ad campaign

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Shrivatsa Pendakur

Shaneika Booker

Landon Brooks

Mike Plaxico

Jake Feasby


1. Background Research

2. Research and Analysis

3. Targets & Objectives

Learn about Simple Shoes

Research, Competition & Brand

Set targets & objectives to execute


Company History


Observational Research

20 Target Market Profile


Mission Statement


Consumer Research

21 Sales Objectives


Brand - 4Ps


Focus Group

21 Advertising Objectives


Parent Company


Marketing Mix (4Ps)

21 Media Objectives


Corporate Social Responsibility


Competitive Analysis

21 Target Audience


Competitive Matrix

21 Scheduling Objectives


Brand Analysis

21 Budget Breakdown


Market Analysis


SWOT Analysis



4. Brand Strategy


5. Creative Execution

6. Media Plan

Brand Awareness & Strategy

Touch Points - Kiosks, Events, Ads

Media Plan & Evaluation


Big Idea


Simple Shoes Kiosk

42 Media Plan


Brand Strategy


Events & Public Relations

43 Budget Break-Down


Guerrilla & Ambient Advertising

44 Evaluation


Point of Purchase Displays


Campus Newspapers

45 Appendix


Online Advertising

48 Bibliography


Support Advertising - Creative Pieces

1. Background Research

Learn about Simple Shoes 5

Company History


Mission Statement


Brand - 4Ps


Parent Company


Corporate Social Responsibility


1. Background Research

1: Company History

Company History and Background Eric Meyer created Simple Shoes in 1991 in Santa Barbara, California. Simple Shoes was created based on the principal that most of the shoes available in the market were over-designed and it was pretty hard to find a pair of environmentally friendly shoes. In 1993, its current owner, Deckers Outdoor Corporation acquired Simple Shoes. After a decade or so, Simple Shoes was reinvented. They learned that HOW they make their shoes is as important to WHY they make their shoes. The new mission statement for Simple Shoes was to make 100% sustainable shoes. In 2005, Simple Shoes introduced the Green Toe collection to the markets, shoes made of natural materials. Today, Simple Shoes has grown along with the

Green Toe collection and has learned a lot. Now they use many different materials ranging from hemp to silk. Simple Shoes is a brand that banks on a great degree of respect to the planet and religiously practicing recycling. So even the packaging was reduced to a bare minimum. Simple uses 100% post consumer recycled foot forms and boxes, and biodegradable bags for flip-flops. In 2007, Simple Shoes was awarded the first ever Footwear Plus Green Award by the industry. In the same year, Simple Shoes introduced ecoSneaks, a new line of sustainable sneakers. And in the recent years, Simple Shoes introduced another line of shoes called Planet Walkers. These shoes are made with bamboo, cork, latex, eco-certified leathers, and suede.

Company Mission Statement How we make our shoes is just as important as why we make them. We’re committed to making our products 100% sustainable.


Orginal Simple Shoe logo in 1991 “Simple - a nice little shoe company”

Company logo today. 2009 “Simple - shoes for a happy planet”


Mens - ecoSNEAKS $75 — $80

Mens - Casual Shoes $60 — $90

Womens - ecoSNEAKS $65 — $70

Womens - Casual Shoes $60 — $75

Boots $85 — $120


In 2009, Simple Shoes introduced a new advertising campaign called Less>More. It’s a call for action, to recycle and encourage sustainable products.



1. Background Research

2: Parent Company & Corporate Social Responsibility

Parent Company - Deckers Outdoor Corporation Deckers Outdoor Corporation is located in Goleta, California. It was started by Doug Otto in 1973. Deckers has grown into an international company with three footwear brands, Simple Shoes, Teva and UGG Australia. Deckers also completed its initial public offering in 1993 and trades on the NASDAQ as “DECK.” Today Deckers is listed at an average price of $80 per share.

Corporate Social Responsibility Deckers’ culture encourages creativity. Employees are rewarded for thinking outside the box and are given the opportunity within the organization to learn and grow both professionally and personally. Corporate Social Responsibility at Simple Shoes is directed by Deckers Outdoor. CSR is done as a joint effort of doing good business. Deckers respects internationally recognized human rights and environmental standards and places them at the core of their business practices.


