The Pulse | Fall 2015

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Fall 2015

Sisters of Notre Dame, Covington

One Heart, One Hope, One Mission

INSIDE SND-USA National Gathering Missionary Spirit Jubilee 2015 Meet Mayra and Nicole

Letter from the Provincial I am writing this on the feast of the Transfiguration. All three synoptic gospels record this extraordinary event in which Jesus is atop a mountain with several of his closest disciples. They hear a voice from a cloud say, “This is my beloved Son.” That is the message that each human person longs to hear – that she or he is deeply loved. It is a message that we Sisters of Notre Dame connect to, as women called to incarnate the love of our good and provident God. We believe that each of us is an adopted son or daughter who shares in Jesus’ belovedness. We hold the hope that our many associations do in fact convey something of the love of God, but we are also so grateful that we have been recipients of that love bestowed by our friends and partners in mission. We even dare to hope that sometimes we are able to serve as the conduit through which that love reaches the poor and forgotten. All of our ministries, many of which are featured in The Pulse, engage in outreach beyond their own buildings and home territories. Those who support and enjoy our Fourth of July Festival also share in our home ministries and the young ministry in East Africa. As we move toward being a single SND province in the United States, we are already engaging in cross-province efforts such as those in New Orleans and Texas, and the National Education Summit – all described in this issue. Thank you for celebrating the jubilees of our sisters and the completed lives on Earth of our sisters and associates. May we each continue to experience, celebrate, and convey the love of our good God. Sincerely, Sr. Mary Ethel Parrott Provincial, Covington Province


The Pulse • Fall 2015

SND-USA National Gathering by Sr. Mary Kevan Seibert

The Sisters of Notre Dame

From July 23 through 26, the United States Sisters of Notre Dame met in Columbus, Ohio, as a first step to embrace our shared future as one province. Sisters gathered from Thousand Oaks, CA, from Toledo and Chardon, OH, and from Covington, KY. All together we were 430 SNDs filling 47 tables in the large meeting room of the hotel.

Covington Province

The Sisters of Notre Dame are consecrated women missioned in the Church to proclaim God’s goodness and provident care by living Gospel values in vibrant communities, by promoting Catholic education, especially for women, and for children in urban and mission schools, and by fostering the fullness of life, especially for people who are poor, sick, and aged.


Donna Fyffe and Mark Clarke, consultants from CommunityWorks, Inc., were with us and led our discussions. A team of sisters, the four provincials, and others had prepared the gathering; sisters from each of the provinces shared table conversation and discussion. A facilitator at each table kept notes which were gathered for the team to compile later. Sister Mary Kristin Battles, our Superior General, gave a wonderful keynote presentation. Masses were celebrated by Msgr. Charles Singler of Toledo and by Bishop Roger Gries, a Benedictine from Cleveland. Various prayer services were included as part of the gathering. Talks throughout these days were live streamed to each province for the sisters who could not come to Columbus.

Sr. Jean Marie Hoffman Assistant Provincial Sr. Mary Judine Lambert Provincial Councilor Sr. Maria Therese Schappert Provincial Councilor

The Pulse is published bi-annually by the Covington SND Office of Mission Advancement. 1601 Dixie Highway Covington, KY 41011 (859) 291-2040

The gathered sisters enjoyed conversation and meals together. There were fun times as well. Now the sisters look forward to planning from the combined input.

For more SND news, visit: Cover: Sunflower photo taken by Sr. Jean Marie Hoffman en route to the SND-USA National Gathering.

We hope that future meetings of the provinces will further us to Embrace Our Shared Future. For more SND-USA info, go to: The Pulse • Fall 2015


Uganda & East Africa Missions MISSION FALL CALENDAR


September 7: First day of classes October 12-November 17: Uganda Certificate of

On May 24, 2015, the feast of Pentecost, in Arusha, Tanzania, the SND mission in Uganda joined the SND missions from Tanzania and Kenya to form the new Holy Spirit General Delegation.

Examination (UCE) for secondary or “O-Level” students

November 3-4: Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) December 4: Last day of classes/End of academic year

The formation of the delegation is the next step for Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya before they become a

province. The creation of the Holy Spirit General Delegation is an historic event for the SND congregation, as it is the first time a unit is comprised of sisters from six different countries. Members of the delegation come from Germany, India, the United States, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya.

Sr. Anita Marie Stacy

PARTNERS IN ACTION This fall, St. Julie Mission will welcome a substitute teacher and volunteer maintenance group from Northern Kentucky.

Sr. Mary Judith Averbeck, who teaches secondary science courses at Notre Dame Senior Secondary Academy, will return to Kentucky for a home visit in October. Serving as her assistant and substitute teacher in biology and chemistry from SeptemberDecember is Mekenzie Elbert (Alexandria, KY). Bob Simon, who oversaw a maintenance trip to the mission in 2014, will return in December with his son, Doug Simon (Alexandria, KY), Donnie Young (Alexandria, KY), Tom Holtz (Alexandria, KY), Beau McElfresh (Covington, KY), Jodee 3

Sr. Mary Judith Averbeck McElfresh (Covington, KY), and Sr. Mary Rita Geoppinger. Over the course of ten days, they will patch ceilings, paint railings, repair a water tank platform, and install doors, lights, screens, and fencing throughout the mission.

The Sisters of Notre Dame ask for your prayers for these partners. For more information or to make a contribution toward their work at the mission, please call Sr. Mary Margaret Droege, Director of the Uganda Mission Office, at (859) 392-8109 or visit and click “Uganda Mission.” Thank you!

Holy Spirit Delegation Leadership Team (left to right): Sister Mary Roshini (India)- Delegation Superior Sister Mary Colette (U.S.)- First Assistant Sister Mary Sawmya (India)- Councilor Sister Mary Elizabeth (Kenya)- Councilor Sister Mary Immaculate (Uganda)- Councilor

formation FIRSTS in uganda Postulants from Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya will now complete their formation in Uganda.

Sr. Mary Immaculate (pictured at right), the first professed Sister of Notre Dame from Uganda, will oversee postulant formation for the Holy Spirit Delegation. She is the first native Ugandan to take on this assignment for the congregation.

The Pulse • Fall 2015

their old kentucky home After 24 hours of travel time from Uganda, Sr. Therese Marie and Sr. Mary Rozaria arrived in Kentucky on June 14, 2015.

This was their first time in the United States, but at no point did it feel as though they were visitors. Rather, it simply felt like they had been away from the Provincial House for a period of time. Laughter, singing, and stories from the mission in Uganda danced through the halls during their stay. While in Kentucky, Sr. Mary Rozaria and Sr. Therese Marie visited with retired sisters in Lourdes Hall, explored the SND education ministries in

Northern Kentucky, met with many of our Uganda partners in mission, and even went for a ride in a red convertible Mustang.

Their visit remained in high gear as they quickly departed for the Notre Dame Education Summit in Dayton, OH, on June 18. There, they met with SND educators from across the United States as well as several Sisters of Notre Dame from India.

Sr. Therese Marie (L) and Sr. Mary Rozaria (R)

We pray that Sr. Therese Marie and Sr. Mary Rozaria returned with helpful educational practices and that they enjoyed their stay as much as those of us in Covington did.

“We have at least four former teachers who are now headteachers at other

schools in Uganda. We see that they bring what they learned here to their new school: a respect for each individual student, time management, and part of the SND spirit. This makes me feel so good that we are having an effect on students from all over, not just the ones we directly teach. It is like the ripple effect.”

-Sr. Anita Marie Stacy

view more photos and read uganda blog entries at The Pulse • Fall 2015


Sponsored Ministries

NDUEC DAy in Covington, KY The Notre Dame Urban Education Center hosted an open house and fifth anniversary party on August 26, 2015. During the festivities, Covington Mayor, Sherry Carran, spoke to the crowd and declared August 26 NDUEC Day.

The Sisters of Notre Dame are very proud of the children and families who participate in NDUEC programming, and we are thankful for the volunteers who share their time and talents here. Five years down, many more to go!

NDUEC Core Values

NDUEC Offerings

EXCELLENCE because we believe educating for life assists each person to achieve his or her human potential.

Individualized Tutoring Academic Support Arts and Cultural Enrichment Physical Education Family Program featuring: • Budgeting • Nutritious and Budget Friendly Meal Planning • How to Provide Homework Help • Affordable Activities for the Holidays • How to Prepare Your Taxes • Maintaining Good Credit • A Positive Approach to Discipline • Stretching Your Food Dollars

RESPECT because we believe each person is made in the image of God. MUTUALITY​because we believe in listening to those served regarding their needs.

COLLABORATION because we believe that together we will make more of a difference than acting alone.

julie learning center In late August, the ground floor of the SND Provincial Center was once again filled with the joyful sounds of Julie Learning Center students. JLC prepares young minds to love God, explore and learn from the world around them, and serve the community.

For JLC pre-school and Kindergarten enrollment information, visit 5

The Pulse • Fall 2015

Living and Leading Our Story of

God’s Goodness Notre Dame Academy Welcomes New Principal

On July 1, 2015, the SND community welcomed Mr. Jack VonHandorf as Principal of Notre Dame Academy.

Dr. Laura Koehl and Mr. Jack VonHandorf

that prepare graduates to be outstanding female leaders serving our world.”

