Ssc journeys fall 2014

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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir

Vol. XXVIII No. 3 Fall 2014

Celebrating Joyful Jubilees



n Sunday, August 10, 2014, the refrain from "Come, Thou Chosen" resounded throughout the Motherhouse chapel as the three Sisters of St. Casimir who were celebrating their jubilees – Sister Margaret Petcavage (60th anniversary), Sister Teresita Miksas (75th anniversary), and Sister Paulissa Puisis (80th anniversary) – processed up the center aisle: “Give thy heart, thine all. Answer thou My call. In this moment sweet sublime. Daughter, you are truly mine.” Each of these sisters had answered God’s call and had faithfully lived it for 60, 75, and 80 years – a lifetime of love and service to God and God’s people as Sisters of St. Casimir.

Standing at right, Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior congratulates the 2014 SSC jubilarians. Seated from left: Sister M. Paulissa Puisis (80 years) and Sister Teresita Miksas (75 years); Standing at left: Sister Margaret Petcavage (60 years).

So many lives touched! It was truly a day to celebrate. It was a day to remember once again how blessed these women were! The chapel was filled with family and friends who had come to this joyous occasion to thank these women who were so much a part of their lives, who had in some way or other blessed them! Rev. Bernard Danber, OSA, Rev. Thomas Kasputis, Rev. Peter Paurazas, Rev. Leonard Pet-

cavage, OSB, Rev. Edward Stockus, and Rev. Robert Tuzik concelebrated the Jubilee Mass with Archbishop Jerome Listecki, the main celebrant. Music for the liturgy was provided by Paul French and included the beautiful voices of the Women of the William Ferris Chorale; Alan Hommerding, organ; Anna Belle O’Shea, flute; and Bruce Daugherty, trumpet. All present were blessed with this magnificent ensemble of gifts and

talents within a beautiful Eucharistic liturgy. The celebration continued the next Sunday with a special community celebration–morning liturgy with Rev. Chris Steinle, OSA, followed by a wonderful Jubilee banquet. Many of the sisters who are residing at Franciscan Village in Lemont were able to board the Village Van to travel to the Motherhouse and spend the day with the larger community for this celebration. How blessed we are to have each other! As the Jubilarians expressed in their liturgy booklet, “With Joy and Gratitude, we give thanks to God for the gift of our religious vocation…May the God of Joy richly bless you and your loved ones.” Jubilees are truly days of joy and days of gratitude and days of blessing!

A Message from the SSC Leadership Sr. Theresa Dabulis Sr. Regina Dubickas, General Superior, Sr. Immacula Wendt Sr. Margaret Zalot

Dear friends,

Thanksgiving Day is upon us and as we write this letter to you, our hearts are filled with gratitude to God for an answer to our prayers regarding the future of our Motherhouse property. As you know, after many years of prayerful discernment, we made the decision to transfer our Motherhouse to another entity. From the very beginning our hope was that it would remain a Catholic institution, that our legacy of service would continue, and that our beautiful chapel would remain a sacred space. We are happy to announce to you that Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago will be assuming ownership and management of our Motherhouse. Beginning in the new year 2015, they will move some staff and some programs into the building. Many from Catholic Charities have toured the Motherhouse during the past weeks and are so excited about the possibilities they see for its use, very respectful of us, and in awe of our sacred space and Mother Maria’s legacy. At the same time, we are impressed by the people we have met from Catholic Charities, their sense of mission and their deep commitment to those in need. Although we have always known about Catholic Charities, seeing and hearing about the good they do for others in so many different ways has been an inspiration to us and has added to our gratitude to God for bringing us together. An added blessing for our community is that we will be able to keep our archives and our administrative offices in the Motherhouse, as well as remaining here for as long as it takes us to move to other locations. The staff at Franciscan Village in Lemont IL has been very accommodating to our needs and very welcoming to our Sisters who have already moved there for assisted living and for special care at Mother Theresa Home. There are many changes in our lives. Some are very easily embraced and some take more time to accept.


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Some changes come into our lives totally unexpected and some we initiate because of the changing circumstances of our lives. All of them imply a letting go and a leaving behind, and all of them, if we open our hearts, will lead to new life and blessings, new opportunities, new people, and new ways to be for others. Pope Francis has proclaimed 2015 the Year of Consecrated Life. It begins on the first Sunday of Advent and has as its purpose “to make grateful remembrance of the recent past while embracing the future with hope.” Throughout all the changes in our community during the past year, we have felt that we are not making this journey alone. We have God’s promise to be with us always. We have the gifts and graces given to our Mother Maria Kaupas that continue to flow into our lives. We have the love and support of our IHM Sisters in Scranton PA, our Sisters in many other religious communities, our associates, our Augustinian priests and brothers, our employees at the Motherhouse, our friends at our Villa Joseph Marie High School, Maria Kaupas Center and Catalyst Maria School, the Lithuanian community, Fr. Jaunius and parishioners of Nativity BVM parish, Holy Cross Hospital and Sinai Health System, the alumnae from St. Casimir Academy/Maria High School, and our families and friends. All of them and so many others have been a source of encouragement, prayer, and support. Our consecrated life as Sisters of St. Casmir continues in a way we never imagined it. During this year we invite you, our dear friends, to join with us in thanking God for the gift of this vocation within the church. We hope that you have come to know from us, in some small way, the joy of answering the call to consecrated life and living it in all the circumstances of our lives. May God bless you with joy and peace as you, too, live out your vocation faithfully.

