SIUE School of Nursing Gems 2012

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Spring 2012

gems Nursing T

Dean’s Message

he School year seems to be flying by! It is now the end of March and the seniors are counting the weeks until graduation. The end of this academic year will be one filled Marcia C. Maurer with dismay for me as Ph.D, RN - Dean I cope with the reality SIUE School of Nursing of the retirement of Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Dr. Mary Mulcahy. To try and iterate the contributions, particularly in curriculum, that Dr. Mulcahy has made to the SIUE School of Nursing would be impossible and not do justice to her work. Let us just say that before the Carnegie Report on re-envisioning nursing education hit the bookshelves two years ago, the SIUE School of Nursing had already instituted reflective learning, a recommendation made in the report. Further, replacement of the sage on the stage and instituting student–centered learning was also in place in our School when the report was published. I had to keep asking myself, how did Mary anticipate these changes? Nothing stays the same, and a new assistant dean will undoubtedly make more changes, but those changes will be built on a firm foundation. Thank you so much Mary

for all you have done for the School and for nursing education. We all wish you well in retirement and the opportunity to enjoy the many activities you like. In student news, enrollment continues to grow and applications for both the Edwardsville and Carbondale regional prelicensure programs are robust. The DNP students survived the first semester and are now entrenched in their second round of courses. The projects emerging from this cohort of students are phenomenal. This semester we are also piloting our first cohort of nurses in the SIUE School of Nursing Leadership Academy. This program, offered online by Dr. Roberta Harrison, assistant professor of nursing, and running January-April, is meant to educate the emerging nurse manager. Memorial Hospital in Belleville, Ill. is our partner in this endeavor. Each student will be prepared to present a project at the end of the program to be carried out at the institution. The School of Nursing Building Re-design committee is hard at work imagining what the new Health Sciences Building will look like, the School of Nursing portion in particular. Over the next few years, our campus will be home to a number of cranes as buildings seem to be growing out of the ground.

Finally, we continue to miss one thing: our alumni! We would love for you to reconnect with your School to enjoy all of the changes that have been made and witness the progress as it happens. Plan now for the 50th anniversary celebration of the School of Nursing in October 2013. Let’s make it a reunion of alumni classes! Sincerely,

Marcia C. Maurer, Ph.D, RN Dean, SIUE School of Nursing RWJF Executive Nurse Fellow – Alumna

Accreditation SIUE School of Nursing undergraduate and graduate programs received ten-year (2009 — 2019) full re-accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). SIUE School of Nursing received ten-year (2010 — 2020) full re-accreditation for the Nurse Anesthesia program from the Council on Accreditation on Nurse Anesthesia Educational program (COA).

Contents Page 2- Graduate Profile Page 3- Undergraduate Profile Page 4- ABS Student Profile

“As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

Page 5- SNA Happenings Page 6- New Faculty Page 7- Defining Excellence Page 8- Scholarship Walk Page 9- Calendar of Events

creativity compassion courage compassion courage courage creativity courage cre

compassion creativity eativity compassion crea compassion to care courage to serve excellence in action curiosity to learn creativity to teach life-long learning

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