Ssc journeys winter 2014

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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir

Vol. XXVIII No. 1 Winter 2014

Sisters Join Others in Working Toward a Just World "Strengthened by our life of prayer and supported by our sisters in community, we journey toward a gospel vision of a peaceful, loving, and just world."

tional Migration Week in early January and are reminded that both our actions and our prayers are important. And we continue to do both. We experienced victories: Driver's License legislation was passed in Illinois, and overwhelmThese words from the Sising support of our sisters ters of St. Casimir Misfor immigration reform; sion Statement continue and defeats: comprehento shape the SSC “mission sive immigration reform to the world� in so many is not a reality as yet. ways. They challenge us to The work continues. widen our circle, to stand Much more needs to be with others, whether that done. We know that be for better housing, a safwe cannot do this work er neighborhood, or a more alone but that our efforts inclusive country that welDO make a difference. comes immigrants. We saw that clearly with In 2008 we made a comthe Illinois Driver's Limitment to focus on three cense legislation. When issues: care for the earth, we witnessed Governor immigration reform, and Quinn signing this bill, advocacy for the poor. One Sister Margaret Zalot and Sister Theresa Dabulis (far right) we could see the result of participate in the Archdiocese of Chicago Immigration Pilgrimage of the most complex issues our collective prayer and held on October 19, 2013. that we grappled with was action. We knew what immigration reform. Over that meant for individua five year period we listened to priests, sisters, lawyers, als and families in our neighborhood who lived in fear advocates for immigrants, and immigrants themselves. every time one of their family members drove to work or We wrote letters, sent post cards, and made phone calls drove their children to school and risked being stopped to local and national senators and representatives; we at- by local police and perhaps deported. We knew that what tended meetings; we participated in rallies and pilgrim- we were doing was just one step in helping to keep famiages; and we prayed. Each year we commemorate Na- lies together. "A Just World" continued on page 2

"A Just World" continued from page 1

To be your agents A prayer of those who work for justice

We continue to work with others to accomplish more: • With the Chicago Archdiocesan Office of Immigrant Affairs and Immigrant Education: We’ve participated in Posadas during Advent, prayed with others within the Archdiocese for comprehensive immigration reform, supported efforts within the Archdiocese that responded to the needs of undocumented immigrants, and walked together in solidarity with the immigrant community. • With Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants: We’ve prayed the rosary outside the Broadview, IL, detention center, attended assemblies on immigration reform, and supported the work that is being done for detainees in local prisons. • With the Southwest Organizing Project: We’ve come to know our neighbors and have stood with them at prayer vigils, and at local and national rallies; we’ve met together to celebrate small victories and planned together for next steps. • With Project IRENE: We’ve heard the call to action by other women religious in Illinois and responded with calls to our state senators and representatives. Our Foundress, Venerable Maria Kaupas, herself an immigrant, began her ministry in the United States among and for Lithuanian immigrants. Reaching out to immigrants today and supporting comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform is but one concrete way we carry out our mission within the Church and journey with others toward a gospel vision of a peaceful, loving, and just world. – This article was written by Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC

For more information on how you can become involved in efforts promoting comprehensive immigration reform, go to:

Loving God, Guide us to use the talents and skills You have so generously given us To work in collaboration with others To bring change to those Who suffer and are oppressed in this world. Guide us to creatively educate and advocate For others who are denied a voice. Help us to be present To members of the global human family In many ways. Help us to recognize the systems and structures That deny the dignity of the human person. Help us to be engaged and fully focused So we may envision and develop effective strategies To further justice and to be your agents in this world. Keep us aware of the bigger picture And move us beyond our own self-interest So we may participate in solidarity with those who need our support. Help us to persist in the face of challenges. Renew our hearts and remind us That your grace is working in us and through us So we may play a small part In the building of your kingdom. – Jane Deren Copyright © 2014, Center of Concern


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A Message from Sister Regina Marie Dear Friends, This is the issue of Journeys in which we express our gratitude to those who have given of their treasure to us. I want to take this opportunity to thank you in the name of all the Sisters of St. Casimir for the many gifts you have given us throughout the past year. Your generosity and support comes to us in so many ways: through the monetary donations you make for our retirement fund, care for our Sisters, support for our ministry, our St. Elizabeth Food Pantry, and the cause for Mother Maria's beatification. These donations are acknowledged in the pages of this issue of Journeys. But what cannot be counted or measured and is of great value and consolation to us are the letters, emails, and notes that we receive, requests for prayers, and gratitude for answers to prayers, your love for our community and its mission, stories of how your life has been influenced by our sisters, and your presence with us on many occasions. You are part of our life, part of the circle of friends who surround our community. We remember you in our prayers every day. As I write this to you, I look out my window to see our campus still covered with snow while snow is falling again. All of us are longing for spring and summer, not only in the seasons of the year, but in our personal lives as well. Oftentimes, our community receives prayer requests when people are in the “depth of winter” as they face challenges and struggles in their own lives. We become a part of their journey, even as they reach deep within themselves to find the strength and faith to embrace this “depth of winter” in their personal life. Recently, I came across this quote from Albert Camus: “In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” It affirmed the capacity that we all have that enables each of us to grow through www. ssc 2601. com

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the changes of our lives. There is truly an “invincible summer” in our hearts. It is the faithful presence of God. Our foundress, Venerable Mother Maria, wrote, “Wherever you are and whatever you do, always keep it in mind: God is here.” That “invincible summer” is present throughout all the seasons of our lives, if we allow it to be there and draw strength from it. As a Congregation, we are living this reality as we continue our discernment for our future, not only for a change in where we will live, but also for how we will continue as a community to respond to the needs of our world today. Little by little we are coming to know part of our future plans. Our immediate goal is to provide for our sisters who need assisted living. At the same time, we are exploring options for the sale and use of our Motherhouse. We are grateful for your prayerful support as we embrace this season in our life as Sisters of St. Casimir. From the time of Mother Maria, we have brought the message of the Gospel to those around us through our ministries of teaching, caring for the sick, doing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and through our prayer and presence. It is a call and a challenge to continue to do so wherever we are. As we move from the “depth of winter” into spring and summer, may we always carry in our hearts that invincible quality that never lets hope diminish, that always believes that all will be well, and that will carry us through all the seasons of our life, bringing new hope, new possibilities, and new life.