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SSC Motherhouse to be transferred to Catholic Charities The following press release appears on the websites of the Sisters of St. Casimir and Catholic Charities of Chicago. The Sisters of St. Casimir Motherhouse, an institution for more than 100 years in the Chicago Lawn neighborhood, will soon be transferred to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Motherhouse and surrounding property at 2601 W. Marquette Road will become home to several Catholic Charities programs and hundreds of staff. In addition, the administrative offices of the Sisters of St. Casimir will continue to operate out of the Motherhouse. Catholic Charities is committed to maintaining the integrity and Catholic history of the property. It anticipates having staff and services operating out of the property in 2015. “The Sisters have had a deep and rich history in this community. Right now we serve more than 15,000 people in the surrounding neighborhoods. The sheer size of the Motherhouse campus will allow us to move a number of services to the property and help even more people across Cook and Lake counties,” said Monsignor Michael M. Boland, President of Catholic Charities. “Since 1917 Catholic Charities has gone to where the need is greatest. We are thankful to work closely with the Sisters to ensure that those most in need will receive assistance and support on their paths to self-sufficiency while continuing the great tradition and history the Sisters have had in the community for more than 100 years,” Boland continued. Sister Regina Dubickas, General Superior of the Sisters of St. Casimir, commented, “For more than 100 years our congregation has ministered to the needs of this area and the broader community. To have Catholic Charities continue and strengthen our legacy of service is an answer to our prayers. It speaks of a bright and hope-filled future for all of us.”

A statue of St. Casimir graces the SSC Motherhouse grounds. w w w. ssc 2601. com

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Construction of the original SSC Motherhouse building began in 1909 and was completed in 1911.

The property dates back to 1911, when Mother Maria Kaupas, foundress of the Sisters of St. Casimir, moved the religious order from Scranton, Pennsylvania to Chicago, Illinois. At one time the Congregation numbered almost 500 Sisters; today they number 66 Sisters. Through an extensive strategic planning process, the Sisters determined that a property the size of the Motherhouse was no longer needed to carry out their mission of service. The Motherhouse also is home to a 300 seat chapel, which was added in 1925. The chapel will remain, with Catholic Charities planning on using it for religious services for staff and for the community. The Sisters of St. Casimir will also continue to use the chapel for their special celebrations. The remains of Mother Maria Kaupas will stay at the site. The Vatican has declared Mother Maria “Venerable” and her cause for beatification continues. About Catholic Charities Helping people in need for more than 97 years, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago is one of the largest private, not-for-profit social service agencies in the Midwest, annually assisting more than one million people in Cook and Lake counties without regard to religious, ethnic or economic background. Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of charity by providing compassionate, competent, professional services that strengthen and support individuals, families and communities. About the Sisters of St. Casimir Throughout their 107 year history, the Sisters of Saint Casimir have ministered across the United States and in Argentina in educational, health care, and pastoral ministries. Responding to the needs of our time, wherever they are, they continue to live the mission of Jesus in ways that reflect the spirit and faith-filled vision of their foundress, Venerable Maria Kaupas.

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Jubilarian Reflections Sister Margaret Petcavage 60 Years

As we go through life, quite often we are not truly conscious of time slipping by, but there comes a moment when we stop and reflect upon the past. A jubilee celebration is just such a reflective time. This celebration spoke of joy and thanksgiving to me, reminding me that the way of faith in God is lived out in laughter, in tears and most especially in gratitude. I have come to realize that gratitude to God and to those whom we love and live and work with, is the chain that binds us to each other and most especially to our loving Father. Meister Eckhart once wrote that, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you” that would suffice.” Throughout these past 60 years my life has truly been blessed with a variety of experiences, all for which I can only say “thank you, God.” My years of ministry brought me in touch with many students, parents and professionals, many of whom have become close and valued friends. The past few decades in my life were especially meaningful and blessed because of my work on the Canonization Cause of our foundress, Mother Maria Kaupas. It still is an awesome and humbling thought to know that I grew up and prayed in the very parish, St. Joseph in Scranton, PA, where Mother Maria had prayed as a young woman and where her spiritual life was nourished. Over the years this has had a profound influence upon me especially when I was asked to work on her Cause. I felt not only honored but overwhelmed, and soon began to trust more and more in the Spirit leading, not only me, but every one of us along the way to achieving this goal, namely future Sainthood for Mother Maria. We all know she is a Saint because of her heroic virtuous life, but now we wait to have the Church publicly proclaim this title, an honor she truly deserves. Reflecting more on this Jubilee celebration, I have come to realize how deeply loved I am and we all are – by our loving God, a love none of us truly deserves. It became so evident that it was His calling in my young heart that brought me to a life of happiness and a life of giving and being there for others – namely, for my religious Community, students, family and friends. For this gift of a religious vocation, my heart overflows with gratitude. 4