Simple Shoes collaborates with different charitable organizations year round to focus on supporting broad based environmental and conservation causes. Simple is working with Soles4Souls, a charitable organization that collects new, used and unwanted shoes and distributes them to over 60 countries around the world. At the moment Simple Shoes is also working with Eden Reforestation to plant trees and re-establish communities in Africa.

2. Research and Analysis

Research, Competition & Brand 9

Observational Research


Brand Analysis


Consumer Research


Market Analysis


SWOT Analysis


Focus Group


Marketing Mix (4Ps)


Competitive Analysis


Competitive Matrix


2. Research & Analysis

1: Observational Research

Observational Research Aside from being sold on their company website and company showrooms in New York and San Francisco, Simple Shoes are available at Journeys Shoes which have locations all over the country. Journeys shoes have a hip, urban environment to attract a younger, more trendy crowd. The relaxed atmosphere just attracts the market that journeys is looking for. The store is covered with all types and brands of shoes as well as other apparel. It is a dully lit store with a steel color covering the store with charcoal colored flooring. Journeys offers a wide range of shoes where the prices can range from $39.99 up to $149.99. They carry all of our competitors and have sales promotions discounts on many of the shoes they sell. The associates fit the same criteria as their market. Hiring workers that fit the part and are also knowledgeable seems to be important. The employees practice a good level of customer service while still maintaining a relaxed 9

atmosphere. They offer a wide variety of shoes, many fitting in the category of Simple Shoes. Journeys carries both men’s and women’s shoes and accessories, so there is a mixed crowd of consumers. On one side of the store they have men’s shoes and women’s on the other. When entering the store you are greeted by their representatives which are very friendly and willing to help. They are open to questions and assist with all of your shopping needs. These associates practice a high level customer service which is always helpful when trying to shop for new shoes. A problem Simple Shoes could have is with its placement within Journeys shoes, with such a large selection Simple could get lost within the competition. Journeys shoes carries more than fifty brands and Simple has the task of standing out among the rest. Such a wide selection could cause Simple Shoes to get less attention than they normally would in another store.

Journey’s one of the Simple Shoe retailer

Shoe display at Journey’s

2. Research & Analysis

2: Consumer Analysis and Research

Consumer Analysis and Research The target market that Liquid Advertising has selected is based on competitor reports on MRI. This target market is Caucasian males and females ages 18-24 years that live in the Chicago area and have some form of post-high school education. This demographic was highly represented in our primary research considering that 83% of the 93 participants in our survey were Caucasian and 58% were between the ages of 18-24. 44% of the respondents also responded that they were currently in college. Additionally, 18% answered “Some college,” and 10% said that they had been awarded undergraduate degree. It was apparent that the main problem between Simple Shoes and this demographic was brand awareness. This assumption was derived from the question, “Have you ever heard of the brand Simple Shoes?” in which an overwhelming 82% answered “no.” 75% of the respondents had never even

heard of eco-friendly shoes, but 46% did respond “yes” to the question, “If you were aware of a brand of shoes that was exclusively made from recycled and sustainable materials, would you be more likely to purchase that brand?” This information shows that there is a potentially high demand for Simple Shoes in a market that is virtually unaware of their products. 56% of the participants also ranked the importance of recycling to be “high,” which may further Simple Shoes entry into potential consumer’s minds. Other positive information that was found through our primary research was that nearly a third of respondents said they purchased shoes 1-2 times every 6 months. Also 66% said they were willing to spend upwards of $61.00 on a single pair of shoes. On an even better note, 26% answered upwards of $81.00, and 20% said they were willing to spend over $100.00.


2. Research & Analysis

2: Consumer Analysis and Research

Have you ever heard of Simple Shoes? YES (25%) NO (75%)

Have you ever heard of Eco-Freindly shoes? YES (35%) NO (65%)

If you were aware of a brand of shoes that were exclusively made from recycled and sustainable materials, would you be more likely to purchase that brand? YES (35%) NO (65%) 11

2. Research & Analysis

3: Focus Group data

Focus Groups We spoke to students from a Marketing 493 class. There were about 30 students, most of the students were from the Chicago area and the entire class had visited Chicago at least once. There were about 20 students of the age 21 to 22 and about 8 students of the age 23 to 26. The following graphs show the responses from the class to the questions.