May God bless you.

Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior Sisters of St. Casimir

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Pope Francis Captures Worldwide Fascination


e's been named "Person of the Year in 2013" by Time magazine, was recently featured on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, maintains several Twitter accounts in different languages, and receives 6,000 "snail mail" letters a week. The man that can claim these achievements is our Pope Francis who has captured the attention of Catholics and non-Catholics throughout the world. Applauded by some as "shaking things up" and admonished by others as being too open minded in his thinking, Pope Francis has already created a lasting imprint upon the world since his election on March 13, 2013. His apostolic letters exhort Catholic doctorine, but they are delivered and lived in a manner that is quite different from what we've become accustomed to seeing in Church leaders. Even as the entire world is watching, we've asked our local SSC community of sisters, associates, employees, volunteers, and students for their impressions of the Pope. The words you see on this page are just a few that were used to describe him. We've included a sampling of other thoughts and comments here.

"His words and actions do not contradict one another." – Sr. Delphine G., SSC

"The Pope's actions are much like Jesus. He leads by example." – Maria Kaupas Center student

"He shows a passion for all people!" – Ed H., SSC employee

"His simplicity, openness, and coherency, together with his humility, have given a new look to the institutional Catholic Church." – SSCs ministering in Argentina

"Pope Francis seems to be an everyday-like and intelligent person, very warm and compassionate." – Fran T., SSC volunteer

"He is trying his utmost to make the Church a place of welcome, love, caring; and the world, a place of peace." – Sr. Margaret P., SSC

"Pope Francis has made his day to day life reachable." – Karen N., SSC Associate

"He is focusing on the poor and hungry." – SSC Dietary employees

"Pope Francis has showed the public that the Catholic Church is really caring and kind." – Katie C., VJM student

"He is trying to preach more to young adults – which shows his willingness to include everyone in the Church." – Murphy A., VJM student "He took a handicapped little boy from his father's arms and gave him a blessing and a kiss – I almost expected the little boy to walk." – Judy H., SSC Associate 4

"Pope Francis does not speak about love – he shows by his way of life how to incorporate it in daily living." – Sr. Concetta P., SSC "He's not afraid to challenge others, but always seems to do it in a loving way." – Sr. Margaret Z., SSC

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"He practices what he preaches ... and his wonderful sense of humor!" – Sr. Johanna S., SSC "He is so accepting and loving to everyone he meets. He is a great leader." – Julia R., VJM student

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Notes from Argentina It's Summertime — In the Southern Hemisphere Cordoba Retreat

Girl Scout Vocation Presentation


isters Nilda, Joyce, and Asunción traveled to Cordoba to be with Sisters Elenisa, Estela, and Jeanne for some time to get in touch with each other, sharing in a more relaxed atmosphere to fortify the spirit of community. The sisters in Argentina met in the mountains of Cordoba for their annual retreat. Sisters from various other communities participated in the retreat with reflections by Fray Gustavo Valenzuela. The Sisters of St. Francis de Sales prepared joy-filled and meaningful liturgies.

Invited by Veronica Lucra, SSC Associate, Sister Asunción Costantini gave a talk on “Vocation” to the Girl Scouts of the Avellaneda parish who were camping overnight in the parish garden. Sister spoke to them about God´s call to a profession or service, and to a vowed state of life.

Candlemaking The women who work in the candlemaking cooperative in Villa Tranquila, just outside of Avellaneda, were busy weeks before Christmas preparing centerpieces for the traditional Christmas Eve family gathering. Each centerpiece was accompanied by a prayer to be read before the meal, thanking God for sending us Jesus. Sisters Elenisa Buzas, Nilda Varanauskas, Jeanne Moceyunas, Joyce Ann Dopkin, Asunción Costantini and Estela Risso share time together at their retreat in the mountains of Cordoba, Argentina.

Thanks to internet and SKYPE, the Argentine sisters were able to participate in a “Missioning Service” together with the sisters of the SSC leadership team in Chicago.

“Good communication helps us to grow closer, to know one another better and, ultimately, to grow in unity.” Excerpt from Pope Francis’ message for World Communications Day 2014 www. ssc 2601. com

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The candlemaking is a year-round activity. Candles are produced in lovely flower petal shapes. It is a business endeavor to which the women can bring their little ones to work with them as they have no affordable daycare available.

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Happy Days at Villa Joseph Marie SSC Leadership Team Visits VJM

VJM Mini-THON A Success

he SSC leadership team (Sisters Regina Dubickas, Immacula Wendt, Margaret Zalot, and Theresa Dabulis) spent some very good and eventful days at the Villa last fall. On November 16th they

illa Joseph Marie High School’s Second Annual Mini-THON, held on January 10, 2014, was a great success. The school community raised more than $59,000 for the Four Diamonds Fund, which covers all expenses for children with pediatric cancer at Hershey Medical Hospital in Hershey, PA. With about 343 dancers, nearly the entire Villa student body was on its feet for 10 straight hours dancing "For The Kids." They were joined by many guests from among their families and friends. One special guest was Sister Theresa Dabulis, SSC, who raised $300 and flew in from Chicago to join in the dancing for a good cause. Her presence was inspiring and a wonderful reminder of the spirit of charity encouraged by Mother Maria and the Sisters of St. Casimir. The guest families who came to speak about their personal experiences with pediatric cancer were incredibly moving, and their joy at the hope that Mini-THON gives made every moment of preparation so worthwhile.