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Quite often when I see our youth, happy for a time, but continuously searching for the ultimate happiness, how I pray that they would faithfully turn to the God who loves them; then they would find the true happiness they seek. There is a dire need for religious vocations especially so that our work as Sisters of St. Casimir and all religious communities could continue in various ways. We have been a gift to the Church and society through our varied ministries in education, nursing, and pastoral care, — always giving, relating to one another in a way that is supportive and lifting up the spirit, because that is where God is. Today, thankfully, our additional gift to the Church and the world is that our religious communities have become powerhouses of prayer for a world hungering for peace. Life is like a train ride. At times we get off and visit around the area. Then we get back on again and travel to a new place finding the gift of different faces, new adventures, dreams fulfilled, or moments of tears and also moments of laughter. And during that entire train ride, Jesus, our “dearest Friend,” to quote Mother Maria, rides with us, revealing all that life has awakened and strengthened within us. As I continue my train ride, my favorite quote from Paul (Ephesians 3:11) rides with me, “Glory be to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine; glory be to God from generation to generation in the Church and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever. ”

Sister M. Paulissa Puisis 80 Years God has given me many countless blessings throughout my 80 years as a Sisters of St. Casimir. I have deep gratitude to God for allowing me to share my life with the Sisters, my family members, relatives and so many friends I met throughout my life. God has given to each of us the gift of life and it is a gift we can share through our prayers and sacrifices. My goal was always to enjoy life to the fullest and to bring God with me to everyone I meet. So I would advise others to never pass up an opportunity to be with family and friends and show them kindness so they can pass that kindness on to others. Also, make music a part of your life. Music is praying to God in a special way.

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Jubilarian Reflections Sister Teresita Miksas 75 Years

By the time the Diamond Jubilee of my religious profession arrived, all was ready – including special accommodations for me at the Motherhouse – since I had moved to Mother Theresa Home in Lemont the month before. I did not have to worry about a thing! I had time to pray and reflect on the meaning of this jubilee for me. First of all, I’ve been very blessed throughout these 75 years as a Sister of St. Casimir, especially during the years I was a part of Congregational leadership. During those years I was able to work with sisters who were involved in all kinds of ministry throughout the United

States. I was able to support them and show my concern for them. And this was a very blessed experience for me. And today, living at Mother Theresa Home, I experience other blessings: the care and concern I have received during illness, the personal response to me in helping me to get well. I entered the Congregation at a very young age (I was 16 years old when I left home) and am grateful for all the graces received throughout the years. I am especially grateful for being able to live close to my sister, Sister Margaret Miksas, and to help provide loving care for my mother during her later years. Our Congregation continues to be a gift to the Church and the world through our hospitality to others, our diverse ministries, our care for those who are poor and who are aging. I would advise a young person searching for direction in his/her life: Be certain and pray for direction. And take to heart these words which have always meant so much to me: “Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.”

Avellaneda, Argentina Feast of the Assumption

Sisters Asuncion Costantini (left) and Nilda Varanauskas participate in the feast of the Assumption festivities in Avellaneda, Argentina.


he feast of the Assumption is the Patronal Feast of the Diocese of Avellaneda. Each year the Sisters of St. Casimir join in the procession which winds through the streets, ending in the city square with a Mass in honor of Our Lady. It is a joyous occasion and an opportunity to meet with people of the diocese with whom the Sisters have worked in the past and perhaps have not seen during the year. What looks like white smokestacks in the picture above are actually the Cathedral where the prayers of this industrial city are lifted up to God. w w w. ssc 2601. com

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– Sr. Joyce Dopkin, SSC


Week of Spirituality

ontinuing the Parish Mission, associates, sisters, and volunteers visited homes in the neighborhood, inviting all to take advantage of the Week of Spirituality in the Parish. This was a sort of mini-retreat; two hours a day from Monday to Friday in which participants were guided in reflection by three missionaries from outside the parish. During the first day’s talks, Father Mariano told of a young man who got a job chopping down trees in the woods. The first day was wonderful. He chopped down so many trees. The second day he cut down quite a bit fewer trees. The third day he was very disappointed with the progress he had made. He approached one of the older more experienced woodcutters and confided to him his problem. “I put in just as much energy and enthusiasm as the first day and am not getting results.” The older woodcutter looked at him and said, “Young man, when was the last time you took time to sharpen your axe?” How often when things are not going as well as we would like, the solution is just that simple as setting aside time for your spiritual needs.

