to solve. This blue calico experience center aims to creating a space that visitors can fully understand and enjoy craft and culture of blue calico. Exhibition and participation are two focus points in the blue calico experience center. By viewing, knowing and experiencing the background, history, making processes and participation, communication and cooperation is built between craftsmen and visitors.

Blue calico fabric hanging in Erjia Dye Factory

W h a t i s B l u e C a l i c o F a b r i c? Background Blue calico is a transitional hand-printed and handdyed craft with more than 400 years history in Nantong, China. White fabric and tinctoria are the main materials that produce blue calico fabric, which were two common materials that every family had in the past. In the mid twentieth century, clothes, bags and bedding were made of blue calico fabric which were welcomed by local people. The Mandarin name for blue calico fabric is lan yin hua bu – indigo-printed flower cloth, a more poetic name that ties it firmly to its flower-based designs. The indigo dye used for the fabric comes from the tinctoria plant. The designs are made with the use of powdered soybean and lime that makes the resist paste that is then applied to hand cut paper stencils that have intricate patterns.

Examples of Blue Calico Pattern and Product

W h a t i s B l u e C a l i c o F a b r i c? Making Materials Dye



Tinctoria is used as main indigo dye in the making process of blue calico fabric. Tinctoria is a species of flowering plant in buckwheat family. Common names for tinctoria include Chinese indigo and Japanese indigo.

Pattern is one of the most important parts in the design of the blue calico fabric. Usually, plants and animals are the main prints in the design. Furthermore, craftsmen also design the patterns that based on folktale and legend.

Paste is made of water, powdered soybean and lime. After applying the paste on the fabric, the dye or paint cannot get through, which leaves the original color under the paste.

Tinctoria was already in use as dye in Western Zhou period (ca. 1045-771 B.C.). which was the most important blue and indigo dye in East Asia.

To meet the need of demand. It usually takes 3-20 days to cut one pattern board, which can only be used 30-40 times. The handmade pattern is very valuable.


Cut the Pattern Board

Extract of Natural Indigo

Applying the Paste on Pattern Board

Making Paste

Making Paste

W h a t i s B l u e C a l i c o F a b r i c? Making Process

1 Making the indigo dye

2 Cutting the pattern

3 Preparing the fabric

4 Making the resist paste

5 Applying the paste

6 Waiting to dry

7 Dying

8 Dying

9 Waiting to dry

10 Removing the paste

11 Washing the fabric

12 Waiting to dry

Current Situation of Nantong Erjia Dye Fac tor y Photos of Erjia Dye Fac tor y

E xis ting Site Plan of Erjia Dye Fac tor y H

ng aila

Ro a



Hailang Road 1 2





Ti a n









6 7





River 0





20 M

1. Office & Storage 2. Print Area & Storage 3. Storage 4. Water Tower 5. Storage & Leased 6. Lawn 7. Dying Area 8. Leased


Users Craf tsmen / Ar tist

Behaviors They Have: Work / Produce Make / Create Study / Learn / Share

People who work in blue calico factory. Including craftsmen, artists and other employees.

Programs They Need: Studio / Working Area Producing Area Facilities

E xisting Customer Profile

Pr o p o s e d Val ue M a p

Customer Tasks

To work and produce To make and create

Products and Services

Besides creating the space for work, produce, make and create, the possibility of study, learning and sharing are also been added

Customer Pains

Unsafe and uncomfortable working environment Lack of employee

Pain Relievers

Providing employees comfortable and safe working environment, which is a way to attract new employees

Customer Gains

Crafts and culture Reputation

Gain Creators

Link artists and visitors. in this way, artists can fully understand the need and demand of visitors and consumers.

Users Visitors Behaviors They Have: See / View Experience / Participate Make / Create Learn / Touch / Buy Get Inspired

All other people who come to visit. Including craft lovers, students, children and families, business people and other visitors.

Programs They Need: Showroom Participating Area Classroom Retail

E xisting Customer Profile

Pr o p o s e d Val ue M a p

Customer Tasks

To see / view To explore and participate

Products and Services

Besides the existing programs of seeing and viewing, visitors can also get involved through participating and experience. Visitors can also create their own items.

Customer Pains

Lack of facilities and programs Quality of the exhibition or gallery

Pain Relievers

Add more participating programs such as learning and making to meet the need of experience.

Customer Gains

Knowledge / Experience Fun / Happiness / Memorable things

Gain Creators

Help visitors fully understand the history, making processes and stories behind blue calico. Hope visitors could been got inspired in some way.

Concept: Zero Connec ting Back to Culture, Nature and Home

Zero Harm to environment

Zero Distance with craf t To ensure that every artist, craftsman and visitor has zero distance to the blue calico craft and culture, and can experience the process and making of the blue calico fabric.


By using recycled goods and environmentally friendly materials and reducing the carbon footprint this project aims to achieve zero harm to the environment.


