SSC Journeys Fall 2015

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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir

Vol. XXIX No. 3 Fall 2015

Our 2015 Jubilarians

The Sisters of Saint Casimir congratulate their 2015 Jubilarians celebrating 60 years of religious profession. (From left) Sisters Grace Ann Kalafut, M. Dolorine Lopez, Wanda Marie Kamza, Bernadette Marie Janus, and Rita Marie Kerdock


ur Jubilarians began their special day, August 15, 2015, with the Eucharistic Liturgy for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary held in the Motherhouse chapel. Bishop John Manz, auxiliary bishop of Chicago, was the main celebrant. Father Jason Malave, former student of Sister Rita Marie, was the homilist. Father Malave offered a heartfelt tribute to all of the Sisters for their many years of ministry, and a thank you for all the lives and hearts they have touched. The Sisters were also honored with the presence of Father Bernard Danber, OSA, Father

Erwin Dodge, OSA, Father Peter Paurazas, Father Richard Todd, CMF, and Father Robert Tuzik as concelebrants, and Deacon Joseph Panek who assisted during the Mass. The liturgy was enhanced with music provided by Paul French, director and organist, accompanied by Anna Belle O’Shea on the f lute, Bruce Daugherty on the trumpet, and the Women of the William Ferris Chorale. Sisters, family, and friends enjoyed the beautiful chapel setting in which the five Jubilarians renewed the vows they made exactly 60 years to the day. The celebration continued with a Jubilee Luncheon at Palos Country Club, Orland Park, IL.

A Message from Sister Regina Dear friends, The 2015 year draws to a close and a new year begins. In our community we have a beautiful custom of ending the year with a day of prayer. The Blessed Sacrament – our greatest gift – is placed on the altar for individual prayer and adoration, and then at some point we gather together for a very special holy hour. During that time we recount the many blessings we have received during the past year – a new part of our graced history – and we sing our thanks to God. With faith and hope and love, we give you thanks. We pray for the needs of the world and listen to readings from Scripture and from our Venerable Mother Maria Kaupas. We renew our commitment to God and to one another as we stand at the threshold of a new year. At the end of the holy hour, each of us receives a prayer card with the name of a Sister or Associate in our community, as well as the names of Sisters or Associates who have been called to their eternal home, and we promise to remember them in prayer throughout the coming year. What a great gift to know that someone is always praying for you. And what a fitting way to end the year in a spirit of gratitude and hearts filled with promise. Truly there is much for which to be grateful. And there is also so much to keep before us in prayer: the needs of our world that so often fill our hearts with fear and anxiety, our concerns about how society is changing, and the sincere efforts on the part of many to work together to address issues of justice and peace to make the world a better, holier place for all people.


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Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has proclaimed December 8, 2015 the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We are called not only to reflect on the gospel call to mercy but to make this a part of our lives in our thoughts, words, and actions. The meaning of the call to mercy is found throughout the Scriptures. “God has shown you what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) “Be merciful as your father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36) “For God so loved world that God gave his only begotten Son.” (John 3:16) The radical understanding of God’s love, a love that is not dependent on our worthiness, is the love that we are called to extend to others. Compassion, forgiveness, identifying with the sufferings of others, incorporating the spiritual and corporal works of mercy into our lives are just some of the ways in which our hearts and our world may be transformed, and we may be able to address the deeper issues that underlie all that we are facing in the world today. We remember you, our loyal friends, in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and your loved ones as we walk with hope into this new year, 2016, and extend mercy to those whom God places in our lives!