Villa Joseph Marie alumnae chat with current students at the Alumnae Reunion held at VJM in November.

took part in the Alumnae Reunion, which was held in the school gym that had been transformed into a lovely restaurant style setting with a delicious buffet meal. The alums had an opportunity to tour the school and see the many changes that have taken place. Comments were very positive, as well as amazement that “we never had that when I was here.” Name tags featured each alumna’s graduation picture, — always a conversation starter about Villa days and where life has taken them. Maureen Cleary, Development Director; Terri Michel, President; and Sr. Regina Marie, SSC General Superior, welcomed the alums, citing different aspects of the gathering and encouraging them to remain connected to the school. That same evening about 20 current students returned from a weekend spent at Romero Center in Camden, New Jersey. Their parents, the SSC leadership team, and others from the school, gathered around them as they sat in a circle around an array of candles and shared the most powerful aspect of their experience and how it affected them. The Villa girls had the experience of meeting many people and hearing many life stories that inspired them to be more aware of and compassionate with those who are marginalized, suffering, or without support on their life journey. On November 19th members of the leadership team met informally with teachers and students, took part in the executive committee and board meetings regarding the school and its progress, and missioned the board members as they re-committed themselves to the mission of Villa Joseph Marie. 6

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Sister Theresa Dabulis leads the cheer encouraging over 300 dancers participating in the 2014 VJM Mini-THON.

Nearly all of Villa's faculty and staff, and more than 50 parents, volunteered their time to assist Campus Minister Tess Plummer and her team of 40 Mini-THON Student Captains in staging this amazing fundraiser. In addition, many Villa families, as well as the Parents' Guild, generously donated food and money to cover the costs of hosting the event. Mini-THON truly demonstrated just how blessed Villa Joseph Marie is to have such generous and supportive people in the school community. Melissa Morley Amour VJM '90, Associate Director of Institutional Advancement for Villa Joseph Marie High School, graciously submitted this article.

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Blessing of the Maria Kaupas Center


n Wednesday, January 22, 2014, over two dozen sisters and SSC Associates participated in a prayer service and official blessing of the Maria Kaupas Center (MKC), a Catholic community center where spirituality, community, and leaderleft: Sisters Sylvia Puchoras, Margaret Mary Mazgelis, Regina Dubickas, Bernadette Marie Janus, SSC ship merge. The con- From Associate Ginger Madden, and Sisters Janine Golubickis, Marilyn Karpovich and Theresa Dabulis join in vent attached to Maria blessing those involved with the Maria Kaupas Center at its dedication prayer service. High School, which at Project, an entrepreneurial program that introduces one time was home to over 50 Sisters who worked at the young students to basic business skills and concepts. school, had not been used as a residence for several years, Moving on to the community room, MKC grant and has provided a perfect location for a vibrant comwriter, Cheryl Tolish, shared some thoughts about the joy munity center to serve the teens and youth of Catalystof scholars gathering in that room. The procession’s final Maria School. Catalyst-Maria is the K-12 Chicago Public destination was the Kaupas Kafé where MKC volunteer Schools charter school that took over the Maria buildand Maria High School alumna Suzie Etsch spoke about ing in 2012. It serves over 800 neighborhood children. the grant- funded healthy eating/cooking class she directs. Most of the blessing took place in the chapel and While each blessing was memorable, the one that all stakeholders in the center participated, including took place in the chapel was by far the most moving. Board members, staff and volunteers, and the scholars Sister Regina Marie Dubickas, SSC, General Superior, of Catalyst-Maria. For these young people, the center invited all the Sisters and Associates to join her at the represents a place for spiritual, social, and emotional front of the chapel and extend their right hands towards growth. Presider Fr. Tony Pizzo, OSA, suggested to the those gathered in the pews. They offered words of grace scholars that they are “the salt of the earth” and that God recognizes their potential to improve their lives and the lives of others, much as salt does. He also assured them that ours is a God who will stand beside us in good times and in bad. But the heart of the celebration was the blessing of each of the main areas of the Maria Kauapas Center. In each space, a few words were spoken by either a student leader, adult staff, or volunteer, followed by a prayer and a sprinkling with holy water. Joyful singing, led by Maria alumna Anna Belle O'Shea, accompanied the group as they headed to the next destination. The sisters led the blessing in the chapel itself, and then Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius speaks about Sacred Sewing, a service learning project offered at the Maria Kaupas Center. all in attendance processed out to the doorway that opens into the Center. There, MKC staffer Britt Quinn spoke and support and blessing, words that were graciously and of the importance of that entrance where scholars are warmly received. welcomed and warmly greeted each day. The procession Other highlights of the event were student choreographed then moved on to Studios A & B, rooms where much of the dances that opened the ceremony, a reading from Kaze’s center’s programming takes place. Two MKC volunteers True Home: The Young Life of a Modern Day Saint, Mother spoke about special programming available to CatalystMaria Kaupas, music provided by MHS alumna Anna Maria sixth graders. Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius, SSC, Belle O’Shea and Tyrone Pittman, and the commissioning explained Sacred Sewing, a service learning project, while of the MKC Board, staff and volunteers, and Catalyst Melanie Lyke told those in attendance about the Dorcas MKC Blessing continued on page 14 www. ssc 2601. com

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With Gratitude to Our Benefactors


We acknowledge with deep gratitude the loving generosity of our many supporters. Your don Adint, Ronald & Cynthia Affrunti, Ralph & Debra Amato, Mary Jane Amato, Jason & Jennefer Amato, Stephen & Heidi Ambrose, Joan Amrich, Michael & Gertrude Anonymous Antikauskas, Evelyn Aras, Rama Atkenson, David Atkenson, Paul & Janice Atkenson, Robert Atkenson, Walter & Genevieve Azara, Mary Babitzke, Charlotte Bailis, Joseph & Raffaella Balawich, Helen Balesh, Stella Balulis, Antoinette (Tessie) Bandyk Family Bandyk, Joe & Lynn Bandyk, Sr. Lucille Ann, SSC Baran, Leo Barkus, John Barrett, John Baumhart, Barbara Jerome Bednarcik, Elaine & Richard Belitz, George & Bernice Belzinskas, Remigijus & Danute Bendoraitis, Margaret Berger, Richard & Therese Bertrand, Richard Beuhring, Frederick & Mary Bigelis, Agnes Binder, Rima Binkis, Paul & Susan

