Churches and chapels

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Basilica of the National Vow


It is considered one of the greatest Neo-gothic buildings in Latin America due to its large size.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Carchi Street y Venezuela. Towers. Monday to Sunday: 09:00 a 16:30. Church. Monday to Sunday: 07:00 a 19:00. Towers: $ 1.00 adult and national child; $ 2.00 adult and foreign child. Church: $ 1.00 adult, and national or foreign child; children under 5 years, free

Towers - 593 2 2583891 Church - 593 2 2295792

It has a parking lot entrance through GarcĂ­a Moreno street, or take the Trolebus to the Banco Central stop.


Such a magnificent architectural work, for its style and magnitude, is compared to the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in New York and Notre Dame in Paris, a characteristic element of its Gothic style are its gargoyles, but when conceiving it in Ecuador, endemic animals were adopted as alligators , Galapagos tortoises, blue-footed boobies, howler monkeys, armadillos, cougars, among others, that are representative animals of Ecuadorian wildlife. With its two front towers, each one of 115 meters becomes one of the tallest buildings in the city.

EUCHARIST: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 07h00, 18h00 Thursday: 07h00, 12h00, 18h00 Saturday: 07h00, 08h00, 17h00, 18h30 Sunday: 06h00, 12h00 & 18h30

SERVICES: Sacraments: weddings, baptisms, special celebrations. Self-guided tours of the church

TARGET AUDIENCES: Catholic people, tourists who love culture, art, students, families and friends, multi-generational.


Bethlehem Bethlehem Church Church


It is one of the first churches that were built in Quito, here the Spanish conquistadors heard their first mass after the foundation of the city. Initially this church was called Veracruz.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Sodiro 550 and Felipe Borja Streets

Church open from 07:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00 Free admission

593 2 222 4100

It does not have a parking lot, you can park outside; or take the trolleybus to La Alameda stop.


"The small church of the Bethlehem exudes a sense of peace that has little to do with the bloody colonial past of this corner of Quito. The northern end of the current La Alameda park was the scene of the battle between conquerors of the 16th century that culminated in the Beheading of Viceroy Blasco Núñez de Vela. In commemoration, a modest chapel was built on the site, one of the first in Ecuador, then the Church of Bethlehem would be erected, built in the late eighteenth century. "He wears a wood-carved crucifix by Caspicara, a key artist of the colonial era, and despite its humble façade, its most preciousTreasure is its beautiful 18th century altarpiece that has been kept in good condition. Many parishioners come to this church to pray to the Lord of Remedies.


Saturdays: 18h00 Sundays: 07h00, 08h00, 09h00, 10h00, 11h30, 18h00


Daily Eucharist. You can enter the church to observe religious art with much respect, as well as to participate in the Eucharist.


Tourists interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art. Multi-generational.


Carmen Carmen Bajo Bajo Convent Convent


The Carmelite nuns of Carmen Bajo have remained on this site, without interruption since 1705. Over the time, they built and preserved the architectural and artistic heritage that we can visit and know today.




Church open only for the daily Eucharist from Monday to Saturday at 07:00 and Sunday at 17:00. Free admission 593 2 258 1739.

It does not have a parking lot, closest parking place CADISAN; or take the trolleybus to the Plaza del Teatro stop.


The construction of the church began in November 1725, but due to lack of resources the work was suspended until 1735, the year in which Bishop Andrés Paredes Armendáriz assumed the costs of the construction. The architectural complex conforms to the typologies of the monasteries of the Carmelite order. Monastic life was organized around two cloisters with wide corridors around two courtyards; They distributed: cells, offices, Chapter room, refectory, kitchen and other services. The north patio is known as “de los naranjos” and is the oldest. The church, porter's lodge, and parlor are the spaces that communicate the nuns with the outside world. Through the turnstile of the porter's lodge, the religious relate to the lay community without being seen.

EUCHARIST: Every day at 07:00.


Daily Eucharist. You can enter the church to observe religious art with much respect, as well as to participate in the Eucharist. Purchase of various products through the turnstile. During Advent and Christmas, the Nativity Scene, located inside the monastery, is allowed.

TARGET MARKET: Tourists interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art. Multi-generational.