Sister Regina Dubickas General Superior Sisters of St. Casimir

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Jubilarian Reflections Sister M. Dolorine Lopez 60 Years Anniversaries are for more than measuring years – they are also for remembering graced moments. The past sixty years of my religious life have been filled with overwhelming graced moments. My heart overflows with gratitude to God and God’s people for these moments and for allowing me to continue in fidelity and love to him as a Sister of St. Casimir. How can one fully thank God for his love, faithfulness, and mercy? My heart rings out with gratitude to my parents and also my family members and friends who continued to support me through my life’s ministries. How difficult it must have been for my Mother to allow me, the oldest, to enter the convent while she remained, caring for the other eight children. Yet her prayerfulness and strength and my family’s love supported me in the plan God had initially chosen for me, which was to leave home in my beloved Southwest and go to Chicago to become a Sister of St. Casimir. Over the years, I continued to marvel how God had given me the courage and strength to carry out his work within my Congregation to whom I remain eternally grateful. What an incredible journey this has been of blessings, challenges, and relationships during my many years as a teacher and principal in elementary education. Now, too, my years at Holy Cross Hospital, working in the Emergency Room in various capacities and now at the front desk, has been enriching. I feel I have touched many lives and, in turn, have been enriched by all who have touched mine. All of this would not have been as joyous and successful without the prayerful support of my religious Sisters and their faithful love. Together we have accomplished so much in God’s name. Among the many grace-filled memories I cherish is my pilgrimage to the Holy Land on the occasion of my Golden Jubilee. To actually walk where Jesus walked and to visit the holy shrines was an experience of unbelievable joy. The Garden of Olives, the Hill of Crucifixion, and the Tomb of Christ were deeply moving experiences which remain with me to this day. How enriched my prayer life has become for having traveled there. w w w. ssc 2601. com

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How blessed that my Jubilee year should happen in the “Year of Consecrated Life,” established by Pope Francis. I cherish within my heart his call to look to the past with gratitude, to live the present with passion, and to embrace the future with hope. My heart resounds with prayerful gratitude for my Community, my family, my friends, and all whose lives I have touched along this joyous path of living and carrying out the Gospel message.

"My heart resounds with prayerful gratitude."

Sister Bernadette Marie Janus 60 Years My heart is filled with deepest joy and much gratitude for all the graces and blessings received throughout these sixty years. God put me on this earth to accomplish some things that only I could do. The desire to become a Sister came at an early age, and the seed was watered by the exemplary influence of my beloved grandparents and the Sisters of Saint Casimir. Some very blessed experiences throughout my lifetime are being inducted in September 2014 into the Wall of Fame at Villa Joseph Marie, my Alma Mater, which is so precious to my heart, and celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Saint Bede the Venerable Parish of Holland, Pennsylvania, in May 2015, where I, the last religious principal, served God’s people for fourteen years. Since years go by so quickly, my belief is that one should never let a single day slip by without doing some act of kindness, and my most favorite quote and incentive for living each new day fully is that of our Mother Maria: "Always more, always better, always with love."

"Never let a single day slip by without doing some act of kindness."

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Jubilarian Reflections Sister Rita Marie Kerdock 60 Years

Sister Grace Ann Kalafut 60 Years

The year is 2015 – the year proclaimed by Pope Francis as “The Year of Consecrated Life.” This is also the year I celebrated my 60th Jubilee of Religious Profession. I can’t help but wonder where the time has gone. My heart is filled with gratitude, thanksgiving, and joy as I reflect on the many graces and blessings God has bestowed upon me! My desire to become a Sister began at Holy Cross Elementary School in Mt. Carmel, PA, where I first met the Sisters as my teachers. It continued in high school at Villa Joseph Marie in Holland, PA. The love, happiness, and dedication of those Sisters drew me to pursue my own vocation to religious life. I’ve experienced so many blessings and joys throughout my religious life through the love and support of my Sisters in community, students, parents, colleagues, and friends. I am most grateful for the opportunities I’ve had as a Sister of St. Casimir to minister in education in the primary grades throughout the United States and to serve God’s people of various cultures. They have enriched my life immensely! I treasure my vocation as a gift from God, and I pray that I may continue to witness to others his love and care for them. God will never leave us – but holds us in the palm of his hand. In today’s world, we truly need God’s presence in our lives. To a person discerning religious life – remember, we are all called to be at the service of the Gospel. Each one of us does this in her own unique way. We are all called to be the presence of Jesus today by our lives of service and commitment to God’s people. Religious life is a blessing to the church in which Sisters through their various ministries of education, health care, pastoral care, and social work have enriched the church and society through their dedicated witness to the love of Christ. Jesus tells me, do not be afraid of the future – I am already there waiting for you, and I respond, Yes, Lord, I can do all things in you who strengthen me!