Whimsical friends visited the Motherhouse during the Christmas season. 8

Blash, Roberta Blinstrubas, Sr. Milda, SSC Blusnavage, Victor & Janice Bodnar, Susan Boldyreff, Roman & Linda Bonenberger, Tom & Janet Boris, Donna Borowski, Marita Bosco, Carol Bosowski, Joseph & Fran Brady Family Brazen, Alfred & Josephine Brazis, Aldona Brennan, Ann Therese Brummel, Patricia Brzegowy, Rita Bubel, Peter Bubel, Robert & Mary Liz Bullett, Walter & Karen Bulota, Birute Bunevicius, Andrea Buracas, John Burger, Katherine Burke, Anne M. Burnett, Milton & Paula Bush, Stanley & Marie Butler, James Bynoe, Carol Byrnes, Michael, DBA Campbell, Dolores Carollo, John & Cheri Casey, Jeanne Chavez, Mary Chesla, Michele and Family Chialastri, Dorothy Chrabot, Cyril & Joan Christel, Clementine Christophersen, Andy Cieplak, Mary Ciuckyte, Sr. Salvatore, SSC Clark, Lori Clayton, Jimmie & Carol Clow, Barbara & Raymond Comes, Virginia Conville, Mary Costa, Marie Creedon Family Dabulis, Sr. Theresa, SSC Dancy, John & Agatha Daniel, Edwin & Susan Danyla, Catherine Daraska , Paul & Mary Daresh, Christianne S ist er s


Dauparas, Joseph Dauss, George Davis-Leal, Eva Debulski, Sr. Frances, SSC Deeney, Marian Deputron, Ronald & Claudia Devereux, Veronica Diamond, Gene & Mary

Sisters Maureen Juozapavicius and Zita Petkevicius enjoy the Auxiliary Christmas party.

Dimick, Karen Disis, Leonard & Dolores Dixey, Thomas & Joan Dobrolsky Sr., John & Janice Dopkin, Raymond & Florence Dorado, Vivian Dower Foundation Dozier, Eleanor Dressel, Sr., Robert & Bernadine Drogosz, James Dubickas, Sr. Regina Marie, SSC Durling, Loretta Dusza, Mary Ann Dutcavich, Gloria Dymond, George Ebert, Eleanor Ellis, Janet Ernst, Ann Feliss, Bernice Fernandez, Diana Ferro, Tony Figel, Genevieve Filip, William Finestone, Ruta Fischer, Edward Floyd, Margaret Folloso, Juliet Foreacre, Barbara Foreman, John & Vivian Cunnea Foster, Mark & Teresa

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Frantz, Michael & Pat Fyrberg, Peter & Elizabeth Gaichas, David & Sharon Galiski, Joseph Gallagher, Mary Galvez, Carmencita Galvin, Barbara Gaputis, Joseph & Theresa Gaska, Richard & Nancy Gasunas, Mary Gates, Gary & Pam Gecewicz, Patricia Gercius, Mary Anna Giedraitis, Alvina Gilbert, Albert & Maryanne Gillott, Jeanne Glas, John & Mary Glock, Barbara Gloodt, William & Nancy Gluck, Lisa Goehmann, Jim Goldthwaite, Cecelia Gonzales, Joseph Graham, Caroline Green, Jo Ann Greene, Joan Greene, Ronald & Joan Griganavicius, Danguole Grigas, Sr. Delphine, SSC Grigonis, Joan & June Grigonis, Sr. Rosalinda, SSC Gronskis, Elaine Guerine, Carolyn Guertin, Carolyn Guttenplan, Marc & Barbara Guzior, Richard & Christine Hackett, Andrea Hagey, Dolores Hammer, Robert & Marilyn Hanlon, Estelle & John Harden, Jon & Mary Hartnett, Gregory & Barbara Harwood, III, William & Monica Healy, John Heaney, Judith Heidkamp, Monica & Bob Heintz, James & Celia Henry, Marlene Herrington, Claire Hinder, John & Donna www. ssc 2601. com

January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013

nations help us to continue our ministries and to care for the health care needs of our sisters. Hinojosa, Donna & Jorge Hletko, Geraldine Hoey, John & Linda Hoffman, Judy Holdiman, Barbara Holloway, Raymond & Terry Hope, Patricia Hoteko, Donna Iacovetti-Zurlo, Anna Ibele, Anton Jagiella, Mildred Jakamavich, Joseph & Mary Janis, Mary Jautokas, Regina Jeronowitz, Robert & Bernice Johnson, Frances Johnson, Melissa Johnson, Stella Jones, Thomas & Cheryl Jordan, Brian & Joann Juraitis, Ann Marie Jurek, John and Nancy Clark Jurkonie, William Juskaitis, Regina Kaczynski, Felix Kalafut, Sr. Grace Ann, SSC Kantutus, Joseph & Angela Kapischke, Marian Kapurch, Joseph & Rita Karpovich, Anna Mae Karpovich, Sr. Marilyn, SSC Kaunas, Vanda Kaupas, Laura Kay, Mary Ann Kelly, Bernard & Rose Marie Kelly, Dorothy & Patrick Kelly, Robert & Marilyn Kern, Donald & Shirley Kidurkis Family Kincinas, Stella King, Art & Marianne Kitterman, Coral Kizelevicius, Raymond & Barb Klein, Dr. James Klein, Judith Knez, Paul Knights of Columbus Knights of Lithuania Knorr, Virginia www. ssc 2601. com

