2013-2014 Green Pages
FAST GUIDE TO GREEN PAGES Administrative Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Student Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 In the Know: What’s Happening at SIUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Morris University Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Student Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 University Center Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Recognized Student Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 October is Celebrate the Arts Month at SIUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Intramurals and Campus Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Intercollegiate Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 International Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Telephone Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Websites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Changing or Withholding Directory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students: is pleased to issue this annual directory containing contact information for departments and individual members of the campus community. The University relies on a variety of communication methods to provide updates on items of interest and importance; in particular, email is frequently used and faculty and staff are asked to regularly monitor their accounts to remain current. Email is also important in the collection of data to support ’s academic programming and student service offerings. Students are sometimes asked for input for the purpose of evaluation and it is very important that they review their email account on a daily basis. It is the responsibility of the student to regularly check for University communications. Please enjoy this directory as a way to stay connected with your
Best wishes for an exciting and fulfilling academic year! Sincerely, Julie Furst-Bowe
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Glenn Poshard, President Lucas D. Crater, General Counsel (Interim) Paul Sarvela, Vice President for Academic Affairs Duane Stucky, Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY EDWARDSVILLE Julie Furst-Bowe, Chancellor Ann M. Boyle, Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Narbeth R. Emmanuel, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Kenneth R. Neher, Vice Chancellor for Administration Patrick D. Hundley, Vice Chancellor for University Relations For information about the publication of this directory, contact the Office of Enrollment Management at (618) 650-2298. This directory is provided for the convenience of its users, and its contents do not represent an attempt by to provide a legally binding record of employment or enrollment.
ACADEMIC CALENDAR FALL 2013 August 19 August 24 September 2 Nov. 25-Dec. 1 December 9-13 December 14
SPRING 2015 Fall classes begin Weekend classes begin Labor Day Holiday Thanksgiving Break Holiday Final exams Commencement
January 12 January 17 January 19 March 9-15 May 4-8 May 9
Spring classes begin Weekend classes begin Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Break week Final Exams Commencement
Note: No weekend classes Aug. 31-Sept. 1 or Nov. 30Dec. 1. Final exams for weekend classes are December 7 following the last class session.
Note: No weekend classes March 14-15 and April 4-5. Final Exams for weekend classes are May 2 following the last class session.
January 13 January 18 January 20 March 10-16 May 5-9 May 10
Spring classes begin Weekend classes begin Martin Luther King Day Break Week Final Exams Commencement
Note: No weekend classes March 15-16 and April 19-20. Final exams for weekend classes are May 3 following the last class session.
SUMMER 2014 May 26 May 27 May 31 July 4 Aug. 4-8
Memorial Day Holiday Summer classes begin Weekend classes begin Independence Day Final Exams
Note: Final exams for weekend classes are Aug. 2 following the last class session.
FALL 2014 August 18 August 23 September 1 November 24-28 December 8-12 December 13
May 25 May 26 May 30 July 3 August 3-7
Memorial Day Holiday Summer classes begin Weekend classes begin Independence Day Holiday Final Exams
Note: No weekend classes July 4-5. Final exams for weekend classes are August 1 following the last class session.
FALL 2015 August 24 August 29 September 7 November 23-29 December 14-18 December 19
Fall classes begin Weekend classes begin Labor Day Holiday Thanksgiving Break Holiday Final Exams Commencement
Note: No weekend classes September 5-6 and November 28-29. Final exams for weekend classes are December 12 following the last class session.
Fall classes begin Weekend classes begin Labor Day Holiday Thanksgiving Break Holiday Final Exams Commencement
Note: No weekend classes August 30-31 and November 29-30. Final exams for weekend classes are December 6 following the last class session. — Subject to Change Without Notice —
What types of aid are available? Financial aid is available in the form of grants, scholarships, loans and student employment. Grants and scholarships are awards that require no repayment. Loans must be repaid, usually after you graduate or leave school. Student employment on campus is a convenient way to earn money for school expenses. Do I have to be needy to receive funds from these programs? Not in all cases. You may receive unsubsidized loans, work as a regular student employee, or possibly receive a scholarship even if you are not needy. How and when should I apply for assistance? For need-based aid or an unsubsidized loan, submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on line at fafsa.ed.gov as soon after January 1 of the academic year for which you desire assistance. Apply for SIUE Meridian Scholarships by December 1 and University/Foundation Scholarships by March 1. Scholarship applications are available on our website. Scholarships are also available through your major department and campus organizations. Visit our website at siue.edu/financialaid for details. You may seek student employment throughout the year. How may I obtain further information about these programs? Grant, scholarship, and loan information is available in 2308 Rendleman Hall, and student employment information is available in 2221 Rendleman Hall. You may also call or visit our website at siue.edu/financialaid. What is available after March 1? For need-based aid and unsubsidized loans, you should still complete and submit the FAFSA application, but you may not be considered for some grant programs or work study. If you file the FAFSA late, your financial aid may not be available to cover the first fall tuition payment due in August, and you will have to make that payment on your own so that you are not dropped from your fall classes. How do I find a job on or off campus? Use Student Job Finder on the website at siue.edu/studentemployment/ to search for jobs and to contact employers. The student employment staff in 2221 Rendleman Hall is available to assist you in your job search. Are financial aid advisers available to answer my questions in person? SIUE’s financial aid advisers rotate among the service desk, phone counseling, and one-on-one financial aid advising. When you call or visit the office an adviser will assist you. You may also come in during advising hours to speak individually with an adviser. Advising hours are Monday-Thursday, 12:30-4:00 p.m. What is the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy? If you receive grant, scholarship, or loan funds or work as a student employee, you must meet the University’s general academic standards as well as the federal requirements of the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for financial aid recipients. Copies of the policy are available in the office, published in the University catalogs, and appear on the website at siue.edu/financialaid/. Office Hours/Services
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Extended hours are available during the beginning and throughout each term. Contact the office for these times. FAX: (618) 650-3885 Email: finaid@siue.edu siue.edu/financialaid/ PHONE: (618) 650-3880
SIUE, You’ve got mail!
SIUE has increased its use of email to students to inform and advise them about items of interest and importance to the University community. In addition, email is used to seek students’ opinions on important issues. Students are advised to check their SIUE email account on a daily basis.
Academic Advising – Once each term you meet with your academic advisor to plan or review progress in achieving your academic program. Undeclared undergraduates apply for a major through Academic Advising, located in the Student Success Center. (Exceptions are the undeclared students assigned to the advisors in the SOAR program and in the Athletic Advising Office.) After admission to the major, you will have an advisor who specializes in that major. Changes of major should be processed through the new or intended major department. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/advising. Adding a Course – Beginning the first day of classes, all undergraduate classes are closed. However, you may add a class with a Class Permit Card carrying approval signatures of the instructor and adviser. During the second week, you will need the signatures of the instructor, adviser, and chair. After the second week, you may only add classes that have not yet begun. See your adviser for assistance. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/registrar. Admissions – Staff are available to assist with admission to the University. They can answer questions about admission, transfer procedures, and first-time registration. Contact the office by phone (618) 650-3705 or by email to admissions@siue.edu. The office is located in Rendleman Hall, Room 2120. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/prospectivestudents. Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness – Southern Illinois University Edwardsville encourages you to use alcohol responsibly when you are of the appropriate age. The use of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 is illegal and may lead to arrest, notification of your parents, and student disciplinary action. The University deplores the use of illegal drugs and will rigorously enforce federal, state, and local laws. For information regarding the University’s alcohol and drug initiatives, please contact Counseling Services at (618) 650-2842. The Alestle – The award-winning student newspaper, the primary student publication, employs students as writers, photographers, editors, graphic artists/designers, advertising sales representatives and office staff. The newspaper gives mass communications majors and other students the opportunity to work in a laboratory setting while gaining experience in various aspects of writing and editing, desktop publishing, advertising, sales and office procedures. If you are interested in working for The Alestle, call (618) 650-3528 or email: editor@alestlelive.com. The office is on the second floor of Morris University Center, Room 2022. Additional information is also available on The Alestle website: alestlelive.com Appeals – For information about refund of tuition and fees appeals, call the Service Center at (618) 650-2080 or stop by the office in Rendleman Hall, Room 1309. You will be provided information about appeals processes, required forms, and persons who should be contacted. Email messages may be sent to hdehner@siue.edu. Applying for Graduation – You should review the completion of all graduation requirements with your adviser after filing an Application for Graduation at the Service Center, Rendleman Hall, Room 1309, as soon as you reach senior status. The deadline to apply for graduation is the first day of the term in which you intend to graduate. For information about applying for graduation, please consult with your adviser or contact the Service Center at (618) 650-2080. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/registrar.