Rejoice and Be Glad! Sixty years celebrating vowed religious life in the service of the Lord! What a privilege it has been for me to have answered the call from the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus as the Gospel teaches and to put into my life his words joyfully each day — through prayer and action in Community and being a witness to God’s love for all to whom I have ministered these many years. Through the years, I have experienced many blessed moments as a teacher in grade schools and high schools, and as a Principal in these levels of education; serving as a member of the SSC Leadership Team; and very recently, caring for the Sisters as they made their transition to our new home at Franciscan Village in Lemont, IL. There have been many challenges in these ministries sustained through prayer and continuous support. Through all of this I have grown in understanding of peoples’ needs, reaching out to them with compassion, deepening relationships, and tending to my own immediate family in times of trial and sorrow. We, the Sisters of St. Casimir, bring a great gift to the Church through our witness and proclamation in living out the Gospel message with faith and love for all people, and by being a presence wherever we are. I am truly grateful to my Sisters in Community for their Sisterly and prayerful support, love, trust, and companionship, and to my family for journeying with me in my life with God these 60 years. “Do not fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day.” – St. Francis de Sales

We are all called to be at the service of the Gospel . . . in her own unique way. 4

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We, the Sisters of St. Casimir, bring a great gift to the Church through our witness and proclamation in living out the Gospel message.

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Jubilarian Reflections Sister Wanda Marie Kamza 60 Years There was no open display of angels coming down to tell me that I should be a nun. In fact, my preparation was riding my bike to school and church to help the Sisters clean. (No, I didn’t live there.) We played baseball, kick the can – all those fun games that were the pastime then. Before I knew it, at 17, with the guidance of Sister Ludwina, I entered the Sisters of St. Casimir. My relatives and friends were curious as to what made me enter the convent. Just doing everyday normal activity in life, and the Sisters needing help.

Although I am not active in teaching at this time, it gives me a good feeling that many of our graduates are continuing to carry on the values and knowledge that we hoped to instill in them. It was difficult to leave all our many institutions where we served, but it is comforting to know that what we started is being continued by others. My heart is filled with gratitude to all the Sisters for the many kindnesses and memories I have experienced and cherish. The many Sisters I have known and who helped me in my teaching career or religious development, hold a large debt of gratitude in my heart. God bless all!

Many of our graduates are continuing to carry on the values ... that we hoped to instill in them.

Venerable Mother Maria, Pray for Us Extension Course which I had to Many of us when in great need take. Mother was aware of this, so will turn to prayer. Some of us go diwhen I told her it was almost userectly to the Lord or his Mother; othless to take the exam, I asked her ers have favorite intercessors among to pray for me. She assured me to the Saints. Not always are our prayers do my best, the Lord would help answered in the way we hope for, but me. I left, relieved to know that she upon accepting this as God’s will, would pray for me. quite often we ultimately see the wis "On the streetcar I took my dom of God coming through. While textbook and with my crucifix Mother Maria was still alive many of opened it. I studied the two pages the Sisters of St. Casimir would rouintently and then repeated the actinely ask her to pray for them and tion until I arrived at my destinatheir needs, for they knew the depth This icon of Maria Kaupas,by tion. When I received the test paof the love of the Word which lived Jane Tan Creti, is displayed per, I found, to my great joy, that in her heart and how she remained in in the St. Casimir chapel. every question was based on the peaceful certainty — always in accepmaterial I had studied on the way. I tance of God’s will. Sister Viatora Jankauskas, SSC, former French had no difficulty in taking the test, thanks to Mother and typing teacher, once wrote, “I remember when Maria’s prayers." I asked Mother Maria for prayers, I experienced the From this example and so many others, we conpower of her prayers. The following is a typical exam- fidently can continue to say, “Mother Maria, pray for ple. Because I had a heavy schedule and extra duties, us.” How can we not believe and trust that her everI never had time to do the necessary studying for the loving heart will continue to intercede on our behalf?

