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Message From the Editor
To have sight without VISION is worse than being born blind. Vision is not the same as ambition. While ambition is what we desire to become in life, vision is what God created us to become. The only meeting point of the two is where our will is lost in the will of God. Vision is higher than ambition. To become truly successful in life, your vision must become your ambition.
Sometime you must you must separate yourself from the crowd. Remember, you are not common, so your vision is not common. Don’t look at what your friends are doing and feel like doing the same thing. SISTAHS, you must get your own pathway in life. Caleb and Joshua refused to follow the mindset of other spies; they chose to follow their own path. (Numbers 13:30-31)
Pray for vision (Acts 10:9-16). Prayer gives grace to vision, watching gives alertness and direction to vision. When your prayers give birth to vision, watchfulness keeps it from being forgotten.
Then you must “Write the Vision”! A vision not written will soon be forgotten. God wrote down His vision for His creation in the Bible. Write your own visions down too. If God would write, who are you not to write? The vision can’t remain on paper, you have to “Run the Vision”. Activities of your vision must become a daily routine. It should be what you live for. Vision + Action =
Vision brings the old adage to light: Timing means everything! A timeless vision is an un-accomplishable vision (Ecc. 3). When the timing of a vision is missed, frustration sets in. (1 Sam. 15:9- 18; Exo. 17:14). Don’t have sight and walk blind. When you have no vision for life you walk aimlessly and live carelessly. Got Vision?
Go forth SISTAHS, be empowered, be informed and be inspired!