Art Galleries – For information about exhibits and gallery displays in Art and Design, call (618) 650-3071 or visit siue.edu/artsandsciences/art; for changing exhibitions in the Morris University Center, call (618) 650-2300 or visit siue.edu/muc/art.shtml; for information about The University Museum collections, call (618) 650-2996 or send email to ebarnet@siue.edu. Arts & Issues – The College of Arts and Sciences sponsors this series of distinguished speakers and performers each year. SIUE students receive a reduced price for all Arts & Issues events. A limited number of free tickets, courtesy of Student Affairs, are also available to SIUE students. Often workshops and master classes are scheduled along with these events. To purchase tickets or to inquire about free tickets for Arts & Issues presentations, contact the Dunham Hall Box Office (650-5774). For information about the current season visit artsandissues.com. Automotive Assistance – University Police provide automobile lock-out and campus escort services. Parking Service Agents provide automobile battery jumps and low-tire services between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. For more information call (618) 650-3324. Additional information is available online: admin.siue.edu/parking/emergenc.htm or siue.edu/police. Billing Information – All billing activity may be viewed by accessing your CougarNet account siue.edu/COUGARNET. You must pay at least the minimum amount due by the first payment deadline of each term. If your account is not paid in full you will automatically be enrolled in the Installment Payment Plan and a $20 charge added. For all accounts on the Installment Payment Plan, there are four bill update cycles in the fall and spring terms and three in the summer term. For more information, email bursar@siue.edu, call (618) 650-3123 or visit siue.edu/bursar. Bookstore – Graduate level textbooks and supplemental undergraduate course materials are available at the University Bookstore located in the Morris University Center. SIUE clothing, gift items, greeting cards, books for general reading, software, educational pricing on Apple laptops and computers, Apple Ipads, Ipods and other accessories, graduation apparel and other items are also available. For more information, call (618) 650-2132 or e-mail bookstore@siue.edu or visit siue.edu/muc/bookstore.shtml. Bowling and Billiards – Morris University Center is home to Cougar Lanes and features 16 bowling lanes complete with the latest in automatic scoring and cosmic lighting. The billiards and the table tennis area feature championship quality tables. The arcade area has a wide selection of video games. For more information, call (618) 650-5263 (LANE) or visit siue.edu/muc/cougarlanes. Bursar – The Bursar’s office accepts payments on your student account, issues refunds to students, produces 1098T tax forms and assists with any questions about your student account. The Bursar’s Office is located on the first floor of the Rendleman Hall. Cashiers are available 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Payments may be made online at siue.edu/paymybill or mailed to Box 1042. Also, a Bursar’s Office cashier is in the Service Center on Mondays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information, email bursar@siue.edu, call (618) 650-3123 or visit siue.edu/bursar. Bus Service – You may obtain bus schedules on campus at the following locations: Information Office in Morris University Center, Cougar Village (Commons Building), the residence halls, and lobbies of Rendleman Hall (near Bursar Office) and Peck Hall (near Instructional Services). Additional information on bus service may be obtained from the MCT Link at siue.edu/parking or by email at mct.org or parking@lists.siue.edu. Campus Activities Board (CAB) – This is a student-run organization serving as the premier programming board for the University. CAB’s main goal is to improve campus life by providing social, recreational, educational, and cultural events at SIUE. If you are interested in getting involved, please call (618) 650-2686 or visit siue.edu/cab. Campus Catering – For assistance with catering services, call (618) 650-3033 (618) 650-3040. Catering is part of Event Services in the Morris University Center. Campus Events – For information about campus events and activities you may call the Kimmel Leadership Center at (618) 650-2686; consult The Alestle, check out siue.edu/events/ consult with your Resident Assistant, or call the Information Center at (618) 650-5555. Campus Network – Information Technology Services (ITS) maintains the network that interconnects the Edwardsville, Alton, and East St. Louis campuses and the Internet. Wireless access is available in most areas. Users are required to use
their SIUE e-ID and password which can be activated on the web at http://www.siue.edu/e-ID. The ITS support center can be reached by phone at (618) 650-5500. Additional information may be obtained from the website at siue.edu/its/. Campus Tours – Students may visit the campus Monday – Saturday throughout the year. For a complete schedule of available dates and to make an appointment contact the Office of Admissions at (618) 650-3705 or online at siue.edu/prospectivestudents. Cap & Gown – If you have been cleared to graduate, caps and gowns are obtained through the Bookstore in Morris University Center. Call (618) 650-2132 or send email to palbert@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/muc/bookstore.shtml. Career Development Center – The services of the Career Development Center include individual career counseling to assist students and alumni with choice of major, career alternatives, career development issues, career transitions, resume development, job search strategies, interviewing techniques, assessments, and interest and personality inventories. The Career Development Center offers opportunities for students to gain experience in their field of study through internships and Cooperative Education. For more information about Career Development Center services, stop by 0281 SSC, call at (618) 650-3708 or visit siue.edu/careerdevelopmentcenter. Center for Spirituality and Sustainability – Students, faculty, staff and members of the community are invited to participate in the activities of the Center. Campus ministries of several denominations provide worship services and many other events on campus. For more information, call (618) 650-3246. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/religion. Child Care Services – Preschool education is available for children of SIUE students and employees. This center is located on North West University Drive off Circle Drive. The Early Childhood Center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Parents may choose from full-day or morning programs. Children between the ages of two and five may be enrolled. For more information contact the Early Childhood Center at (618) 650-2556 or visit siue.edu/earlychildhood. Please note the Center operates off a waiting list. Choral Groups – The choirs are open to all students regardless of their major. They include two unauditioned groups which include Women’s Glee and Choral Society and two auditioned groups (Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers). Choral Society is open to people from the community and may be taken without enrolling in the course. For information, please email Dr. Joel Knapp at jknapp@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/artsandsciences/music/performing_ensembles.shtml. Concert Bands – Participation in a university band is open to all enrolled students regardless of major. Participation in University Wind Symphony requires an audition. For information on playing in the University Wind Symphony or Concert Band, please email Dr. John Bell at jbell@siue.edu. Closing of the University – Information about University closings due to inclement weather will be announced online at siue.edu. Faculty, staff and students will also be sent an email to their University accounts announcing closures. Or, they may sign up to receive e-lert notification via cell phone at siue.edu/e-lert. In the event of extreme weather or emergency conditions, you may listen to the following radio stations: KMOX (AM 1120); WSIE (FM 88.7); WBGZ (AM 1570); WSMI (AM 1540); WGEL (FM 101.7). Additionally, three (3) television stations will provide information relevant to University operations and programs: KTVI-Channel 2; KMOV-Channel 4; and KSDK-Channel 5. Commencement – Ceremonies are held each May and December. Only students certified by their adviser as completing all requirements by the end of that term may participate. For questions, contact Dan Frierdich at 618-650-2252. For more information, visit: siue.edu/commencement. Conferences and Institutes – This office provides coordination and logistical support for academic departments and offcampus clients. For assistance, call (618) 650-3210 or email tengelm@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/educationaloutreach/conferences.shtml. CougarNet – You may use the web to get a copy of your class schedule, an unofficial transcript, check your grades, find out how much you owe, check on your financial aid awards, identify open or closed courses prior to registration, view all
your addresses, apply for graduation, order an official transcript, and other official information. With your student identification number and a PIN (personal identification number that you create the first time you use CougarNet), you may access CougarNet from one of the special CougarNet terminals in the Service Center in Rendleman Hall, Room 1309, from other CougarNet terminals on campus, or from any computer with internet access. For information, call the Service Center at (618) 650-2080. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/cougarnet. Counseling Services – This office assists you, the student, in coping with personal, interpersonal, psychological and/or psycho-educational issues; provides crisis intervention; serves as a practicum site for students enrolled in clinical psychology and related disciplines; and provides sexual assault counseling and advocacy for students. ALL contacts are confidential. Students can come to the Counseling and Health Services office on the lower level of the Student Success Center in Room 0222. For location information and other assistance, please call (618) 650-2842. Students can also login to the Cougar Care website at http://cougarcare.siue.edu to make an appointment and complete the questionnaires for a noncrisis appointment. This information allows for the student to be matched with the most appropriate therapist according to the student’s needs and concerns. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/counseling. Credit Union – The SIUE Credit Union offers financial services to the SIUE community – students, faculty, staff, alumni, retirees and all University Park employees. Located on Lewis Road, the eastern edge of the SIUE campus, the Credit Union offers savings, checking, Visa debit and credit cards, online banking and bill pay, first mortgage loans, new and used vehicle loans, and much more. The Credit Union ATM is conveniently located at 480 University Park Drive near Rt. 157. Contact the Credit Union by calling (618) 650-3760. Additional information is available online: siuecu.org. SIUE Credit Union, celebrating 50+ years of strength and stability since 1959. Dining Venues – A wide variety of dining options are available at the Morris University Center. For those special occasions, freshly baked cakes and pies are available for purchase. To order baked items call (618) 650-3040. For more information visit siue.edu/muc/dailymenu/index.shtml. Directory – The University publishes a directory of students, faculty and staff each fall. If you wish to have your directory information withheld, you must complete the required form in the Service Center before the end of the second week of the fall semester. Faculty and staff who wish to have directory information withheld should complete the required form in the Office of Human Resources, Rendleman Hall, Room 3229. For information about the directory, call Enrollment Management at (618) 650-2298. Disability Support Services – Disability Support Services (DSS) is responsible for all curricular and co-curricular access at SIUE. If you have a documented disability which requires academic accommodations, you are encouraged to contact DSS to discuss your disability. All students with disabilities are encouraged to visit the office, located in the Student Success Center, RM 1270, or call the office at (618) 650-3726 or email to disabilitysupport@siue.edu. Additional information may be obtained from the DSS website: siue.edu/dss/. Dropping Classes – During weeks one and two of a semester, you may drop a class without permission from your instructor and have no entry on the transcript. During weeks 3-10 you may drop a class without approval of the instructor, but a grade of "W" is automatically assigned. During weeks 11-13, you may drop a class after approval by the instructor and adviser, but a grade of “WP” or "WF" must be assigned by the instructor. “WF” will be computed as an "F" for the GPA. After week 13, no class may be dropped. Deadlines vary for classes that meet fewer than 16 weeks, including summer term classes, and/or do not begin during the first week of the term. For information about dropping a class, consult the Service Center, Rendleman Hall, Room 1309, or call (618) 650-2080. You should always consult your adviser about dropping a course. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/registrar. Early Childhood Center – Please refer to the “Child Care Services” section. Employment – Please refer to the “Job Finder” section. Enrollment Center – Please refer to the “Service Center” section. Escort Service – The University Police provide a safety escort service, accompanying members of the University community from one campus location to another. This service is available 24 hours a day. For assistance, call (618) 650-3324. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/police.
