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To Get The Vaccination or Not

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Summer Break

To Get The Vaccination Or Not.......... That Is The Question!

Deborah Risper

Here we are in 2021 and covid is YET alive. For many, the question that is at hand is the covid-19 vaccination. While there is great information that can be found on the internet, some are still puzzled by the development of such vaccination in such a short amount of time. I know personally, I have concerns. I, like others, understand that technology has changed and cures or preventions can happen in a shorter time than before. The source that many are turning to is the CDC(Center Of Disease Control). While their site is an ever-changing tool, just why is the vaccination so popular?

I would conclude that several factors may come into play with the widespread of information and now access. While I am not a health expert I believe that their push for this vaccination is centered around people wanting to get back to whatever we will call “normal” these days. Our economy needs to also grow and as humans, we are relational beings so we need a mixture of interactions for sanity and safety. Think about this time last year, the first few weeks were ok and we all got to learn more about the people we dwell with; but that wasn’t enough relational activity because our minds are used to other people, places, and things. Not that our family/friends/roommates aren’t enough, sometimes leaving our homes brings a sense of belonging to the world.

Our economy took a hard hit. Doors of many businesses shut leaving people unemployed and suddenly depending on unemployment insurance just to pay bills. Not only that, people began to tap into

sources of income they didn’t believe they had before covid. While our government may have provided relief, some people struggled mentally to keep their heads above water with finances. Amidst of this business, ownership grew and now entrepreneurs know that one business plan will get you left behind. The good news is, we made/making it.

Introverts probably found the time spent at home enjoyable while extroverts like myself found that Walmart trips were a form of “outside” to keep sane. The truth of the matter is humans are made to be relational. While we may all do it a different way, I believe covid-19 has taught us all to appreciate people, places, and things. Working in the travel industry was tough because you’d hear of how great celebrations had to be postponed. People traveled at their comfort level which was little to none.

Now that we are in July 2021 an estimated 157.6( CDC.gov) million have been vaccinated. With this being said American is slowly beginning to remove the mask and go about getting back to showing their smiles and loving on their family/friends that have been far away.

As data continue to grow, I believe that getting the vaccination should always be researched and understood. I, personally have not been vaccinated. I believe that many are shaming/bullied by others. In this area, we should certainly do our research to ensure the vaccination is for them. Below I have provided a link for some basic facts about covid in hopes that you would use the information to help aid in the decision of receiving the vaccination or not.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq. html#Vaccines

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