Mr. VonHandorf, a 27-year veteran of high school teaching and administration, will lead NDA with President Dr. Laura Koehl. The academy’s presidentprincipal model, one of the first in the state of Kentucky, promotes efficient daily operations on the part of the principal and focused, strategic planning under the president-all for the purpose of serving the institution’s mission and vision.

Mr. VonHandorf: “The president-principal model affords NDA the opportunity to proficiently promote community, commitment to the SND charism, and a focus on the mission of Jesus Christ. Dr. Koehl and I work closely in our planning to ensure a strong sense of community. We have made a conscious effort to bring the NDA community closer together and have already seen a marked increase in the fellowship and camaraderie of our faculty and staff.”

Sharing a Vision

Dr. Koehl: “The mission, vision, and values of NDA are derived from the Educational Philosophy and Principles of the Sisters of Notre Dame. These principles are central to fulfilling our mission at NDA. Furthermore, our expectations of students, faculty, and staff are based on these principles.

We asked Dr. Koehl and Mr. VonHandorf to discuss how the president-principal model fits in to creating a shared vision and promoting the SND charism, as well as how they characterize a Notre Dame Academy graduate.

Dr. Koehl: “Jack and I share in the vision for NDA recently affirmed through our strategic planning process: Notre Dame Academy, a premier Catholic high school, provides excellent academic and co-curricular programs

SND Charism

This school year, our theme of ‘Living Our Story of God’s Goodness’ was chosen in an effort to emphasize and bring to life the charism and first

educational principle of the Sisters of Notre Dame. We believe that the stories of so many of the sisters, alumnae, faculty, staff, students, and parents exemplify the ways in which God is good.”

Mr. VonHandorf: “We were deliberate in choosing a theme this year that would support the charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Plus, the president-principal model allows us to concentrate on fulfilling Jesus’ mission at NDA. As principal, I am able to center my attention on day-to-day ways in which we do this. We are fortunate at NDA to also have a president who has a broader focus on making sure that we continue to fulfill our responsibility to show compassion as Christ did and to be His hands and feet in the world around us. While I am obviously not a graduate of NDA, I couldn’t be more indoctrinated with the mission of NDA and the Sisters of Notre Dame! I am blessed to be the son of an NDA alumna, as well as the brother, uncle, husband, and father of NDA alumnae. I was raised to believe that it was my duty to use the gifts God had given me to make a difference in the world.

The Pulse • Fall 2015

I am blessed to have seen countless examples of that from all the women in my life. Additonally, I spent 17 years teaching at the Summit Country Day School, which was founded by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Their principles flowed directly from the teachings of St. Julie Billiart concentrating on educating the whole, individual person.”

The NDA Grad

Dr. Koehl: “I would characterize an NDA graduate as a faithful, loving, and intellectually competent woman, who is committed to using her God-given gifts to make a difference in the world. NDA provides an excellent environment for young women growing into adulthood and prepares its students for the demands and challenges they will face in the future.” Mr. VonHandorf: “The Notre Dame Academy graduate is prepared, confident, and ready for a life of service to others centered in the Catholic faith that guided her throughout her time at NDA. She is proud to be have been a Panda, and now to be a woman making a difference.”


PRINCIPLES BEHIND THE PRACTICE Miranda Powers, a Morehead State University (MSU) senior from Auxier, KY, will become the first-ever philosphy intern at St. Claire Regional Medical Center this fall. Serving as her co-preceptors are Sr. Mary Judine Lambert, Administrative Director, Mission Integration and Pastoral Care at St. Claire, and Dr. William Melahn, St. Claire’s Chief Medical Officer who has an extensive background in ethics, including studies at the Kennedy Center for Ethics at Georgetown University.

Sr. Judine will be Powers’ dayto-day contact. Initially, their focus will be on understanding the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and serve as St. Claire’s ethical guide for delivering care.

Powers will join Sr. Judine on Intensive Care Rounds every Tuesday, helping her to see ethical issues as they surface in discussions among an interdisciplinary group of staff. “I am excited to play a role in highlighting ethical issues in health care because they are so important,” said Powers in an interview at MSU. “Patients and practitioners need to understand their rights and responsibilities, and families need to learn to make decisions together, so that they can be prepared.” Additionally, Powers will participate in the development of a new program at St. Claire: Ethics Grand Rounds. Once every two months, members of the program will present ethics cases for discussion among St. Claire staff and invited staff from Morehead State University.

Miranda Powers (left) and Sr. Mary Judine Lambert (right) Sr. Judine explained, “The Ethics Grand Rounds will be a first for all of us and an opportunity to build an ethics community that includes physicians, philosophers, business faculty and others. This really helps us to push our mission out in a new direction. It brings our medical decisionmaking into conversation with members of our larger non-medical community. It is an organic effort, so we do not

know where it may lead...and that is very exciting.

We hope that it will shed a new light on our processes, so we will learn a great deal. It will help others to gain insight and understanding of what really forms the foundation of our mission and why we do things the way we do.”

Building Independence

for Generations to Come In 1961 the Sisters of Notre Dame began their ministry at St. Charles. Since that time St. Charles has grown and flourished, helping seniors maintain their dignity, independence, and well-being.

Just as the dust is beginning to settle from our last expansion, St. Charles continues to build community by adding 18 cottages and a multi-purpose center to serve the entire campus. The targeted completion date for the cottages is late 2016. For more information about these beautiful new cottages or to find out how you can make the Village at St. Charles your home, contact Michelle Bonar at (859)292-1645 or 7

The Pulse • Fall 2015

hispanic ministry

Fiesta in dayton, ohio by Sr. Maria Francine Stacy One word that characterized the work of Hispanic Catholic Ministry in Dayton, OH this summer was FIESTA! We celebrated twenty-six baptisms at St. Mary Church from June to August. We also had various young girls celebrating their Quinceaños, a fiesta for a girl who turns 15 years old. She has a special Mass in which she consecrates herself to the Blessed Mother and renews her baptismal vows. The preparation for this celebration includes four or five classes on the Catholic faith and a retreat.

In addition, our Mexican dance group, Orgullo Mexicano, has performed at least four festivals and will continue to do so throughout September. This is a way for the members to deepen their Hispanic heritage, as well as to share it with others. One of our last summer activities was a trip to the Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, OH. Having expressed our faith through fiesta, we now prepare for a return to classes for First Communion, Christian development, and Bible study.

snd Heritage

New ministry

home at st. joe’s Sr. Mary Dennise Wagenlander began a new ministry at a familiar place in July 2015.

When asked what it means to be back in Campbell County, Sr. Mary Dennise replied, “Two words describe it for me: I’m home.”

Forty-five years after teaching fifth and sixth grades, and twenty-five years after serving as principal, Sr. Mary Dennise is now the assistant principal at St. Joseph School in Cold Spring, KY.

Heritage renewal retreat Since January 2015, Srs. Mary Ruth Lubbers and Mary Margaret Droege have led multiple week-long Heritage Renewal Retreats at the Covington Province. The Heritage Renewal Retreat promotes further study of the SND history and charism, and how this The Pulse • Fall 2015

translates to living active apostolic lives today. During the retreat, sisters “visit” Coesfeld, Germany, pray the way of the Coesfeld Cross, and enter the God experience of our cofoundresses and first sisters. 8


JESUS AT THE BORDER When Sr. Mary Lynette Shelton (pictured, far left) went to Texas for a week of immersion in the SND-USA border ministries, she expected to hear and see stories of legal issues, family division, and heartbreak. What she found at the border was Jesus. In 2014, the Sisters of Notre Dame were invited by Corpus Christi Bishop Michael Mulvey to serve the immigrant population in the diocese. Several sisters from the Toledo and Chardon provinces responded to the Bishop’s call and, since July 2014, have ministered to the needs of Southern Texas communities and of the individuals navigating the U.S. immigration and justice systems.

On Easter Monday, April 6, 2015, Sr. Mary Lynette departed Kentucky to join her fellow Sisters of Notre Dame in Texas and learn more about the needs of her brothers and sisters at the border.


Day 1 – Austin, TX Upon arrival, Sr. Mary Lynette visited a Texas State University forensics lab in Austin, TX. She saw researchers cleaning the bones and washing the clothes of people who had died on Texas ranches after crossing the border from Mexico and were buried without identification or family members receiving notification. The anonymous bodies were eventually exhumed and brought to the lab where researchers conduct DNA analysis in an attempt to identify the deceased. Sr. Mary Lynette explained, “Starting at what is the end for many showed us the start of our journey in understanding immigration.” From there, Sr. Mary Lynette and her group went to Posada Esperanza, a house for men waiting for court hearings or receiving their immigration papers. They also visited Casa Marianella, a center that houses immigrants, teaches visitors English, and provides medical assistance and legal

services. Sr. Mary Lynette said, “Immigrants from twentyeight countries have gone through the program here. Many assume that we only saw people from Mexico, but that was not the case. Coincidentally, while we were at Casa Marianella, a group of students from Ohio arrived to help with the garden and other activities!” Day 2 – San Antonio, TX The second day began with a visit to The Alamo, the San Antonio Riverwalk, and Mission Concepcion. Sr. Mary Lynette admitted when they finished the morning stops and left to volunteer at La Posada Guadalupe, a shelter for immigrants without a permanent home, “We were happy to get moving and get back to work. One’s mindset changes in an immersion program like this.” Day 3 – Falfurrias, TX Following a quiet morning of reflection, Sr. Mary Lynette jumped into a day that was physically and emotionally

The Pulse • Fall 2015

taxing. She traveled to the South Texas Human Rights Center in Falfurrias, TX, where she joined Sr. Pamela Marie Buganski. Sr. Pam, a Sister of Notre Dame from the Toledo Province, began her ministry at the Human Rights Center in July 2014. On this day, Sr. Pam, Sr. Mary Lynette, and a group of volunteers from the Human Rights Center installed a water station on a nearby ranch for immigrants traveling through the area. This was the 29th water station the Human Rights Center had installed. After completing the installation, Sr. Mary Lynette saw the Karnes County Residential Center, a detention facility that houses women and children awaiting court hearings. She also went to the cemetery from which the bodies at the Texas State University forensics lab were exhumed. The day concluded with the group watching several videos on immigration in the United States.