Evening & Weekend Services – Please refer to the “Service Center” section. Event Services – Event Services is the place for all your scheduling, catering and technical services needs for meetings, parties, receptions and other special events in the Morris University Center. For more information, call (618) 650-3001 or visit siue.edu/muc/rates.shtml for rates and other information. Financial Aid – Please refer to the “Student Financial Aid” section. Financial Responsibility – Students accept an online Financial Agreement at the time of registration which explains their financial responsibilities. Students are not relieved of their financial responsibility unless they officially withdraw from classes within the published deadlines found at siue.edu/registrar. Although students may be eligible for various forms of financial aid, the final responsibility for these financial obligations will be the student's. Access to University services including classroom attendance, Blackboard, housing, meal plan, library, computer labs, fitness center and Student Job Finder are provided to students once they are financially cleared for the semester. Students must be financially cleared by the first payment due date of the term to avoid having their registration cancelled. Students may be financially cleared by paying all charges in full, making the minimum required installment payment, or having enough financial aid to cover their account balance. Financial clearance requires full payment of prior-term charges. For more information, email bursar@siue.edu, call (618) 650-3123 or visit siue.edu/bursar. Fitness Center, Student – The Student Fitness Center is dedicated to student recreational use and includes multipurpose courts, elevated jogging track, indoor pool, cardio exercise and weight room facilities, two group exercise rooms, spinning studio, climbing wall, and Wellness Center designed to provide health and fitness assessment and exercise prescription. Food and beverage service is available throughout the day. For information call (618) 650-2348 (BFIT) or by e-mail to mostran@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/crec. Graduate Assistantships – Please refer to the “Graduate School” section. Graduate School – The Graduate School offers programs in 40 disciplines, leading to post baccalaureate certificates, master's degrees, post master’s certificates, specialist degrees, and doctoral degrees. The Graduate School provides information on graduate assistantships and competitive graduate awards. For information about graduate assistantships, visit siue.edu/graduatestudents or contact the Graduate School at 618-650-2811. For assistance, you may go to the office in Rendleman Hall, Room 2202. For information on admission to the Graduate School, contact Graduate Admissions in Rendleman Hall, Room 1202, or call (618) 650-3770. For information on graduate student records, contact Graduate Records in Rendleman Hall, Room 1309, or call (618) 650-3167. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/graduatestudents. Graduation – Please refer to the “Commencement” and “Cap & Gown” sections. Greek Student Organizations – The University offers students opportunities to become involved in seventeen fraternities and sororities. Greeks strive for academic excellence. Chapters frequently organize tutoring programs and study hours, and offer resources and programs for members. For information about Greek organizations, stop by the Kimmel Leadership Center in the Morris University Center, Room 1060, call (618) 650-2686 or send email to jdavenp@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/KIMMEL/greek. Health Service – Health Service provides acute outpatient care, laboratory diagnostic testing, women’s health and pharmacy services to enrolled students. Health Service, Room 0220, located on the lower level of the Student Success Center, may be reached by calling (618) 650-2842. Health Service is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/healthservice. Honorary Student Organizations – Honorary student organization members usually invite academically talented students to membership based upon a student’s major and superior academic achievements. The University has more than 25 honorary organizations. For additional information regarding honorary organizations, please call the Kimmel Leadership Center in the Morris University Center at (618) 650-2686 or send an email to mking@siue.edu. Honors Scholars Program – The Honors Scholars Program helps outstanding students from all disciplines plan individualized academic programs, enabling them to study one or two academic areas in depth or explore a variety of
courses outside their major. All Meridian Scholars are admitted into the Honors Scholars Program. Entering and continuing freshmen and sophomore students with high academic qualifications also are eligible to become Honors Scholars. Selection is based on academic history and letters of recommendation. For information, please call (618) 650-3674 or send email to jnewber@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/admissions/honors.shtml. Immunization – All students must provide proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella and tetanus/diphtheria as required by Illinois state law. For information about immunizations, call (618) 650-2843. Immunization records may be faxed to Health Service at (618) 650-5839. Health Service is located on the lower level of the Student Success Center, Room 0220. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/healthservice/immunization/index.shtml. Information Technology Services (ITS) – Classroom Support – Faculty, staff and students can request equipment and media delivered to classrooms for presentations or curriculum support. Requests can be made by calling 650-5500 or online at: siue.edu/its/labsclassrooms/equipment_delivery.shtml. Information Technology Services (ITS) Computing Laboratories – Open access and special purpose computer laboratories and classrooms are managed by ITS. The residence halls, Cougar Village, Lovejoy Library and all classroom buildings have open-access computer laboratories. Information about computer laboratories is available online: siue.edu/its/labsclassrooms/index.shtml. Instructional Services – This office provides a variety of support services designed to help you. The Writing Center, Mathematics Resource Area, Speech Center, Supplemental Instruction, Academic Development courses, workshops and testing are among the services. Information about services available on campus may be obtained by calling the office at (618) 650-3717 or visiting: siue.edu/is/. Intercollegiate Athletics – SIUE has completed NCAA Division I certification and started competing at the DI level in all sports in Fall 2012. Intercollegiate Athletics is an active member of the Ohio Valley Conference in all sports except Men’s Soccer which competes in the Missouri Valley Conference and Wrestling which competes in the Southern Conference. SIUE has a tradition of excellence in athletics, having won one Division I and 16 Division II national championships, including seven in men’s tennis, four in women’s tennis, three in wrestling, two in men’s soccer, and the latest by the softball team in 2007. For information on tickets, schedules, rosters, game results or statistics, follow the SIUE Athletics website at siuecougars.com. For more information, you may contact the Athletics Department at (618) 650- 2871. International Student Services – International Student Services provides international students with pre-enrollment assistance, immigration advisement, community hospitality programs, as well as general support and assistance. International student advisers serve as advocates for international students and as resources for the interpretation of immigration regulations. For more information, call (618) 650-3785, email gvanaik@siue.edu or visit Student Success Center Room 0300. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/iss/. Jazz Band – Guitar Ensemble and Jazz Lab Band are open to all interested SIUE students without audition. Jazz Combo, Concert Jazz Band and Jazz Vocal Ensemble require audition. For information, please email Professor Rick Haydon at rhaydon@siue.edu. Job Finder-Student Employment – The student employment staff of Student Financial Aid maintains a database of oncampus and off-campus jobs at siue.edu/studentemployment. Students meeting University eligibility requirements for student employment may search the database for information on jobs and employers. Students needing further assistance may send an email to stuemp@siue.edu or call (618) 650-2563, or visit the office in Rendleman Hall, Room 2221. Kimmel Leadership Center – Students have many opportunities to develop their leadership skills at SIUE. Among the opportunities offered are the Student Leadership Development Program, volunteer projects, service learning, Student Government, University-wide committees, student organization officer positions, the Campus Activities Board, and fraternities and sororities. For information about any of these, call the Kimmel Leadership Center at (618) 650-2686 or email to kkarnes@siue.edu. The Center is located in the Morris University Center on the first floor. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/kimmel. Late Registration – Please refer to the “Adding a Course” section.
Lovejoy Library – Library and Information Services provides information resources and technology to support teaching, learning and scholarship. Library and Information Services teaches information literacy skills and discernment needed for lifelong learning. Lovejoy Library maintains more than 856,000 volumes, 26,700 journals and periodicals, 1,670,900 microfilm materials, and 33,000 media items. Remote access is available to a large number of library services and resources, including more than 27,000 electronic books and 33,000 electronic serial subscriptions. Faculty librarians and staff in Lovejoy Library offer assistance to students, faculty and staff, demonstrating and teaching procedures for locating and assessing information and resources for papers, theses or other research projects. The Library is a depository for U.S. and Illinois state documents with more than 650,000 state and federal documents and maintains a map library containing more than 144,000 maps. Library and Information Services’ resource-sharing agreements allow SIUE students, faculty and staff to use other academic, public and special libraries in the St. Louis area. In addition, the Library is a member of CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois), thus providing SIUE users access to the holdings of 76 university libraries in Illinois through the I-Share system. Electronic access also provides the opportunity to search the collections of other libraries throughout the world and to request materials from those collections through interlibrary loan. See siue.edu/lovejoylibrary for details. Library and Information Services provides check-out services for a variety of equipment, such as laptop computers, DVD players, tape and CD recorders, digital cameras, camcorders, etc. Media, such as DVDs, videotapes, CDs, etc., are available for checkout by students, faculty and staff. Traditional reference services have been augmented by chat reference and text reference. The first floor of the Library was recently remodeled to provide space and seating for individual library research and group study, as well as additional facilities for library instruction Lockers – Rental lockers in the Science Building, Founders Hall and Alumni Hall are available for a nominal fee. For additional information, visit the Welcome Desk in the Morris University Center or call (618) 650-5555. Lost and Found – Items found on campus should be taken to the Welcome Desk in the Morris University Center. For more information, contact the Welcome Desk at (618) 650-5555. Mathematics Resource Area – If you are enrolled in mathematics courses you may receive tutorial assistance in the Mathematics Resource Area in the Academic Advancement Center. Students are helped on a first-come, first-served basis by qualified peer tutors and instructors. For more information, call (618) 650-2055, email to mwlodar@siue.edu or visit: siue.edu/is/math. Meal Plans – All students housed in the residence halls must purchase either the Plan A or Plan B Meal Plan. Students residing at Cougar Village may purchase one of the above Meal Plans or the Cougar Village Voluntary Meal Plan. The Cougar Village Voluntary Meal Plan may be purchased in $100, $250 or $500 increments. Students who live off campus may deposit money in the Cougar Debit account system and use it to make purchases at dining venues. Meal plans and the Cougar Debit accounts are accessed by using the student ID card (Cougar Card). Students living on campus who participate in Plan A, Plan B or the Cougar Village Voluntary Meal Plan do not incur sales tax on purchases. All purchases made through the Cougar Debit account system incur sales tax. All campus dining venues accept meal plans and the Cougar Debit accounts. For more information about purchasing a meal plan, call (618) 650-5438 or visit siue.edu/muc/mealsnspending.shtml. Morris University Center (MUC) – A wide variety of services are available in the Morris University Center. Upper Level – Alestle student newspaper, computer lab, meeting rooms, Fixins Restaurant and Event Services Main Level – Administration office, University Bookstore, Auntie Anne’s, Business office, Bank of Edwardsville, Kimmel Leadership Center, Student Government, Meridian Ballroom, Starbucks, Cash office, ATM, Union Station and Welcome Desk Lower Level – Chick-fil-A, Center Court Dining, Recreation Center/Cougar Lanes, Web Radio, University Hair, Pizza Hut, Cocina, Sweete’s and Cougar Den For more information, call (618) 650-5555 or email universitycenter@siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/muc.
Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – The Provost serves as the Chief Academic Officer of the University. The Provost is primarily responsible for promoting the academic and scholarly environment of the campus. Working in collaboration with the academic deans, faculty and staff, as well as the Southern Illinois University President’s Office, Board of Trustees and the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the Provost is responsible for strategic academic program and budget planning, academic policy development and review, program assessment and faculty and student development. Located in the Office of the Provost are the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Program Development, the Associate Provost for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, the Assistant Provost for Academic Innovation and Effectiveness (who leads the Undergraduate and Creative Activities Program and University-wide Assessment), and the Assistant to the Provost for Policy and Communication (who coordinates academic policy issues and grievances). The Provost’s Office is located in Rendleman Hall, Room 3102. Students may call (618) 650-3772 or stop by the office for information. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/provost/. Opera and Musical Theatre – Participation in University productions is open to all interested SIUE students and require an audition. Musical theatre productions are often co-productions with the Department of Theatre and Dance. Additional opportunities include outreach performances in regional elementary and middle schools. For more information, please contact Dr. Marc Schapman at maschap@siue.edu. Orchestra – Participation in the University Orchestra requires an audition. For information, please email Dr. Michael Mishra at mmishra@siue.edu. Parking Tickets – A parking ticket may be paid in Parking Services, Rendleman Hall, Room 1113, within 14 calendar days of ticket issue date. Include the ticket with the payment. Payments may also be made online at siue.edu/parking. Click on Pay Your Citation Online. To pay by mail, make checks and money orders payable to SIUE and mail to SIUE, Parking Service, Box 1044, Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1044. DO NOT MAIL CASH. A payment drop box is also located in Lot C (behind Rendleman Hall). Place the ticket and payment in an envelope then deposit the envelope in the drop box. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/parking. Parking Services – Parking Services manages the sale of parking permits/hangtags for parking on University premises. All students who park a vehicle on University property must purchase and display a current, valid SIUE permit. Parking permits may be purchased in Parking Services, via the Parking website by clicking on Buy Your Permit Online or by mail. For additional parking information, including permit requirements and permit sales, visit siue.edu/parking, call (618) 650-3680 or send an email to parking@lists.siue.edu. Parking for Persons with Disabilities – Spaces have been designated for parking for persons with disabilities. These spaces are marked with the international symbol. In order to use parking spaces for individuals with a disability on University property, students with disabilities are required to purchase a SIUE permit and display it along with a stateissued disability permit or license plate. For information about parking for persons with disabilities, call Parking Services at (618) 650-3680 or send an email to parking@lists.siue.edu. Additional information is available online: siue.edu/parking. Percussion Ensembles and SIUE STEEL – Participation in Percussion Ensemble and SIUE STEEL is open to all enrolled students regardless of major. For more information, contact Mr. Daniel Smithiger at: dsmithi@siue.edu Pharmacy – Health Service, located on the lower level of the Student Success Center, provides a pharmacy for enrolled students. Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For information, call (618) 650-2845 or visit: siue.edu/healthservice/pharmacy.shtml. Post Office – SIUE operates a branch post office located on the lower level of Rendleman Hall, Room 0232. Hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Cash only-no-checks, debit or credit cards are accepted. For more information, call (618) 650-2028 or siue.edu/postal/. Production Services is a service for students who wish to produce their own instructional materials (hot and cold laminations, binding, and transparencies) for use in the classroom. Information Technology Services staff are available in the basement of Lovejoy Library, Room 0005, to dispense supplies at a minimal charge and provide technical assistance. A valid SIUE I.D. is required. If you have questions please call 650-3053 or 650-5500.
Recreation, Campus – Get involved in a wide variety of recreational and leisure activities through the Student Fitness Center, the Vadalabene Center and the Rec Plex. The SIUE Rec Plex is an outdoor sports complex featuring lighted playing fields for soccer, softball and flag football. Many informal sports and recreational events are scheduled. To get involved, call (618) 650-2348, email mostran@siue.edu or visit siue.edu/crec. Registrar – Students’ records are maintained, transcripts provided, requests for enrollment certification processed, graduation applications processed and other assistance is provided by this office in Rendleman Hall. The Registrar’s phone number is (618) 650-3770. Visit the website at siue.edu/registrar or stop by the Service Center in Rendleman Hall, room 1309, for additional information. Scholarships – Please refer to the “Student Financial Aid” section. School of Pharmacy – The School of Pharmacy is located at 200 University Park. Information may be obtained from the website siue.edu/pharmacy/, or by contacting The School of Pharmacy, Office of Professional and Student Affairs at (618) 650-5150 or pharmacy@siue.edu. Security – Federal law requires the University to furnish certain crime and fire statistics to students and employees. The SIUE Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at siue.edu/securityreport. The report contains campus safety and security information, crime statistics, fire safety policies and fire statistics for the previous three calendar years. This report is published in compliance with Federal law, titled the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act” and the Higher Education Opportunity Act also known as the “Campus Fire Safety Right to Know”. For those without computer access, a paper copy of the report may be obtained, with a 24-hour notice, from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration, Rendleman Hall, Room 2228, (618) 650-2536. Service Center – Much of your business may be completed at the Service Center in Rendleman Hall, Room 1309. In this one location you can find help with all of the following: Class registration, adds, drops, and withdrawals; tuition calculation; address, name and student ID changes; Cougar Card IDs; Illinois residency applications; graduation applications; debit plan deposits; CougarNet access to your student records; transcript requests; and much more. The Bursar also has a satellite office in the Service Center. The Service Center is open Monday through Friday throughout the year. Specific hours, including scheduled evenings, Saturdays and closures, are posted on the website, www.siue.edu/registrar, and available by phone. You may reach the Service Center by phone at (618) 650-2080 or send e-mail to servicecenter@siue.edu. The SIUE Experience (siue.edu/experience) – All new freshmen are expected to attend The SIUE Experience, which begins the weekend prior to fall classes. This orientation program gives students the opportunity to meet fellow classmates, learn what it means to be a part of the SIUE community, and get a healthy dose of that Cougar spirit. For more information, contact the Office of Student Affairs at (618) 650-2020 or SIUExperience@siue.edu or the Office of Admissions at (618) 650-3705, 800-447-7483, or admissions@siue.edu. Speech Center – Proper speech research, writing, and delivery are discussed with students to help fully develop oral presentation skills. Students have an opportunity to have practice speeches recorded and critiqued, PowerPoint presentations focused, and messages clarified before presenting to a group. Springboard to Success (siue.edu/springboard) – Springboard to Success is a mandatory pre-entry advisement program for freshmen that will jump-start their university experience and help them make a smooth transition to SIUE. This program includes academic advisement and class registration, and is designed to better acquaint students and parents with SIUE. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at (618) 650-3705, 800-447-7483 or orientation@siue.edu. Student Employment – Please refer to the “Job Finder” section. Student Financial Aid – Student Financial Aid advises students and parents regarding application and eligibility requirements for various grant, loan, scholarship, tuition waiver, and work study programs. The office ensures that students maintain satisfactory academic progress to retain eligibility. Information about financial aid can be obtained in several ways: visit the office on the second floor of Rendleman Hall, room 2308; visit the website at siue.edu/financialaid; send an email to finaid@siue.edu; or call (618) 650-3880 to speak with an advisor.
Student Government – You may become involved in the governance system of the University by seeking elected office or by serving on several University-wide committees. For more information, please call (618) 650-3818 or stop by the Student Government Office located in the Student Success Center. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/KIMMEL/sg/. Student Identification Cards – Cougar Card – Students receive an identification card, called a Cougar Card, which bears their image and identifies them as students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The Cougar Card is an all-purpose card that is used for identification and may be used for meal plans, a debit plan (for dining, vending and bookstore purchases) and admittance to SIUE buildings and events. The Cougar Card can access two monetary accounts: a voluntary debit account (money that may be spent anywhere the card is accepted) and a University Housing meal plan account. Although the Cougar Card is entrusted to those who are enrolled at or employed by the University, it is a legal document and remains the property of the University. Students who lend, borrow, use a card other than their own, or alter a Cougar Card are subject to disciplinary action; in addition, such action may be considered a crime. The Cougar Card should be carried at all times in order to use a multitude of campus services. For additional information about Cougar Cards and how to establish a debit plan, contact the Service Center at (618) 650-2080, stop by Rendleman Hall, Room 1309, visit the Cougar Card website at siue.edu/COUGARCARD or email servicecenter@siue.edu. Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP) – The Student Leadership Development Program provides opportunities for involvement in interactive leadership modules and community service experiences. Participation in the program gives you a competitive edge as you enter the global work force or apply for scholarships and graduate school. The program is offered free of charge to all enrolled SIUE students regardless of academic major or class standing. For additional information about SLDP, stop by the Kimmel Leadership Center, call (618) 650-2686, email to mking@siue.edu, or visit the website at siue.edu/KIMMEL/. Student Leadership and Professional Preparation – Please refer to the “Kimmel Leadership Center” section. Student Legal Services – You may seek legal advice from a licensed attorney on such matters as landlord/tenant disputes, contracts, consumer rights, family matters, bankruptcy, small claims matters, traffic matters, and wills. The attorney provides referrals to other attorneys as well as a notary service. The attorney’s services are free. For more information, call (618) 797-2800 for an appointment. Student Opportunities for Academic Results (SOAR) – An academic program dedicated to helping students excel in their educational experience. Upon admittance to the program, a student will receive academic advising, tutoring, and other services such as mentoring. All services are provided free of charge. The office is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1220. You may visit their website at siue.edu/soar. For more information, call (618) 650-3790 or email epatter@siue.edu. Student Organizations – The University has more than 200 recognized student organizations for you and other students to develop your leadership potential. In addition to honorary organizations, which encourage and recognize academic achievement, student organizations address educational, religious, social, recreational, and political interests. For information, stop by the Kimmel Leadership Center, call (618) 650-2686 or email to mking@siue.edu. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/KIMMEL/studorg.html Student Program Changes – Please refer to the “Adding a Course” section. Student Publications – Please refer to the “The Alestle” section. Study Abroad – Through its Study Abroad programs, SIUE complements the work of its academic departments by facilitating the placement of students overseas. For more information about Study Abroad, visit the website at siue.edu/studyabroad or contact the Office of International Programs by email at jbeall@siue.edu, by phone at 618-6502419 or visit Student Success Center Room 0300. Supplemental Instruction – Regularly scheduled, out-of-class, peer facilitated Supplemental Instruction study sessions are provided for a number of traditionally difficult academic courses, particularly those with a high percentage of D and F grades and withdrawals. For more information about the Supplemental Instruction program, targeted courses, or schedules of study sessions, visit the Instructional Services website at siue.edu/is, call (618) 650-3193, or send an e-mail to rvonnah@siue.edu.