Konwerska, Helen & Florence Kopecky, Joyce Koslawy, Frances Kosmerl, Richard & Maureen Kossuth, Irene M.D. (estate of) Koulakas, Nicole Kowalczyk, Albina Kozwell, Anthony & Karen Krase, Pat Krause, Ramona Krupka, Lillian Kruszynski, Michaeline Krut, Genevieve Kuch, Frederick Kurek, Crystal Kuzmickas, Virginia Lajeunesse, Donald & Adrienne Lane, TJ LARK (Lithuanian American Roman Catholic) Leonaitis, Rita, and Mark Konchan Leonard, Robert Lepar, Connie Lepsett, Rose Lerner, Wayne & Sandye Letter Carriers' Union in the Monroe Post Office Levonaitis, Raymond Liakas, Elaine Liotine, Joseph Lipperini, Rich & Irene Lipsett, Rosemarie Loeb, Kathy Logue, Neal & Katherine Lonergan, Dan & Alma Lopez, Sr. Dolorine, SSC Lowe, L. Lorraine Lukens, Richard & Joan Luksta, Robert Macha, Mariann Machay , Ricky & Julie Machay, Mariann Macias, Patrick & Carolyn Maciejko, Kathleen Lynn Maciora, Joseph Mackey, Theresa Maher, Joan S ist er s


Maletz, Jr., Leo Malone, Robert & Maureen Maluska, Genevieve Mango, Louis & Helen Markus, Thomas & Ann Martish, Jim & Jean Matulenas, Tim & Fran Maughton , Mary May, Mark & Liz Mazgelis, Paul McAdams, Charles & Judith McAuliffe, Dan & Kathleen McCarthy, Tom & Mary McGovern, Aileen McLaughlin, Patrick McManus, Kenneth McNeil, Simone McNichols, Florence McShane, Elizabeth McTaggart, Michael & Virginia

Sister Theresa Dabulis congratulates Donna Brooks, SSC Dietary Department employee, who was recognized for five years of service at the SSC Employee Missioning and Awards Ceremony, held on February 13, 2014.

Medinger, Sr. Marilyn, and CND Sisters Melevage, F.J. Meltzer, Sharon Menard, Donna Mentzer, Mr. & Mrs. John, Jr. Meola, Gertrude Meyer, James Mickus, Sheila McDonnell Mika, Walter & Carol

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Mikatavage, Dr. Mark Mikolaitis, Fr. Vito (Estate of) Miksas, Sr. M. Teresita, SSC Mikužis, Juozas & Lora Miller, William Minieka, Dr. Michael Mitchell, Anne Mitiu, Victoria Mochel, Rosemarie Momkus, Vacys & Marguerite Moore, Frank & Regina Morgan, Louise Moroz, Paula Morris, James & Dorothy Morrissey, Vivian Mueller, Don Murphy , James &Bernice Murphy, Bernice & Jim Murphy, William K. Myron, Terrence & Debbie Nau, Suzanne Naudziunas, Sr. M. Andreata, SSC Naujokas, Joseph & Joan Naujokas, Raymond & Therese Nauyokas, Don & Theresa, and family Nedzveckas, Bernice & Joseph Niedbala, Clara Niles, Patricia Nolan, Bill & Cecelia Norkaitis, Danute Novak, Robert Novak, Ronald & Hilde Okolowitcz, Paul & Maureen Olsen, Gary & Diane O'Malley, John & Debra Opanasets, Alice O'Reilly, Robert & Gertrude Ormond, Mary Clark & Neal O'Shea, Anna Belle Osman, Stanley & Lois Ostrowski, John & Mary Pachankis, Lorraine Pacura, Lori Palunas, Mecys & Jadvyga Panchari, Anna & Anthony 9

We pray daily for our benefactors. Pantos, Barbara Paprzyca, Sandra & Bruce Paris, Warren & Grace Parkinson, Maureen & William Paskauskas, Cynthia Pasko, Clara Pauksta, Leon & Anne Pavone, Anthony & Helen Peetz, Dwaine & Carmen Penkas, Linda and Lisa Peredna, John & Genevieve Pervenecki, Stanley Petcavage, Thomas & Sheila Petkus, Donald M. Petrauskas, Sr. M. Concetta, SSC Piegari, Rochelle Pilkerton, Ann Politza, Joseph, Jr. Pollock, Robert & Nancy Potts, Robert Puisis, Sr. M. Paulissa, SSC Purtill, Donna Pusatera, Eileen Putnam , Marylee Quintela, Linda Rackauskas, Ramune Raisys, Vid & Nijole Rakunas, Bernice Ramoska, Lourdine Reese, Eleanor Reiskis Dancy, Agatha Roback, Dan & Dolores Roberts, Barbara Roberts, Maryann & Paul Robinson, Gary & Rosemarie Roche, Mary Rodgers, Vivian & Alfred Roe, Jesse Romanelli, Michael & Antoinette Romanuski, Sr. Deborah, SSC Romberg, Kathleen Rosewald, Clarence & Loretta Rokaitis, Donald A. Rotkis, Charles Rowan, Thomas & Ann Marie Rumishek, Tom & Marilyn Rumsa, James 10

Ryscavage, Eugene & Rose Marie Sabados, Judy Sakevicius, Josephine Salgado, Irene & Isodoro Samaska, Vincent Sanecki, Thomas & Gail Sangpeal, Dorothy Sarokas, Gertrude Savickas, David Schultz, Bernadette Schultz, Robert & Paula Schwab, Betty Schweitzer, Mr. & Mrs. D. Seiler, John & Cynthia Seipler, Mary Jane Serauskas, Joe & Joyce, and family Sharko, Donald Sharow, Petronella Shirkey, Paul & Therese Shotas, Lucille Shotas, Nancy Six, Ellen Skusevich, Doris & Daniel Slakis, Mary Beth Slepetis, George

Sister Philip Ramoska enjoys a winter activity.