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SSC Associates Renew Commitment


From left: SSC Associates Toni Courson, Eileen Shirt, Nancy Sans, and Linda Penkas, renew their commitment in the Motherhouse chapel, as Sister Regina Dubickas prepares her reflection on sharing the gift of life.

ssociates, Sisters and friends gathered in the Motherhouse chapel on September 27, 2014 to pray, affirm, and celebrate as they renewed their commitment with the Sisters of St. Casimir for another year. The readings focused on what God requires of us as written in Micah 6:8 – “to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God.” Selections from the Positio of Maria Kaupas were read testifying how Mother Maria lived these virtues in her daily life. In her reflection, Sister Regina Dubickas reminded us that “God has given each of us the gift of life and it is a gift to be shared.”

Sisters Regina Marie and Marilyn Karpovich presented each Associate with a special holy card with a photograph taken of the Sacred Heart statue over the main altar in our chapel, a photo of the Associate and the words: “You are my beloved child.” Associates Helen Rodriguez and Jeanmaire Pempek were unable to come to Chicago for this occasion. Helena renewed her commitment in Hobbs, NM, while Jeanmaire made her initial commitment in Sweeny, TX.

Helena Rodriguez

Jeanmaire Pempek Left to right: seated: Joan Mullen, Sister Regina Dubickas, Sister Marilyn Karpovich, Antoinette Paciora, Toni Courson; standing: Nancy Sans, Linda Penkas, Nijole Stakauskas, Eileen Shirt, Judy Hoffman, Lynda Michalski, Mary Ann Dusza, Ginger Madden, Paul Binkis, Susan Binkis, and Mary Anna Gercius


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And Adopt A Sister . . . or Two


t their monthly gathering in September, the Associates undertook a new initiative. Each Associate adopted one or more SSCs residing at Our Lady of Victory Convent, Mother Theresa Home and Franciscan Village in Lemont, IL. The kickoff for this undertaking, called “Harvest Blessings,” took place on October 18, 2014. The Associ-

Sister Maureen (with Joanie Mullen) wrote: “I am very grateful for your presence with us…”

Sister Lourdine

From Sr. Delphine (with Mary Ann Dusza) we heard: “The Gift of Presence is something which cannot be bought. It is a priceless treasure. Thank you for your Gift of Presence….”

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Eileen Shirt and Sister Andreata Sister Philip (with Anna Zurlo) wrote: “You win the Gold Medal for your love and thoughtful generosity!! Your friendly visit was so delightful. There was excitement in the air….”

Sister Concetta and Judy Hoffman

Sister Marilyn Kuzmickas and Mary Anna Gercius

ates presented “their Sisters” with a scarecrow and specially decorated fall baskets filled with fruit, nuts and candy. The Associates plan to keep in contact with “their Sisters” through phone calls, notes and visits. The “Adopt a Sister or Two” initiative was warmly received and the “Harvest Blessings” sharing will long be remembered in the hearts of both Associates and Sisters. – Sister Marilyn Karpovich Director of Associates, United States

Sister Michaelyn

Lynda Michalski and Sister Lucille Ann S ist er s


Sisters Frances (left) and Sylvia

Sister Genevieve and Ginger Madden

Sister Therese Bernadette

Paul Binkis, Sister Lucille, and Susan Binkis

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All Souls' Remembrance


he November Mass for the Beatification of Venerable Maria Kaupas was quite special this year. On that Saturday, November 1st, an All Saints Day liturgy was celebrated in the SSC Motherhouse chapel, along with the annual All Souls’ remembrance. Father Michael Slattery, OSA was the celebrant. Names of deceased loved ones were reverently read aloud before the Mass. The names were also printed in a booklet which was distributed to those in attendance. Sisters Deborah Romanuski (right) began by remembering recently deceased Sisters of St. Casimir, SSC Associates, and SSC Auxiliary members. De- Sister Deborah Romanuski reads the names of the deceased. ceased alumnae of St. Casimir Academy and Maria High School were also recognized. Sister Grace Ann Kalafut, Sister Mary Louise Andrulonis, and Ms. Paula Schultz, also assisted in the reading of names.

Coffee and conversation filled the sisters' dining room after the Mass. It was a great time to reconnect with sisters, family, and friends.

Joanie Mullen enjoys catching up with Sister Johanna Marie Shainauskas, who now lives at Our Lady of Victory Convent, in Franciscan Village, Lemont, IL.