When asked, if they recycle? YES to Recycle NO to Recycle Sometimes

When asked, if they shop online? YES, I buy stuff online all the time NO, not sure about buying online

When asked, if they had ever heard of Simple Shoes? YES I have NO I have not


2.Research & Analysis

3: Focus Group data

When asked, if PRICE was an issue while buying shoes? YES it is NO it isn’t Sometimes

When asked, if they consider themselves GREEN or eco-friendly? YES, I am a Green freak NO not at all Maybe, I could be

When asked of what type of music they listen? Hip-Hop Classical Rock Alternate Rock R&B Dance Music Others 13

2. Research & Analysis

4. Marketing Mix (4Ps)

Marketing Mix - 4Ps of Simple Shoes




• Simple Shoes product is not just a pair of shoes, it is the idea of sustainability. • They have created a 100% sustainable product • Simple Shoes have a variety of styles ranging from tennis shoes to boots. • Shoes made from recyclable/biodegradable materials • Variety of collections and styles within brand • Customers love the comfortability of product • Customers have a variety of shoe selections and choices



• Price varies substantially from base price up • Least expensive shoe starts at $45, most expensive $120 • Product is reasonably priced compared to competitors such as Keds, Timberland, El Naturalista, and TOMS shoes

• Simple Shoes is trying to reinvent their brand • New campaign focuses on hipper, younger feel. LESS>MORE • New/updated logo • Funds focus on search engines and advertising purchasing • Simple Shoes runs advertising run in a variety of magazines such as, Rolling Stones



• Primarily purchased online • Available in certain retail stores such as Journey’s, Nordstrom and Uncle Dan’s • Product showrooms located across the United States, such as New York City and San Francisco.


2. Research & Analysis

5: Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis Simple Shoes has been focusing their energy on creating shoes from sustainable items since the early 90’s. During this time Simple Shoes has not only built a fan base, but also a brand presence. As the early 2000’s began, so did the “green movement.” All over the world companies and consumers began to become more environmentally minded. This movement turned into an overwhelming trend. The past three years have seen a green washing of the market. Every company is trying to join in, causing the true brands like Simple Shoes a lot of trouble. The initial status of all competitors varies widely. The reason being is that there are such a wide variety of competitors. The closest all organic competitor is TOMS shoes. The social conscious college graduates primarily buy them. TOMS varies from Simple Shoes in that they focus the purchase as a donation. TOMS donates a pair of shoes to the needy for every pair bought. El Naturalista is also a well-known green shoe brand. El Naturialsta shoes are


difficult to get due to thier main location being in Spain and the transactions are not yet smooth. There are other brands that claim green features, but normally for a specific line. These green lines are prominent in today’s shoe market. Brands such as Keds and Timberland are two of the more prominent names with these green shoe lines. Simple Shoes has two main areas of placement for consumer touch points. These are in retail stores and online. The retail shoe stores rarely have sections to partition the different categories of shoes. This means Simple Shoes have a difficult time differentiating their self from the other shoe brands in these stores. Unlike in retail stores, Simple Shoes has a strong hold on the online green shoe searches. Simple Shoes has purchased search words on Google, such as green, natural, and organic. The competitors have been catching on to this and purchasing the same words on search

2. Research & Analysis

6: Competitive Matrix

Competitive Matrix


Simple Shoes

TOMS Shoes

Keds Shoes

One for one


Shoes for a happy planet

Green is the new black


Boots, Tennis shoes, Casual

Numerous colors to same shoe

Two designs: Mock toe and lace up


Socially minded, Socially minded, Socially minded, brand college graduates, college graduates, male & female (18 - 24) male & female (18 - 30) loyal, female (20 - 40)


El Naturalista

Earth-conscious Boots

Walk for life

Earthkeeper 2.0 boots Socially minded, outdoorsmen, male (24 - 50)

Tennis shoes & casual with natural colors Socially minded, upperclass, female (26 -50)