Slovacek, Leo & Geri Slowinski, Eleanore Smalarz, Balbina Smithson, Mary Society for the Propagation of the Faith Sokas, Rosemary Sokas, Timothy & Regina Solms, Joan Spinozzi, Karen SSC Auxiliary St. Barbara Senior Club St. Linus Parish St. Louis de Montfort Council & Ladies Auxiliary St. Norbert School Staisiunas Family S ist er s


Stamper, Jeff & Patricia Stancikas, Helena Stancius, Elena Stancius, Veronika Stanton , Marilyn Stauder, Carole Stefani, Pamela Stonkus, Christine Stoops, Janice Stoyanoff, Linda, Chris, and Katie Strabel, Karen Straiges, Ronald Strolia, Faustas & Theresa Strom, Thomas Sublousky, John Summey, Geraldine Super, Vinita Sussko, Rita Swagzdis, James Sweeney, Anita Swietanowski, Tony, Pauline, Theresa, Eileen, Richard, and Jane Taft, William & Eugenia Tamalavage, John & Rita Tan Creti, Michael & Jane Taran, Mary Taran, Steve & Claudia Tenbroeck, Frances Thoma, Irene Thomas Dower Foundation Thomas, Margarita & Michael Thomas, Paul Toborowsky, Bob & Mary Ann Troy, Patrick & Susan Trusiak, Virginia Tummala, Sivaramaprasad & Kamala Tuzik, Rev. Robert L. Tymkow, Tony Underwood, Mary Ann Uzdanovich, Susan Vaicekauskas, Povilas & Lorraine Vaitkus, Tony Valaitis, John & Irena Valentino, Marie Van Huis, Alex & Marie Van Wert, Richard Vanaria, Vivian Vatch, Steven

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Sisters Andreata Naudziunas, Regina Sitkus, and Grace Carol Wastak prepare the Christmas card mailing.

Vilutis Jim Vodicka A licia Vosahlik, Otto & Eileen Vycius, Loretta Wachsman, Renee Walter, Anna & George Walton, Grinny Waszgis, Jim & Rose Webb, Robert & Mary Wegner, Joan Weirman, Eleanor & Robert Welch, Carol White, Joseph & Irene Wild, Paul & Mary Winslow, Leonard & Vicki Wisneski, Emily Yakamavich, Joe & Mary Yaklich, Robert & Roberta Yenushosky, Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Yerkes, David & Joan Yerkes, John & Eloise Yerkes, Judith and Barbara Yerkes, Leonard & Jo Ann Yerkes, Roy & Maureen Yocius, Agnes Zakarka, Julie Zalot, Sr. Margaret, SSC Zanco, Manley & Margaret Zara, Nora Zbilut, Cindy Zielinski, Albin & Joan Zimont, Sophia Zinker, Edward Zivalich, Susan Zukas, Paul & Louise Zukas, Sophia Zurlis-Lally, Mary

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St. Elizabeth Food Pantry SSC Food Pantry Volunteers Attend Mass of Blessing at St. Linus The St. Linus (Oak Lawn, IL) Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society invited all benefactors and parishioners to a Mass of Thanksgiving and Blessing of the new St. Vincent de Paul Statue on October 28, 2013. Fr. Mark Walter, pastor, celebrated the liturgy, and Fr. William Corcoran, former pastor and donor of the beautiful sculpture, blessed the statue after the homily. In gratitude for all that this group contributes to our St. Elizabeth Food Pantry, Sisters Mary Louise Andrulonis, Grace Ann Kalafut, and Janine Golubickis as well as our associates/pantry volunteers Ginger Madden and Loretta Ezerski participated at the Mass and reception afterwards. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is indeed Love in Action. It was good to see and congratulate members, especially Dick Kress and Ed Werner, who have

personally supported the Pantry for many years. The refreshments were prepared by parishioner Don Sharko, brother of our deceased Sister Maurita Sharko, SSC. At right: This beautiful statue of St. Vincent de Paul was donated to St. Linus Parish by former pastor, Fr. William Corcoran. Many sisters and volunteers affiliated with the SSC Food Pantry attended the Mass of Thanksgiving and Blessing. The St. Linus Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society has been a faithful supporter of the Pantry.

– Photo courtesy of Don Sharko

St. Elizabeth Food Pantry Donors

Sister Mary de Sales Sokol, founder of the SSC Food Pantry, accepts a donation of holiday turkeys from her nephew, John Sokol (far right), and her niece, Mary Ann Mugnaine, and Mary Ann's husband, Robert.

Banky, Michael Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Mission Catalyst–Maria School Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Grant Cherif, Isabella Corcoran, Rev. William Creghin, Mike Dachota, Paul www. ssc 2601. com

Daisy Troop 60455 Egan, Mary Ferchau-Hall, Teri (HCH) Forseth, Marge & SSC 4th Floor Personnel Galvin, Gerry (HCH Security) Goehmann, James Hernandez, Salvatore Illinois Tool Works S ist er s


Kelpsas, Rev. Jaunius Kennedy, Michele Klein, Dr. & Mrs. James Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Fatima Council 3582 Knights of Lithuania Mid-Am. District Kress, Richard Kristoff, Denise (HCH) Leaman, Mark Maria Kaupas Center Marist High School Marquette Bank Mentzer, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. John Merkel, Jamie (Nabisco) Mt. Sinai – Holy Cross Hospital Mugnaine, Mr. & Mrs. Mullen, Joan Mulvey, Dennis & Sandra Nabisco Nativity B.V.M. Parish Nativity Early Childhood Center Navarro, Terry Neu, Deacon Andrew

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Pacura, Lori (HCH) Povlitz, Ralph (HCH) Ripley, Kevin (Nabisco) Ryan, Dennis (HCH) Saulaitis, Rev. Antanas, S.J. Saulys, Mr. & Mrs. Vacys Slepetis, George Sokol, John Speck, Robert St. John Fisher Parish St. Linus Knit and Crochet Ladies St. Linus Parish St. Linus St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Mary Star of the Sea Boy Scout Troop 1441 St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish St. Norbert School & Religious Ed. Program Sykes, Derek (U.S. Postal Carriers of 60629) Tong, Mr. & Mrs. George Walter, Rev. Mark Walton, Grinny Warner, Ed Zajauskas, Aldona 11

Along the Way Catholic Schools Week

All Souls' Liturgy — Remembering Deceased Loved Ones

Sister Maria Sandoval reads a story with pre-schoolers from the Nativity Early Childhood Center during Catholic Schools Week.