Chapel of of Cantuña Cantuña Chapel

PRODUCT: Chapel attached to the Church of San Francisco, from the 17th century, where you can see beautiful works of art representative of Quito School.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Cuenca y Bolívar Streets

Open every day from 07h00 a 16h00 Free admission

Sofía Sánchez


Located at the southern part of the facade of the Church of San Francisco, this chapel originally belonged to the Veracruz de los Naturales Brotherhood and was one of the first to be established in Quito in the 16th century. It is a small structure with a single vaulted nave. The altarpiece of the main altar with the pulpit constitutes the most interesting decorative element, attributed to Bernardo de Legarda his work would be related to the prestige achieved by the Brotherhood of the Virgen de los Dolores.


Tuesday and Thursday at 07h00 and Sunday at 08h00

593 2 228 1124

It does not have a parking lot, you can park in La Ronda or take the trolleybus to the Santo Domingo stop.


Sacramental celebrations, cultural and social events. The chapel is not part of the tours of the Fray Pedro Gocial Museum. Confessions, marriages, baptisms, special celebrations.

TARGET MARKET: Catholic public, tourists with an interest in culture, art, students, families and friends. Multi-generational.


Chapel Chapel of of Miracles Miracles

PRODUCT: Located in the neighborhood of Loma Grande, built between the 17th and 18th centuries, this is a small hermitage that keeps the image of the Lord of Miracles

GENERAL INFORMATION: Fernández Madrid N1-113 and Vicente Rocafuerte Streets

Every Sunday at 09:00 and on Thursdays at 17:00

Free admission


It was built in honor of a miracle that occurred in the ravine of La Loma neighborhood, that is why its settlement is halfway between the ravine and the top of the hill. The chapel has a hermitage where the legend stone is found, and this one is also painted with a fresco of Christ. It is adorned with frescoes on all its walls and ceiling, evoking the passion of Christ. The walls are adobe and stone and the bell tower is made of exposed brick.


Masses are offered every Sunday.

SERVICES: 593 2 2956308

It does not have a parking lot. You can park in la Ronda; or take the trolleybus to the Santo Domingo stop.

They also offer reception ceremonies, baptisms, weddings, among others. You can enter the chapel to observe religious art with much respect, as well as to participate in the Eucharist.


Tourists interested in topics about architecture and art. Multi-generational.




Chapel Chapel of of the the Prodigy Prodigy of of La La Dolorosa Dolorosa


Chapel where the miracle of the Sorrowful Virgin happened in 1906 is located at the back of the Church of La Compañía.



Benalcázar 562 and Sucre Street

Monday to Friday 09:30 to 18:30


Free Admission

593 2 2 581 895.

It does not have a parking lot, you can park in the CADISAN or take the trolleybus to the Plaza Chica stop.

On the night of April 20, 1906, Jaime Chávez and Carlos Hermann alerted 34 other internal students of the San Gabriel school that the eyes of the Virgin Mary were opening and closing. It was a painting of French origin, where the image of the mother of Jesus was painted, in her dedication to La Dolorosa. The students were having dinner in the school canteen and alerted the Jesuit priests Andrés Roesh and Luis Alberdi about what was happening. Everyone saw the image take more human movements and features for about 15 to 20 minutes.


Monday to Friday at 18h00.


Eucharist and marriages are offered.


Catholic public, tourists with an interest in culture, art, students, families and friends. Multi-generational.


of the the Robbery Robbery Chapel of


Baroque-style temple built in the 17th century, known as the "Chapel of the Robbery" for the event that occurred in the city of Quito in 1649.

GENERAL INFORMATION: 24 de Mayo Ave. and Imbabura Street

Open only for the mass on Sundays at 09:00.

Free admission

It does not have a parking lot. You can park in La Ronda or take the trolleybus to Santo Domingo stop.

DESCRIPTION: On the north side of the current 24 de mayo street of Quito, in front of the monument dedicated to the Unknown Heroes, there is a small chapel topped by a modest half-dome, made of glazed bricks, making a bend. This small chapel owes its origin to a robbery caused in the city and its history can be read on its facade.


Eucharistic schedules according to availability.


  Eucharist is offered only on Sundays.

TARGET MARKET: Tourists interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art. Multi-generational.