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SSC Associates Commitments and Recommitments


n September 26, 2015, SSC Associates and Sisters gathered in the chapel at Franciscan Village for a prayer service in which they made their first commitment or renewed their commitment as Sisters of St. Casimir Associates. After the ceremony, all enjoyed a special luncheon in the Franciscan Village dining room. Prior to the event Associates reflected on their own commitment and set goals for the coming year. Sister Marilyn Karpovich, Associate Director, prepared the commitment service. Pictured from the top down are Associates: Madeline Tovar (new), Anna Zurlo, Theresa Montowski (new), Nijole Stakauskas, Linda Penkas, Judy Hoffman, Nancy Sans,

Toni Courson, Mary Ann Dusza, Ginger Madden, Eileen Shirt, Terese Jones, Loretta Ezerski, Joanie Mullen, Grinny Walton, Sister Marilyn Karpovich, Paul Binkis, Susan Binkis, Mary Anna Gercius, and Sister Regina Dubickas.

SSC Auxiliary Hosts 95th Annual Banquet


unday, October 4, 2015, marked the 95th Annual Banquet of the Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary. Auxiliary mem-

Sister Regina Dubickas shares a light moment with Eleanor Ebert, SSC Auxiliary President, before being presented with the Auxiliary's annual gift to the Sisters.


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bers, Sisters, and friends gathered at Mama Luigi’s Restaurant in Burbank, IL, to celebrate the event. Ginger Madden, Banquet Chairman, and Barbara Baumhart, Mistress of Ceremony, and Susan Binkis, Auxiliary Moderator, were gracious hostesses. Rev. Peter Paurazas led the prayers. Jubilarian members were honored with certificates marking 25, 50, and 65 years of membership. Special recognition went to Eleanor Ebert, Auxiliary President, who celebrated her 25th anniversary as an Auxiliary member. Eleanor presented the Sisters of St. Casimir with a generous check for $25,000, the fruit of their year’s fundraising efforts. The Banquet is always a fun afternoon, filled with raffles, balloon drawings, and door prizes. Conversations flow freely as guests take the opportunity to reconnect with Sisters and friends. The Auxiliary is already planning their spring Games/Bingo Party for April 3, 2016. For more information, call (773) 349-8060.

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All Souls' Remembrance


n November 7, 2015, family and friends of the Sisters of St. Casimir gathered in the Motherhouse chapel to remember our deceased loved ones. Every person who came to this special liturgy had a story, every person had loved ones to remember. As the 800 names were reverently read with the strains of The Litany of the Saints being chanted in the background, people were attentive to hear their loved ones names being read. Sisters, alumnae, associates, auxiliary members, and friends who had lost loved ones' this past year placed candles on the Altar of the Dead. There were tears in more than one pair of eyes! Sister Theresa Papsis played the organ, Anna Belle O’Shea, the f lute, and Susan Binkis was cantor. Sisters Regina Marie Dubickas, Mary Janine Golubickis, Grace Ann Kalafut, and Deborah Romanuski read the names. Father William Malloy, pastor of St. Barnabas Parish and former

Rimas and Milda Klimavicius pause in reverent reflection after bringing a candle in memory of their deceased parents to the altar where many photos of those remembered at the special All Souls' liturgy were displayed. Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius is also shown in prayer.

assistant at St. Norbert’s Parish in Northbrook while the SSCs ministered there, was the celebrant and was assisted by Deacon Joseph Panek.