Sisters Theresa Dabulis, Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Margaret Petcavage, Grace Ann Kalafut, and Mrs. Susan Binkis, SSC Auxiliary Moderator, reverently read the names of deceased loved ones prior to the Mass.

As part of their celebration of Catholic Schools Week, the pre-school children from the Nativity Early Childhood Center came to the Motherhouse for “story hour” with the sisters. Sisters Mary Louise Andrulonis, Milda Blinstrubas, Bernadette Marie Janus, Theresa Papsis, Sylvia Puchoras, Deborah Romanuski, Maria Sandoval, and Lorraine Therese Siminas were on hand to read stories to these young children who were full of life and energy, and eager to have the attention of the sisters.

Twelve Days of Christmas at Catalyst Maria

Sister Johanna Marie Shainauskas

On December 20, 2013, Sister Johanna Marie Shainauskas directed the Twelve Days of Christmas at Catalyst–Maria in the school’s gym. Sisters Janine Golubickis and Maria Sandoval were in attendance as Catalyst–Maria continued the tradition that had begun at Maria High School over twenty years ago.

On Saturday, November 2, 2013, Father Mark Brummel, CMF, was the celebrant for the monthly Mass for the Beatification of Mother Maria. This was also the annual All Souls’ Remembrance Liturgy. Sisters, Associates, Auxiliary members, friends, and alumnae of Maria High School and St. Casimir Academy were invited to bring photos of deceased loved ones to the Mass and to send in the names of their deceased loved ones. Over 800 names were reverently read prior to Mass, and candles were brought to the “Altar of the Dead” during the reading of names. This has grown to become a very special time for the usual participants in our Mother Maria Masses as well as others who have recently lost their loved ones.

Candles were placed on the "Altar of the Dead" which held photos of deceased loved ones at the All Souls' Remembrance Liturgy. 12

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Along the Way Notre Dame Students Learn About Community Issues and Organizing

Associates Host Christmas Party

During the week of January 7-12, 2014, University of Notre Dame students made their way to the SSC Motherhouse in severe snow storm weather to participate in one of two separate programs through the Center for Social Concerns at Notre Dame. Seven students participated in the 2014 Organizing for Power and Hope Seminar for six days, and four students in the 2014 Urban Plunge/ SWOP Seminar overnight January 8 and 9, 2014. It is always a wonderful opportunity to offer these women and men lodging and share our SSC hospitality and story. In

Sister Ann Therese Radziunas enjoys the activities at the SSC Associates' Annual Christmas Party held especially for the sisters in the infirmary.

These Universtiy of Notre Dame students participated in the 2014 Organizing for Power and Hope Seminar for six days in January. Four other students participated in the 2014 Urban Plunge/SWOP Seminar. Both groups stayed at the SSC Motherhouse during their learning experience.

turn, the students share their stories, aspirations, future goals for their lives in the Church and for society. Sister Grace Ann Kalafut graciously coordinated hospitality, and Sister Margaret Zalot shared her experiences in community organizing with the group. Between meetings with various organizations and groups, the students were able to participate in Mass at the Motherhouse and interact with the sisters at meals. Two of the young men in the group went above and beyond by providing assistance to the sisters with mops and buckets the night a pipe burst on the first floor and water seemed to be everywhere. The following morning they were awarded specially created certificates.

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On December 15th the SSC Associates hosted a special Christmas Party for the sisters residing in the Infirmary (aka “the penthouse”). Most of the other Sisters at the Motherhouse joined in this annual celebration that included Christmas sweet treats, time for singing Christmas carols, and time to enjoy the singing of the young adult choir from St. Catherine of Alexandria.

SSC Website Updates We have made some fun enhancements to our website: Check out the "user-friendly" way in which you can now read the Journeys newsletter online. Click Publications from the home page. We'll also be adding Animoto photo videos to many of our news items. These can be found by clicking Events.

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At Journey’s End

— Eternal Days Beginning

Sister M. Veronetta Kazlauskas, SSC March 7, 1917 – October 29, 2013 Sister Veronetta, nee Casimira, was born to Stanley and Veronica Kazlauskas in Lithuania. She was one of eight children, two of whom died as infants. Casimira’s family came to the United States in 1933 when she was 15 years old. When she looked back on her life, she recognized the strong value her parents placed on prayer and family life. Casimira learned about sisters and religious life from her mother, and she felt in her heart that that was where she belonged. She made her first profession of vows on August 15, 1942. At the time of her jubilee celebration, Sister Veronetta said, “A vocation to the religious life is the most precious gift of God.” Sister Veronetta served in many missions of the Sisters of St. Casimir: St. Anthony Parish in Nebraska; Holy Family Villa in Lemont, IL; Maria High School and Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Chicago; Sacred Heart Parish in New Mexico; and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Cleveland. However, the greatest amount of time was spent at Villa Joseph Marie in Holland, PA, to which she returned many times: 1943-1947, 1949-1951, 1960-1969, and 1972-2000, after which she came to the Motherhouse in Chicago. At each of those places "MKC Blessing" continued from page 7 scholars by MKC Board President Brother Michael Fehrenebach, FSC. A joyful celebration of fellowship, food, and music followed the final blessing in the Kaupas Kafé (the convent dining room). The blessing was planned by MKC Program Director Amy Eckhouse, Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC, Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius, SSC, and Anna Belle O’Shea. It provided a beautiful opportunity not only to share with the sisters the newest chapter in the long legacy of service pledged by Mother Maria to the community of Marquette Park, but also to ask for their blessing on it. Additional information about the Maria Kaupas Center can be found on their website, at www. or by calling the Center itself (773) 925–8686. The book, Kaze’s True Home: The 14

