Rendleman Hall
Founders Hall
Alumni Hall
Peck Hall
Lovejoy Library
Dunham Hall
Science Buildings East and West
Morr is University Center
Art and Design & Art and Design West
Center for Spir ituality and Sustainability
.rD hcraeseR N 011
B. Barnard Birger Hall
Bluff Residence Hall
200 University Park
100 North Research Dr.
95 North Research Drive
Chamber of Commerce
School of Pharmacy Lab
Technology and Management Center
Strat ton Quadrangle
Evergreen Residence Hall
47 North Research Dr.
Metcalf Student
Experimental Theater
Student Fitness Center
First Community Arena at the Vadalabene Center
Early Childhoo d Center
Woo dland Residence Hall
Pr airie Residence Hall
Engineering Building
Dental C linic
Swimming Pool
Outdoor Recreational
Sports Complex
Student Succ ess Center
Physics Observatory
The Gardens
The “e” Sculpture