Photos of the deceased were displayed in the sanctuary. Ginger Madden places a candle on the altar displaying photos of loved ones. Sister Theresa Papsis visits with Robert Damasauskas after the Mass.

Mother Maria — Grounded in Life Mother Maria has much to say to us today. Her life of faith was grounded in a real human life. She was a person intimately united with God and at the same time very much at home with people and deeply involved in the joys, challenges and sufferings of life. She loved her family and cherished her friends. She kept pictures of Archbishhop George Matulaitis and George Cardinal Mundelein on her desk and would refer to them as “my two Georges.” Her community was also “family” to her and she showed a personal concern for each Sister. People could approach her with their problems and find an understanding heart. All of this was possible because she truly believed that God is present in all of life. – Sister Marilyn Kuzmickus, SSC


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Venerable Mother Maria (left) and Sisters gather hay, 1935.

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Founders' Day

Auxiliary Banquet


ounders' Day 2014 was celebrated on August 30th. Bishop Andrew Wypych was celebrant for the Mass held in the SSC Motherhouse Chapel, commemorating the 107th anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of St. Casimir. A celebration followed the liturgy in the auditorium where refreshments were served. There were many opportunities for raffle chances and the purchase of unique, hand-crafted items for young and old alike. All proceeds support the Sisters of St. Casimir Retirement Fund.

Sister Regina Dubickas, General Superior, gratefully accepts the Auxiliary's gift to the Sisters from Eleanor Ebert, Auxiliary President.

T Sister Lorraine Therese greets Bishop Andrew Wypych, celebrant for the Founders’ Day Mass.

Founders' Day Grand Raffle Winners

Sister Grace Ann Kalafut is excited to announce the Grand Prize raffle winner.

Grand Prize $1,000 Nativity BVM Parish * 2nd Prize $500 Patricia Byk 3rd Prize $500 Sr. Concetta Petrauskas 4th Prize $250 Desly Janis 5th Prize $250 Virginia Roza 6th Prize $250 Peter Hetzel 7th Prize $250 Georgeian DuBrock

*Fr. Jaunius Kelpsas, pastor, used these winnings to enhance the sound system in the Nativity Church choir loft. w w w. ssc 2601. com

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he Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary held their 94th Annual Banquet on October 5, 2014, and attendance was the highest to date. The gala affair has come to be an anticipated opportunity to catch up with the Sisters and friends of the community. This year, the main raffle offered cash prizes to the lucky winners. The afternoon was filled with balloon raffles and other activities, presentations acknowledging jubilarian members, lively conversations, and a delicious luncheon at Mama Luigi's Restaurant in Bridgeview, IL. Through various events and activities throughout the year, the SSC Auxiliary works to support the Sisters' retirement needs. At the banquet, Eleanor Ebert, Auxiliary President, presented Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior, with a check for $25,000 — a result of this year's efforts. If you would like to join the Auxiliary, leave a message for Susan Binkis, Auxiliary Moderator, Father Peter Paurazas and Sister Janine at: (773) 776Golubickis chat during the afternoon festivities. 1324.

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Maria Kaupas Center

The Maria Kaupas Center (MKC) is a Catholic community center located in the former Sisters of St. Casimir Convent at Maria High School. It serves Catalyst-Maria students and residents of the Marquette Park neighborhood.


Sacred Sewing Offered to Students and Adults

ne of the many successful programs at the Maria Kaupas Center is Sacred Sewing, a service-learning activity taught by Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius, SSC. In Sacred Sewing, Catalyst-Maria students learn how to sew, and they use these new skills to help those who are less fortunate. Sister Elizabeth Ann teaches students to read patterns, cut and pin material, and operate sewing machines. Students practice their skills by making warm hats and scarves for residents of homeless shelters, and bright, cuddly pillows for siblings of seriously ill children. The participants are proud not only of their increasing competencies but also of what they have created. They enjoy knowing that their handiwork is helping others. Now in its second year, the Sacred Sewing program continues to grow. This year, Sister Elizabeth Ann is teaching both an introductory and an intermediate class for returning students who want to continue building their skills. Another exciting development this year is the creation of an adult beginning sewing class. Local women who come to the Center to participate in a conversational English class saw Sister Elizabeth Ann’s sewing studio and expressed interest in taking a class. Now, they meet once a week to practice their English and learn a new skill. They are extremely proud of their first project, a holiday table runner, and they are excited to begin working on pajama pants. The class builds community and instills a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Through the generous donation of her time and skills to the Maria Kaupas Center, Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius continues to breathe life into Mother Maria’s mission of service to the Marquette Park community.

Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius assists an adult learner in her "Sacred Sewing" class at the Maria Kaupas Center. 10

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Open House

he Maria Kaupas Center welcomed friends, supporters, and dignitaries to its first open house held on September 25, 2014. Past, present, and future supporters came to see the MKC mission come alive. Keynote speakers Chicago City Clerk Susanna Mendoza and Illinois Appellate Court Justice Jesse Reyes were joined by Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke, Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, Representative Dan Burke, and Chicago Police Captain Dennis Walsh, Executive Officer of the 8th District. Their presence at this event showed their solidarity with the MKC mission as they pledged to support its efforts.

Front, from left: Sisters Theresa Dabulis, Regina Dubickas, Immacula Wendt, and Margaret Zalot celebrate with Maria Kaupas Center board members and staff as September 25, 2014 is proclaimed "Maria Kaupas Center Day" in the State of Illinois. Simone McNeil, longtime aide to Governor Pat Quinn, holds the proclamation with Carmen Ontiveros, Executive Director of the Maria Kaupas Center.

In City Clerk Susanna Mendoza’s own words: “Institutions like Maria Kaupas [Center] provide a safety net, a home away from home, a hope . . ." Several members of the Sisters of St. Casimir (Sisters Theresa Dabulis, Regina Marie Dubickas, Virginia Gapsis, Rita Marie Kerdock, Deborah Romanuski, Immacula Wendt, Elizabeth Ann Yocius, and Margaret Zalot) and the Midwest Christian Brothers (Brother Larry Schatz and Michael Fehrenbach), as well as representatives from Catalyst Schools, shared the good news of the Maria Kaupas Center with guests From left: Sisters Virginia Gapsis, as they enjoyed mu- Deborah Romanuski, and Rita Marie sic and refreshments, Kerdock focus on one of the heartfelt and built community. testimonials given at the Maria

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Kaupas Center Open House.

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Villa Joseph Marie


Inaugural Wall of Fame

he inaugural VJM Wall of Fame Event took place in Maria Hall at Villa Joseph Marie on September 13, 2014. This very elegant event featured ten people who were being inducted, four of whom are Sisters of St. Casimir: Mother Maria Kaupas, Sister Madeleine Bunevicius, Sister Mary Balkus, and Sister Bernadette Marie Janus. Sister Bernadette Marie was able to be present for the occasion. Each honoree was introduced by someone from Sister Bernadette Marie ’52, Villa’s staff, their photo was former VJM board member and principal of St. Bede’s uncovered, and then a few School in Holland, PA, students read testimonies encouraged many young women to attend Villa. about the person. Ms. Terri Michel, President of Villa Joseph Marie, welcomed close to 75 people, Sister Regina Marie Dubickas provided a reflection, and Ms. Maureen Cleary, Director of Institutional Advancement, oversaw the event. Sisters Immacula Wendt, Margaret Zalot, and Theresa Dabulis were also present. The entire evening gave testimony to the long history of Sister Mary Balkus, quality Catholic education at former principal at Villa Joseph Marie and how that Villa Joseph Marie, education continues to impact the was unable to be present for this event, but world. The young women from was delighted with Villa Joseph Marie who were presthe recognition. Her ent that evening were impressed local community at with the lives and witness of the Our Lady of Victory Convent at Franciscan ten honorees and were inspired Village celebrated with to follow them in some way. her that day.

Opening Liturgy and Missionings


n September 16, 2014, the Villa community gathered in their school gym to celebrate the opening of school with a beautiful liturgy that ended with a missioning of the VJM students prepare for the faculty and staff, a blessing opening day liturgy. for the students, and singing of Walk With Us and the school song. Father Jason Buck, newly ordained priest stationed at St. Andrew’s Parish in Newtown, was the celebrant for the Mass. Music was provided by the school choir. Sister Regina gave a beautiful reflection on mission prior to the missioning.

From left: Sisters Regina Dubickas, Theresa Dabulis, and Margaret Zalot, join VJM faculty and staff in extending a blessing of the students at the close of the missioning ceremony.

Sisters Immacula Wendt, Regina Dubickas, Margaret Zalot, and Theresa Dabulis extended a blessing to the faculty and staff after their missioning. This was followed by a blessing of the students by faculty, staff, and sisters.

Sister Margaret Zalot greets students at the close of the ceremony. The sisters gifted each student with a missioning card as a reminder to focus their energy into the "great realities of our Gospel lives."

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Along the Way K of L Fall Pilgrimage

Star of the Month at OLV

Sister Janine Golubickis and Sister Theresa Papsis attended the Kinights of Lithuania Mid-America District’s annual Fall Pilgrimage on October 18-19, 2014. This year’s pilgrimage was to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. This Shrine was dedicated in 2008 and encompasses 100 acres of land. There are several buildings such as the Shrine Church which seats 450 people. The separate Votive Candle Chapel has the largest known candle rack in the USA. An outdoor rosary walk and Stations of the Cross add to the prayerful time spent outside in the lovely hills of Wisconsin. A Memorial to the Unborn Children also has a mausoleum for babies having died before birth. The Cafe and Gift Shop are worthwhile places to visit as well. The website is www.