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she was involved in domestic work, dietary and laundry service, and gardening. And the latter was her passion. Sister Veronetta loved to kneel down on the ground and get her hands in the dirt, planting flowers, watering them, and watching them grow. In 2011, Sister Veronetta was recognized at one of the SSC’s assemblies for having the “most lovingly attended garden” as a testimony to their commitment to “Caring for the Earth.” Six weeks before her death, her good friends took her to a flower show that had a magnificent display of dahlias. It was a great joy for Sister Veronetta to feast on their beauty and an even greater joy when someone presented her with a dazzling bouquet of dahlias to bring home. Sister Veronetta was a simple, kind person, who will be remembered for her generous, unassuming service to others and for making the world around her more beautiful through her care for the earth. She leaves the Sisters with an incentive to be passionate about what they do, to love what they do, and to be good at it. She was able to give advice about whatever was needed to help make a garden grow and how to keep away the little creatures who love to nibble on the things that grow there. She loved her family and greatly appreciated their visits and their kindness to her. The Lord called Sister Veronetta to his eternal embrace on the morning of October 29, 2013. The community is grateful to all who cared for her and to Sister Elaine for her friendship over many years.

Fr. Tony Pizzo, OSA impresses upon the scholars that they are "the salt of the earth."

Young Life of a Modern Day Saint, Mother Maria Kaupas, by Claire Jordan Mohan, is available at the SSC Motherhouse (773) 776–1324.

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Words of Gratitude Sometimes we don’t realize all the ways we have touched peoples’ lives. The following note came to us through our website; we include it here, unedited. My Dear Sisters in Christ; I know that you do not know me but I do know you and an understanding of your community better today. My name is Perry Graham and my first time meeting your community was at Holy Cross Hospital. In 1975 I came to you, sent by my supervisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. His wife was an RN there and he and I had a discussion about my future. I shared with him how I was more interested in medicine and not banking. He advised me to go to Holy Cross Hospital and put in an application. It was not long after that I received a response from HCH. It was from then on I have loved my career in the medical field. Somehow today I stumbled on the website on the Motherhouse of St. Casimir. I read everything on the site but what brought me closer to all the sisters was all that was written by the sisters who celebrated their Jubilees. After reading all of them I felt I was reading a book on the sainted Sisters of St. Casimir. I loved every minute of it. My training and the offering of my time caring for the sick and injured was 1975 to 1980. The many sisters I worked under and became friends with all touched my heart and have become special friends of mine not to mention the nurses I met and worked with too. HCH has been a great and blessed experience for my formation in healthcare. Thank you and all of you will be in my prayers. In Faith and the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ; Perry Graham

National Catholic Sisters Week The first ever "National Catholic Sisters Week" will be celebrated March 8 - 14, 2014, as part of National Women's History Month. It is a wonderful time to offer prayers of gratitude for the many and varied contributions that women religious congregrations have made and continue to make to the very fabric of our country. To quote a bumper sticker, "If you can read this, thank a nun!"

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Courage to Follow a Dream

Casimira Kaupas (Venerable Mother Maria)

Rev. Anthony Kaupas

Casimira Kaupas (Venerable Mother Maria) matured in her spiritual life through the noteworthy books she read while living in Scranton at her priest brother’s rectory. After visiting a convent in New York with a friend, she experienced an emotion that later evolved into an attraction to religious life. Possibly not knowing how to express it, she felt she was called to a wider social service – through religious life. This did not sit well with Father Anthony. They had a sharp conflict about this for he felt she was too young and he didn’t want to lose her companionship. Her brother tried to talk her out of it and even asked his friends to talk her out of this unusual choice. Shortly after, she felt the need to return to Lithuania to visit her widowed Mother and to sort things out. After some reflective months in Lithuania, Casimira sent a letter to Father Anthony telling him that she was returning to Scranton to enter a convent. He wrote back asking if she is willing to found a Congregation to teach the immigrant children arriving daily. Casimira was eager to do this for her beloved Lord, and her heart was moved with pity for her beloved Lithuanian people. Strengthened by the Spirit, Casimira had the courage to follow her dream in a way she never expected. Such was the founding of the Sisters of St. Casimir. – Sister Margaret Petcavage, SSC

"Hope lies in dreams, in imagination and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality." – Jonas Salk

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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629

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Journeys is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications Project Manager Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-776-1324 This paper contains 10% post consumer recovered fiber.

2014 Calendar Events M arch 1 • 9:30 AM What is involved in the creation of "a better world?"

... it aims at an authentic and integral development, at efforts to provide dignified living conditions for everyone, at finding just responses to the needs of individuals and families, and at ensuring that God’s gift of creation is respected, safeguarded and cultivated. – Pope Francis, Message for the Day of Migrants and Refugees, January 19, 2014

Mother Maria Mass Saint Casimir Commemoration

March 8 - 14

National Catholic Sisters Week

March 23 • 12:00 PM Auxiliary Games Party Games begin at 2:00 PM SSC Motherhouse

M arch 29

Villa Joseph Marie Auction Fundraiser

A pril 5 • 9:30 AM

Mother Maria Mass 74th Anniversary of Death commemoration

M ay 3 • 9:30 AM

June 7 • 9:30 AM

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Mother Maria Mass

SCA/MHS All School Reunion; Contact: Britt Quinn, bquinn@; or call: (773) 925-8686

M ay 17

Mother Maria Mass MARIA MASS

August 2 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass

August 30 • 9:30 AM

Founders' Day Mass and 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Celebration Make Straight the Pathway: the Rough Road to Immigration Reform Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS, Exec. Dir. of NETWORK Catalyst–Maria School Sponsored by Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants. Call (312) 641-5151 for details.

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