Day 4 – San Benito, TX Almost halfway through the trip, Sr. Mary Lynette packed for an overnight stay at La Posada Providence in San Benito, TX. Here she met Sr. Zita Telkamp. Sr. Zita, a member of the Congregation of Divine Providence in Pittsburgh, has overseen the La Posada Providence mission for over twenty years. The mission provides a number of services to immigrants, including housing, education, English lessons, and medical care.

Sr. Mary Lynette, reflecting on her interactions with Sr. Zita and the people at the mission, said, “This experience was so nice because it reminded me of the Notre Dame charism. This was a very spiritual group focused on caring for those who are poor and sharing God’s love. I was very moved by all they do for the families.”

Day 5 – San Benito, TX On Friday, Sr. Mary Lynette saw the actual border between the United States and Mexico when the group visited “the fence.” She met with border patrol agents and heard their stories, their frustrations, and their perspective on a system that is under scrutiny. “Many of these agents told me, ‘I take off my uniform before I go home at night,’ because they don’t know what they might face. Many of them also told me that they have given their lunches to the people who have come across the border. On both sides, these are human beings.” With the stories from the border patrol agents fresh in her mind, Sister went to the Sacred Heart Community Center. Here she saw people arriving by bus from

detention facilities. These were individuals the border patrol agents might have encountered and who were now on their way to stay with family members and await an immigration hearing. Before departing to meet their relatives, who could be anywhere in the United States, the people brought to the center were offered food, a shower, and fresh clothing, Sr. Mary Lynette helped sort clothes before being assigned a family to assist.

“The day I was at the Sacred Heart Community Center, we had thirty-five people from Honduras arrive. I had the privilege to help Ana and her little girl, Nevaeh. It was so sad to see how unkempt they were. I helped them find clothing to fit them, which was difficult because of communication difficulties, but we made do. It was the neatest thing because after showering and changing, Ana came out just beaming and pointing at her pants because she finally had a pair that fit her. Nevaeh was beautiful in her new attire. This was a very moving experience, especially when I thought about how they would soon leave by bus to meet relatives in Dallas before traveling on to Tennessee to stay with an aunt. From there…I don’t know what will happen to them.” Day 6 – Falfurrias, tx Sr. Mary Lynette returned to the South Texas Human Rights Center to help Sr. Pam. They spent the day organizing items at the center and cleaning. This time together allowed for casual sharing and reflection on everything the group had experienced throughout the week.

Day 7 – Corpus Christi, TX On Sunday, Sr. Mary Lynette joined the Sisters of the Incarnate Word of the Blessed Sacrament for Mass and a day of fellowship. She said, “We felt so at home here. I almost thought, ‘Oh, these must be Sisters of Notre Dame,’ because of their mission and how they welcomed us.” Day 8 – Corpus Christi, tx One week after arriving in Texas, Sr. Mary Lynette met with Sr. Kerstin Marie Deubel, another Toledo SND ministering at the border. They spent the day at Sr. Kerstin’s ministry for neglected and abused children, The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth. Sr. Mary Lynette explained, “The Ark reminded me of DCCH in Kentucky, except the children were much younger. One child was just two days old. Her mom left her at a fire department. Two firefighters took care of her that first evening before she was placed at The Ark and eventually named using parts of each of the firefighters’ names.” Twenty-six children were at The Ark while Sr. Mary Lynette volunteered alongside Sr. Kerstin. She played with the children and helped two young boys pick out suits, as they were going to court later in the week.

Day 9 – Corpus Christi, tx The final day of her immersion trip led Sr. Mary Lynette to the Mother Teresa Shelter in Corpus Christi. Sr. Mary Magdalen Westrick, a Toledo Sister of Notre Dame, volunteers at the shelter, which provides food and housing, as well as a banking program for those in need.

The Pulse • Fall 2015

Amazed by the order, mutual respect, and services offered, Sister Mary Lynette said, “I was very interested in this experience because of the volunteering I do at the Northern Kentucky Emergency Shelter in Covington. The people working at the Mother Teresa Shelter took their job as ministry. They had such a loving approach to interacting with the guests and they really cared.” After the trip Sr. Mary Lynette returned to the Covington Province excited about the work her fellow Sisters of Notre Dame carry out, and motivated to continue contributing herself.

When asked why this ministry moved her so deeply, she replied, “I came back exhausted, that is true. But I saw Jesus at the border in every activity I did. The volunteers and workers were so full of love and compassion for these people, this was the most exhilarating part for me. People ask what I get out of this, and it was feeling this love. As Sisters of Notre Dame, we appreciate joyful simplicity. I felt that at the border, especially when sharing in fellowship with the Sisters of Divine Providence. Everywhere I went, I felt peace, even though we were surrounded by people going through horrible things. In the Eucharist, we are all united, and I think that is what this was…Eucharist: Coming together and experiencing love with people who maybe haven’t experienced it before.”



“Many people are familiar with Montessori education for pre-school students, but familiarity with Montessori education for older students is more limited. Prince of Peace Montessori School (POP) in Covington, KY, educates students using the time-tested Montessori Method, extending it from age 3 to age 14.


Students in the upper grades use some of the same materials used in the primary grades, with additional materials created just for them. Students learn to think, research, discuss, and evaluate in all subject areas in a setting that is supportive of their unique capabilities.

The Pulse • Fall 2015

Upon completion of the 8th grade, graduates are well prepared for entrance into any of our local high schools. Opportunities for cultural enrichment, scientific discovery, team building, and creativity abound.� Sr. Mary Suzanne Rose and students

-Sr. Mary Suzanne Rose Prince of Peace Principal

At left: Sr. Mary Norene McCormack

Background photo: Sr. Mary Ellen Strunk The Pulse • Fall 2015


Advancing Jesus’ Mission...Together Dear Partner in Mission, You may have noticed that the Sisters of Notre Dame use the term partner in mission often. This term encompasses all who join with the Sisters of Notre Dame to see that the Gospel is proclaimed in daily, joyful ministries.

Partners are, for example, those who come to us for faithsharing; who notify us that they included the Sisters of Notre Dame in their will; who spend time selling Festival raffle tickets year after year; who volunteer and serve on SND ministries’ boards; who share SND Facebook updates with their friends; and, those who pray for the sisters and their intentions (the many blessings we have received are no coincidence).

We hesitate to simply say that you are supportive of the Sisters of Notre Dame mission. Rather, we see you as partners with the Sisters of Notre Dame in supporting and carrying out Jesus’ mission...together. We know that there are many avenues for you to advance Jesus’ mission-within your parish, at local social service organizations-so it means the world that you and so many others have chosen to spread God’s love alongside the Sisters of Notre Dame.

Your partnership ensures, among many things, that children receive a life-changing education in SND urban schools and at the mission in Uganda; that retired sisters’ healthcare needs are met; that sisters serve our Hispanic brothers and sisters at El Centro in Covington, KY, and in the Dayton Hispanic Ministry; and that quality health care and spiritual care are accessible in Eastern and Northern Kentucky. There is a saying in Africa: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Well, Partner, thank you for going the distance. Sincerely,


Jodee McElfresh Director of Mission Advancement

ways to give Monthly giving coMpanions

Through, you can schedule an automatic monthly donation to either the SND greatest needs, SND retirement fund, or Uganda & East Africa missions.

planned giving

Planned gifts to the Sisters of Notre Dame can include: • Wills/Bequests • Gifts of Stock • Charitable Gift Annuity • Charitable Trust • Life Insurance Policies • Gifts of Property/Real Estate • Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)


A gift in honor of or in memory of a family member or friend is a special way to show your support for the mission and values of the Sisters of Notre Dame. An Honorarium gift acknowledges a special time in someone’s life, while a Memorial gift is given in memory of a deceased loved one.

Nurturing God’s CreationSND Tree Campaign

The SND Tree Campaign is a beautiful and lasting way to honor a loved one, remember an event, or celebrate a milestone. With a contribution of $500 to the Sisters of Notre Dame, a tree will be planted on the SND grounds, accompanied by a personalized marker.