Church Church of of the the Immaculate Immaculate Conception Conception

PRODUCT: Founded in the 17th century, its patron saint is Our Lady of Good Success, to whom apparitions and miracles are attributed.




Church open: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 11:30. Saturday and Sunday: 7:00 to 11:30 and 17:30 to 18:30


The presbytery and the main altar shine not only for the gilding of the wood but for the images of the Virgin of Quito or the Immaculate Apocalyptic, attributed to Bernardo de Legarda, and the Crucifix that dominates the center. From the lower part of the choir you can see: the altarpieces of La Dolorosa and Mariana de Jesús saint, the niche of Liberata saint, and the chapels of the Sagrada Familia and that of Cristo Rey. On the eastern wall are the Chapel of Calvary and the Chapel of Saint Francis. On each side of the cruise, the Chapels of Saint Teresa and Saint Inés.

EUCHARIST: Free admission

Eucharistic schedules according to availability.

593 2 295 9823.


It does not have a parking lot. Closest parking place CADISAN. You can take the trolleybus to Plaza Chica stop.

Daily Masses. The nuns sell products made by them, through the turnstile, such as the aloe shampoo, they are also characterized by making clothes for the God child at Christmas time.


Tourists with an interest in historical and religious themes, students, families and friends. Multi-generational.



El Quinche Sanctuary


The current temple is from the beginning of the 20th century, it is the largest Marian Sanctuary in Ecuador, home to the Blessed Virgin of El Quinche, whose image was sculpted in wood by the sculptor Diego de Robles in the 16th century.

GENERAL INFORMATION El Quinche Parish. Monday to Friday: 06:00 to 20:00 Saturdays and Sundays: 05:00 to 20:00 Free

Priest Javier Piarpusรกn

593 2 2387 153 There are parking lots around the Church.


The Sanctuary is visited by nationals and foreigners every day of the year, having the largest flow of visitors on weekends. It has the National Museum of Religious Art, which operates on weekends and holidays.

EUCHARIST: Monday to Friday: 07:00, 15:00, 19:00 Saturday: 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00 Sunday: 05:00, 07:00 to 17:00 every hour, 19:00 last Eucharist.

SERVICES: Sacraments: weddings, baptisms, special celebrations.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Catholic people, tourists, lovers of culture, art, students, families and friends, multi-generational.


El El Sagrario Sagrario Church Church

PRODUCT: Following the Spanish tradition, the El Sagrario church was built bordering the Cathedral to worship the sacrament of communion.




The Jesuit Marcos Guerra was the one who directed the foundation work for the El Sagrario church. By 1657 the Franciscan architect Antonio Rodríguez collaborated in the construction work of the main chapel. In this temple the Brotherhood of the Most Holy was organized, which is why the first parish established in Quito began to be called with the name of El Sagrario.


Church open from 07:30 to 18:00

Free admission

593 2 228 4398

It does not have a parking lot, closest parking place CADISAN. You can take the trolleybus to the Plaza Chica stop.

The construction of the temple was started by Brother Antonio Rodríguez and the works lasted for a period of more than twenty-three years. Its stone frontispiece was built based on the classical order used in the European Renaissance, the vaults inside it were built in stones and bricks, as well as the pillars, walls, vaults and domes of the church, the entire surface of the cover is enamelled tile.


Saturdays: 07h00, 08h00. Sundays: 16h00, 17h00, 18h00, 19h00.


Daily masses, baptisms, weddings. church consecrated to the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. You can observe religious art with respect, as well as participate in the Eucharist.


Tourists interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art. Multi-generational.


El El Tejar Tejar Church Church


The name of this church and neighborhood is due to a tile oven inside which the clay was baked in colonial times.

GENERAL INFORMATION: El Tejar N5-153 and Mariscal Sucre Ave.

Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 09:00. Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sundays from 07:00 to 10:00.

DESCRIPTION: Hidden between the hills of San Juan and El Placer is the Mercedarian convent of Tejar, built in the mid-eighteenth century to replace a hermitage outside the old city. Fray Francisco de Jesús Bolaños, built it inspired by his maximum convent in Quito. Finishing off the perspective of the street that gives access to the convent, is the main facade.


Saturdays and Sundays 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

SERVICES: Free admission

593 2 215 0965. 593 9 98954141. It does not have a parking lot. You can park in El Tejar shopping center.