Telephone – To report trouble on your phone please call ITS at (618) 650-5500. For dialing instructions please call Information Technology Services (ITS) at #5500 or go online: siue.edu/its/network/students/features.shtml Housing provides one phone line for each dorm room or apartment on campus. However you may obtain a Personal Telephone Line (PTL) if you are a student living on campus. The charge for a PTL is $36.00 per semester and includes a private telephone number, voice mail (accessible from on or off campus), and Caller ID capability. For information on a PTL, go on line to: siue.edu/its/network/students/options.shtml. If further information is needed, call #3373. Your Student Telephone Account Number (STAN) allows you to place calls off-campus at discounted rates. You can obtain your STAN on line by going to the ITS website at siue.edu/its/network and clicking on “Obtain Your STAN.” You may also pick up your STAN from ITS, in Lovejoy Library room 0005. To obtain your STAN you must be a student, living on campus, be financially clear, and if you are picking up your STAN in person, you must have your valid SIUE Student ID with you. Additional information may be obtained from the website siue.edu/its/network Testing Services – This office in the Academic Advancement Center administers several standardized tests: GRE (subject), ACT, CLEP, and MAT. SIUE services include administration of the SIUE Placement Test and SIUE Proficiency tests. Testing dates and additional information about these tests and other standardized tests are available at the Testing Services website: siue.edu/is/test, or at (618) 650-1246, siue.edu/is/test, or at (618) 650-2295. Textbook Service – Located at 200 University Park Drive, Room 1121, Textbook Service provides rental textbooks to undergraduate students. For more information about Textbook Service, call (618) 650-3021 or e-mail to textbook@lists.siue.edu. Additional information may be obtained at: siue.edu/muc/textbooks.shtml Ticket Office – The Information Office, located in Morris University Center, provides ticket sales for most University events, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information, call the Information Office at (618) 650-5555. Transcripts – Transcript requests must be made in writing or on CougarNet. Requests may be submitted to the Service Center, Rendleman Hall, Room 1309 or you can request your transcript on CougarNet at www.siue.edu; the phone number is (618) 650-2080 or visit our website at siue.edu/registrar/forms/transcriptrequest.shtml. TRANSFERmation – The TRANSFERmation program is an orientation program for new transfer students held in July, August, November and April. This program will assist transfer students in making a smooth transition to SIUE. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at (618) 650-3705, 800-447-7483 or orientation@siue.edu. Transportation – Madison County Transit (MCT) provides transportation services on campus and to many adjacent communities, including Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, Collinsville, Alton, Highland, East St. Louis, and others. You may take the bus to MetroLink for transportation to St. Louis. Bus schedules are available on campus at the following locations: Information Office in the Morris Center, Cougar Village (Commons Building), the residence halls, lobbies of Rendleman Hall (near Bursar’s Office), and Peck Hall (near Instructional Services). Additional information may be obtained from websites siue.edu/parking or mct.org or by email at parking@lists.siue.edu. Tutoring – The office of Instructional Services provides tutorial assistance in various subjects. For tutorial information, call (618) 650-2055. Union Station – Located in the Morris University Center, Union Station sells snacks, refreshments, grocery items, natural/organic foods, international specialties, telephone access cards and other convenience products. University Hair – Located on the lower level of the Morris University Center, a beauty and barber shop offers services to students, faculty, and staff as well as community members. For an appointment, call (618) 650-2299. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/muc/hair.shtml. University Housing – Approximately 3,500 students live on campus in residence halls and apartment-style housing. Bluff, Prairie, and Woodland Halls accommodate traditional first-year students and upper class students in suites. Evergreen Hall offers upper class students suite- and apartment-style units in a residence hall setting. Fully furnished, apartment-style housing is available at Cougar Village for upperclass students and students with families. For more information, call the Central Housing Office at (618) 650-3931 or visit siue.edu/housing.
University Police – The University Police are located in the Supporting Services building and provide services 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Emergency 911 calls are directed to University Police which is responsible for dispatching appropriate police, fire, or ambulance services. Other services provided include assistance in retrieving keys from locked vehicles, loaning jumper cables, and tools to engrave items for prevention of theft. University Police provide an escort service, which is available 24 hours per day. The non-emergency number for University Police is (618) 650-3324. The Emergency number is 911. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/police. University Theater and Dance Productions – The Department of Theater and Dance produces an academic season and a summer season of shows and dance concerts. All shows are free to SIUE students with ID, compliments of University Housing and the Office of Student Affairs. The main Box Office is located in Dunham Hall (Rm. 1042B). Student productions and student dance concerts are presented at the Metcalf Student Experimental Theater during the school year. Summer Showbiz produces a series of musicals and comedies in June and July. Students may audition for any show. SIUe Xfest brings experimental theater companies from around the nation to campus for performances, workshops and classes all open to students. Information on season offerings, ticket prices, dates and times may be obtained from the Box Office by calling (618) 650-2774. Additional information may be found on Theater and Dance website siue.edu/artsandsciences/theater/. Veterans’ Certification – For Veterans’ enrollment certification, call (618) 650-2234 or consult the Registrar’s office in Rendleman Hall, Room 1207. Veterans’ Grants and Scholarships – For grants and scholarships available to Veterans through the state of Illinois, contact the office of Student Financial Aid at (618) 650-3880. Student Financial Aid is located in Rendleman Hall, Room 2308. Veterans may also visit isac.org for applications and detailed information. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs – The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is the students’ advocate and may often be of assistance to students, especially in resolving problems involving more than one office or area of the University. The Vice Chancellor’s Office is located on the second floor of Rendleman Hall, Room 2306, and may be reached by calling (618) 650-2020 or by email to jklenke@siue.edu. Volunteer Community Service Opportunities – Many Volunteer Community Service Opportunities exist through the Kimmel Leadership Center, located on the first floor of the Morris University Center. For more information, call (618) 650-2686 or email slaux@siue.edu. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/KIMMEL/. Welcome Desk – The Welcome Desk is located in the Morris University Center and is an excellent source for information regarding scheduled events and activities. Also, Madison County Transit monthly bus passes are available for purchase. For more information, call (618) 650-5555 or visit siue.edu/muc/info.shtml. Withdrawing from the University – If you find it necessary to withdraw from the University during any term, you must initiate official withdrawal procedures in the Service Center, Rendleman Hall, Room 1309. All withdrawals must be cleared by the Office of Student Financial Aid, and must be completed by the end of the 13th week of classes during fall and spring, and by the end of the 8th week for summer full-term classes. Different deadlines apply to short-term classes or workshops scheduled in non-traditional formats. Inquiries regarding withdrawal deadlines should be directed to the Service Center at (618) 650-2080. Additional information may be obtained from website siue.edu/registrar. Writing Center – Located in the Academic Advancement Center, the Writing Center staff assists students with papers, reports, and theses. Self-instructional materials are available on a wide variety of writing-related topics such as organization, paragraphing, grammar, and English as a second language. Appointments are recommended. For more information, contact the Writing Center at (618) 650-2045, or e-mail at wcenter@siue.edu, or visit the Instructional Services website at www.siue.edu/is/writing. WSIE-FM 88.7 the Jazz Station – WSIE-FM 88.7 the Jazz Station - The Jazz Station is operated by the University 24/7/365 from its studios on the lower level of Katherine Dunham Hall. The station is staffed by broadcast professionals and student employees, as well as student volunteers. Students receive practical training in all areas of radio broadcasting. This 50,000-watt NPR affiliate broadcasts a modern American Jazz format along with local news, live Cougar Sports events and public affairs programming. For information, (618) 650-2228, or visit the website: wsie.com, where you also can hear our music online through our streaming audio feature.
MORRIS UNIVERSITY CENTER FACILITIES/HOURS Hours may vary during breaks special occasions, holidays and summer. BUILDING HOURS Monday - Saturday 6:30 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. For additional information, visit siue.edu/muc or call extension 2300.
CAMPUS PHONE 3818 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Kiley Herndon SENATORS Brendan Boyer Abbey Buxton Casey Fay Samantha Gilmore Kacey Hamilton Matt Horton Sean Maher Madeline McCune Ryan Murray Tyler Shearrow Jamal Sims Quinn Vaughn
CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD CAMPUS BOX 1168 EXECUTIVE BOARD President … John Finney Vice President of Administration … Kaitlynn Miller Vice President of Membership … Tyler Wilson Advertising … Nicole Saunders Public Relations/Promo Director … John Stewart COMMITTEE CHAIRS Black Heritage Month ... Taylor Yates Multicultural Programs … Dana Banks Concerts … Emily Bowermaster Novelty … Jessie Wheeler Current Affairs … Aleah Millburg Recreation … Shanna Drouin Entertainment … Kayla Bartz Special Events … Hilary Young Family Programs … Elena Yoch
CAMPUS PHONE 2686 Springfest … Kristi Bodine Homecoming … Tre Martin Cougar Welcome ... Maame Antwi Ex-Officio: Anee Korme, Assistant Director, Campus Life Kelly Jo Karnes, Director, Student Involvement Program Advisers: Michelle Welter John Davenport Kiara Akpore Chesley Waddell Heidi Schillinger Natalie Fleming Anne Korme
College of Arts and Sciences
ARTS & ISSUES 2013-2014
Dr. John C. Mather Noble Prize Winner “The History of the Universe from Beginning to End” Meridian Ballroom, SIUE Thursday, September 26, 2013 Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul Changing the way you think about violin Meridian Ballroom, SIUE Wednesday, October 23, 2013 The SIUE and SIUC Combined Orchestras An evening of extraordinary music Dunham Hall Theater, SIUE Monday, November 18, 2013 LehrerDance A brilliant blend of dance and storytelling Dunham Hall Theater, SIUE Saturday, February 1, 2014 Temple Grandin Inspiration, advocate and hero for the autistic Meridian Ballroom, SIUE Thursday, February 27, 2014 Black Violin Hip-hop, classical and rock converge Meridian Ballroom, SIUE Monday, March 17, 2014
Watch for more additions to the Arts & Issues 2013-2014 line-up! artsandissues.com
Department of Theater and Dance Main Season 2013-14
Box Office 618-650-2774 Open: M-F 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. SIUE Students Free Admission with Valid I.D. $12 Adults & $10 All Others
An Ethical Collaboration by Jose Cruz Gonzalez, Kirsten Greenidge, Julie Marie Myatt and John Walch Directed by Kathryn Bentley October 9 – 13 Dunham Hall Theater
by Patrick Barlow Directed by Peter Cocuzza November 13 – 17 Dunham Hall Theater
by Guest Artists, Dance Faculty & Students Artistic Director, J. Calvin Jarrell February 12 – 16 Dunham Hall Theater
by Harold Pinter Directed by tba March 21 – 23 & March 26 – 30 Metcalf Theater
by Pedro Calderon de la Barca Directed by Chuck Harper April 23 – 27 Dunham Hall Theater
Contact organization representatives by calling extension 2686, or by visiting the Kimmel Leadership Center on the first floor of the University Center unless otherwise noted.
