18 minute read
Purpose Passion Power by C. Roach and V. Priester
By Cheranissa Roach & Valerie Priester
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In this generation, the concept of life purpose has become a powerful theme. It is clear that most people realize we were placed here for a purpose. The million dollar question for most is, “what is my life purpose?” We have come to believe and understand that everyone has a life purpose, that our purpose is within our reach, and that finding our purpose leads to a satisfying, significant life.
Often we use the word “destiny” interchangeably for purpose. When you think of destiny it should point to a Creator - otherwise where does this destiny we have built into us come from? We are made for something, life as we live it is actually a plan unfolding. The Creator of life planted the destiny (our plan) within us and it is our responsibility to discover our destiny or life purpose.
One of my favorite mantra’s is “once you know your purpose everything else is easy”. I truly believe that operating in your purpose breeds success. Think about it, some of the great leaders in the Bible were called for specific life purposes. Moses, to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt; Joseph, to take care of his family during the famine; Abraham, to be the father of many nations, and so on. The journey to each of these men discovering their life purpose was not always a pleasant one but a necessary one for sure.
If the million dollar question is, “what is my life purpose”, the two million dollar question is most likely “how do I discover/find my life purpose”. These questions have many answers but the best one of all is seek God’s purpose for your life and He will reveal it to you. When we don’t know our life purpose we often find ourselves struggling like fish out of water. As we are seeking God’s purpose for our lives there are some things we can do to increase our awareness of His voice. There are things happening around us every day that are significant but we may discharge them as small and irrelevant. Here are a few things to be mindful of as you walk out this journey.
1. Listen to your dissatisfaction: We have been taught that dissatisfaction is a bad thing, and we should avoid it at all cost. But sometimes God may be using dissatisfaction to prompt us to move to the next level or go play in another sand box.
2. Listen to others: Have you ever seen someone light up when they talk about something that they’re passionate about? Do you light up like that when you talk about something you’re passionate about? If so, others have told you that you may be called or gifted in this area that causes you to light up like a Christmas tree when you talk about it.
3. Listen to your gifts: Consider your talents and gifts. Do you like math? Are you a strategic thinker? A great listener? Can you motivate others to action with your words? Are you skilled at building things? Make a list of all the things and activates that interest you in which you excel. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I do better than others?”
4. Listen to your passions: What gets you fired up? What makes you angry? What makes you joyful? Take note of when your emotions are moved; these times can be a sign of your God-given life purpose.
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Once you find your purpose, you can use passion to help you make your dreams come true. If purpose is the thing you want, passion gets you there. Passion helps you accomplish your goal. It is the fire that moves you
Janice was an Accountant who was good with numbers all of her life. After High School, she went to College and majored in Accounting. After college, she worked at a local accounting office and was a good accountant. After a few years on the job, she began to turn in work with errors, came in late and just didn’t seem to be “with it”. After seeing a Life Coach, she discovered that she was working in her purpose but not with passion. Her fire was gone and so was her work ethic, joy and happiness. She discovered that while she was good at the work, her passion for the work was gone and she needed to find it.
Her Coach asked her why she got into this line of work. She said to help people and companies keep track of money. She had always loved numbers and was good at the work but lately something was off. When her Coach asked her for more information about her career, Janice discovered that the conditions in her office and type of work had changed and so did her passion for the work. No longer did she enjoy it as she had before. To help her get refocused, her Coach told her to write down what she liked best about her job and what gave her a smile. That was easy she thought and wrote the list with no hesitation. When she looked at the list, she found that most of the things on the list were things she no longer did or wanted to do but did not. Her Coach then asked her if this is really what she wanted to do. That took a little longer but yes was her answer. Next they discussed what it would take to get her motivated again. Janice began to feel a sense of relief and an elation that she had not felt in a while. It was nice to rediscover that while she was good at the work, the changes had affected her passion for the work. After some more time with her Life Coach, Janice’s passion for the work returned and she was as efficient as ever. Here are
some tips that will help you use and rediscover your passion
1. Write down the reason for doing something. For example, at work why did you choose this job? 2. What gives you a smile about the career you are in? 3. Ask yourself and answer honestly, do you really enjoy this position? 4. What will it take for you to become passionate again about this position?
