Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir
Vol. XXX No. 2 Summer 2016
Always More . . .
We share an excerpt from a heartwarming welcome to incoming Villa Joseph Marie students from Student Council President Grace Flynn VJM '16 in which she introduces Mother Maria's inspiring directive, "Always more, Always better, Always with love." In her message, Grace challenges us all to do "more" than just live with these words, trumpeting the theme of this Journeys issue — Love in Action “If you haven’t heard this saying already, trust me, it will soon become deeply rooted in your daily routine here at Villa Joseph Marie. Our foundress, Mother Maria Kaupas, once said, “Always more, Always better, Always with love,” and by these seven small words she lived. Though Mother Maria founded VJM in 1932, these words have withstood the test of time — Always More … Always Better … Always with Love.
A lways Better
Soon you will understand that the “Always Better” aspect of Mother Maria’s mission is best exemplified by the academic excellence VJM has to offer. Our dedicated faculty will push you to your potential, yet nurture you every step of the way. They will quickly earn your trust and admiration. . . .
A lways with Love
Our campus ministry and strong commitment to service attest to Mother Maria’s dedication to “Always with Love.” Never have I felt more purposeful than when I served food to the people of Kensington, worked alongside our Sisters in Chicago, or embraced a childhood cancer survivor at our Mini-THON. I am fortunate to have felt this love, and it won’t be long before you feel it, too.
A lways More
And what about the “Always More” piece of Mother Maria’s mission? This is the piece that will be most challenging because it is completely up to you. Don’t be afraid to want more, do more, and become more while you are a VJM student. If you approach VJM with an “Always More” attitude, you will expose yourself to the separate, unique parts that collectively define our school. Those students I have found to be truly happiest and most appreciative of their VJM education have been the ones who have always done more. . . .
Grace Flynn (right) and classmates Ani Javardian (left) and Michaela Drobac (center) visit Sister Mary Balkus during the 2016 VJM Service Week in Chicago.
Did I attend every meeting? No. Did I ace every test? Of course not. But, in seeing more, in learning more, and in doing more – I have developed a sense of purpose and of belonging to this school. My involvement in VJM has made me a lifelong learner, committed to a life of faith and service, and an empowered global citizen. And in observing my fellow Jems – whether between classes at our lockers or studying before school in the library – I continue to be amazed by their commitment to do more. You don’t have to decide what “more” means to you right now. In fact, it may change throughout your VJM journey, but over the summer, think about how you’ll begin your “more.” When you start in September, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to put your plan in action. I guarantee that the return on your investment will far exceed your expectations. . . . Welcome to the sisterhood.” – Grace Flynn, VJM 2016
A Message from Sister Regina Dear friends of the Sisters of St. Casimir, What a wonderful theme for this issue of Journeys, “Love in Action.” As the world around us is so often filled with violence and a discourse of division and disrespect, we must never forget that there are also the accounts of those who reach out to help others, the first responders, the Good Samaritans who see a stranger in need and run to help, and all who do simple acts of kindness and mercy day after day. This is “ love in action” in our families, our communities, and in our world. Recently several Sisters and I took part in a meeting of the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) of which our community is a member. SWOP is comprised of over thirty faith based organizations reflective of the diversity of our neighborhood. What a wonderful experience to have so many of us working together on the issues that deeply affect our neighborhood community, issues such as housing, education, anti-violence, economic development, jobs, immigration, and health. It brings a deep sense of joy to me, and I am sure to all who took part in that meeting, to see that we can come together, people of different racial, ethnic, and faith backgrounds, enlarging the circle of trust, finding common ground,
Loving You — from Ramygala
Letters to Mother Maria from residents of Ramygala, Lithuania, are placed atop her sarcophagas in the St. Casimir Center chapel. 2
The parishioners of St. John the Baptist Church in Ramygala, Lithuania, have a special devotion to Mother Maria Kaupas who was born in their small town. In remembrance of the 76th anniversary of S ist er s
and working together to make a difference in our neighborhood. This is “ love in action.” As I look through this issue of Journeys, I am happy to see “ love in action” in so many ways — as we touch the lives of young people who take Mother Maria’s words to heart and live them, as we celebrate our Sisters who have touched so many lives by their ministry and by their compassion and kindness, as we care for one another through the good works that we do that are often unnoticed but are so meaningful in the life of the person who receives them. This is “ love in action.” Sometimes we may discount the good that we do saying, “It’s nothing,” but as Mother Teresa said so beautifully, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” We believe that those small actions of love do make a difference in the lives of those with whom we come in contact and in our world. Love is not just a word; it always has to be more than that. It has to be “ love in action!” And each of us can do just that every day as we do “small things with great love.”
Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior Sisters of St. Casimir
her death, a memorial ceremony took place on April 15th at the church. In recounting the commemoration the church bulletin declared, “Letters, written with love, always await a response.” So it was that letters to their native daughter, written by the people of Ramygala, were read aloud to those gathered. The bulletin article went on, “Let us remember each other in prayer, and speak to each other, looking in each other’s eyes, or, if those eyes which want to see are somehow far away, and even if they are covered over by the mist of eternity, still let us talk to each other … let us talk to each other by means of letters.” Some of these letters were then mailed to the Sisters of St. Casimir in Chicago, to be placed on the sarcophagus of Mother Maria. After these many years, Mother Maria is still remembered and continues to touch hearts and lives across oceans and continents.
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Celebrating Milestones with Love Sister Delphine Celebrates 100 Years of Blessings
Sister Delphine Grigas celebrated her 100th birthday with friends, family, and Sisters, who gathered at Franciscan Village, Lemont, IL, in June to mark the occasion. Guests enjoyed a sumptious Lithuanian buffet, beautiful harp music, and delicious birthday cake. Lively conversation filled the air as all were honored to be a part of Sister Delphine's life and her special day. The event was hosted by the Klein family, long-time friends of Sister Delphine.
Sister Delphine Grigas is surrounded by her family, including her great-great-nephews, at her 100th birthday celebration. All of her family traveled to Chicago from various east coast locations to be with her.
Sister Clement Recognized by SCA/MHS Alumnae Sister Clement Mazgelis was recognized by the SCA/ MHS Alumnae Association for all the years she has given to the Alumnae Association as its Moderator and for her many years of teaching at Maria High School. The honor was bestowed at
the alumnae reunion held in April at the Palos Country Club, Orland Park, IL, where she was celebrating her 75th anniversary of graduation from St. Casimir Academy – Class of 1941. On the 75th anniversary of her high school graduation, Sister Clement Mazgelis is congratulated by outgoing Alumnae Association President Anna Belle O'Shea
Sister Virginia Honored at St. Clement School In anticipation of her Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession to be celebrated in August, Sister Virginia Gapsis was honored by students, families, teachers, and staff of St. Clement School, Chicago, IL, where she has served for 14 years — first as Assistant Principal and currently as Compliance Coordinator. w w w. ssc 2601. com
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During a Sunday morning Mass in June, Sister Virginia was invited to renew her vows in the presence of the St. Clement parish community. A reception in the school was held after Mass. Pictures of Sister Virginia over the past fifty years were displayed, the choir sang, students entertained, and all applauded Sister VirginThe students of St. Clement School were among the wellia and the love with which wishers at a reception honoring she ministers. Sister Virginia Gapsis.
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Nurturing a Positive Environment — Maria Kaupas Center (Chicago) It’s highly unlikely that Mother Maria ever thought at the Center and then enjoyed a communal lunch. Afthat a pumpkin patch would be a manifestation of her terwards, everyone held hands and shared in a prayer of inspirational mantra “Althanksgiving and hope. ways more; always better; Sisters Margaret Zaalways with love.” And yet, lot and Elizabeth Ann Yothanks to the selfless efforts cius joined the group and of a group of volunteers, the thanked them for sharing legacy of the Sisters of St. in Mother Maria’s mission Casimir to the children who of service to the community. come to the Maria Kaupas The Leeco group had severCenter (MKC – Chicago) al Maria High School connow includes the awesome nections. It was organized experience of watching small by Kevin Comiskey, husseeds morph into huge vines band of former MHS counadorned with massive leaves selor Carly Comiskey, and and orange flowers that creep included Donna Gencius, across the prepared ground. Pumpkin seedlings were planted with love by Maria Kaupas Center a Maria alumna (Class of staff, children, and volunteers. The MKC is anticipating a 1995) and Art Sosa, brother bountiful crop of pumpkins of two MHS grads. in time for its fall community dinner in October. The creation of the pumpkin patch is another page Mother Maria’s ever-widening sphere of influin the book Mother Maria began to write all those years ence now extends to a group of Leeco Steel employees, ago. It’s a testimonial to her eternal message of love and friends, and family members who generously volungiving back. Putting love into action is a message that teered to assist MKC staff and children on a hot and is now being shared with a new generation through the humid Saturday in June. Working together, they crework of the Maria Kaupas Center. ated the patch and tackled other landscaping projects
Leeco Steel employees, friends, and family members helped the Maria Kaupas Center prepare a real pumpkin patch on the grounds that the Center shares with Catalyst Maria School. 4
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Love is Planted at Villa Joseph Marie
Bring Flowers . . . May Crowning
Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius joined the SSC leadership team for a spring visit to Villa Joseph Marie High School. In between meetings, Sister Elizabeth Ann and Sister Theresa Dabulis visited some classes and interacted with the young women. Sisters Regina Dubickas, Immacula Wendt, and Margaret Zalot also had the opportunity to informally sit with the students and chat over a cafeteria lunch. All the Sisters joined the Environmental Science students for a tree planting on the campus grounds.