Founders' Day


he 108th Anniversary of the Founding of the Sisters of St. Casimir was joyfully celebrated in both hemispheres of the world. Sisters and Associates gathered in Avellaneda, Argentina, for a Mass of Thanksgiving and breakfast in the garden. During Mass all prayed especially for the beatification of Mother Maria. Sister Nilda Varanauskas The Sisters of St. Casimir and Sisters in Avellaneda, in Cordoba, Argentina, also Argentina, hosted a celebrated with their Associbreakfast in the garden. ates. The Sisters of St. Casimir in Chicago joined family and friends for a special Liturgy in the Motherhouse chapel with Father Bernard Scianna, OSA, celebrant, and Deacon Joseph Panek. After Sisters Margaret Petcavage, the homily, Sister Re- Lourdine Ramoska, and Lawrence gina Dubickas, Gen- Puishys participate in Chicago's Founders' Day liturgy. eral Superior, invited all Sisters of St. Casimir present to accept their “mission to the world.” All present then prayed

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Sisters Jeanne Moceyunas (third from left) and Elenisa Buzas celebrated with their Associates in Cordoba, Argentina.

the Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life. Sister Margaret Petcavage presented a brief reflection on the founding of the Congregation as written by Mother Maria. Sister Grace Ann Kalafut organized the celebration after Mass where Sisters and guests enjoyed coffee and donuts, purchased bacon buns and Lithuanian artifacts, and congratulated the winners of the grand raffle. This year's winners were: Barbara Konczal, Grand Prize: $1,000; Othon Encina, 2nd prize: $500; Tom Rinke, 3rd prize: $500; Tim Glass, 4th prize: $250; Sophia Zukas, 5th prize: $250; Gordon Hannon, 6th prize: $250; and Suzy Etsch, 7th prize: $250.

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Maria Kaupas Center


he Maria Kaupas Center (MKC) is a Catholic space where spirituality, community and leadership merge, creating opportunities for people of all faiths to grow and develop as effective agents of God's love. The MKC, housed in the former Maria High School convent, provides a safe and special environment where one can find many Catalyst Maria scholars after school. Here they build community, develop leadership skills, and nurture their faith and spirituality. The Sisters of St. Casimir see this as a continued legacy of the mission and vision of Mother Maria, as the MKC adds the faith dimension they feel is so important to a quality education. This, they believe, will transform each participant into becoming the very best person he or she can be. That transformation will be a positive influence in the families of these students, their communities, and indeed, the world. To help the Maria Kaupas Center continue the Sisters' legacy, or to find out more about the MKC, visit:

Sisters Regina Dubickas (center) and Margaret McTaggart (right) share a meal that was prepared from the “ fruit” of the MKC community garden — fresh spaghetti sauce and a garden salad. The MKC Garden Club helps its members blossom. They take ownership for their projects, pride in their accomplishments and develop confidence as they learn to overcome obstacles and celebrate successes.

SCA/MHS Alumnae Association


he St. Casimir Academy/Maria High School Alumnae Association is busy planning for Reunion 2016. All SCA/MHS graduates are cordially encouraged to attend, with a special invitation extended to those whose year of graduation ends in "1" or "6." (See the registration form below.) The reunion luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016, at Palos Country Club, Orland Park, IL. Sisters Janine Golubickis, Clement Mazgelis, and Grace Ann Kalafut enjoy visiting with alumnae Anna Belle O'Shea and Nannette Velasquez Zander at the Sisters' home in Franciscan Village, Lemont, IL.


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As you mark your calendar, please add a note that the deadline for reservations is April 13, 2016. Alumnae visits with the Sisters at Franciscan Village have been delightful. The next dates are planned for January 9th and March 12th. The March visit falls within National Catholic Sisters Week. The Alumnae Association will once again sponsor a letter-writing "Thank-a-Sister" campaign to show appreciation to the Sisters of St. Casimir for enabling a faith-based high school education to so many young women. The alumnae connect with the Sisters and each other in many other ways. For more information about these events or about the Alumnae Association, contact Anna Belle O'Shea, ’74: (773) 925-8686, ext. 7 or send an email note to