$45 - $120

$44 - $68

$55 - $65

$80 - $155

$160 - $250


Started in 1991 to make earth friendly shoes

Started in 2006 to bring shoes to children in Argentina

Started in 1916 and keeps constant with original canvas design

Started in 1952 and with sons to make durable outdoor shoes

Started in 2009 located in La Roija, Spain


Retail & Online

Retail & Online

Retail & Online


Social networks, search engines, magazines

Social networks, search engines, television

Search engines, magazines

Retail & Online Social networks, television, magazines, online

Only available online in America



2. Research & Analysis

7: Brand Analysis

Brand Analysis Simple Shoes began in 1991 with a basic image and style of their shoes. Black and earth tones were the basic colorings of Simple Shoes entire brand image. As the years continued, Simple Shoes sales stayed low with little variation in branding of the shoes and logo. In 2005, Simple Shoes did an overhaul of the entire brand strategy, they began to add more complex graphics and colors to their logos and ads. Also Simple Shoes added more variety to their products. Its new line called Green Toe brought about this new age of Simple Shoes. Simple Shoes realized the importance of their target market and created a newer and hipper brand style. This continued until present with more focus on sustainable products and a well designed website. The website is a true statement to Simple Shoes branding. It fluidly brings life to a once dead brand. The colors are vibrant with a focus on earth tones and overlapping graphics. This same color and design

Orginal Simple Shoe logo in 1991 “Simple - a nice little shoe company”


pattern can be seen throughout their packaging and advertisements. The other focus of the brand is of the sustainable products used to design the shoes. The website has an interactive section demonstrating the sustainable products used. Simple Shoes final move for sustainable products happened with their launch in 2008 of the Planet Walkers line. Planet Walkers brought the company to the forefront of the “green” movement with the use of cork, car tires, and eco certified leather. From 2007 to 2008, with the introduction of Planet Walkers, Simple Shoes’ sales went up 27.4%. Continuing with its eco-friendly and sustainable branding, Simple Shoes is adding EcoPure to the soles of their shoes. To go along with these shoes, Simple Shoes’ packaging is also environmentally friendly using recycled products.

Company logo today. 2009 “Simple - shoes for a happy planet”

2. Research & Analysis

8: Market Analysis

Market Analysis The days of shoe brand monopolies are coming to a quick end. The Internet has opened the shoe market up to more niche brands. This sudden influx of smaller shoe companies has taken brand awareness in a new direction. The direction is towards niche shoe categories. Simple Shoes has jumped to the forefront of their niche market. They have taken the “green� movement to the world of shoes. Being that the Internet is what brought this movement, Simple Shoes has focused most of its advertising there. Also, there

are other brands following in Simple Shoes path. Brands such as Keds, El Naturalista, and TOMS have focused their online advertising towards the green movement. Other more mainstream brands have also taken part in this movement such as Timberland. These larger brands are less of an initial threat due to the lack of legitimacy of their green claims. As worldwide users of the Internet become more comfortable with online purchasing, there will be a steady rise in these niche market brands.


2. Research & Analysis

9: SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis



STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES • Stylish product • Variety of styles • Highly recognized by Green-toe shoe line • Shoes help with conservation of the eco-system • Shoes made to last for at least 20 years (durability) • Shoes made with all natural/bio-degradable products • Consumers praise their shoes comfort and sustainability

Getting consumers to try Simple Shoes over other green brands • Hard time convincing consumers that Simple Shoes are high quality • Online ordering main source of purchasing Simple Shoes • Price more expensive compared to other shoe brands •



• Market

• Product does not stand out in local retail shoe stores • Low consumer awareness of sustainable/eco-friendly shoes • Low consumer awareness or interest of Simple Shoes brand • Consumer skeptical of online shoe purchases (correct size, style and comfortability) • Brand competitors have more consumer awareness

OPPORTUNITY THREATS for sustainable products growing • Consumers more socially responsible • Expand Simple Shoes brand awareness • Expand awareness of sustainable/ eco-friendly shoes • Reinvent Simple Shoes brand • Come up with more creative advertising • Use all touch points for advertising


3. Targets & Objectives

Targets & objectives to be set 21 Target Market Profile

22 Scheduling Objectives

21 Demographics

22 Budget Break-Down

21 Psychographics 22 Sales Objectives 22 Media Objectives 22 Advertising Objectives


3. Targets & Objectives

1: Target Market Profile

Target Market Profile


The target audiences that Liquid Advertising selected for the Simple Shoes campaign are males and females ages 18-24 who reside in the Chicago Area. This target audience is likely to purchase 1 to 2 pairs of shoes every six months, which makes them considerable candidates for the heavy-users category. This demographic of consumers are likely to have part time jobs, yet are predominately supported by their parents. Cost typically isn’t an issue when it comes to clothes and fashion, as this product category is seen as “status symbols” among this group. They are also more likely to listen to rap/hip hop or alternative rock than any other genre of music. This target likes to be out and about

and frequent places such as malls and Navy Pier. Additionally, this group’s sense of fashion typically comes from magazines or friends. Recycling is also very important to this group. Due to their higher education levels, they are more likely to show their concern for the environment by investing in green products, or at least considering them over others. They are fashion forward, enjoy socializing, and are literally the leaders of tomorrow. They are very individualistic, and at times, “conventionally unconventional.”These consumers value the idea of creating a better tomorrow, and are excited about being the generation to take charge of the movement.