Academic Groups 351 Design Campus Box 1168 Accounting Club Campus Box 1104 Anthropology Club Campus Box 1451
Association for School and Community Careers Campus Box 1168 Biology Club Campus Box 1651 Chemistry Club Campus Box 1652 Computer Association of SIUE (CAOS) Campus Box 1656 Cougar Baja Campus Box 1168 Criminal Justice Club Campus Box 1168 Economic and Finance Club Campus Box 1102 English Language and Literature Association Campus Box 1168 Exercise Science Club Campus Box 1168 Fellowship of English Education Students and Teachers (FEEST) Campus Box 1168 Formula SIUE Campus Box 1168 Geography Club Campus Box 1168 Graduate Student Social Workers Association (GSSWA) Campus Box 1168 Math Club Campus Box 1168
Organizational Communications Student Association Campus Box 1168
Wagner Association of Metalsmiths Campus Box 1774
Painting and Drawing Club Campus Box 1168
Wagner Potters Association Campus Box 1774
Physics Club Campus Box 1168
Wildlife and Conservation Biology Club Campus Box 1168
Political Science Association Campus Box 1168 Pre-Dental Association Campus Box 1168 Pre-Medical Association Campus Box 1651 Pre-Pharmacy Association Campus Box 1168
Cultural African Student Association Campus Box 1168 Arabic Club Campus Box 1168 Black Student Union Campus Box 1168
Iota Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Psi Kappa Sigma Omega Psi Phi Phi Beta Sigma Phi Kappa Psi Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Pi Sigma Tau Gamma Sororities - Campus Box 1168 Alpha Omega Eta African Sorority Alpha Phi Alpha Sigma Tau Alpha Xi Delta Delta Phi Epsilon Gamma Phi Omega Sigma Gamma Rho Zeta Phi Beta
Promoting Recruiting Increasing Minorities Educators (PRIME) Campus Box 1168
Hispanic Student Union Campus Box 1168
School of Business ELITE Campus Box 1168
Il Risplendore (Italian Club) Campus Box 1432
The Order of Omega Campus Box 1168
Sculptors at Wagner Campus Box 1774
International Student Council Campus Box 1616
Society of Edwardsville Glass Artists Campus 1774
Iranian Student Society Campus Box 1168
Chi Epsilon Campus Box 1800
Muslim Student Association Campus Box 1168
Eta Sigma Gamma Campus Box 1126
Society of Chinese Students Campus Box 1168
Gamma Theta Upsilon Campus Box 1459
Golden Key International Honor Society Campus Box 1168
Sociology Club Campus Box 1455 Solar Racing Team of SIUE Campus Box 1801 Student Experimental Theater Organization Campus Box 1777 Student Nurse Achievement Program (SNAP) Campus Box 1066 Students and Professors Exploring All Cultures Campus Box 1168 University Dance Organization Campus Box 1168
Councils - Campus Box 1168 Collegiate Panhellenic Council (CPC) Greek Council Interfraternity Council (IFC) National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Fraternities - Campus Box 1168 Alpha Kappa Lambda Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Lambda Phi
Kappa Delta Pi Campus Box 1122 National Residence Hall Honorary Red Storm Chapter of SIUE (NRHH) Campus Box 1168 National Society of Collegiate Scholars Campus Box 1168
National Society of Leadership and Success Campus Box 1168 Phi Alpha Theta Campus Box 1454 Phi Eta Sigma Campus Box 1058 Phi Lambda Sigma Campus Box 1168 Phi Sigma Tau Campus Box 1433 Pi Delta Phi Campus Box 1168
Professional American Advertising Federation Campus Box 1168 American Concrete Institute (A.C.I.) Campus Box 1807 American Pharmacists Association Campus Box 2000 American Society of Civil Engineers Campus Box 1800
Phi Sigma Alpha Campus Box 1168
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, SIUE Student Chapter Campus Box 1168
Pi Tau Sigma (Alpha Chi Chapter) Campus Box 1805
American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacy Campus Box 2000
Psi Chi Campus Box 1121
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers Campus Box 1168
Rho Chi Society – Delta Beta Chapter Campus Box 1168 Tau Beta Epsilon Campus Box 1168
Other Campus Activities Board Campus Box 1168 Cougar Village Council Campus Box 1168
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Campus Box 1805 Association of Information Technology Professionals Campus Box 1106 Campus Recreation Student Employee Development Committee Campus Box 1157
Engineers Without Borders Campus Box 1168
Rotaract Club of SIUE Campus Box 1168
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Campus Box 1801
School of Pharmacy Class Organization Campus Box 2000
Institute of Transportation of Engineers (ITE) Campus Box 1168
Society for Human Resource Management Campus Box 1100
International Business Association Campus Box 1168
Society of Manufacturing Engineers Campus Box 1805
Jazz Education Network Campus Box 1771
Society of Women Engineers Campus Box 1801
Joint Engineering Student Council Campus Box 1804
Student Art Therapy Association Campus Box 1764
Marketing Association Campus Box 1100
Student Chapter of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Campus Box 1805
National Art Education Association Campus Box 1764
Student National Pharmaceutical Association Campus Box 2000
National Association for Music Education Campus Box 1168
Student Nurse Association Campus Box 1066
National Community Pharmacists Association SIUE Student Chapter (NCPA) Campus Box 2000 National Science Teachers Association Student Chapter (NSTA) Campus Box 1168
Chapter of the Scott Post SAME Campus Box 1168
National Society of Black Engineers - NSBE Campus Box 1168
Miracle Workers of SIUE Campus Box 1168
Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization Campus Box 1168
Organization of Minority Business Students Campus Box 1168
Student Government Campus Box 1160
Council for Exceptional Children Campus Box 1147
Pre-Law Association Campus Box 1168
Students Assisting and Recruiting (STARs) Campus Box 1600
Delta Sigma Pi – Nu Eta Sigma Colony Campus Box 1168
Pre-Optometry Association Campus Box 1168
GNU/Linux User Campus Box 1168
Delta Theta Tau Campus Box 1168
Pre-Veterinary Association Campus Box 1168
Student Program IEA-NEA Campus Box 1168 Student Social Workers Association Campus Box 1168 U.S. Institute for Theater Technology Campus Box 1770
Recreational Bass Masters Campus Box 1157 Bowling Club Campus Box 1157 Boxing Club Campus Box 1168 Capoeira Volta ao Mundo Club Campus Box 1168 Climbing Club Campus Box 1157
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Club Baseball Campus Box 1157 Club Football Campus Box 1157 Club Tennis Campus Box 1157 Club Ultimate Campus Box 1157 Competitive Cheerleading Club Campus Box 1157 Cougar Swim Club Campus Box 1168 Cougar Trap and Skeet Campus Box 1157 Emperial Campus Box 1168 Equestrian Club Campus Box 1157 Flying Cougars Campus Box 1157 Ice Hockey Club Campus Box 1157 Imminent Phenomenon Campus Box 1168 Jiu Jitsu Club at SIUE Campus Box 1157 Men’s Club Basketball Campus Box 1157 Men’s Club Soccer Campus Box 1157 Motorcycle Club Campus Box 1168 Paintball Club Campus Box 1157 Powerlifting Club Campus Box 1057 Racquetball Club Campus Box 1157
Recreational Sports Advisory Council Campus Box 1157 Red Storm Campus Box 1129 Running and Jogging Club Campus Box 1157
God’s Anointed Mime Ministry Campus Box 1168 Hillel Foundation Campus Box 1168 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Campus Box 1168
Southern Star Dancers Campus Box 1157
Latter-Day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) Campus Box 1168
Sports Club Executive Council Campus Box 1157
Lutheran Campus Ministry Campus Box 1168
Table Tennis Club Campus Box 1168
Special Interest
Tae Kwon Do/Hapkido Club Campus Box 1157
Active Minds Campus Box 1168
Women’s Club Basketball Campus Box 1157
Alliance of Students Against Poverty (ASAP) Campus Box 1168
Women’s Club Soccer Campus Box 1157 Women’s Club Softball Campus Box 1157
Religious A Cross Between Campus Ministry Campus Box 1168 Baptist Student Ministries Campus Box 1168 Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship Campus Box 1168 Campus Crusade for Christ Campus Box 1168 Catholic Newman Student Union Campus Box 1059 Christian Science Organization Campus Box 1168 Christian Student Fellowship Campus Box 1168
American Cancer Society Colleges Against Cancer Campus Box 1168 American Red Cross Campus Box 1168 College Democrats of SIUE Campus Box 1168 Disney College Program Alumni Association Campus Box 1168 Flute Club Campus Box 1168 Game Development Group Campus Box 1168 Gay-Straight Alliance Campus Box 1168 Gospel Choir Campus Box 1168 Inspired Models Achieving Greatness And Experience (IMAGE) Campus Box 1168