Sisters Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Immacula Wendt, Margaret Zalot, and Regina Dubickas join Tom Kardish, President, Lauren Carr, Principal, Nicholas Zlupko, science teacher, and VJM Environmental Science students after planting a tree on the school grounds.
On May 16th, Sisters Theresa, Immacula, and Margaret participated in a special welcoming prayer service for the incoming Villa freshman students and their parents. The new freshmen were introduced to their “Big sisters” and received their class schedules for the 2016-2017 school year. There were wonderful testimonies by current students and a parent of one of the students. Sisters Immacula, Theresa, and Margaret shared their love for the Villa and the beautiful mission they see lived out there. Outgoing Student Council President, Grace Flynn, shared a beautiful reflection, describing the “Love in Action” she has experienced in her four years at VJM. (See the front cover for an excerpt of her welcoming address.) It is heartwarming to know that Mother Maria’s legacy of love in action is alive at Villa Joseph Marie.
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The Signorelli family participated in the annual May Crowning in the St. Casimir Chapel after the May Mass for the Beatification of Mother Maria. Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius greeted them in front of Mary's statue after the crowning. Sister Elizabeth Ann is shown, above, holding the youngest Signorelli, Johnny. With their parents, Noreen and Tony, are Gemma, Kate, Frank, and Marty. Older sisters, Clare, Helen, and Sophie, were not able to be present this year. Masses with the intention of the beatification of Venerable Mother Maria Kaupas continue to be held each month in the St. Casimir Center chapel. All are welcome! For information, visit, or call (773) 776-1324.
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Marty Signorelli holds a crown of flowers on a small pillow, while waiting for his sister, Gemma, to place it on the statue of the Blessed Virgin. 5
St. Clement Service Day
Vocation Week in Argentina
On Saturday, April 23, 2016, Sister Rita Marie Kerdock and Sister Virginia Gapsis joined 446 parishioners of St. Clement Parish in their 11th Annual Parish Service Day. Twenty-seven sites across Chicago were serviced by St. Clement Parish. Sisters Rita and Virginia joined the team that went to Franciscan Outreach on the west side of the city. This facility, the second largest homeless shelter in Chicago, provides overnight shelter, a soup kitchen, and case management services for 220 men and 45 women daily. The love that is showered upon the homeless guests is outwardly evident. Each day, the guests have breakfast, their beds are stripped, and sheets are washed. While at Franciscan Outreach, Sister Rita and Sister Virginia helped to sort and categorize men and women’s clothing. They came away with admiration and respect for both the volunteers and the guests of the facility. Sister Virginia commented, "It was a moving experience to help that day, and to learn how each guest is treated with such dignity." As teams of adults and teenage parishioners went to their particular sites, children in grades K–5 took part in age-appropriate service projects at the school which benefitted seven organizations, including the Ronald McDonald House and Lurie Children’s Hospital. In addition to these sites, a clothing drive supported seven area agencies, including Casa Catalina and the Refugee Resettlement Program through Catholic Charities, both very much in need this year due to the state’s budget impasse. After helping at the different sites, the teams returned to St. Clement for the 5:00 p.m. Mass and a pizza dinner. Sister Rita Marie exclaimed, "What a great day we had in serving others during this Sister Rita Marie Kerdock and Sister Year of Mercy."
(From left) Sisters Nilda Varanauskas, Asuncion Costantini, and Joyce Ann Dopkin meet with students from Our Lady of Mercy School in Avellaneda, Argentina, during Vocation Week, which was held June 13 – 17, 2016.