Psychographics of the audience

Sex: Male & Female Age: 18-24 Marital Status: Single Residing in the Chicago Area Race: Caucasians Education: College of some kind Income: >$20,000 per year

Environmentally conscience Active in extra-curricular activities Somewhat involved in politics Always looking for the next big thing Value education Trend setters Recycling is important Socially active

3. Targets & Objectives

2: Objectives and Audiences

Objectives & Audiences Objectives to reach the target audience

Sales Objectives Increase sales by 15% during the fiscal year 2010 in the Chicago Area. Media Objectives Reach 40% of target audience in the fiscal year 2010, an average of twice a month throughout our campaign. Advertising Objectives Increase awareness of Simple Shoes in the Chicago Area by 30% in the fiscal year 2010 among our target audiences. Scheduling Objectives (Seasonal) 1. Begin campaign in January of 2010 with a $100,000.00 budget. 2. Dedicate 75% of this budget to non-traditional media. 3. Dedicate 25% of this budget to traditional media. 4. Create a pulsing schedule focusing on periods of opportune reach. 5. Rotate media vehicles in the same categories for a more effective reach.

Campaign Budget - $100,000 Traditional Advertising - $24,000 (24%) Non - Traditional Advertising - $76,000 (76%)


4. Brand Strategy

Execution Strategy



Big Idea


Brand Strategy

4. Brand Strategy

1: Big Idea

The Big Idea - Key Selling Idea Liquid Advertising came up with “Made Simple” theme for the Simple Shoe brand because this is what our campaign represents. Our concept is “simple” and that is also the name of our brand. “Made Simple” is a play on words and is easy for the consumers to remember because it’s straight “to the point”. Simple Shoes are made from recyclable materials unlike other shoe brands that are made from non-recyclable parts and are nonbiodegradable. Our brand is Simple and they’re made simple. “Made Simple” unifies our campaign because all our advertising for Simple Shoes will be simple and to the point. We want to increase our brand awareness but we don’t want consumers to become bored with the brand by

over advertising it. We won’t use billboards to promote but will promote by using specific and relevant events that relate to the Simple brand. When the consumers hear “Made Simple” we want them to be able to relate Simple Shoes to the phrase and want to know about the brand. The main focus of the “Made Simple” Campaign is to bring Simple Shoes to the forefront of the minds of our target audience. A large majority of this audience has no prior knowledge of Simple Shoes. This is why it is important for the “Made Simple” Campaign to provide a simple and congruent message throughout the year long campaign. It will do this by establishing Simple Shoes as one of the foremost shoes in the “green” movement, through its unique manufacturing.

made simple Orginal Simple Shoe logo in 1991 “Simple - a nice little shoe company”

Company logo today. 2009 “Simple - shoes for a happy planet”

Liquid Advertising’s big idea “Simple - Made Simple”


4. Brand Strategy

2: Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy Strategic exectuion of the available budget

Campaign Overview The “Made Simple” campaign has to stand out to the our target audience, which is located in Chicago. Liquid Advertising will use a collection of traditional and nontraditional advertising to promote all the events. These events will be placed at significant celebration and annual events around the city. The key to each event will be placing our kiosk at the location. With our well targeted promotions we will be able to break through the media overload our target audience sees everyday and gain brand success. Campaign Objectives 1. Increase usage by 15% during the 2010 fiscal year in the Chicago area. Promoting Simple Shoes in a target audience rich environment leading to purchase. 2. Gaining support from an already strong “green” population. Encourage existing consumers and potential consumers to purchase products that have been in the “green” movement since Simple Shoes opened. 3. Brand Awareness Through primarily nontraditional media, Simple Shoes will break through the clutter of other media to initiate and reinforce brand awareness.