Holy Cross Hospital Missioning On October 29, 2014, the leaders of Holy Cross Hospital were comissioned for another year. In her reflection on mission at the service held in the HCH chapel, Sister Regina Dubickas expressed the Sisters of St. Casimir's gratitude to the Holy Cross leadership for carrying on "a Sister Regina Dubickas greets Jackie DeBeche at the 2014 Holy Cross mission that is near and Hospital Leadership Commissioning. dear to our hearts." After Lori Pacura, HCH President, read a scripture reading of the beatitudes and the Sisters of St. Casimir General Council led the petitions, Sister Regina called forth Lori Pacura to be commissioned. Lori then called forth the rest of the leaders and Sister Regina personally thanked each one before the group prayed their commitment prayer together. All Sisters present then extended their hands in blessing while praying in the words of Pope Francis: "An authentic faith – which is never comfortable or completely personal – always involves a deep desire to change the world ...." 12

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Sister Mary Balkus

Sister Mary Balkus, SSC has lived at Our Lady of Victory Convent (OLV), part of Franciscan Village in Lemont, IL, since July 2014. She was featured as "Star of the Month" at OLV for October. The "Victory Gazette" newsletter included an interview with Sister Mary, along with some of her life story. When asked what she enjoys about living there, she said, “I enjoy the friendly atmosphere.” Sister Mary participates in many of the activities offered at OLV, but she mostly enjoys Sing-Alongs, exercise, and trivia. Most times you can find Sister Mary in the Chapel praying or in her room listening to an audio book. Among the things uncovered by the "Gazette" reporter are that her favorite food is spaghetti, and favorite color is pink! She feels that her greatest accomplishment has been living a happy and joyful life. Sister Mary always has a smile on her face and is a wonderful woman to know.

Keep in touch via email The Journeys newsletter that you are reading is filled with news and coming activities involving the Sisters of St. Casimir. At times an event comes up in between the publication schedule. If you would like updates between issues, send your email address to: Don't worry! Your email address will not be passed to any other organization, and will only be used for news from the Sisters. Please note that any electronic communication will be in addition to the printed newsletter.

S t. C a si mir "Journeys" — Fa l l 2014

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Along the Way SSCs Continue Involvement in Neighborhood Events Sisters Theresa Dabulis, Regina Dubickas, Clement Mazgelis, Margaret Mary Mazgelis, Immacula Wendt, and Margaret Zalot participated in the Southwest Organizing Project Action Council Meeting held in the Motherhouse Auditorium on September 30th. Sister Margaret co-chaired the meeting with Mayra Sarabia, of SWOP. The meeting provided opportunities for relational meetings and focused on the "Reclaiming the Southwest Side of Chicago" initiative and the non-existence of immigration reform despite the hard work of so many in this community and across the country. Participants in the Action Council meeting were encouraged to attend the United Power for Action and Justice neighborhood event in October. United Power for Action and Justice is a non-partisan community organization composed of 40 religious congregations, not-for-profit groups, hospitals, health centers and civic organizations from across Cook County in Illinois. Volunteer leaders are concerned citizens who consult with neighbors, shape goals and strategy to address pressing social problems and pressure people in power to seek positive, creative solutions. The Sisters of St. Casimir support these efforts through the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP), a member organization of United Power. SWOP’s community-based campaign, “Reclaiming Southwest Chicago,” seeks to

Sister Margaret Zalot addresses the crowd assembled at 62nd and Washtenaw Ave. in Chicago on October 26, 2014, as part of the "Reclaiming Southwest Chicago" campaign. She joined Sister Immacula Wendt and Alia Bilal, of Inner-city Muslim Action Network, in an interfaith blessing. This poignant moment occurred in the middle of the meeting as all who were gathered, including the Governor, turned, raised their arms, and blessed the building across the street – a key site to be renovated as part of the campaign.

transform some of the more than 600 vacant buildings between Western and Kedzie in Chicago Lawn. SWOP is working with developers to acquire and rehab chronically vacant buildings as it builds a pool of potential homeowners and tenants who have an interest in continuing to build their lives in the neighborhood.

Parent Mentor Program Participants Are Welcomed to the Motherhouse

Sister Mary Louise Andrulonis set the tone for the Parent Mentor Program meetings with a beautiful welcome and prayer.