The Sisters of St. Casimir living in Avellaneda, Argentina, were invited to participate in a Vocation Week at Our Lady of Mercy School. The idea was to put the young people in contact with persons of a variety of vocations who would share with them personal stories of how they decided upon their life choice. Besides telling their own personal stories, the Sisters shared a power point that described religious life and the mission of the Sisters of St. Casimir. The students were very interested in this presentation, and had many questions for the Sisters. Avelleneda is a port city located just outside of Buenos Aires. The Sisters of St. Casimir have ministered there since 1941 when they established Mother of Mercy School in collaboration with the Marian Fathers, staffing the school as teachers, catechists and administrators. Originally a primary grade school, Mother of Mercy now includes a high school. The school is now run by the Marian Fathers with a team of laity, but the Sisters of St. Casimir continue a warm and friendly relationship with their parish school. Many of the teachers are SSC Associates.
Virginia Gapsis (center) joined hundreds of St. Clement parishioners for a day of service in April.
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Revitalizing a Coal Country Community — Mother Maria Kaupas Center Leading the Way The Mother Maria Kaupas Center (MMKC) of Mount Carmel, PA, celebrated its one-year anniversary in April. Its first year has been packed with opportunities that included connecting with the Catholic campus ministers of local colleges and universities, sponsoring a service program for college students, offering numerous opportunities for service hours and volunteerism, creating ties with civic community partners, and housing the Bucknell University Field Station for educational research and community engagement in the Coal Region of Pennsylvania. Several Bucknell students performed internships this summer in the Mount Carmel and Shamokin areas in projects aimed at strengthening assets and revitalizing the community. Bucknell is located in Lewisburg, PA, about 35 miles from Mount Carmel. The Mother Maria Kaupas Center’s unique partnership with Bucknell University in promoting community revitalization was among the initiatives highlighted in late May at the 2016 Community Engagement Faculty
Institute held at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana. Notre Dame’s Center for Social Concerns, which sponsored the institute, was interested in learning how a spiritual organization and a prestigious private university are able to work together to advance the goals of community partners. Very Rev. Martin Moran, pastor of Divine Redeemer Parish where the Mother Maria Kaupas Center is located, and Jake Betz, MMKC Director, joined faculty members from Bucknell University in a presentation which focused on: The community view of the partnership and why it is valued; what the MMK Center is, its inspiration, inception, and vision; Bucknell’s history of community learning and the transformative power of student research; and, what has been happening at the Bucknell Field Station as well as its future plans. Sisters Margaret Petcavage, Theresa Dabulis and Elizabeth Ann Yocius, and Ms. Mindy Rueden, the executive director of the Maria Kaupas Center in Chicago, visited Notre Dame for the presentation.
Mother Maria Kaupas Center presenters were joined by friends from Chicago at the 2016 Community Engagement Faculty Institute held at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana. Shown seated are Sisters Theresa Dabulis and Margaret Petcavage. Standing from left: Jake Betz, MMKC Director; Mindy Rueden, Executive Director of the Maria Kaupas Center in Chicago; Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius; Very Rev. Martin Moran, Very Rev. Martin Moran, pastor of Divine Redeemer Parish where the Mother Maria Kaupas Center is located; Carl Milofsky, professor of sociology at Bucknell University; and Shaunna Barnhart, Director of the Place Studies Program in Bucknell’s Center for Sustainability and the Environment. w w w. ssc 2601. com
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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629
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JOURNEYS is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Paula Staisiunas Schultz Communications Project Manager Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-776-1324
To keep abreast of occasional news in-between Journeys issues, send your email address to:
Love in Action . . . On Mother's Day, May 8, 2016, friends of Sister Regina Dubickas gathered as team "Rally for Regina ... Love in Action" and joined over 14,000 participants in the Beverly Breast Cancer Walk, which is held annually in Chicago's Beverly neighborhood. Many others supported the team with donations to the cause.
August 6, 2016
Mother Maria Mass, 9:30 a.m.
August 13, 2016
Jubilee Celebration (by invitation) for Sisters Rosalinda Grigonis, Delphine Grigas, Immacula Wendt, Virginia Gapsis, and Estela Marina Risso
August 15, 2016
Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
August 27, 2016
Founders’ Day Mass, 9:30 a.m. Celebration following the Mass
No Mother M aria M ass in September
October 1, 2016
Mother Maria Mass, 9:30 a.m.
October 2, 2016
96th SSC Auxiliary Banquet Mama Luigi's Restaurant 7500 S. Harlem, Bridgeview, IL
November 5, 2016
Mother Maria/All Souls' Mass, 9:30 a.m. Reading of names begins at 8:45 a.m.