International Student Council Campus Box 1168 Making Waves Campus Box 1168 Mental Illness and Suicide Support Alliance Campus Box 1168 Model Illinois Government Campus Box 1168 New Horizons Campus Box 1611 One Mic Poetry Campus Box 1168 Percussion Club of SIUE Campus Box 1168 Raise Your Voice Campus Box 1168 Singer’s Society Campus Box 1168 Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Campus Box 1168 Student Organization for Sustainability Campus Box 1168 Student Stage Combatant Organization Campus Box 1777 Students for Justice in Palestine Campus Box 1168 Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Campus Box 1168 US Army ROTC Cadet Club Campus Box 1168 Web Radio Campus Box 1773 Industrial Engineers Campus Box 1805
Music Department
Calendar of Events AA = Abbott Auditorium DHT = Dunham Hall Theater
When attending musical events on Monday-Thursday, please park in Lot B. Open parking is allowed in all non-residential, permit-required lots after 4:30 p.m. on Friday and all day Saturday & Sunday. FALL 2013 Sept. 8, 2013
Sept. 17, 2013 Sept. 18, 2013 Sept. 20, 2013 Sept. 21, 2013 Oct. 11, 2013 Oct. 13, 2013
Oct. 15, 2013 Oct. 16, 2013
Dec. 10, 2013 Faculty Recital Robert Raymond, Organ Jazz Combo Concert Faculty Recital Kris Pineda, Piano Opera: “Acis and Galatea” by George Frideric Handel Opera: “Acis and Galatea” by George Frideric Handel Faculty Recital Emily Truckenbrod, Voice SIUE Choirs
3 p.m.-First Presbyterian Church Free Event 8 p.m.-DHT 7:30 p.m.-DHT Free Event 7:30 p.m.-AA
SPRING 2014 Jan. 18, 2014 Bi-State Band Festival Jan. 28, 2014 Feb. 7, 2014
Jazz Concert Honors Voice Recital
Feb. 24, 2014
Concert Featuring a Brass Quintet from the St. Louis Symphony Faculty Chamber Music Showcase Choir Concert
7:30 p.m.-AA 7:30 p.m.-AA Free Event 3 p.m.-Center Grove Presbyterian Church 8 p.m.–DHT 7:30 p.m.–DHT
Jazz Band Concert SIUE Wind Symphony & Concert Band Oct. 18, 2013 Orchestra Concert 7:30 p.m.–DHT Oct. 21, 2013 Jazz Combo Concert 8 p.m.–DHT Oct. 25, 2013 Faculty Chamber Music Showcase 7:30 p.m.-AA Nov. 8, 2013 Faculty Recital 7:30 p.m.-AA James M. Hinson, Bass Clarinet Free Event Kris Pineda, Piano Nov. 18, 2013 Combined SIUE & SIUC 7:30 p.m.-DHT Orchestra Concert (Please contact Arts & Issues for ticket information) Nov. 20, 2013 Percussion Ensemble Concert 7:30 p.m.-DHT Nov. 21, 2013 Jazz Band Concert 8 p.m.–DHT Dec. 2, 2013 Steel Band Concert 7:30 p.m.-DHT Dec. 3, 2013 Choir Concert 7:30 p.m.-DHT Dec. 4, 2013 SIUE Wind Symphony & Concert Band 7:30 p.m.-DHT Dec. 5, 2013 Faculty Recital 7:30 p.m.-AA Marc Schapman, Voice Dolly Hsu, Piano Free Event Dec. 8, 2013 Suzuki Concert 2:00pm-DHT Free Event
Faculty Percussion Concert 7:30pm–DHT Dan Smithiger Free Event
Feb. 28, 2014 Mar. 2, 2014 Mar. 3, 2014 Mar. 4, 2014 Mar. 7, 2014 Mar. 28, 2014
Mar. 29, 2014
Apr. 1, 2014 Apr. 4, 2014 Apr. 28, 2014 Apr. 30, 2014
May 1, 2014 May 2, 2014
6:00pm-DHT Free Event 8:00pm-DHT 7:30pm-AA Free Event 6:00pm-DHT Free Event 7:30pm-AA 3:00pm-Eden Church of Christ 8:00pm-DHT 7:30pm-DHT
Jazz Combo Concert SIUE Wind Symphony & St. Louis Brass Band Concert Orchestra Concert 7:30pm-DHT Opera: “Orpheus in the 7:30pm-DHT Underworld” by Jacques Offenbach Opera: “Orpheus in the 7:30pm-DHT Underworld” by Jacques Offenbach Jazz Band Concert 8:00pm-DHT Percussion Ensemble Concert 7:30pm-DHT Wind Symphony & Concert Band 7:30pm-DHT SIUE Steel Band Concert TBA – Lewis & Clark Community College Free Event Choir & Orchestra Concert 7:30pm-DHT Choir & Orchestra Concert 7:30pm-DHT
For intercollegiate athletic schedules, go to www.siue.cougars.com.
To direct dial an International Number: 9+011+Country Code+City Code+Local Number+7 digit authorization number. To place an operator-assisted International Call: Dial 01+Country Code+City Code+Local Number+Calling Card Number. (Calling instructions may vary depending on calling card company. Contact your vendor for specific instructions.)
Albania ………………………355 Tirana ………………………42 Algeria…………………………213 Adar …………………………7 American Samoa* ……………684 Andorra ………………………376 All cities ……………………628 Angola …………………………244 Luanda ………………………2 Argentina ………………………54 Buenos Aires …………………1 Cordoba ……………………51 Rosario ………………………41 Armenia ………………………374 All cities ……………885 or 886 Aruba …………………………297 All cities ………………………8 Ascension Island* ……………247 Australia ………………………61 Adelaide ………………………8 Brisbane ………………………7 Canberra ……………………6 Melbourne ……………………3 Perth …………………………9 Sydney ………………………2 Austria …………………………43 Innsbruck …………………5222 Salzburg ……………………662 Vienna ………………………1 Azerbaijan ……………………994 Baku …………………………12 Tashkent …………………3712 Bahrain* ………………………973 Bangladesh ……………………880 Chittagong …………………31 Dhaka …………………………2 Khulna ………………………41 Belgium …………………………32 Antwerp ………………………3 Brussels ………………………2 Liege…………………………41 Belize …………………………501 Belize City ……………………2 Belmopan ……………………8 Corozal ………………………4 San Ignacio …………………92 Benin* …………………………229 Bolivia …………………………591 La Paz…………………………2 Santa Cruz …………………33 Bosnia (formerly Yugoslavia) 387 Sarajevo ……………………71 Botswana* ……………………267 Brazil ……………………………55 Belo Horizonte ………………31 Brasilia ………………………61 Porto Alegre …………………51 Rio de Janeiro ………………21 Salvador ……………………71 Sao Paulo ……………………11 Brunei* ………………………673 Bulgaria ………………………359 Sofia …………………………2 Burundi* ………………………257 Cambodia ……………………855
Phnom Penh …………………23 Cameroon* ……………………237 Central African Rep*…………236 Chile ……………………………56 Concepcion …………………41 Santiago ………………………2 Valparaiso……………………32 China ……………………………86 Beijing (Peking) ………………1 Canton ………………………20 Fuzhou ……………………591 Shanghai ……………………21 Colombia ………………………57 Barranquilla …………………58 Bogota ………………………1 Cali……………………………3 Medellin ………………………4 Congo* ………………………242 Costa Rica* ……………………506 Croatia (formerly Yugoslavia) 385 Dubrovnik …………………20 Zagreb ………………………1 Cyprus…………………………357 Nicosia ………………………2 Czech Republic ………………420 Prague…………………………2 Democratic Republic of the Congo ……………………243 Kinshasa ……………………12 Denmark ………………………45 Aalborg ………………………8 Copenhagen ……………1 or 2 Ecuador ………………………593 Guayaquil ……………………4 Quito …………………………2 Egypt ………………………… 20 Alexandria……………………3 Cairo …………………………2 El Salvador* …………………503 Eritrea …………………………291 Asmara ………………………1 Estonia…………………………372 Tallinn ………………………2 Ethiopia ………………………251 Addis Ababa …………………1 Faeroe Islands* ………………298 Fiji* ……………………………679 Finland ………………………358 Helsinki ………………………0 France …………………………33 Bordeaux ……………………56 Cannes ………………………93 Grenoble ……………………76 Lyon …………………………7 Marseille ……………………91 Nice …………………………93 Paris …………………………1 Toulouse ……………………61 French Antilles* ………………596 Martinique* St. Barthelemy* St. Martin* French Guiana* ………………594 French Polynesia (Moorea&Tahiti) ……………*689
Gabonese Republic* …………241 Gambia* ………………………220 Georgia Republic ……………995 Tbilisi ……………………8832 Germany ………………………49 Berlin ………………………30 Frankfurt ……………………69 Hamburg ……………………40 Leipzig ……………………341 Munich ………………………89 Gibraltar* ……………………350 Greece …………………………30 Athens ………………………1 Iraklion (Crete)………………81 Greenland* ……………………299 Guadeloupe* …………………590 Guam*…………………………671 Guantanamo Bay (US Naval Base) ………………53 All other points………………99 Guatemala*……………………502 Guyana ………………………592 Georgetown …………………2 Haiti……………………………509 Port Au Prince ………………1 Honduras* ……………………504 Hong Kong ……………………852 Hong Kong……………………5 Kowloon………………………3 Hungary ………………………36 Budapest………………………1 Derberecen …………………52 Iceland…………………………354 Keflavik Naval Base …………2 Reykjavik ……………………1 India ……………………………91 Bombay ……………………22 Calcutta ……………………33 Madras ………………………44 New Delhi …………………11 Indonesia ………………………62 Jakarta ………………………21 INMARSAT …………………870 Atlantic Ocean (East) ………871 Atlantic Ocean (West) ……874 Pacific Ocean ………………872 Indian Ocean ………………873 Iran ……………………………98 Esfahan………………………31 Tabriz ………………………41 Teheran………………………21 Iraq ……………………………964 Baghdad ………………………1 Karbela ………………………32 Mousil ………………………60 Ireland …………………………353 Cork …………………………21 Dublin ………………………1 Galway ………………………91 Israel …………………………972 Haifa ………………………… 4 Jerusalem ……………………2 Tel Aviv ………………………3 Italy ……………………………39 Florence ……………………55
Genoa ………………………10 Milan …………………………2 Naples ………………………81 Rome …………………………6 Venice ………………………41 Ivory Coast* …………………225 Japan ……………………………81 Hiroshima …………………822 Kyoto ………………………75 Tokyo ……………………… 3 Yokahama……………………45 Jordan …………………………962 Amman ………………………6 Karak………………………… 3 Kenya …………………………254 Mombasa ……………………11 Nairobi ………………………2 Korea, Republic of ……………82 Kwangju ……………………62 Pusan ……………………… 51 Seoul …………………………2 Taegu ………………………53 Kuwait* ………………………965 Kyrgstan* ……………………996 Laos ……………………………856 Vietiane ……………………22 Latvia …………………………371 Riga …………………………2 Lebanon ………………………961 Beirut …………………………1 Lesotho* ………………………266 Liberia* ………………………231 Libya …………………………218 Tripoli ………………………21 Liechtenstein …………………423 All cities …………………… 75 Lithuania………………………370 Kaunas ……………………… 7 Luxembourg* …………………352 Macao* ………………………853 Macedonia (formerly Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia ………389 Asmati ………………………96 Malawi…………………………265 Domasi ……………………531 Malaysia ………………………60 Ipoh …………………………5 Kuala Lumpur ………………3 Malta* …………………………356 Marshall Islands* ……………692 Mexico …………………………52 Acapulco ……………………74 Cabo San Lucas ……………114 Ensenada …………………617 La Paz (Tampico) …………682 La Paz (Matehuala) ………682 Los Mochis…………………681 Mazatlan ……………………69 Mexicali ……………………656 Mexico City …………………5 Monterrey ……………………8 Tijuana……………………… 66 Veracruz ……………………29 Micronesia*……………………691 Monaco ………………………377