Upcoming projects • Construction of new nursery school in Buseesa, Uganda. • Replacement of obsolete computers at mission in Uganda. • Purchase of wheelchairs and wheelchair-accessible bus.

call, email, write, or visit us Questions? Ideas for how to partner with the Sisters of Notre Dame? Please contact us at: Sisters of Notre Dame Office of Mission Advancement, 1601 Dixie Highway, Covington, KY 41011 Greatest Needs, Retirement, Planned Giving: Ms. Jodee McElfresh (859)392-8228 /

Uganda Mission: Sr. Mary Margaret Droege (859)392-8109 /

The Sisters of Notre Dame are grateful to our many friends who have made financial and in-kind donations to the congregation between September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015, including those who wish to remain anonymous:


B Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bach Mr. and Mrs. Michael Back Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baglan Baker Bird Winery Mrs. Charlene Barlow Mrs. Rose Ann Barone-Wirth Ms. Elaine Bauereis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bauman Mr. James Baumann Ms. Margaret Baumer Bayer Family Foundation Mrs. Mary Lou Bea Ms. Janet Beck Ms. Elsie Beekley Behringer Crawford Museum Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beiting Ms. Sarah Bellamy Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bellman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bellman Mr. and Mrs. John Bendele Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bennings Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benzinger Mrs. Carolyn Berberich Mrs. Patricia Berlage Mr. Richard Berling Bernheim Arboretum & Research Forest Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bernheimer

Mrs. Doris Berning Ms. Alice Bersch Bert Neltner Plumbing Ms. Rita Berting Mr. Donald Bertram Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bertsch Ms. Jo Ann Berwanger Besl Family Foundation Better Bodies Fitness Center Mrs. Pamela Bevington Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bezold Mr. Don Biederman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bieger Ms. Meta Bieger Sherman Ms. Mary Biele Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bierschbach Mr. and Mrs. William Biery Big Splash Adventure Biggby Coffee Mr. and Mrs. Charles Billiter Ms. Linda Birochik Bishop Brossart High School Ms. Jeanne Bitter Ms. Margie Black Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blanc Dr. Judith Bland Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Blank Blank’s Pharmacy Blessed Sacrament Church Mr. and Mrs. C. William Blewett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blom Bluegrass Beltone Hearing Aid Center Bluegrass Swim Club Bob Meyer Landscaping Service Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bockweg Mrs. Paulette Boden Mr. and Mrs. David Boeh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boehm Mr. John Boh Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bond Mr. and Mrs. August Bonno Ms. Rosemary Borchers and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowermaster Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Braasch Ms. Shirley Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bradley Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley Mrs. Cyrilla Brake Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bramlage Mr. Charles Brannon Ms. Mary Brauer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bricking Mr. Jack Bricking Mr. and Mrs. John Brinck Ms. Ellen Brinker Mr. Jeff Brinker Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brinkman Brio Tuscan Grille Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brodnan Mrs. Norma Broering Brooks Meats Mr. and Mrs. James Brown Ms. Karen Browning Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brun Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brun Ms. Ethel Mae Brungs Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brungs Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brunner Buca Di Beppo

Mr. Paul Budde Dr. Richard Budde Ms. Ruth Ann Buenger Building Crafts, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burlage Burlington Health Care Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burns Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bushelman Ms. Joan Buzek

C Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Callery Mr. and Mrs. Tim Campbell Ms. Susan Candiotti Mr. and Mrs. David Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carberry Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carl Ms. Anne Carr Mr. James Carr Ms. Judi Carr Mrs. Shirley Carroll Mrs. Mary Pat Carter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Case Ms. Kay Casto Catholic Diocese of Lexington Catholic Ladies of Columbia Century Construction, Inc. Ms. Deborah Challan Cheddars Casual Cafe Chick-fil-A Ms. M. Chickey Christmas Tree Shops Church of Saint Louis Churchill Downs Dr. and Mrs. John Cimprich Cincinnati Art Museum Cincinnati Bengals Cincinnati Landmark Production Cincinnati Museum Center Cincinnati Reds Cincinnati Shakespeare Company City of Lakeside Park Classic Car Wash Clean Water Mission Ms. Lori Clements Mrs. Carole Cleves Ms. Cynthia Cleves Mr. and Mrs. Rick Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Collins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Comer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Comer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Connaughton Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cooper COSI of Columbus Country Tonite Covington Catholic High School Crestville Drugs, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Crowe Mr. John Croweak Mr. Barry Cummins Ms. Jacqueline F. Curro Ms. Patricia Cutshaw

D Mrs. Louise F. Dame Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dammert Mr. and Mrs. David Danner

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dauer Mr. Dale Davis Ms. Jasmine Davis Ms. Katherine Davis Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Davis Ms. Katherine Davison Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davoran Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Deaton Mr. Michael DeFazio Mrs. Carol Deimling Desmond Brothers Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeVore Devou Park Golf Course Dewey’s Pizza Mr. Gene Dezarn Mrs. Lois Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon Ms. Grace Dillon Dinosaur World Diocesan Catholic Children’s Home Mr. Carl Dirnbauer Dixie Chili Mr. Robert Dochterman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dollenmayer Dollywood Don Catchen & Son Funeral Home Don Hudepohl Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Brian Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Stan Doss Ms. Muriel Doucette Ms. Carol Dragan Drake Planetarium Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Bev Draud Mr. and Mrs. David Driehaus Ms. Jennifer Droege Mr. and Mrs. Joe Droege Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Droege Mr. Kevin Drury Mr. and Mrs. Martin Due Ms. Dominique Dufourcq Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Russell Durstock

E Earl Franks Sons & Daughters Flooring Ms. Florence Edelmann Edible Arrangements EGC Construction Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William Ehrman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eisenmenger Ms. Ruth Elbert Mr. and Mrs. David Ellmann Mr. and Mrs. Kevin England ENT and Allergy Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eucher Ms. Anna Marie Evans Ms. Joyce Evans Ms. Nancy Evans Evolution Creative Solutions Ms. Martha Ewing

thank you

Ms. Charlene Adams Airport Ford Mr. and Mrs. Louis Albers Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Alexander All Saints Church Almost Home Pet Resort, Inc. Mr. Rea Alsup Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Amend Amity Partners Ms. Kathy Andress Mrs. Johanna Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Roger Andrews Mr. Alvin Appel Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Appel Mr. and Mrs. Danny Appelman Mr. and Mrs. David Appelman Mr. Donnie Appelman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appelman Mr. and Mrs. Terry Applegate Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Arbogast Arby’s Restaurant Ms. Frances Arens Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arlinghaus Ms. Paula Arnett Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Arnold Ms. Mary Kay Arnold Arthur Murray Dance Studios Art’s Rental Equipment & Supply Atlas Home Fitness Ms. Anne Auberger Mr. and Mrs. David Averbeck Ms. Karen Averbeck Ms. Linda Averbeck Mr. and Mrs. Terry Averbeck Mr. Michael Averdick Mr. and Mrs. Steve Averdick

F Fabulous Furs Mr. Richard Faillace Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fangman Ms. Ruth Faragher Mr. Anthony Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Mike Farmer Mrs. Ann Farrell Fassler Florist Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fath Father Roettele Council Ladies Auxillary Fedders Feed & Seed Mr. and Mrs. Adam Feinauer Ms. Laura Feldman Ms. Diana Feldman-Smith Ms. Carol Fenbers Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson Ms. Margaret Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson Mrs. Gilda Ferrari Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fessler Ms. Tammy Fetick Mr. Bernie Fields Mr. and Mrs. James Fierro Ms. Karen Finan Mrs. Alma Finke Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finke Mr. and Mrs. James Finn Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finnigan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finnigan Mr. and Mrs. James Fischesser Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald Mrs. Edythe Flaugher Florence Freedom Baseball Club Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Fluker Mr. David Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foltz Mr. John Folz Foot Specialists of Greater Cinti. Mr. Lawrence Foster Four Roses Distillery Foxtail Foods Most Rev. Roger J. Foys Franciscan Sisters Frazier History Museum Mr. J. Frederick Mrs. Maggie Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freson Ms. Alma Fricke Frisch’s Restaurant Ms. Myrna Frischholz Ms. Barbara Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fritz Mr. and Mrs. L. Ronald Frommeyer Ms. Connie Fry Ms. Eileen Fry Mr. Robert Fry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fry

Ft. Mitchell Garage, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fuhr Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fulton Mr. and Mrs. William Funke

G Ms. Joann Gabriele Dr. & Mrs. James Gaffney Galerie Au Chocolat Gameworks-Newport on the Levee Gangsters Dueling Piano Bar Ms. Jane Gau Rev. Edwin Gearhart Ms. Melinda Geiger Mrs. Sharon Geiger Mr. and Mrs. David Geiman Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Geiman Mr. and Mrs. Tom Geiman Geiman Furniture Gallery Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Geise Mrs. Angela Gellenbeck Ms. Gerry Geoppinger Mrs. Judy Geoppinger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Geoppinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geoppinger Mr. and Mrs. William Geoppinger Ms. Karen Giblin Ms. Susan Gilliam Mr. Matthew Gindling Mr. Donald Glaser Mrs. Mary Ellen Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glaser Mrs. Sylvia Glendening Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gormley Mrs. Dorothy Grannen Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Grant Grant County Foods Ms. Mary Gray Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gray Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Grisemer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grosser Ms. Ardith Grote Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Guentert Mr. and Mrs. Todd Guidry Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gulley

H Ms. Evelyn Habermehl Mr. and Mrs. William Hagedorn Ms. Mary Hagerty Ms. Susie Halbleib Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hallahan Ms. Mary Lou Halpin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond Mrs. Juanita Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanneken Ms. Anna Hanszke Mr. Charles Hardebeck Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hargett