Zero Displacement from home Simulating the familiarity in the blue calico experiencing center to recall the impression of similarity.


Zero Harm Eco -friendly and Sus tainable Fac tor y Blue calico is made from natural and nonpolluting materials. By following the original philosophy of blue calico, the blue calico experience center is also works in sustainable way. Natural and eco-friendly materials will be used in experience center to create a plain and pure environment. Furthermore, some actions and behaviors that reduces the carbon footprint will also been taken. Energy saving, refuse disposal and water recycling are other aspects of consideration.


Stone Tile


Use Natural Light

Natural Friendly Blue Calico Fabric

Composting Organic Waste

Zero Distance Creating An E xperience Center for Both Craf tsmen and Visitors Nowadays, a lot of people have limited connection with the blue calico. As a result, it is not possible for them to understand the beauty of blue calico or any other local crafts. However, if they have the access to blue calico, and to see, touch and experience blue calico fabric in zero distance, maybe they will love to use blue calico fabric and start to use them as daily objects. An experience center of blue calico fabric is the core idea for the renovation of the Erjia Dye Factory. While keeping the original program of making and producing, visitors are also welcomed to engage with craftsmen. In this place, craftsmen and visitors can get together and share their ideas.

Current Visitors

Proposed Visitors

= Displayed Item Existing Method of Exhibition (Left) Proposed Method of Exhibition Links Everything Together(Right)

Zero Distance Creating An E xperience Center for Both Craf tsmen and Visitors

Traditional Craftsmen / Employees

Traditional Visitors


k or /W

Buy S


Pro du ce

Additionally, they are allowed to make their own fabrics. Visitors can stay here for a few nights to fully experience the blue calico fabric as well.

Traditional Relationship between Craftsmen and Visitors

Learn dy/ Stu

More Programs More Experience

More Programs More Experience

More Communication More Participation

Erjia Craftsmen / Employees

Erjia Visitors

Erjia Relationship between Craftsmen and Visitors



a re








Tou c



Pro du ce

dy Stu

Learn dy/ Stu

k or /W

y Bu


In the existing cultural and crafts showrooms, centers and galleries, visitors are mainly allowed to see during the exhibitions. Different from transitional way of showroom, a large part of experiencing would been added into the Erjia Dye Factory. Visitors can stay here for a period of time to earn the craft knowledge by seeing and learning the making process.


d Par ticipate



Zero Displacement Simulating The Home Feeling Displacement is a vector measure of the interval between two locations measured along the shortest path connecting them. If the ending point is the same location with the starting point, the displacement will be zero. Home is the place that everyone leaves to work in the morning and comes back during the night, which could been considered as zero displacement due to the same starting and ending point. Because people spend majority time at home, they usually highly adapt to their homes and house. Blue calico is also a production from home. Back to late 19th century and early 20th century, each family dyed their own blue calico to use as a daily items. However, nowadays majority people do not dye fabric by themselves anymore, instead, they will probably to go and buy from a shop or a market, which is not possible for them to know the story behind the fabric. By recreating a similar home type environment in blue calico experience center, the viewing experience will be similar to visiting the home of a friend. The visitors can understand how people use the blue calico fabric as a daily item, which is beneficial for visitors to understand the background, history and story behind the blue calico. This might be helpful to people to reuse the blue calico fabric in their daily lives again. Zero Displacement can also describe the development of blue calico. By showcasing the traditional and modern blue calico products, visitors can fully understand the changes and revolutions of blue calico.

Now Modern Items

How far does the Earth travel in one year? In terms of distance, it is quite far. But in terms of displacement, it is actually zero.

? ??




Typical home layout: Living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are been provided.

Lounge = Living Room Restaurant = Dining Room Studio = Study

Home Feeling! So Familiar!

Programs in blue calico experience center will follows the arrangement and layout of home, which will be easier for visitors to view and explore (Left: Existing exhibition Right: Proposed Experience Center)

Traditional Items

Traditional and modern blue calico products will be displayed in same location

Plan and Programs


Reception and Retail Area


Participation Area

Exhibition Area

Production Area

Showroom Area



A xon



Dark Wood

Traditional Stone Tile

Light Wood


Indigo Dye Fabric

Modern White Finish Stone Tank Modern Black Finish

Original Concrete Floor

Program Description Reception and Retail Area Reception and Retail Area is the first stop of blue calico experience center. In Reception Area, visitors wait and got the basic introduction from the guide, and at the same time, visitors can see some blue calico products. A traditional factory style is been set here. People can see and feel the traditional looking of blue calico factory here. Also, some raw making materials and tools are displayed in reception area. Section 1

Section 2

Section 1

Section 2 0



Program Description Produc tion Area Production Area is the place for visitors to fully understand the whole making processes of blue calico fabric. Employees show the visitors the raw white cotton and silk fabric, the plants, the indigo dye and all other materials here. Visitors can see how employees paste and dye the fabric closely, and conversation between visitors and employees is encouraged. The workplace feeling is still maintained in this area. Wood and stone are the main materials used in this zone. Section 3

Section 4

Section 3

Section 4 0



Program Description E xhibition Area Exhibition Area is the main area for visitors to understand the history, background, stories and examples of blue calico fabric. Several display systems are provided in this zone. All of the display surfaces are painted in white, which make the fabric and display items the only focus for visitors. Visitors can choose to sit or stand in this zoning area.