All cities …………………… 93 Morocco…………………………21 Casablanca ……………………* El Jadida……………………334 Rabat ………………………77 Mozambique …………………258 Maputo ………………………1 Myanmar (formerly Burma) …95 Yangon (formerly Rangoon) …1 Namibia ………………………264 Grootfontein ………………673 Windhoek ………………… 61 Nepal …………………………977 Kathmandu ……………………1 Netherlands ……………………31 Amsterdam …………………20 Rotterdam……………………10 The Hague …………………70 Netherlands Antilles …………599 Aruba …………………………8 Curacao ……………………… 9 St. Maarten ……………………5 New Calendonia* ……………687 New Zealand……………………64 Aukland ………………………9 Christchurch …………………3 Wellington ……………………4 Nicaragua ……………………505 Leon ………………………311 Managua………………………2 Niger* …………………………227 Nigeria…………………………234 Lagos …………………………1 Norway………………………… 47 Bergen ………………………5 Oslo …………………………2 Oman*…………………………968 Pakistan ……………………… 92 Karachi ………………………21 Lahore ……………………… 42 Panama* ………………………507 Papua New Guinea* …………675 Paraguay ………………………595 Asuncion ……………………21 Concepcion …………………31 Peru ……………………………51 Arequipa ……………………54 Lima …………………………14 Philippines………………………63 Bocolod ……………………34 Cebu City …………………32 Davao ………………………82 Ilolio City ……………………33 Manila ………………………2 Poland …………………………48 Gdansk ………………………58 Krakow………………………12 Warsaw………………………22 Portugal ………………………351 Lisbon ……………………… 1 Qatar* …………………………974 Romania ………………………40 Bucharest …………………… 0 Russia …………………………… 7 Minski ……………………0172
Moscow ……………………095 St. Petersburg ………………812 Saipan* ………………………670 San Marino ……………………378 All cities ……………………541 Saudi Arabia …………………966 Jeddah…………………………2 Makkah ………………………2 Riyadh ………………………1 Senegal* ………………………221 Singapore* ……………………65 Slovak Republic ………………421 Bratislava ……………………7 Slovenia (formerly Yugoslavia) 386 Ljubljana …………………… 61 Marlbor …………………… 62 South Africa ……………………27 Bloemfontein ………………51 Cape Town …………………21 Durban ………………………31 Johannesburg ………………11 Pretoria ………………………12 Spain ………………………… 34 Barcelona ……………………3 Bilbao…………………………4
Granada ……………………58 Las Palmas (Canary Islands) 28 Madrid ……………………… 1 Melilla ……………………… 52 Palma De Mallorca ……… 71 Pamplona ……………………48 Seville…………………………5 Valencia ………………………6 Sri Lanka ………………………94 Columbo Central ……………1 Kandy…………………………8 St. Pierre & Miquelon* ………508 Suriname* ……………………597 Swaziland* ……………………268 Sweden …………………………46 Malmo ………………………40 Stockholm ……………………8 Switzerland ……………………41 Basel…………………………61 Bern …………………………31 Geneva ………………………22 Lausanne ……………………21 Lucerne………………………41 Zurich…………………………1 Syrian Arab …………………963
Damascus ……………………11 Taiwan …………………………886 Kaohsiung …………………… 7 Tainan ……………………… 6 Taipei …………………………2 Tanzania ………………………255 Dar Es Salaam ………………51 Tanga ………………………53 Tasikistan ……………………992 Thailand ………………………66 Bangkok ………………………2 Chanthaburi …………………39 Togo* …………………………228 Tunisia…………………………216 Bizerte ……………………… 2 Tunis ………………………… 1 Turkey …………………………90 Ankara ……………………312 Istanbul ………………212, 216 Turkmenistan* ………………993 Uganda ………………………256 Entebbe …………………… 42 Kampala …………………… 41 Ukraine ………………………380 Kiev ………………………044
Odessa ……………………0482 United Arab Emirates ………971 Adu Dhabi…………………… 2 Ajman ……………………… 6 Al Ain…………………………3 Aweir ………………………58 Dubai …………………………4 Fujairah ……………………70 Khawanij …………………… 48 Ras Al Khaimah ……………77 Sharjah ……………………… 6 Umm Al Quwain ……………6 United Kingdom ………………44 Belfast (N. Ireland) ………1232 Birmingham (England) ……121 Cardiff (Wales) ……………1222 Edinburgh (Scotland) ………131 Glasgow (Scotland) ………141 Liverpool (England) ………151 London (England) …………… -Central ……………………171 -Outer ………………………181 Manchester (England) ……161 Southampton (England) …1703 Uruguay ………………………598
Canelones ……………………32 Mercedes …………………532 Montevideo …………………2 Vatican City …………………379 All cities ………………………6 Venezuela ………………………58 Caracas ………………………2 Maracaibo……………………61 Maracay ……………………43 Valencia ……………………41 Vietnam …………………………84 Hanoi …………………………4 Ho Chi Minh City ……………8 Yemen Arab Republic ………967 Sana’a ……………………… 1 Zabid ………………………… 3 Yugoslavia ……………………381 Belgrade ……………………11 Zambia ………………………260 Lusaka ………………………1 Zimbabwe ……………………263 Harare…………………………4 *Country has no City Code
Toll Free
On Campus
Method of Billing Toll Free
Calling Card (AT&T, MCI, SPRINT, etc.)
9+7 digit + PBN or STAN
9+0+800CC#+7 Digit+CC Number
9+7 digit + PBN or STAN
9+0+800CC#+7 Digit+CC Number
9+1+Area Code+7 digit Number+PBN or STAN
9+0+800CC#+Area Code+7 Digit +CC Number
9+011+Country Code+City Code +Local Number+PBN or STAN
9+011+Country Code+City Code+ Local Number+Calling Card #
9+1+Area Code+555-1212+PBN or STAN
9+0+Area Code+555-1212-Calling Card #
4 digit number
Toll within 618 area
Long Distance outside 618 Area Code
Off Campus Information
Campus Information
Method of Billing
Dial 2000
For a list of Country Codes please see http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/ If you need more information on dialing procedures, call the ITS Call Center at #5500.
siue.edu . . . includes phone directories, policies, class schedules, the undergraduate and graduate catalogs, upcoming sports events, and other activities. You also can find transcript and graduation requests, financial aid information and applications, and other important documents. CougarNet is also accessible from here. siue.edu/siuevents . . . for a calendar of campus events and activities. siue.edu/HELPDESK . . . to answer questions about connecting to SIUENet from your residence hall room or from home. siue.edu/careerdevelopmentcenter . . . is your source for career issues, to register for Career Development Services, view co-op and full-time career employment listings, use the rĂŠsumĂŠ referral service, sign-up for oncampus employer interviews, find career fair announcements, and view graduate assistantship postings.
siue.edu/COUGARNET . . . for web access to personal records. Get a copy of your class schedule, check your grades, check the registration schedule and identify closed courses prior to registration, get an unofficial transcript, view all your addresses and change your local or e-mail address, find out how much you owe, view your last bill and check for current activity on your bill, and view financial aid awards and check whether your awards have been paid. Student Job Finder is also accessible from CougarNet. siue.edu/registrar . . . for information about upcoming deadlines, class and exam schedules, grade reports, course descriptions, undergraduate catalogs, on-line forms (change of address, transcript requests, etc.), Service Center hours, and general information for currently enrolled students. siue.edu/studentemployment . . . for part-time jobs on and off campus using Student Job Finder, to view student employment handbook and policies, and to obtain information about student employment at SIUE.
library.siue.edu/lovejoylibrary/ . . . for library holdings, interlibrary borrowing information, on-line subscriptions, and services.
siue.edu/healthservice/ . . . for services provided by Health Service including clinical care, immunization, pharmacy, laboratory, health links, and upcoming events.
siue.edu/its . . . for Academic Computing information about the campus-wide information system, computer labs and classrooms, Faculty Technology Center, Library Systems, Network Clinic, and the rules governing the use of our facilities.
siue.edu/muc/dining.shtml . . . for cafeteria menus, prices, and meal plan information.
siue.edu/bursar . . . for cashiering, billing, and student refund services. siue.edu/financialaid . . . is your source for financial aid information and forms.
siue.edu/housing . . . to meet the housing staff, apply for housing, review questions and answers, or get transportation information. siue.edu/parking . . . for Parking Services office hours, hang tag and fine costs, vehicle use policies, parking lot construction schedules, and bus schedules. siue.edu/securityreport . . . for the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
Students who wish to change or withhold directory information should go to the Service Center in Rendleman Hall, Room 1309 and complete the necessary forms. Faculty and staff who wish to change or withhold directory information should go to Human Resources, Rendleman Hall, Room 3210
and complete the appropriate forms.