Ms. Rita Hargett Ms. Linda Harmon Ms. Patricia C. Harms Ms. Carol Hart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hasenfratz Ms. Mary Haslit Ms. Dorothy Haverbusch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haynes Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc. Mr. Michael Hegener Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hegener Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hehemann Ms. Darla Hehman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hehman Mr. and Mrs. Kent Heiden Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heidrich Mr. and Mrs. James Hellmann Ms. Mary Hellmann Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hellmann Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hemmer Rev. Robert Henderson Henn Plumbing, Inc. Ms. Diana Herbe Mrs. Anna Hering Mr. and Mrs. John Herold Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herrman Mrs. Jane Herzog Hickory Sticks Golf Club Mrs. Erma Hill Mrs. Eva Hill Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hillenmeyer III Hills of Kentucky Dulcimer Club Hillyard, Inc. Hilton Greater Cincinnati Airport Ms. Sharon Himmler Mrs. Martha Hinkel Ms. Christine Hirsch Historic Diamond Caverns Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hitch Ms. Carol Hodge Ms. Stella Hoegler Mr. Robert Hoffer Ms. Margaret Hoffman Ms. Marian E. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hogan Holiday World & Splashin Safari Ms. Millie Holt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holtz Mr. and Mrs. John Holtz Mr. and Mrs. Paul & Ellen Holtz Holy Spirit Parish Home City Ice Hooters Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hoppenjans Ms. Laura Hoppenjans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoppenjans Hosea Project Movers, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Howard Ms. Jo Ann Howard Mr. Ryan Huber Mr. Robert A. Hudepohl, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Huller Mr. and Mrs. John Hummel Ms. Teresa Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huth

I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Iannitti Illinois Tool Works Foundation Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

Impact Marketing & Communications Indiana State Fairgrounds

J Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacober Ms. Vivian Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Seigfred Jalalon Ms. Joan H. Janszen Ms. Mary Jo Jarman Rev. J. Dennis Jaspers Ms. Pam Jennings Jim Black & Sons Roofing and Sheet Metal Mr. Jack Johns Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Ms. Thelma Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Jones Ms. Sylvia Jones Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jordan Ms. Joan Judge Julie Learning Center Mr. and Mrs. Robert Justice, Sr.

K K.H. Klaine Construction Co. Rev. Herman Kamlage Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kammerer Ms. Mildred Kaske Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaufman Mrs. Marietta Kaufman Rev. Mark Keene Keeneland Association, Inc. Justice Michelle Keller Mr. and Mrs. Roger Keller Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keller Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelnhofer Dr. Charles Kenner Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kenoyer Kentucky Derby Museum Kentucky Gateway Museum Center Kentucky Horse Park Kentucky League of Cities Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft Kentucky Speedway Mrs. Judith Kier Mr. Charles King Kings Island-KI Cares Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klein Mr. and Mrs. John Kloeker Ms. Marina Kloppel Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klug Knights of Columbus, Ludlow, KY Ms. Anna Knipper Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Knochelmann Ms. Diana Knoebber Mrs. Janet Knoebel Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Knoop Koch Refrigeration Company Mr. and Dr. Brian & Laura Koehl Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Koehne Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Koester Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koester Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kohlhepp Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohne Mr. and Mrs. James Konerman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Konerman Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kornet Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kotter Drs. John and Mary Koumas

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kovacic Ms. Jennifer Kovic Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kramer Ms. Bernice Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kremer Mrs. Maria Kreppel Mrs. Geraldine Kreutzjans Ms. Joan Krieer Mrs. Jackie Kriege Rev. John Kroger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krumme Mrs. Margie Kruse Mrs. Nancy Kuchle Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kuchle Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kuhlman Mrs. Margie Kuhlman Ms. Jean Kuhn Rev. George Kunkel Ms. Debbie Kuntz Ms. Mary Kvartek


M Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Macke Ms. Ann MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maier Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maier Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maloney Ms. Carla Manning Ms. Maggie Marsh Ms. Jean E. Marshall

Ms. Bernadette Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John Murray Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray

N National Corvette Museum Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neff Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neiheisel Newport Aquarium Newport Pizza Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nienaber Mr. and Mrs. James Nienaber Mr. and Mrs. Peter Todd Nienaber Nie’s Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nieporte Mr. and Mrs. Jim Niewahner Mr. Gary Noble Noodles & Company Mr. John Noonan Ms. Kathleen Noonan Mr. William Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nordeman NKU Athletics NorthKey Community Care Notre Dame Academy Notre Dame Elementary School Chardon Notre Dame Urban Education Center Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nozar Mr. and Mrs. James Nusekabel

O Mr. and Mrs. David O’Brien Mrs. Rosemary O’Brien Ms. Karen O’Callaghan Ms. Peggy O’Neill Old Bardstown Village at Museum Row Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olliges Mr. Ralph Olliges Oriental Wok Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Orth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overbeck Mr. Ralph Overberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Overberg

P Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pagan

Mr. and Dr. Lazaro & Helena Pages

Paint & Bake Ceramics Mr. and Mrs. John Paolucci Paperphanalia Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parsons Mr. Jim Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Paul Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pauly Pee Wee’s Place Perfect North Slopes Perfetti Van Melle Ms. Cynthia Perkins Ms. Agnes Perry Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Peter Dr. & Mrs. Mike Petit Pets Plus Mr. and Mrs. Casey Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Steve Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pieper Playhouse in the Park Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pohlkamp Ms. Janice Popp Mrs. Margaret Post Mr. and Mrs. T. Jeffrey Prigge Prince of Peace School Prosource

Q Quaker Steak & Lube Mr. and Mrs. David Quast Rev. James Quill

R Ms. Ruth Racke Rafferty’s Restaurant & Bar Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rassell Mr. and Mrs. John Raterman Mr. Joseph Raterman Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rauch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rauch Mrs. Laurie Rauen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ravenna Ms. Colleen Read Mr. and Mrs. Rick Read Reality Tuesday Cafe Mrs. Joan Rebeck Ms. Norma Rebholz Reca Roller Rink Mrs. Carol Reed Drs. Thomas and Jacquelyn Reed Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Sue Reid Mr. and Mrs. David Reilly Mr. Lawrence Reinersman Mr. and Mrs. Tony Reinert Mr. and Mrs. Jon Reinke-Walter Mr. and Mrs. John Reiss Remke Market Mr. James Resing Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. George Rice Ms. Mary Sue Rice Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Riley Mr. and Mrs. William Riley

thank y o u

Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laheta Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lammers Mr. and Mrs. George Lampke Mr. Donald Langguth Mr. and Mrs. James Lape Larosa’s LaRu Bowling Lanes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lauer Ms. Mary Lauer Lazer Kraze Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lebrun Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken Ms. Mary Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leick Len Riegler Blacktop, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lester Mrs. Margaret Lester Mrs. Barbara Leugers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leugers Lexington Legends Mr. and Mrs. Jack Liddy Ms. Birgitta Linnell Mr. and Mrs. James Linville Ms. Mary List Mr. and Mrs. Andy Listes Mrs. M. Joan Lockhorn Mr. and Mrs. John Loesch Dr. & Mrs. Robert Longshore Lost River Cave Louisville Bats Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lubbers Ms. Mary Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lucas Mr. Leonard Luken Mr. and Mrs. John Luschek Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lutkenhoff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lynch

Ms. Jo Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Martini Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Mr. Richard C. Mathis Mr. and Mrs. David Mattei Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McClure Mr. and Mrs. Terry McClure Mr. Pete McDermott Rev. Ian McDole Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonough McElfresh Maintenance, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rich McElheney Mr. and Dr. William McElheney Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGovern McHale’s Catering Ms. Loretta McKinley Mrs. Eileen McMahon Mrs. Joan McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMillan Mrs. Kathleen McPeek Mr. and Mrs. Richard McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meadows Mega Cavern-Mega Zips Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meier Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meier Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Meier Meier’s Wine Cellars, Inc. Meijer Of Florence Ms. Julia Meister Mellow Mushroom Ms. Jane Melson Mrs. Carol Memering Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Menning Ms. Carol Messerle Mr. Mark Messmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Messmer Mr. and Mrs. William Metzger Metzger Eye Care Ms. Joyce Meyer Miss Norma Mary Meyer Mr. Paul Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyers Mrs. Hilda Michaels Mrs. Margaret Middendorf Ms. Anna Middendorf Estate Middendorf Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Mary Ellen Millar Ms. Nancy Miller Mr. William Miller Mr. Mark Mitchell III Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mohlman Ms. Elizabeth Mohr Ms. Mary Momper Mrs. Marie Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore Ms. Margaret Morehead Ms. Caroline Morelli Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morgan Mother of God Church Mountain Rentals of Gatlinburg Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mueller Ms. Anna Mueninghoff Muhammad Ali Center Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Mullen Family Ms. Carolyn Muller Mr. and Mrs. James Mulligan Ms. Helen Mullikin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Munninghoff

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rink Rising Star Casino Resort Mrs. Ellie Ritter Riverbend Music Center Ms. Diane Roach Robert E. Hayes & Associates, PLLC Mr. Scott Roberts Ms. Beth Robinson Ms. Mary Ann Robinson Dr. Michael Robinson Mr. and Mrs. R. Charles Robke Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roenker Roselawn Jazzercise Rev. Robert Rosing Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rottman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Jim Royston Mr. Donald Ruberg Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rumpke Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rumpke Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rumpke Ms. Kathleen Ruscher Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruschman Russell Alred Attorney At Law Mr. and Mrs. David Russo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rust Mr. Donald Ruwe Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan

S Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sabelhaus Rev. Msgr. Thomas Sacksteder Mr. and Mrs. John Safford Mr. and Mrs. Vince R. Salazar Sandwich Block Deli Mr. and Mrs. George Sanson Scallywag Tag Ms. Joanne Scanlan Mrs. Joan Schack Mr. Charles Schadler, Jr. Mr. Carl Schaeffler Ms. Mary Schaffer Mrs. Mary Ellen Schappert Ms. Donna Schaser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schipper Ms. Patricia Schlabach Mrs. Marilyn Schlake Mr. Jerry Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt Ms. Karen Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schmidt Rev. Leo Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schneider Ms. Mary Schneider Ms. Margie Schnelle Schneller Heating & Cooling Ms. Marion Schock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schott Ms. Katie Schrage Schrage Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schroder Mr. and Mrs.Mike Schuckman Ms. Joanne Schuler Mr. and Mrs. William Schuler Ms. Madaline Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schultz Schulz and Sons Jewelers Ms. Ruth Schwarte Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwegmann Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott Seco Electric Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sedmak Ms. Barbara Seitz

Ms. Debbie Shelton Ms. Barbara Sherman Dr. Joseph Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shumar Mr. Larry Sickman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sieg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siegrist Silverlake Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simon Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Sisters of Divine Providence Skyline Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Ms. Karen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Smith Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith Ms. Wilma Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder Mr. Mark Sohn Mr. and Mrs. William Sommerkamp Southern Lanes Sports Center Southern States Coop Mr. and Mrs. Doug Spritzky St. Francis Xavier Church St. Joseph Church, Cold Spring, KY St. Agnes Church St. Agnes Evening Religion Classes St. Agnes School St. Augustine Church, Cov., KY St. Augustine Church, Augusta, KY St. Augustine School, Cov., KY St. Barbara Church St. Bernard School St. Bernard Senior Citizens St. Cecilia Church St. Charles Lodge St. Claire Regional Medical Center St. Clement Teachers/Parents Club St. Columban Church St. Columban School St. Henry Holy Name Society St. James Catholic Church St. Joseph School, Cold Spring St. Leo School St. Mark Church St. Martin Church St. Mary Church St. Mary Church Hyde Park St. Mary School Alexandria St. Pius X Church St. Therese Church St. Vincent Ferrer Church Stampin’ Up Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stanken Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stanko Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Damien Stanton Ms. Anita Staubach Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staubach Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stauber Mr. and Mrs. James Stegman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steinmetz Sterling Cut Glass Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens Ms. Sarah Stevens Stigler Supply Company Ms. Caitlin Strassburger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stratman Mr. and Mrs. David Strickley Mrs. Virginia Strunk Studer Residential Design, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stulz Mr. Zeno Sutter

Mr. and Mrs. John Swanger Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swikert Ms. Dian Swikert Mrs. Dorothy Swikert

T Ms. Angela Tade Taft Museum of Art Mr. James Taggart Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tallarigo Ms. Jennifer Tallarigo Mr. and Mrs. Brian Talmage Talon Winery Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tapke Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor Tecumseh Mr. and Mrs. William Tenkman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tepe Mr. and Mrs. David Terle Texas Roadhouse Mr. and Mrs. Marty Thaler Ms. Lisa Tharpe The Air Force Museum FDN. Inc. The Carnegie The Castellini Company The Catholic Ladies of Columbia The Children’s Theatre Of Cinti. The Christian Store The Cozy Cottage The Creation Muesum The Esquire, Mariemont, & Kenwood Theatres The Golf Courses at Kenton County The Kroger Company The Little Flower Doll Hospital The Stephen Foster Drama The Web Extreme Entertainment Mrs. Anne Thielen Mr. Kevin Thomas Mr. and Mrs. William Thornhill Ms. Michelle Tibbs Ms. Linda Tiemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tiernan Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tillotson Ms. Elizabeth Todtenbier Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toebben Mr. and Mrs. Drake Tollefson Tom + Chee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomasetti Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toner Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Topmiller Mr. Robert Tranter Mr. and Mrs. David Traut Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trevino Ms. Alice Trimpe Tropicana Evansville Mr. Russell Tucker Twin Oaks Golf and Plantation Club Mrs. Annette Tyra

U United Dairy Farmers University of Cincinnati Athletics University of Louisville-Athletics Rev. Robert Urlage

V Ms. Linda Verst Mr. and Mrs. David Vilter Vision One Ms. Barbara Vocke Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Voet Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vollner

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vonderhaar Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Vormbrock Mr. Michael Vormbrocke

W Ms. Sarah Wade Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wagenlander Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walker Dr. Darlene Sand Wall Walmart Walt’s Center Lanes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walz Mrs. Krista Warner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weatherford Ms. Barbara Weber Mrs. Betty Weber Mr. and Mrs. Justin Weber Ms. Mary Weber Mrs. Ruth Webster Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wells Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wendt Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wessels Western & Southern Open Ms. Megan Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Ken White Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitehead Whitewater Valley Railroad Mr. Michael Widdis Mr. Thomas Wiethorn Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wigger Mrs. Mary Wigger Ms. Marianne Wilensky Ms. Kay Willenbrink Ms. Marilyn Willenbrink Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams Rev. J. Kendrick Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William Wischer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wischmeyer Mrs. Mary Wischmeyer Ms. Ann Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Witt Mr. Donald Woeste Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolnitzek Ms. Martha Wong Mr. Thomas Woodruff World of Golf

Y Mr. Bob Yankoviak Yard House Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Young

Z Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zalla Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zang Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Zembrodt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zembrodt Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zembrodt Zembrodt Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zentkovich Mr. Greg Ziegler Mr. Wilbert Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zilliox Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zimmerman Mrs. Margie Zink-Fritsch Ms. Mary Lou Zirkelbach

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of Notre


4 of July Festival Fun for the who Co


93 r d An nu al th


le family

v ington, KY

Friends, family, and the sun came out for a fun, festive time at the 93rd Annual 4th of July Festival!

Thank you to our Festival guests, sponsors, donors, advertisers, and volunteers who helped raise $114,552, all in support of the SND Uganda and East Africa missions, the SND urban education ministries, and the SND retirement needs.

Festival Sponsors Provincial BB&T Bank Mr. Harold Dulude

Gold Blau Mechanical Global Business Solutions, Inc. Notre Dame Academy Julie and David Schneider Charitable Fund St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Silver Dressman, Benzinger, Lavelle PSC McElfresh Maintenance, Inc. Mercedes-Benz of Fort Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Mary Jo Moore Republic Bank

Bronze Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Nancy Baglan Robert W. Baird & Co. Bottom Line Systems Don Catchen and Son Funeral Home Covington Catholic High School Robert Dochterman Holy Cross District High School Kerry Toyota & Scion Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kohlhepp St. Charles Community Jerry and Meg Reynolds R. Charles and Debbie Robke Richard and Ellen Stanley Robert and Cathy Stevens Dr. Joseph Shuman Thomas More College Townsley Electrical Contractors Thomas and Margaret Munninghoff Verst Group Logistics, Inc. Ben and Agnes Wessels Tony and Gerry Zembrodt

Jubilee 2015 Iron Jubilee 65 Years

Sr. Mary Ruth Riehle

Sr. Mary Loise Lay Sr. Mary Brenden Kress

Diamond Jubilee 60 Years

Sr. Mary Jeanne Frances Cleves

Sr. Mary Ruth Agnes Delaney

Sr. Mary Paulla Hanneken 19

Sr. Mary Magdelyn Strittholt The Pulse • Fall 2015

The Covington Sisters of Notre Dame celebrated Jubilee with many friends and family members on Sunday, June 7 at St. Agnes Church in Fort Wright, KY.

Rev. Robert Ross, S.J., of St. Xavier Church in Cincinnati, OH presided at the Mass.

During his homily, Fr. Ross remarked, “I totaled up 746 combined years of service among the Jubilarians!” In line with the service our Jubilarians have carried out since their first profession of vows, Fr. Ross also encouraged the congregation to, “Let the Eucharist convert our liturgy of peace into politics of peace, and our love for the Creator to love for all creation.” Congratulations to the 2015 Jubilarians on their milestone anniversaries and all they have done in service to others in the name of our good and loving God.

Golden Jubilee 50 Years

Sr. Mary Virginia Bruemmer

Sr. Margaret Mary Mouch

Sr. Mary Margaret Droege

Sr. Mary Kristel Noehring The Pulse • Fall 2015

Sr. Bernamarie Lauer

Sr. Mary Joenita Schlueter


missionary spirit art

ur He o Y h c Stret leans July 5-11

New Or

Allison Kiefer, Liz Hall, and Melissa Arlinghaus joined Sr. Mary Ruth Lubbers in New Orleans for “Stretch Your Heart.” During this week-long service trip hosted by

the Covington Sisters of Notre Dame, the quartet volunteered at the Rebuild Center, a day shelter for people who are homeless.