Section 5

Section 6

Section 5

Section 6 0



Program Description Par ticipation Area Participation Area provides space for people to made and create their own blue calico fabric and fabric pattern. There are two large community tables are a large shared sink in participating zone. Main materials such as wood, stone and traditional tile are been used in this area to create a studio and maker space feeling, which encourage visitors to try and feel the real making of blue calico fabric.

Section 7

Section 8

Section 7

Section 8 0



Program Description Showroom Area Showroom Area provides possibilities for visitors to understand blue calico products and implications mainly at residential environment. Dining room, living room and bedroom settings are been crated in the showroom zone, which lets visitors know what kind of blue calico products can been used in home.

Section 9

Section 10

Section 9

Section 10 0



Display Sys tem Display Screen Display screen is designed for hanging display items, such as a large piece of blue calico fabric.

Top: Top View Left: Side View Right: Front View Scale: 1:5

Axon View

Display Sys tem D i s p l a y Ta b l e Display screen is designed for small items that can be display in the table surface easily. Books and pattern modes are displayed in display tables. Visitors also can pull a chair and sit by the table and take a little bit of time to read or view these items.

Top: Top View Left: Side View Right: Front View Scale: 1:50

Axon View

Display Sys tem Display Case The concept of this display case is transformed from the shape of leaves. Because the indigo dye is made of tinctoria leaves, the display case also takes the idea of leaves. Images and texts that related to the blue calico fabric are been fixed in the display cases.

Top: Top View Bottom four: four side views Scale: 1:75

Axon View

Per spec tives

View From the Entrance: Reception and Retail Area

Per spec tives

View of the Production Area

Per spec tives

View of the Production Area

Per spec tives

View of the Exhibition Area

Per spec tives

View of the Exhibition Area

Per spec tives

View of the Exhibition Area

Per spec tives

View of the Participation Area

Per spec tives

View of the Showroom Area

Per spec tives

View of Corridor

Sec tion Diagrams Nor thern Elevation Sky Light from North

Huge windows with glass in northern facade allow a large mount of soft sky light get in to space

Southern Elevation

Canvas shading system has been added in the southern elevation, which avoids the direct sunlight

Sun Light from South

Appendix Building Occupancy: Building primarily used or designed for the purpose of 4-100 persons for amusement, entertainment, worship, transportation, recreation, sports, military drilling, dining or similar purposes shall be classified as Division A-3 occupancies. When an A-3 occupancy shares a structure with one or more occupancy divisions, the structure shall be governed in one of the following manners: (1) Separation. When each occupancy is separated from other occupancies by fire walls, each portion thus separated shall be considered a separate building and limitations for separate buildings shall govern. (2) Mixed occupancy. Buildings with multiple occupancies which are not separated shall be considered mixed occupancies and shall be governed by the most restrictive limitations of the various occupancies.

(2) Rooms used for assembly purposes in excess of 750 square feet. (3) To illuminate exit or directional exit signs. (4) Rooms in which emergency lighting equipment is located. (5) Exterior light over required exit discharge. Chinese Museum Building Code JGJ66-91: Code 3.2.6: Each storage area shall has its own door. Glazing to floor area ratio shall less than 1:20.

Code 3.2.8: The net height in storage area shall be 2.4 - 3 meters. Code 3.3.3: The display line for each theme shall less than 300 meters. Code 3.3.5: The net height in showroom shall be 3.5 - 5 meters.

Exits shall be so arranged that the total length of travel from any point to reach an exit shall not exceed 150 feet. Exits shall be so arranged that one exit is not more than 200 feet from another exit. Dead ends and occupancy areas with a single path of egress travel should be eliminated where possible, but in no case shall any of these occupancy areas be more than 75 feet from an exit.

Code 4.2.2: Air conditioning shall be set in storage. Storage interior temperature shall at 10 degrees Celsius at least in winter and 26 degrees Celsius at most in summer. Relative humidity shall be 50-60% for fabric.

Interior finishes: (1) Interior finishes shall be Class A or B for exits and exit corridors. (2) Interior finish requirements may be reduced by one class in buildings totally protected by an automatic sprinkler system.

Code 5.5.2: The wall in storage and showroom shall be fireproofing. Fire-resistance rating shall be class 350 rating.

Emergency lighting shall be provided as follows: (1) Exitways, corridors, stairways, passageways, halls, landings of stairs, exit doors, including angles and intersections, and other means of egress.

Code 4.4.1: The thickness of the glass in shall be at least 3mm.

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