Eucharist. Sacraments of marriage and baptisms. Seasonally, the convent is opened to tourism through a cultural manager.

TARGET MARKET: Catholic public, tourists with an interest in culture, art, students, families and friends. Multi-generational.


Good Good shepherd´s shepherd´s church church of of retreat retreat

PRODUCT: This beautiful architectural complex corresponds to the beginning of the 17th century, the image of "The Good Shepherd", is represented in a stone sculpture brought from Latacunga, which can be seen in the central courtyard of the convent.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Benigno Vela 731 and Maldonado Ave, La Recoleta

DESCRIPTION: Church of the XIX century, it has beautiful works of French art; the construction obeys the classic scheme of all the Churches of the Good Shepherd; a Latin cross plant. The construction has a total length of 34 meters and adobe walls 1.70 meters wide. It is a very romantic site used for celebrating weddings, baptisms and wedding anniversary celebrations.

Open every day from 07:00 to 16:00


Eucharistic schedules according to availability.

Free admission

SERVICES: 593 2 228 0616.

It does not have a parking lot. You can park in La Ronda or take the trolleybus to La Recoleta stop.

Eucharist, sacraments, confessions, marriages, baptisms and special celebrations.

TARGET MARKET: Catholic public, tourists interested in culture, art, students, families and friends. Multi-generational.


La La Compañía Compañía Church Church


Most expression of Latin American baroque, its construction is consecrated to San Ignacio de Loyola.

GENERAL INFORMATION: García Moreno and Sucre Streets Monday to thursday from 09:30 to 18:30; Friday from 09:30 to 17:30. Saturdays from 09:30 to 16:15; Sundays from 12:30 to 16:15

$5: Foreign adults $2.50: Foreign students. $2.50: Local adults. $1.00: Local university students. $0.50: Local high school students. Diego Santander. ficj@fundacioniglesiadelacompania. 593 2 2581895.

It does not have a parking lot, closest parking place CADISAN; or take the trolleybus to the Plaza Chica stop.


It is not known who is the author of the plans of the church, however it can be assumed that it was Domingo Zampieri, author of the plans of Saint Ignatius of Rome, due to the similarity between the Quito and Roman churches, also due to friendship that the author maintained with the Jesuits. It could also be assumed that the possible authors were the Jesuit Horacio Grassi who directed the construction of San Ignacio de Roma or Brother Andrés Pozzi, who was the one who drew the altarpiece of San Ignacio del Gesú and also painted the fresco of San Ignacio located in the apse of the same church.


Saturdays: 07h00, 08h00, 17h00. Sundays: 08h00, 09h00, 10h30.


Guide service in the church, crypts and dome for the observation of architecture, painting, sculpture of the Quito School; access to domes and crypt; shop for souvenirs, books, magazines, accessories, and religious items.


Tourists with an interest in historical and religious themes, students, families and friends. Multi-generational.



La Merced Church


The Church was built in honor of the Virgin Mary protector of the city after the volcanic eruptions of Pichincha.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Cuenca & Chile Streets. Open from 08:00 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 17:30.


593 2 2280743

It does not have a parking lot, you can park in the CADISAN or take a trolleybus to the Plaza Chica stop

DESCRIPTION: It is a Baroque and Moorish monument, its door has a peculiar stone frame; the tower measures 47 meters and is one of the tallest in the Historic Center, it has an English black moon clock and seven bells that represent the musical scale. The center bell, called "Our Mother" by one Bishop of Quito, has a weight of 5670 kg and is cast in gold, silver, bronze and zinc and measures 2.07 meters.

EUCHARIST: Saturday: 07:00, 08:00, 17:00, 18:00 Sunday: from 06:00 to 12:00; 17:30 and 18:30


Sacraments: marriages, baptisms.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art.



San Agustín Church

PRODUCT: The construction of the church begins from 1606 by the Spanish architect Juan del Corral, it is one of the most colorful and cheerful churches in Quito.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Chile & Guayaquil Streets. Open Monday from 07:15 to 08:30 Tuesday to Friday from 07:15 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 Saturday from 07:30 to 12:00 Sunday from 07:30 to 13:00.


María José Galarza 593 2 2955525 It does not have a parking lot, you can park at CADISAN or take a trolebus to the Plaza Chica stop.