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This fall the Southwest Organizing Project hosted the 3rd year kick-off for the Illinois, state-wide Parent Mentor Program in the Motherhouse auditorium. Over 70 people, mostly mothers, participated in this program which has gotten nation-wide recognition for the good work this program is doing in public schools. Parents are trained to work in classrooms and take ownership for their own learning; the end results: both parents and students learn! SWOP initiated this program locally in 2005, beginning with three local public elementary schools. Today there are 11 schools participating in the program, involving 190 parents. Local parents connected with SWOP schools were able to participate in three mornings of special training for this program so that they, too, might become involved in their child’s education.

S t. C a si mir "Journeys" — Fa l l 2014


At Journey’s End

— Eternal Days Beginning

Sister Jean Girzaitis, SSC August 31, 1921 – October 28, 2014 Sister Jean Girzaitis (formerly Sister Christopher) was born to Paul and Suzanna Girzaitis. She grew up with a brother and a sister in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago, IL. Sister Jean often expressed that her parents’ deep religious faith and example planted the seed of her religious vocation. The Sisters of St. Casimir were Sister Jean’s teachers at St. George School and at St. Casimir Academy. Sister Jean entered the Sisters of St. Casimir in her senior year, following her sister, Loretta. Sister Jean professed first vows on August 15, 1940, and final vows on August 15, 1946. She celebrated her Diamond (60 year) Jubilee in 2000. Sister Jean said that teaching was the fulfillment of a lifelong ambition because it was a way to touch the minds and souls of young people. She received a BA degree from Rosary College in Mathematics and Science and two MA degrees, one in Mathematics and Biology from Villanova University and a second in Pastoral Ministry from St. Joseph College in Hartford, CT. She also did graduate studies in Administration at Loyola University. Sister Jean taught in elementary schools in Chicago and Waukegan, IL; Emerson, NE; Clovis, New Mexico; and Roswell, New Mexico, where she served as principal of the grade school and high school, and at St. Clement School in Fort Lauderdale, FL, where she served as principal. On the high school level, Sr. Jean taught at Maria High School in Chicago, Villa Joseph Marie in Holland, PA, Sacred Heart School in Clovis, NM, St. Peter School in Roswell, NM, and Sacred Heart School in Emerson, NE. She received five National Science Foundation Grants that brought her to such places of learning as Fordham, Marquette, and Notre Dame Universities.


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After 40 years in the ministry of education, Sister Jean went on to serve as pastoral associate at St. Emeric parish in Country Club Hills, IL, religious education coordinator at Queen of the Universe Parish in Chicago, IL, and pastoral care at Holy Cross Hospital in Chicago. She was asked to be director of the community’s Associate Program, guiding lay associates in their faith formation. Sister Jean was elected to the General Council of the Sisters of St. Casimir and served in that capacity from 1993-1998, as well as on the board of Holy Family Villa in Lemont, IL. Sister Jean was also appointed to the vital work of formation, helping young women discern their call from God to life as a Sister of St. Casimir. During that time, she taught in the community’s Maria Junior College. Sister Jean and her sister Loretta valued their Lithuanian heritage, and they had the opportunity to visit their parent’s homeland in 1990. As a member of the leadership team of the Sisters of St. Casimir, she had opportunities to know and support the renewal efforts of the Sisters of St. Casimir in Lithuania. After her retirement from full time ministry, Sr. Jean continued to share her gifts and talents as director of peace and justice for the Sisters of St. Casimir; member of the Southwest Organizing Project, working against predatory lending; member of Project Irene, working on women’s issues; leading a Scripture study group at the Motherhouse; and helping with driving Sisters to their appointments. In July 2014, Sister Jean, together with other Sisters of St. Casimir, moved to Franciscan Village in Lemont, IL. Sister Jean was a kind and generous woman, who shared the many talents that God had given her. We are grateful for the life of Sr. Jean with our religious community and with so many other people whose lives she touched.

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S t. C a si mir "Journeys" — Fa l l 2014


Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629

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JOURNEYS is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications Project Manager Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-776-1324 Kindly let us know if you no longer wish to receive this mailing.

Upcoming Events Dec. 6, 2014 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass Advent Day of Reflection

Jan. 3, 2015 • 9:30 AM

Mother Maria Mass, 135th Birthday Commemoration Msgr. Michael M. Boland, Celebrant

Feb. 7, 2015 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass

Mar. 7, 2015 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass Honoring St. Casimir

Mar. 22, 2015

Auxiliary Games Party SSC Motherhouse

Apr. 18, 2015 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass 75th Anniversary of Mother Maria's death

Sisters of St. Casimir Advent Day of Reflection

Mary, in a Season of Hope led by Rev. Louis Kolenkiewicz

Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:00 am Registration, 9:30 am Mass 11:15 am Day of Reflection Begins 4:00 pm Closing Reflection and Benediction M ail RSVP to: Sisters of St. Casimir Advent Retreat 2601 W. Marquette Rd., Chicago, IL 60629

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