Left to right: Li z, Allison, Melissa, and Sr . Ruth

“I enjoy traveling to NOLA on the Stretch

Your Heart service trip because it serves as a reminder to always take time for others. I enjoy getting to meet everyone I encounter, whether that be the guests, directors of the centers, or other volunteers. It reestablishes my faith every time I join the Sisters of Notre Dame for an event or faith-sharing adventure.” -Allison Kiefer

Mass on Death Row by Sr. Mary Dolores Giblin

May 28th marked the muchanticipated visit to Kentucky State Penitentiary (KSP) in Eddyville in the south-west corner of the state. Each year a group of Sisters from the three communities in Northern Kentucky travel for five hours to the formidable prison to


join in Mass and a visit with the men on death row.

While there are currently about 40 men in that designation, only about a dozen come out for the occasion. What was different for us this year was that we attended Mass first for men in the “general population”, that is, the other prisoners who may not mix with the death row men. Three men showed up for this first Mass since these services are always optional. We visited for a while with these three and then they had to leave so the others could come. The entry of the death row prisoners is always a warm handshake-and-hug event since the same ones come every year. Most of us Sisters

write to one or other of the men, so it’s a chance to catch up verbally and face-to-face.

The man I write to has been on death row for 13 years, not at all unusual or even excessively long compared to many of them. The men read, serve, and lead the hymns at Mass even though most of those attending are not Catholic. The non-Catholics, like the

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Catholics, come to show their gratitude for our visit and our letters. Mind and heart expanding—that’s what these visits are. May these visits be permanently eliminated by the rejection of the death penalty in the state! Meanwhile, we mark the next year’s calendar for our late May visit to death row. Pictured: Kentucky State Penitentiary in Eddyville, KY

National Novitiate The National Novitiate has moved to Covington. Pictured at the new location (left to right): Sr. Marla Monahan, National Novitiate Director, Mayra Martinez, postulant, Nicole Varnerin, postulant, and Sr. Mary Rose Moser, National Novitiate Assistant Director.

In August 2015, Sr. Marla Monahan (Covington), Sr. Mary Rose Moser (Toledo), Mayra Martinez (California), and Nicole Varnerin (Chardon) packed their belongings and headed to their new home: the National Novitiate in Covington, KY. Previously located in Los Angeles, CA, the National Novitiate is where the threeyear program of initial formation occurs. This is where a woman more formally continues her journey of becoming a Sister of Notre Dame. Mayra and Nicole took their first steps on this journey in 2014 when they became SND postulants. Now, they will continue their formation under the guidance of Sr.

Marla, who recently became the National Novice Director, and Sr. Mary Rose, the new Novitiate Assistant Director.

Sr. Marla, reflecting on her formation experience, said, “The program of formation today is much more individualized than when I was in formation. Over the course of the years, we have grown in our appreciation and understanding of scripture, theological reflection, our SND charism, and the meaning of the vows--all of which enriches our formation program.” She added, “It is very enriching that the four of us living in the National Novitiate are from each of the four U.S. provinces. It is exciting for us to have Mayra and Nicole here. Their openness to God, to doing

God’s will, their spirituality and commitment to service in the church has been a blessing.”

Sr. Mary Rose echoed these sentiments, “It is an awesome privilege to walk with our two postulants as they continue their discernment in religious life. Living each day in the spirit of a Sister of Notre Dame will help them to deepen and clarify their own calls. Many experiences of community, prayer, sharing in the work and fun of setting up a new house have already marked our days since the beginning of August and their arrival August 10. Their eagerness and joy in embracing our life is an inspiration.”

Meet Mayra and Nicole, page 23

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Formation Terms

novitiate the period or state of being a novice, especially in a religious order. a place housing religious novices. postulant a candidate, especially one seeking admission into a religious order. temporary professed when a candidate has made her first profession of temporary vows; within SND, typically a period of five years. perpetually professed when a sister has made her final vows, offering her total gift of self to God.


Name: Mayra Martinez Hometown: East Los Angeles, CA Parents: Raymundo (deceased) and Gloria Martinez Siblings: Sandy Martinez Age: 37 Date of Postulancy: February 2014 The first time I met Jesus, I was in college. At the time, I was really involved with the party scene and focused on studies. But I was also trying to find a sense of identity. Due to some experiences in my life, I had many self-doubts which made me feel empty. One day, when I was praying the rosary with my mom, I prayed to Our Lady of Guadalupe to help me fill this emptiness. Something in my heart said I needed God. One week later, at Sunday Mass, there was an announcement for a retreat. I knew that this invitation was an answer to my prayer. At the retreat, the speakers touched my heart and it was burning with truth. They shared how important it was for God to be the center of my life. Everything started to make sense. Jesus became real to me. After the retreat, my life was changed, but I got caught up in life again. I was compartmentalizing my life. Jesus did not permeate my life entirely. I felt lost again. A friend brought me back and I got involved with ministry in the church. Through those experiences I started to feel called. I experienced a lot of fear and resistance. My first thought was “my life


Meet Mayra

is going to come to an end!” All I knew about religious life was what I saw on TV: 24-hour prayer, and that was death and not life to me. I wanted to get married and have children. As I discerned, Jesus showed me that life as a religious is not death - we are normal people.

Even though I had all these doubts, it was beautiful having God call me. My call was like a dance. God would call me, and if I felt overwhelmed, he would step back and let me walk toward him. Once I took the steps towards him, he would call again, and the cycle would repeat. Every time he called me I was growing deeper in relationship with him and trusting in him more.

God presented the Sisters of Notre Dame to me. I wasn’t actively discerning at the time, but when I was a youth minister, I met an SND. I got connected to the sisters – with no intention of discerning. Through time I felt called to discern again and the SNDs were the only order presented to me. I was drawn to the joy of the sisters. As I have continued to learn about the SND way

Education: B.F.A., concentration in Animation at California State University (in progress) Recent Occupation: Animation studio, parish secretary at St. Cornelius in Long Beach, CA, and secretary at Marriage Tribunal in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

of life, it is like an unfolding. The more I find out about the sisters and their charism, history, and mission, the more I feel “that is who the good God created me to be.” The SND way relates to who I am. I am most excited to be used by God. It has always been the encounter with the people of God that sets me on fire. What I really enjoy about being a sister is the trust people put in us. It is a gift for me that people share their most intimate thoughts. And with God’s grace I get to help them and reveal God to them. It brings a sense of sacredness and intimacy to my life. The encounter is an intercession for me. I can lift their troubles to God and say, “Let’s give that to the good God, who is going to take care of it.”

It was a surprise to me how much God invited me to look at myself. My first reaction was, “Whoa, that’s too much to look at!” But through time I realized how much growth came from my self-reflection. I was surprised by the beauty of the mercy he has given to me and how patient he was in helping

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to mold me. Through that, I saw myself grow deeper in relationship to him and have deeper trust in him.

God is making me whole, but it is not for me to keep. It is for me to share with others. He is molding me to become a better disciple and Sister of Notre Dame. I don’t want people to have the same image of a sister that I had growing up. We are all about bringing life to others.

People today are not exposed to women and men religious. They are a foreign concept. I want the world to see that we are normal, that it is a call, and most importantly, that this life is a possible option. This life is not scary, but grace-filled. Plus, my sisters are cool!

I want people to know more about what an apostolic sister is. We have a mission to be with the people of God – and it is beautiful. We help Jesus. We are out there with the people. We can be a companion to others and make them feel safe and welcome. It brings me joy to see others have a conversion like I did. It is beautiful to see their eyes opened, to know how good God is!

Name: Nicole Varnerin Hometown: Ridgefield, CT Parents: Bruce & Debbie Varnerin Siblings: Jessica Adomako & Brianne Varnerin Age: 25 Date of Postulancy: July 2014 After my senior year of high school, I went to a Catholic youth conference. At the concluding Mass of this conference, the priest called anyone in the congregation who felt a call in their heart to the priesthood or religious life to come to the altar to be prayed over. As I watched all of these young people walk to the altar I heard a voice from within say, “You should be up there.” And I promptly stayed in my seat.

My plan for my life was to study engineering and change the world through science, and nuns aren’t scientists – or so I told myself. As I continued in life this little voice kept resurfacing, and I kept ignoring it. It wasn’t until two years later that I began to give in to God’s persistent voice. I started doing research. And the more I found out, the more I could see myself in that life. I grew up in public schools and had never had contact with religious sisters. It was a foreign concept to me. I decided to take the leap and experience the life for myself. I set into motion a covert operation. My mission? To experience religious life and see if it was right for me without letting my family know I was considering becoming a nun. I spent a summer of service living in community with sisters.

Meet Nicole

It was after that experience that I was convinced of my call to religious life. I felt so comfortable and at home living with these sisters. I loved the rhythm of the life and sharing service and prayer with those I lived with. That summer, I was the most in-myskin I have ever felt. It is that Nicole that I wanted to be for the rest of my life. And I truly believed that a big part of who I was that summer had to do with living in community as a partner with religious sisters. My experience that summer marked the point of no return. I just HAD to pursue religious life. I discovered that it was in my blood. It was in my spirit. And there was no turning back from that knowledge. I honestly “fell in” to the Sisters of Notre Dame. I originally had no intention of discerning with the SNDs and was looking at other orders. But when I needed a place to live and be supported in my discernment, the SNDs opened their doors to me. It was that living experience that opened my eyes to my call to the Sisters of Notre Dame. As I got to know the sisters better and interact with them on a deeper level, I realized that

Education: B.S. Electrical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH Recent Occupation: Research Technologist at the Cleveland Clinic; worked with stroke and spinal cord injury patients, using brain stimulation to aid in rehabilitation.