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Villa Joseph Marie Welcome Tom Kardish, President


he new school year welcomed Thomas Kardish as the new President of Villa Joseph Marie High School, replacing Mary T. Michel, who announced her retirement in January 2015 after serving the Villa community for over 20 years. Mr. Kardish possesses an extensive and impressive array of experience in executive leadership, business development, finance, and marketing in corporate, non-profit, and entrepreneurial pursuits. As a family man of strong faith with deep connections to Catholic education, he is excited for the opportunity to lead Villa into an ambitious new era of growth. Mr. Kardish stated, "I am thrilled and honored to be joining the Villa family as president. I firmly believe that Villa Joseph Marie High School is uniquely positioned to become the premier educator of young

Thomas Kardish, new President of Villa Joseph Marie High School, is blessed by Sister Regina Dubickas and Father Buck, Associate Pastor of St. Andrew's Parish, Newtown, PA, as part of the installation and commissioning ceremony held at the school on September 15, 2015. Faculty and staff also made their commitment to promote the mission and values of Villa Joseph Marie.

women in Bucks County. The school's beautiful facilities and grounds, and its dedicated, skilled, and committed faculty and staff, create an environment that makes all of us want to be here each and every day to discover, embrace, and develop the unique gifts of each of our students. I fully embrace Villa's mission of preparing young women for a lifetime of faith and Christlike service, lifelong learning, and active global citizenry." Welcome, Tom! For more information, visit: w w w. ssc 2601. com

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Wall of Fame Induction

From left, Sisters Theresa Dabulis, Margaret Zalot, Regina Dubickas, and Immacula Wendt surround a photo of Sister Reginald Tamulevich as she is posthumously inducted into the VJM Wall of Fame.

Villa Joseph Marie’s 2015 Wall of Fame Induction Ceremony honoring Sister Reginald Tamulevich, SSC, former music teacher, and Mrs. Lois Tyburski, former science teacher and department chair, took place on Saturday, September 12, 2015, in Maria Hall. Lois Tyburski was there to accept her award in the presence of her family, former students, colleagues, and friends. Students and others read testimonies about each of the awardees and how they made a difference. Sister Margaret Zalot presented a gift to the Villa music department in memory of Sister Reginald from the SCA-MHS Alumnae Association. Both Anna Belle O’Shea, former student of Sister Reginald, and Karen Strabel, a close friend, sent in beautiful testimonies.

Thank you, Mary T. Michel While we look forward to Villa’s future and working with Mr. Kardish, we cannot say enough about our outgoing president, Mary T. "Terri" Michel. Terri has done incredible things for our school throughout her 22 years of service, including eight years as its first president. She has been a consummate professional, fully committed to the students of Villa Joseph Marie and Mary T. Michel to the mission of Mother Maria. We are extremely grateful to her for her dedicated service to Villa, and we wish her a blessed, happy, and healthy future as she continues to use her gifts in service to others.

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Along the Way Sisters of St. Casimir Receive St.Thomas More Award

On October 8, 2015, Sister Regina Dubickas accepted the St. Thomas More Award on behalf of the Sisters of St. Casimir from Msgr. Michael Boland, Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, during the Annual Meeting of Catholic Charities’ Board of Directors at the Chicago Hilton. The award was given to the Sisters in recognition of their 108 years of service, sharing in Jesus’ mission of helping the poor and most needy. In accepting the award, Sister Regina remarked that the Motherhouse in the Chicago Lawn neighborhood has been “a beacon of hope and continues to be so through the ministry of Catholic Charities, which continues the legacy of the Sisters of St. Casimir by helping all those in need.” Pictured at the event are (from left): Sisters Bernadette Marie Janus, Dolorine Lopez, Margaret Petcavage, Immacula Wendt, Regina Dubickas, Margaret Zalot, Marilyn Karpovich, Janine Golubickis, and Elizabeth Ann Yocius.

Venerable Mother Maria Remembered

On Tuesday, August 25th, 40 residents and 12 Sisters of St. Casimir from Franciscan Village were in attendance to see and hear the story of Venerable Mother Maria Kaupas in a presentation by Sister Margaret Petcavage and Sister Janine Golubickis. So many beautiful comments were made after the preSome Pictured with Sister Marilyn Karpovich are sentation. said they will be three residents of Franciscan Village who attended the SSC Founders’ Day Celebration, faithful in praying another opportunity to learn about Mother to Mother Maria, Maria and the Sisters of St. Casimir. 10

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others commented on how impressed they were with the beauty of the Motherhouse chapel. Another appreciated the information about the process to become a saint. Still others asked for more booklets and prayer cards on the life of Mother Maria.