These questions will allow you to understand where your passion is and how to use it for your good. If you cannot answer these questions on your own, follow Janice’s leading and get a Life Coach. They are trained to help people overcome the obstacles that stand in their way to success. They will hold you accountable and help you create a plan to help you find your purpose and live it with passion. P Poowweerr
Once you know your purpose and are pursuing it with passion, you will have the power you need to be successful. Powerful is what we become when we marry our purpose with passion. So knowing your purpose and passion make you stronger and give you the power to achieve your dreams. It also gives you the power to pass it on and help others do the same.
This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to talk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.” ~ Susan Polis Schutz
Operating in our power is something we do as coworkers with the Holy Spirit. When we are spirit led, spirit fed, and spirit conscience we can achieve the things God has predestinated for our lives. The true power is the Holy Spirit.
©2013 Cheranissa Roach and Valerie Priester – All Rights Reserved.
If you want to learn more about finding your true life-purpose, living it with passion, and walking in your true power check out Victorious Change Radio on TalkShoe Radio where hosts; Cheranissa Roach and Valerie Priester share powerful, life changing topics every month. Join Cheranissa & Valerie on TalkShoe Radio Every 3rd Thursday of the month 8:00 - 9:00 pm EST | www.talkshoe.com/tc/124996 | Phone: (724) 444-7444* | Call ID: 124996
Cheranissa Roach is President and Chief Executive Officer of CDR Consulting, LLC. She is an International Author, Speaker and Coach. Visit Cheranissa at www.cdrconsultingllc.com
Valerie Priester is President and Chief Executive Officer of Victorious Life Coaching, LLC. She conducts seminars and workshops that include Biblical principles to help women discover their God-given destiny and learn practical ways of living the victorious life. Visit Valerie at www.valeriepriester.com
Cherisse Stephens is a celebrated author! Her book series entitled, "How To Be God's Cover-Girl" is blessing women and girls from all ages! This book series is designed to take you on a spiritual journey to discover who you REALLY are! God's CoverGirls are women and young ladies who celebrate themselves and others. They are proud to be covered by GOD and because of that, have the ability to COVER their family, friends and others
"Living in the Overflow of Being Covered"
Evangelist Cherisse Stephens is known as "The Voice You've Been Waiting For". She is a sought after Television Host, Evangelist, Prophetess and International Recording Artist. Evangelist Cherisse Stephens has the ability to connect with people from all walks of life and is known for the Glory of the Lord that rest on her life. Evangelist Cherisse Stephens is now in demand for Revivals, Conferences, Concerts, Hosting Television and so much more. She is currently one of the hosts for WATC TV Channel 57's flagship program called "Atlanta Live". She is also blessed to host Trinity Broadcasting Network's (TBN) "Praise the Lord" program. Evangelist Cherisse is not just a preacher, but a Worshipper as well! She has recorded two solo projects and is currently finishing her third CD with her seventeen year old son, Preston, as producer!
When Evangelist Cherisse Stephens is not making music and hosting television, she is busy hosting her own conferences which God has entrusted to her. She is the Founder and Conference Host for God's Cover-Girls Women's Conference and Spring Forth Into Destiny Family Conference. "God's Cover-Girls Women's Conference" is designed to bring women together, no matter what their journey or story and pour into them. It is our job to cover each other in the Kingdom and in turn God covers us with HIS blood, believes Evangelist Cherisse. The Spring Forth into Destiny Conference is designed for the ENTIRE family! It is designed to push you into your God Given Destiny and Purpose.
The most IMPORTANT role for Cherisse Stephens is that of being a wife and PROUD mother of two. She is blessed with a beautiful family and works hard at becoming the Ultimate God's Cover-Girl!
With all that Evangelist Cherisse has been blessed to set her hands to, she had a bit of time to share with SISTAH Talk, so we present to some and introduce to others, Evangelist Cherisse Stephens…
SISTAH Talk: Please tell us about Evangelist Cherisse Stephens.