DESCRIPTION: The atrium carved all in stone brought from the Pichincha, is different from the other atriums of the Historical Center because it has 4 steps that descend towards the entrance door of the church. The façade corresponds to the late Renaissance stage called Mannerism, with overlapping orders, Doric classics at the bottom and Ionic at the top.

EUCHARIST: Eucharist is offered daily according to availability.

SERVICES: Sacraments: baptisms, weddings. Various events can be held in the courtyard of the convent. With the payment to the museum you can access the chapter house and exhibition rooms.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors with an interest in topics about religion, history, architecture, and art.



San Blas Church


The San Blas Church was the northern limit of the city, its surroundings have a romantic setting and religious.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Guayaquil & Francisco de Caldas Streets. Every day except Sunday.



The Church of San Blas is located in the square of the same name. This square was the northern limit of the city until the beginning of the 20th century. The church was founded in the 16th century for the use of indigenous people. Next to the church was an old Catholic cemetery also destined for the indigenous population. The building was restored in the 18th century, it is a modest building of which only the facade is preserved from its original constructions.

EUCHARISTS: 593 2 255-8912

Eucharist according to availability.

SERVICES: There is no parking, you can park in San Blas or take a Trolebus to Hermano Miguel stop.

Sacraments: marriage, baptisms. Blessing of hoops.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors with an interest in topics about religion, history, architecture, and art.



San Diego Church


Beautiful religious complex from the 16th century, it is the first recoleta in Ecuador and the second in Latin America. The sole architectural conception of the Convent of San Diego is already a heritage reference. However, inside the jewels are bigger.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Francisco Farfán & Chimborazo. Church hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 18:00 Saturday 07:00 and 16:00, Sunday 07:00, 11:00 and 18:00.


Like the Mudejar-style coffered ceiling that adorns the ceiling of the presbytery. The main pulpit of the church is also a treasure. Its ornamentation bears the stamp of 18th century baroque style and its design features a chalice next to a vine that rises between Solomonic columns.


Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 18:00 Saturdays at 07:00 and 16:00 Sundays at 07:00 , 11:00 and 18:00


SERVICES: 593 2 2954026

You can park in the parking lot located in the outer square of the church.

Sacraments: confessions, marriages, baptisms, special celebrations.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art.



San San Francisco Francisco Church Church


Imposing 16th century temple, icon of the Ecuadorian capital, it has one of the largest art collections of the Escuela Quiteña

GENERAL INFORMATION: Cuenca & Sucre Streets.

Open from Monday to Sunday from 07:00 to 19:00


Sofía Sánchez

593 2 228 1124 Here is no parking, you can park in CADISAN or take a Trolebus to Santo Domingo stop.


It was the first temple of the Franciscans in the Royal Audience of Quito. The church is presided over by a one hundred meter parapet whose central ascent has a sui generis staircase: thirteen concave and ten convex steps, joined by a perfect circular platform. Fray Agustín Moreno points out that Friar Pedro Gocial probably wanted to copy the steps of the Leuven town hall.

EUCHARIST: Every day: 17:00 and 18:00 Monday to Thursday from 07:00 to 11:00 Friday and Saturday from 07:00 to 12:00 Sunday from 07:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00


Sacraments: Confessions, marriages, baptisms, celebrations. Convent refectory suitable for social events


TARGET AUDIENCES: Catholic people, tourists, lovers of culture, art, students, families and friends, multigenerational.



San Marcos Church


Located in a small park that bears his name, it is located on Junín and Jijón street, it has the statue of the image of San José with the baby Jesus, which includes one of the religious-artistic inheritances of the parish of San Marcos.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Javier Gutiérrez y Junín Street, Plaza de San Marcos. Open Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 09:00 Saturdays: 16:00 to 17:00, Sundays: 07:00 to 10:00. Free

DESCRIPTION: In the Historic Center of Quito, the Church of San Marcos stands an architectural jewel and inside it religious images considered a true work of art stand out. The church was originally intended for the indigenous population. Archbishop Fray Luis López de Solís founded the parish of San Marcos at the beginning of the 17th century.

EUCHARIST: Eucharist according to availability.

Padre Tito Heredia 593 98 535 8069 There is no parking, you can park in La Ronda or take Trolebus to Santo Domingo stop.