I had found my home. I felt comfortable and I identified with their spirituality and mission. I, too, experience God as being so good. I look back over my life and see how he has lovingly guided me to where I need to be. It is these two tenets that shape everything the SNDs do.

I am excited to create the future with my fellow sisters. I am entering religious life at a very transitional time. My life might not look the same in ten or twenty years as it does now-and I get to imagine and create that future. I am specifically excited about becoming a Sister of Notre Dame because I can become close to many wonderful, faithfilled women. I could do any other aspect of religious life on my own, but it is the fact that I walk with other women that makes this a unique experience. As I develop myself and my relationship with God, I have over 600 role models and supporters across the U.S. to look to for guidance and encouragement. My sisters inspire me by who they are. Every moment in formation is a surprise, but I think I am

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most surprised by how much I have been transformed. I look at who I was a year ago and almost don’t recognize myself. The essence of me is still there, but I have grown in so many ways. I have grown in how I am with people. I have grown in my relationship with God. I have grown in my understanding of myself. And I just know that I will continue to grow and be transformed in all of these areas. Through the entire formation process I am becoming a more God-steeped, SND flavor of myself. There is no stereotype of what it means to be a woman religious. I often give vocation talks to religion classes and each time I walk in, the students are surprised. They are surprised that I look so normal, that I don’t have gray hair, and that I am a scientist and engineer. God calls all kinds of people, maybe even you! Becoming a religious sister is not about conforming to the majority or conforming to what people think you should look and be like. Becoming a religious is about becoming a more authentic you by living out God’s true call for your life. The more you follow God, the truer you will become. So listen and investigate if you feel a tug on your heart. It might just be God pulling you in your true direction.


National Education


by Paula Aveni, Project Director at SND National Education Office Life at the University of Dayton felt a bit different for three days in mid-June. The 2015 SND Education Summit brought a new energy, a sense of adventure, and, at times, a lovely, soft vibe of spiritual wonder. The Summit experience included tackling critical education issues, but also wonder from quiet moments filled with prayer, music, candlelight, and pictures that kept Summit participants centered on our Good and Provident God. Created to provide resources for today’s educational settings, the inaugural Education Summit’s threeday agenda was packed with speakers, presentations, and discussions that explored a 21st century “Vision Forward” enriched by SND Educational Vision, Principles and Heritage. Nearly 150 SNDs and lay educators ministering as teachers, administrators, directors, and Provincial leadership came to Dayton from far and wide - 5 countries, 7 U.S. states, and over 40 schools and centers. Collectively, the summit attendees serve over 19,000 students from pre-K through college. It is no wonder the University’s quiet summer atmosphere was alive with vibrant voices and laughter!


Keynotes and Breakouts Opening Keynote speakers Sr. Joanne Keppler, Director of Professional Learning at NDES and Notre DameCathedral Latin, and Sr. Melannie Svoboda, author, speaker, and retreat director, set the stage for seeing education as a foundation for transformation. Sr. Joanne told the story of the rich heritage of SND education within the context of swimming in a deep and very special body of water. Educators thrive when they teach from the perspective of the student, regardless of age, need, or setting and honor the spiritual call of becoming part of something very large and global. Sr. Melannie encouraged us to view Catholic education from the point of view of being a verb - “Come, Go, Be” - and to pass along to students a sense of wonder. During the closing general session the five SNDs participating from Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda connected us to the wider world of Notre Dame education. While it is very apparent the sisters teach and live in environments that contrast significantly with their U.S. colleagues, it was also quite clear that the SND charism and educational vision are thriving in their

simple school buildings and challenging living conditions thousands of miles away. The international sisters attended the Summit through the support of an SND International Ministry Fund grant. Rev. James Heft, SM, founder and President of Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California, both probed the theme of Education as Transformation and helped us unwrap our Marian understanding. Fr. Heft spoke with humor and stories about the notions of “information, formation and transformation.” He advised that “what you say and what students hear may be very different” and that nothing can replace “face-to-face, heart-to-heart transformational moments” for teachers and students alike. Fr. Heft’s celebration of Mass united all the participants in a very special way.

Focus Forward A strategic “Forward Focus” discussion led by Dr. Laura Koehl, President, NDA in Park Hills, KY, and Nancy Coonis, President of NDA Schools in Los Angeles, captured what participants were taking away from their Summit experience, along with how

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as a Notre Dame Educational Partnership we could move forward most effectively. Notes from the very animated “Forward Focus” dialog will help guide the Board of Advisors and the National Office staff during their fall 2015 strategic direction forward meeting.

The Summit also provided an opportunity to listen to the voices and learn about the experiences of five alumni who experienced Notre Dame education in different contexts across several different decades. In a conversation facilitated by Notre Dame College President Thomas Kruczek, they shared how their experiences influenced their life journey across education, career orientation and personal fulfillment. We also heard their hopes for Notre Dame education going forward. In his presentation Fr. Heft spoke of great writers of the past and the fact that most teachers need not fear about writing books as “teachers write on the hearts of their students”. It would be impossible to write a book that captures every lesson taught and learned at the Summit and the prayerful, spiritual moments of 150 voices joined in song or quiet contemplation.

We Remember Sr. Mary Sheila Felix was born Florence Felix on January 15, 1915, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Herry and Anabel Felix. During World War I, her entire family contracted the Spanish flu. Her mother died of double pneumonia and Spanish flu, but before her death, two Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis helped Anabel to consecrate her family to the Blessed Mother. Florence was the middle child of three boys and two girls. Since her father was unable to raise the children, they were placed in St. Aloysius Orphanage, Cincinnati. From there she entered Notre Dame Academy in Covington, Kentucky, and became an aspirant. After graduation, she joined the Sisters of Notre Dame and made her profession of vows on August 13, 1935. Having been consecrated to Mary when she was small, Sister Mary Sheila developed a great devotion to the Blessed Mother. Each day she prayed the Memorare before Mary’s statue.

Sister Mary Sheila held a Master’s Degree in English and a minor in Latin and French. She taught music, loved to sing, and sometimes served as organist for church services. Sister Mary Sheila taught in elementary schools in Ohio and Kentucky, including nineteen years at Notre Dame Academy. Her last place of ministry was St. Columban School, Loveland, Ohio, where she spent fifteen years tutoring, doing daily chores, and interacting with the Primetimers organization for retired persons. Sister Mary Sheila also studied and composed poetry. Her poems were collected into two books entitled Desert in Bloom.

Sister Mary Sheila became a resident in Lourdes Hall and was often seen in the chapel serving as a source of prayer for various intentions. As she stated, her prayer was “mostly a passionate love of God and Mary in action.” Sister Mary Sheila celebrated her 100th birthday on January 15, 2015, and was looking forward to her Jubilee of Peace this summer, marking 80 years of religious profession. However, on the feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 2015, her Heavenly Mother called her home. Services for Sister Mary Sheila were held March 27, 2015, at the Sisters of Notre Dame Provincial Center.

Johnie Glendening

SND Associate Johnie Glendening, joined the Catholic Church in 2000, was active in the Cursillo movement, and became an Ultreya leader.

Johnie first met the Sisters of Notre Dame when he was a patient at St. Claire Regional Medical Center in Morehead, KY. In 2008, Johnie and his wife, Sylvia, made their covenant as Associates of Notre Dame. Johnie wanted to become an Associate because he believed in the ministry of the Sisters of Notre Dame, and he wanted to take an active part in spreading God’s goodness and provident care to all, especially to the poor, the sick and the marginalized. of

Despite his ill health, Johnie was very faithful in meeting with his formation companion, Sr. Margaret Mary Mouch. Johnie’s faith was deep, strong and sincere-he trusted God in all things. Shortly before Johnie’s death on July 25, 2015, he and Sylvia moved from their home in Morehead to be with family in Michigan. Johnie and Sylvia have seven children and twenty-one grandchildren. “Johnie, you are missed.”

Helen Mary Mullikin

In a 2012 letter written to Sr. Mary Renee Nienaber, Associate Helen Mary Mullikin, paralleled her experience as an Associate to that of C.S. Lewis in his biography Surprised By Joy. Both Helen and Lewis knew that there was something more in life. For Helen Mary this something more was being an Associate and expressed this in the words: “ Blessed are the Notre Dame Associates for they shall experience joy and contentment.”

Helen Mary often stated that joy came to her because she trusted God’s Providence, matured in spirituality, and was consistently grateful, even when seriously challenged. She ministered to others through her kindness, her smile, and her thoughtful notes to those in need. Helen Mary was a nurse, mother of ten, grandmother to twentyfour, and a great-grandmother. We at Notre Dame knew her as a very intelligent woman, a prolific writer, dedicated Associate, and one who truly lived her baptismal call to holiness.

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welcome 2015 Associate candidates At Mass on Saturday, September 12, ten candidates began their year of formation as Notre Dame Associates. It is with affection and prayerful support that the Sisters and Associates of Notre Dame embrace the 2015 candidates. Associate Candidates pictured left to right: Jane McDaniel, Jane Melson, Patty Eglian, Juliette Smookler, Jeanne-Marie Tapke, Irene Nichols, Richard Tapke, Clara Trapnell, Theresa Van Auken, Shannon Miller.

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