Evangelist Cherisse: As a preacher's kid, I grew up learning how to serve in ministry. "I learned how to Pray, Usher, Lead Praise & Worship, Train Choirs, and Preach in my youth", said Evangelist Stephens. "I believe God was preparing me THEN for my NOW. As I began to mature and grow in God, I desired to be used by him even greater".
SISTAH Talk: Please share your inspiration to start God’s Cover Girls.
Evangelist Cherisse: The movement, God’s CoverGirls was birthed out of the word of God. I was asked, as I am often asked to minister at a Women’s Conference. When I asked God what Great woman of God I should preach about, the Lord took her to the story of Rahab. In the book of Joshua, we discover the life of Rahab. Her profession is that of a prostitute. Her community has considered her an outcast and counts her out is society and in life. The story goes on to share how Rahab was visited by two spies who had come to scout out the land. In the 2nd Chapter of Joshua, Rahab makes a deal with the spies. She agrees to Cover them if they would in turn Cover her and her family when they overtook the land. You see, Rahab did not have it all together, people looked at her and judged her, but GOD had a plan for her life! She was God’s Cover-Girl!
God told me to spread that message to women and young girls all around the world. That no matter what your journey, your story, your trial, your disappointment; God still has a PLAN for your life! Plans to prosper you and bring you to an expected end! We are all God’s Cover-Girls!
SISTAH Talk: Have there been any obstacles in achieving you’re your various accomplishments as a singer, author, etc.
Evangelist Cherisse: I am so blessed to wear many hats! God has given me very special gifts and I am so honored to be his servant! I am an Author, Television Host, Evangelist, Recording Artist, Mentor, Life Coach, Mother, Wife, Sister and Friend! I know, that’s a lot right? But I can only do these things because of the Grace of God. I like any other person who is striving to do the will of the Father have experienced obstacles that I have had to overcome. My journey has not always been easy. I have faced rejection and disappointment. People have counted me out and said
I’d never amount to much! But, GOD never counted me out, he counted me IN! I realized at an early age, that I could do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens me! I realized that No Weapon that is formed against me shall prosper. There will always be things that will come to frustrate your purpose and destiny. You just have to know if God called you to it, he will see you through it.
SISTAH Talk: So far, what would you say has been your greatest accomplishment, and how did you accomplish it.
Evangelist Cherisse: There are many things in life that I am most proud of. In my spiritual walk, my Greatest accomplishment is when I came to know the Lord as my personal savior. I gave my life to Christ at an early age and developed an intimate relationship with God. In my personal life, my Greatest accomplishment is being a wife and mother! I am blessed to have a family who loves me and encourages me to be the best I can be. My goal in life is to be the Proverbs 31 Woman –who in my opinion is the Ultimate God’s Cover-Girl! She is known for helping the needy and giving back to her community. She is an entrepreneur who is wealthy and full of wisdom. The Bible says that her children rise up and call her blessed and her husband praises her in the gates! Wow, what an accomplishment. That is who I am striving to be every day.
SISTAH Talk: Please share some motivation for women and teenage girls who are working to accomplish their dreams.
Evangelist Cherisse: I was blessed to author a book entitled; “How To Be God’s Cover-Girl”. This is a three book series written to inspire women and girls from all walks of life. It is a how to guide to becoming all you inspire to become. In the book, I talk about ways to find your purpose and walk in it! The first key to achieving your goals and accomplishing your dreams is to believe in YOURSELF. There will always be “haters” who try to discourage you from moving forward. I always say, let your haters be your motivators! Once you believe in yourself, you are ready to move forward. The next step would be to “write Your Vision” Once you write the vision, then God is ready to give you Provision! Where God guides, he will Provide. You must be willing to Believe, Write and Move! The Bible says that Faith without works is DEAD, being alone. You must move in Faith, knowing that God’s Got your back and that he will see you through! I am a living witness that Dreams become Reality!
SISTAH Talk: Please share some characteristics women and teens should have to be successful as they endeavor to pursue their dreams and goals.