SERVICES: Sacraments: marriages and baptisms.


Visitors with an interest in topics about religion, history, architecture, and art.



San Roque Church


The San Roque church was totally rebuilt in the 20th century. Inside there are iconic images such as the mural painting of the “Virgen de la Borradora” and the sculpture of San Roque.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Rocafuerte Street y Chimborazo. Open from Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 17:00



The parish of San Roque dates from 1596, it is located in the west of the historic center of Quito, the current church was built between 1907 and 1916, its style is eclectic. Inside is the painting of the Virgen de la Borradora, named after a miracle that took place in 1612, and you can also access the church steeple, for which a voluntary contribution to the Parish must be made

EUCHARISTS: Eucharist according to availability.

593 2 281 7830

SERVICES: Sacraments: weddings, baptisms, special celebrations

There is no parking, you can park in the Yaku parking lot, located on Rocafuerte street, or take the Tola San Roque corridor.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors with an interest in topics about religion, history, architecture, and art.



San Sebastian Sebastián Church

PRODUCT: Inside the new temple you can see the altarpiece, in which the original painting of The Lord of Justice is permanently exposed.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Loja Street & Antonio Borrero. Open only for daily Eucharist Monday to Saturday at 07:00 Sunday at 08:00, 11:00, 12:00 and 17:00. Free

593-2- 2280195 secretariaparroquias.sebastian

It has a parking lot with approximately 25 spaces, another option is to take a Trollebus to the Cumandá stop.


San Sebastián neighborhood was formed in the 16th century and extends longitudinally at the foot of the Panecillo, its first church constitutes the first indigenous temple of Quito dating from 1568. Inside the new temple you can see a large altarpiece of Baroque art from Quito from the 17th century in which the original painting of The Lord of Justice is permanently exposed, a 450-year-old painting that was hidden for about 100 years before being found and restored. One of the peculiarities of the images of the church are the indigenous features of the Saints.

EUCHARIST: Monday to Saturday at 07:00 Sunday at 08:00, 11:00, 12:00 and 17:00


Sacraments: marriages, baptisms. Observation of religious art in the church. Purchase of religious products.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art.



Santa Barbara Bárbara Church

PRODUCT: It has a design from the end of the 19th century, despite the fact that its foundations date from the beginning of the arrival of the Spanish, since it was rebuilt after being one of the victims of the called Tobacconist Revolution.

GENERAL INFORMATION: García Moreno Streets.



Open Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 09:00 Saturdays from 16:00 to 18:00 Sundays from 07:00 to 10:00


DESCRIPTION: The church of Santa Bárbara in the Historic Center of Quito was built by Don Juan Pablo Sanz in the 16th century. Here the Jesuits lived from August 1586 to January 1589. Its name is due to the devotion that the first colonizers had to this Saint, who was considered the patron saint of the struggles against the barbarians and infidels.

EUCHARIST: Saturday: 07:00 Sunday: 07:00 and 17:00

593 2 2558912

SERVICES: It does not have a parking lot, you can park in the CADISAN or take a Trolebus to the Plaza Chica stop.

Sacraments of marriage, baptisms.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art.



Santa Catalina Church

PRODUCT: El convento e iglesia fueron edificados sobre lo que una vez fue el templo de las vĂ­rgenes del sol.

GENERAL INFORMATION Espejo & Flores Streets.

Open at 07:00 for Eucharist.


593 2 2287213

It does not have a parking lot, you can park in the CADISAN or take a Trolebus to the Plaza Chica stop.


It is a recently restored church, it is the repository of numerous and valuable works of art from the Quito baroque. Currently, the convent opens its doors to the public with a four museum rooms, whith more than 100 pieces, including sculptures, canvases and fabrics from the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as the famous fertility bench (Quito tradition). The only contact that the nuns have with the people is a rotary lathe through which they sell homemade products such as wine, creams and syrups. You can visit the church choir through its museum whose visiting hours are from 09:00 to 17:00

EUCHARIST: Eucharist according to availability.


Sale of monastic products through the rotay lathe of the convent.


Visitors interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art.