A Correction ... So Sorry

This statue of Our Lady was given to Mother Maria in 1912 by Miss Theodora Andruskevicius and not by Mother Mary Theresa Dudzik, OSF, as printed in the caption of "Discovering Saintly Connections", page 8, SSC Journeys Summer 2015 newsletter. Theodora, whose involvement with the SSCs was initiated and encouraged by Mother Theresa Dudzik, also advised Mother Maria to establish an Auxiliary to assist the young SSC Congregation.

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Along the Way Maria Kaupas Center for Transformative Technology Dedicated During Marywood University’s centennial celebration on September 8, the new Maria Kaupas Center for Transformative Technology (MKCTT) was dedicated and blessed as an area within the Pennsylvania school’s new Learning Commons. The center was partly funded through a gift from the Sisters of St. Casimir in gratitude for the exceptional education received by so many SSCs at Marywood University, or at one of its extensions at the Motherhouse or the Villa. Founded in 1915 as the first college for women in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the first Catholic women’s college in the state, Marywood University is sponsored by the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), with whom the Sisters of St. Sisters of St. Casimir visit the new Maria Kaupas Center for Transformative Technology at its Casimir have a long and grace-filled open house held during Marywood University's centennial celebration. Pictured (standing from history from their founding days. left) are Sisters Immacula Wendt, Regina Dubickas, Margaret Zalot and Rita Marie Kerdock. Attending the dedication and Shown in the front row (from left) Sisters Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Janine Golubickis, and Theresa Dabulis. Also present that day were Sisters Margaret Petcavage and Deborah Romanuski. touring the MKCTT and its home, the Learning Center, were the SSC Council – Sisters Regina Dubickas, Immacula Wendt, Additionally, this space provides a classroom featuring inMargaret Zalot, and Theresa Dabulis – along with Sisters novative technologies with 24 student work stations, as Janine Golubickis, Rita Marie Kerdock, Margaret Pet- well as an area designed to support the use of technology cavage, Deborah Romanuski, and Elizabeth Ann Yocius. for transforming the teaching and learning process. The Sisters of St. Casimir participated in many of the The new MKCTT includes a training area for utilizing other events in the week-long celebration, including the library resources, as well as a technical services section. blessing of the IHM Wellspring Fountain located in the center of the Morgan Memorial Garden on the university campus. This occupies The IHM Wellspring Fountain the sacred space where the first Sisters was blessed during the of Saint Casimir, Mother Maria Kaupas, Marywood Centennial week. The fountain marks where the Mother Immaculata, and Mother Conoriginal chapel altar stood before cepta, pronounced their vows at the being destroyed by fire in 1971, original altar in the IHM Motherhouse and is the spot where Mother Maria, Mother Immaculata and Chapel. The chapel was destroyed by Mother Concepta pronounced fire in 1971. their vows. For more information about Marywood University, visit:

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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629

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JOURNEYS is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications Project Manager Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-776-1324 Please send us your email so you can be alerted to occasional news in-between the Journeys mailings. Kindly let us know if you no longer wish to receive this mailing.

Upcoming Events Jan. 2, 2016

A pr. 2, 2016

9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass, 136th Birthday Commemoration

9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass 76th Anniversary of Mother Maria's death

Feb. 6, 2016 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass

M ar. 5, 2016

Jubilee Year of Mercy 2015 - 2016

Apr. 3, 2016 Auxiliary Games Party SSC Motherhouse

9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass Honoring St. Casimir

Apr. 23, 2016

M ar. 8–14, 2016

May 7, 2016

National Catholic Sisters Week

SCA-MHS Alumnae Reunion Palos Country Club

9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass

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