4. Brand Strategy

2: Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy Strategic exectuion of the available budget

Target Audience The target audience for the “Made Simple” Campaign will be 18-25 year olds that are in college or recent graduates in Chicago. These young, socially minded and tech savvy men and women are at the forefront of the “green” movement. They are very busy and mobile, which makes it easiest to reach this audience at school or recreation. Touch Points By placing itself in the minds and lives of the target audience, Simple Shoes will be able to strongly establish itself with the “Made Simple” campaign. The four categories that we have determined to best effect the target audience are as follows:

1.Simple Shoes Tour Kiosk 2. Event Promotion 3. Campus Newspapers 4. Ambient and guerilla marketing 5. Online Interaction 6. Point of Purchase Displays


5. Creative Execution

Touch Points & Advertisements



Simple Shoes Kiosk


Events & Public Relations


Guerrilla & Ambient Advertising


Point of Purchase Displays


Support Advertising - Campus Newspapers


Support Advertising - Online


Support Advertising - Creative Pieces

4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

1: Simple Shoes Kiosk

Simple Shoes Kiosk The event kiosks will be the heart of our “Made Simple “ campaign. It will be a destination, a P.O.P., and a strong brand touch point. The majority of media purchases will be to promote the locations and times of the Tour Made Simple. The six events have been chosen to be the most likely to have our target audience attending. In between these events the Simple Tour Made Simple will be going on a mall tour in the Chicago area in order to be a P.O.P. and also a destination attraction. There are many reasons why the Simple Tour Made Simple is such an attraction. The first of which, is the visual and touch appeal of this kiosk. The kiosk is built of six primary components of Simple Shoes. These components are bam boo, plastics, car tires, coconut, cork, and recycled carpet padding. Each component is used in various ways to give a strong brand feel. After entering Tour Made Simple the perspective consumer will be offered various info-mercials while waiting to see how long it will take their shoes to break

down. LED screens will be on the walls flashing the info-mercials, which include “Celebrities Made Simple,” “Everyday Made Simple,” and “Made Simple.” These different segments give information on who wears Simple Shoes, what their everyday lives are made of, and what Simple Shoes is all about. The main attraction of Simple Tour Made Simple is the “Break it Down” booth. At the “Break it Down” booth the Simple Shoes intern takes the information about the participants current shoe. The information is put into the “Break it Down” database, which then gives the length it will take to brake down the products in their shoe. After this the participant is offered the pitch: Simple Shoe will take the shoes they are wearing and give them a pair of Simple Shoes for 75% off. In order to get this deal the participant must give their shoes right then, in which Simple Shoes will reuse all possible material from the shoe and recycle the rest. Even if the participant says no, Simple Shoes interns give them a print out of their shoe’s “Break it Down” stats with a 25% discount on it .


5. Creative Execution


1: Simple Shoes Kiosk

4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

2: Events / Public Relations

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Date: March 17, 2010 Location: Chicago In 2009 there was over 400,000 viewers. Most were between the ages of 21-34. Liquid Advertising selected the St. Patrick’s Day parade as the kickoff event for the 2010 “Made Simple” campaign. St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday known for the color green, and Simple Shoes is a green brand. Liquid Advertising believes that this factor will facilitate the association of the Simple Shoes brand as a green company. Additionally, this particular parade boasts over 400,00 viewers per year, of which most are under the age of 34. At this event, we will implement a Simple Shoes float that will feature a leprechaun. The color theme of the float will be green, and a large logo will be displayed in order to create brand awareness. There will also be over 500 recycling bins with the Simple Shoes logo scattered around the main path of the parade. The materials collected will be recycled and actually be used to make Simple Shoes.


5. Creative Execution

2: Events / Public Relations

Earth Day Date: April 22nd, 2010 Location: Loyola University Chicago Features: Breakfast, Speakers, Workshops, Panel Discussion, and an Art Fair School Population: 15, 879 Date: April 25th, 2010 Location: Green Apple Music Festival, The Metro 3710 N. Clark St In 2009 there were 40,000 attendees. 26 environmental companies were featured. Considering the fact that the Simple Shoes brand’s mission is to be completely environmentally friendly, Earth Day serves as the perfect venue for this company. Simple Shoes are made from recyclable and biodegradable materials, which aids in the movement of preserving the Earth. By participating in this event, which is occurring on the 40th anniversary of this holiday, Liquid Advertising aims to teach people about reducing their carbon footprint. This lesson is taught via workshops, panel discussions, speeches, and family and friend activities on the Loyola campus. This event is at a great location to reach the primary target audience described in previous sections, considering that a majority of Loyola student body population of 15,879 fits our target audience. This event will be implemented to increase brand awareness. The theme of this Earth Day event, which is ACT LOCALLY, asks participants to pledge their commitment to changing at least one thing or engage in one activity over the next year to save our planet. This theme is a great message that we agree with. Our target audience will also be active in this event, making it a perfect activity for Simple Shoes to be involved.