Santa Clara Church


The church was founded in 1596 by Doña Francisca de la Cueva, the most famous architect of the time Fray Antonio Rodríguez was hired for its construction.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Cuenca & Rocafuerte Streets. Open at 07:00 from Monday to Friday for Eucharist.


593 2 228-6730

NIt does not have a parking lot, you can park in La Ronda or take a Trolebus to Santo Domingo stop.

DESCRIPTION: The Monastery boasts a great colonial building, of which the tower with a bell tower stands out. Inside the Church you can see the altarpiece of the 4 evangelists, the pulpit, some paintings and the statue of San Diego. The lateral naves have a ribbed vault and the square cloister is made up of arches that rest on octagonal pillars.

EUCHARIST: Every day at 07:00

SERVICES: The Poor Clares community has among its activities a bakery where they make their famous cookies and artisan bread, they make creams, embroidery and wines. All this is regularly distributed to the public through the lathe.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors interested in topics about religion, history, architecture and art.



Santa Teresita Church


Neo-Gothic church of the 20th century, located in the tourist and commercial area of the city, it remains open every day although there are no tours.

GENERAL INFORMATION Calles Robles E4-27 & 9 de Octubre. Open Monday to Sunday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 Free

593 2230502 / 593 2528184

It has no parking, you can park in the blue area around the church.


This Church is one of the most welcomed by the Catholic parishioners of the city, who visit it after leaving their jobs or before entering it, it is a beautiful temple in which the Virgin of El Carmen is venerated.

EUCHARISTS: • Monday to Friday: 07:30., 11:00 , 18:30 • Saturday: 07:30, 11:00, 18:00 • Sunday: 07:30, 09:30, 11:30, 12:30, 18:00

SERVICES: Sacraments: confessions, marriages, baptisms, special celebrations.


Catholic people, tourists who love culture, art; students, families and friends; multigenerational.



Santo Domingo Domingo Church Church Santo


The current church has a elegant neo-Gothic Renaissance style that can be seen on the main altar, as the main feature of the arrival of the Italian mission in the late 19th century.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Guayaquil Street S1-76.

Church open from: 07:00 to 12:50 17:00 to 18:30. Free

Vicente Ramos 593 2 255-8912 reservaciones_santodomingo@yahoo. com

NIt has no parking, you can park in the Ronda; or take a Trolebus to the Santo Domingo stop.


The facade of the Santo Domingo church is very simple. Two bodies stand out, the low one that corresponds to the main entrance and the high one, to the choir window. The church is of a rectangular cruciform type, with side chapels: three highs and two lows on each side, adorned with ribbed wooden pilasters that support an entablature, on whose cornice four immense semicircular oculi stand out on each side for, in conjunction with the window of the old choir, lighting the nave and the chapels.

EUCHARISTS: Saturday: from 06:00 to 10:00 Sunday from 06:00 to 12:00, 17:00 and 18:00


Sacraments: weddings, baptisms and special celebrations. Convent refectory suitable for social events. With the payment to the museum you can access the domes, chapels and exhibition rooms.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors with an interest in topics about religion, history, architecture, and art.



The Cathedral Cathedral The


The Quito Cathedral is the principal church for the Catholic religion of all Ecuadorians.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Plaza Grande Square, Venezuela y Espejo, corner. lMonday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $ 2.00 national, $ 1.00 children, students and seniors; $ 4.00 foreigners. Tour of domes: $ 4.00 national and $ 6.00 foreign. Last admission: 4:45 p.m.

Magaly Vásquez 593 2 2570371

It does not have a parking lot, you can park in the CADISAN or take a trolleybus to the Plaza Chica stop.


After the Spanish foundation of Quito in 1534, the following year a country church was built, with a thatched roof and adobe walls. Construction of a cathedral began in the main square of the colonial city, it was completed in 1565. Inside the church you can see the art of the Escuela Quiteña, a style of religious art mixing Spanish and European techniques. In the church are the tombs of Marshal Antonio José de Sucre, a room with the clothing of the Bishops, Cardinals and memorials such as that of former President Gabriel García Moreno.


Saturday: 06:45, 07:30, 08:30 Sunday: 07:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:00, 18:00

SERVICES: Observation of works of art from the Escuela Quiteña. Guided or self-guided tours. Tour of the domes.


Tourists with an interest in historical and religious themes; students; families and friends; multigenerational.

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