Evangelist Cherisse: In my book, entitled How To Be God’s Cover-Girl, I have written what I call the “The Don’t List”. I know we all have our “To-Do List”. But there are some things that we as women should not do in order to be all that we are designed to be! Let me share just a couple of the nuggets from my list! The first piece of advice from the list is “Don’t Be Jealous” Jealousy is crueler than the grave and will leave you feeling miserable and sad. 1 Corinthians13:4, states that Love is not jealous or boastful or proud. We as women and girls, who aspire to be great, must make sure we operate in love. Another nugget from the Don’t List is this “Don’t Pretend”. I love this nugget. In order to be successful, we must learn to be TRUE to ourselves! Be who God created you to be! I often say that I am the Best Me. You can’t beat me being me! We all have gifts and talents. God has equipped you with a gift that belongs to you. Whatever your gift is, let it make room for you and it will bring you before great men and women! The list goes on to say some other very important things. But the last nugget I want to share from the list is in my opinion the most important. In order to be successful, “Don’t Forget To Pray”. It is essential that we communicate with God on a daily Basis! Prayer is the key to unlock every door that may be shut! It will heal your hurts, free you from rejection and move you forward into your assignment in the earth. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to Pray without ceasing. No prayer-no power, little prayer-little power, Much Prayer-Much Power!
SISTAH Talk: Please share a word of empowerment with those women and teenage girls who may want to become a TV or Radio Show Host.
Evangelist Cherisse: You know, I am often asked the question, how did you become a TV and Radio Personality? I love sharing my story that gives GOD all the glory! Basically, I was in the right place at the right time. I have always been a servant of the Lord. I’m a PK – Preacher’s Kid, my mother was a Sunday School teacher and missionary. I grew up loving God and just being faithful. I am a firm believer that when you are faithful over another person’s work or vision – when it is your turn, God will be faithful to you. Whatever you want to become in life, know that it is attainable. It does not matter where you come from, what you have or do not have. I love the scripture that says; “Forgetting those things which are behind me, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus”. That simply means this; your destiny is not detoured because of your history. Your history will become HIS-STORY when you give God all of your desires! Keep pressing, never give up- be determined to be HIS-STORY – God’s Story.
SISTAH Talk: Please share any upcoming projects that you are involved in.
Evangelist Cherisse: I am ever evolving into what God wants me to be. Just when I think I’ve figured it out, GOD will give me another assignment in the earth! I currently host the God’s Cover-Girls Women and Girls Conference, which is blessing woman all around the
world! We gather together to be empowered, inspired and delivered. I am also excited about our 1 Day Empowerment Sessions, Books & Brunch, Revivals and Crusades and our family conference entitled “Spring Forth Into Destiny”. I am really excited about my latest venture which is my New Release! Yes, I have new music coming out with my 18 year old son, Preston as Producer! Our first single, entitled Drama FREE will drop this March. Drama FREE is a song that will relate to anyone of any age, any ethnicity and any religion. Drama seems to be a word that is heard around the world, whether you are rich or poor. Drama is simply repeating a cycle of things that are unnecessary – it’s time to say “No More Drama”! Our music will be available soon on iTunes, Amazon.Com, CDBaby, CherisseStephens.Com and GodsCoverGirls.Com
SISTAH Talk: How may you be contacted?
Evangelist Cherisse: You can connect with me several different ways! I love social media and use it as a vehicle to reach people that I may never see in person, but can connect with them through technology. Join me on the following social networks.
Websites On Facebook:
www.facebook.com/cherissestephens www.facebook.com/godscovergirls
Pages on Facebook:
Cherisse Stephens Ministries God’s Cover-Girls How To Be God’s Cover-Girl Evangelist Cherisse Stephens
www.Twitter.com/singcherisse www.twitter.com/godscovergirl
Instagram: GodsCoverGirl – User Name
Socialcam: Cherisse Stephens – User Name
SISTAH Talk: Please provide any other information you would like to share with our readers.
Evangelist Cherisse: For Booking Purpose, I can be reached by email @ cherissestephens@hotmail.com. For more information about our ministry, please visit our websites at:
www.CherisseStephens.Com www.GodsCoverGirls.Com