4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

2: Events / Public Relations

Gay Pride Parade Date: June 29th, 2010 Location: Chicago Start Time: 12 Noon Start Point: Halsted and Belmont Path: North Halsted to Broadway & South Belmont to Broadway In 2009 there was around 450,000 attendees. The Gay Pride Parade event is essential to the “Made Simple” campaign not only because it appeals to a portion of Liquid Advertisings target audience, but also because it shows Simple Shoes support for the gay community. This particular demographic is important do to gays buying power and brand loyalty. They can be considered trendsetters in many occasions, and typically support progressive thinking and creativity. In order to save money and create a cohesive campaign, Liquid Advertising will reuse the float seen in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. However, there will be a very special gay “twist.” Instead of featuring a leprechaun on the float, this parade will feature a drag queen. There will be a banner that reads, “There was an Old Tranny that Lived in a Shoe.” The drag queen chosen will be the current reigning Miss Chicago. Recycling bins will also be scattered around in convenient locations along the path of this event as well.


5. Creative Execution

2: Events / Public Relations

Christmas Tree Lighting Date: November 25th, 2010 Location: Daley Center Start Time: 4:30 End Time: 6 pm Every holiday season, the City of Chicago and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) put on the Tree Lighting Ceremony. It is a highly anticipated event that draws people of all ages to the heart of Chicago’s downtown “Loop.” Holiday Music will begin at 4:00 p.m. with the CPS All-City Elementary Youth Chorus and the holiday season officially commences at 4:30 p.m., when the switch is flipped and the lights shine bright in Daley Plaza. Liquid Advertising will provide a heated Simple Shoe Tour Truck, which houses the Simple Shoe kiosk and will be an attraction to the tree lighting attendees. Using the lit sidewalk that promotes the use of the Simple kiosk will also promote the Simple brand in an area that will draw the attention of all ages including our target audience. The lighting of the tree this year will now use 8,000 energy efficient bulbs and ornaments made from recyclable materials. Using energy efficient and recyclable materials is a great way to help promote Simple Shoes and how eco- friendly they are.


4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

2: Events / Public Relations

Taste of Chicago Date: June 26th-July 5th, 2010 Location Taste of Chicago: Grant Park Location Taste of Chicago Concert: Time: 11 am - 9pm Estimated Attendance: 3.5 million

The Taste of Chicago is a 10 day food festival, attended by about 3.5 million people from all around the world, this major Chicago event encorporates samples of food from more than 70 Chicago Area restaurants and free concerts throughout the day. Ending the event with a grand aerial fireworks show in front of Lake Michigan on Independence Day. During this event Liquid Advertising will place Simple Shoe recycling bins throughout the location next to every garbage can that is already exists. The Simple Shoe recycling bin will display a Simple Shoes logo and also display a sign on the recycling bin that reads, “help us make our shoes.” This concept in our campaign is named “Recycling Made Simple” and this will be a creative way to bring awareness about our eco-friendly shoes.


5. Creative Execution

2: Events / Public Relations

LollaPalooza Date: August 7th-9th, 2010 Location: Grant Park Begin Time: Aug 7th at 11:15 am End Time: Aug 9th at 10 pm When Surveyed in 2009, 73% of attendees were 18-34, 30% had completed a college degree, 11% had completed a graduate degree Lollapalooza is a big supporter of the green movement. Every year, they hold a 3 day concert that is characterized by the random order of performers. This concert features an astounding amount of popular musical artists and yields a large crowd of young adults. However, other than the music, this event also promotes the use of green products. Lollapalooza’s “Green Initiative” and “Green Street” programs support this statement. The Green Initiative is in practice all over the park, and seeks to clean up the “messy” name that concerts typically have. This program offers incentives, such as complimentary beer cups, to patrons who participate in recycling on the Lollapalooza campus. Similarly, Green Street is a program that promotes “green” companies by giving them a venue to endorse their goods. The Lollapalooza website comments on Green Street by saying, “It’s the place where earth-friendly, sustainable and fair trade = functional, fashionable and hip.” Simple Shoes will be partnering with Lollapalooza’s “Green Initiative” in 2010 by providing our recycling bins mentioned earlier in the campaign. 1,000 Simple Shirts will also be given out as incentives to recycle. As for the “Green Street” display, Liquid Advertising will have our Simple Shoe Kiosk present, along with our Powerleap side walk promoting “Energy Made Simple”.


4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

3: Guerilla & Ambient Advertising

Guerilla & Ambient Advertising In order to stand out at promotional events, the “Made Simple” Campaign has to have a brand presence. This will be done through ambient and guerilla marketing. Recycling Made Simple When walking through the chosen events around the Chicago land area, a large problem is overflowing trash receptacles. Simple Shoes will use this problem to promote itself. There will be large blue and green recycling bins beside all of the present trash receptacles. This bin will have Simple Shoes logo on it with the following tagline: “Recycling Made Simple: Help us make our shoes.”

Energy Made Simple In a co-op with POWERleap, the event promotions get an extra boost with this ambient advertising. POWERleap has made a type of sidewalk that produces energy to the LED lights within the sidewalk. As the event goers walk across the POWERleap sidewalk it lights up ending with an advertisement for Simple Shoes. These sidewalks will be placed at the events that occur at night and will have the tagline “Energy Made Simple.” We will also have the “Energy Made Simple” sidewalk in different heavily trafficked areas around the city.


5. Creative Execution

4: Point of Purchase Displays

Point of Purchase Displays - POP One problem Simple Shoes has is standing out among the competition in shoe department stores. This occurs because there are rarely different sections for environmentally friendly shoes. Simple shoes will use the point of purchase (P.O.P.) at retailers, such as Journeys to further the “Made Simple” Campaign. This will be most beneficial in the efforts of helping Simple Shoes stand out among the competition, which can become most difficult in some of the retail markets where Simple Shoes is located. The P.O.P displays will be change with the season. For each of the four seasons the tag line will also


change. An example of this is for summer: “Summer Made Simple” The P.O.P. display will also have the seasonally correct shoes placed on it. These signs will be specifically crafted to signify Simple Shoes as well as gain the interest of the consumer as they look to make a selection. The point of purchase signs will consist of four seasons; these months being summer, winter, spring, and fall. For every month there will be an individually designed point of purchase sign at the retailers of Simple shoes. The logo along with website address will also be incorporated in every sign that is produced.

4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

5: Support Advertising - Campus Newspapers

Support Advertising - Campus Newspapers In order to get the attention of our target audience, we have chosen six of the larger university in the Chicago area to advertise at. To promote all of the events Liquid Advertising will place 5x8 (half page) advertisements in each of the six campus newspapers the week prior to the event. This will keep the price low, but the reach high for our traditional media budget. These advertisements will appear in the following university campus newspapers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

University of Illinois, Chicago Northwestern University Loyola University University of Chicago DePaul University Columbia University


5. Creative Execution

6: Support Advertising - Online Advertising

Support Advertising - Online Advertising At Liquid Advertising we believe in targeting our audience within their lifestyle. The target audience is the educated and young population that spends quite a large amount of their daily schedule on the Internet. Liquid Advertising knows how vital it is to remind them about Simple Shoes during their social networking and online searches. Google SEO Listing and Advertising The advertisements placed will be textual including a headline, two lines of descriptive text, and a display URL that will show Simple’s website address. As our target audience searches, keywords will trigger Simple Shoes advertisement. Keywords are the words or phrases a potential customer would use to search for Simple Shoes or related words on Google. The keywords determine which searches can trigger the Simple Shoes advertisement. Simple Shoes needs to develop its search engine ranking when potential customers search


keywords concerning sustainable products, environmentally friendly goods, recyclable products, and so on. In order to develop Simple Shoes’ Search Engine Operations (SEO) we our devoting a part of the online advertising budget to Google Adwords, which will ensure Simple Shoes will be among the top 3 links when a word or phrase that is associated with our brand is searched on Google. FACEBOOK Simple Shoes currently has a very present and active role on Facebook. It pays to connect and remind its customers about Simple Shoes, its new products, and its activities in the market. Simple Shoes has a Facebook page which includes products, photos, and brand users. The page is specific for companies, and has nearly 6,000 fans. Also, the fact that Simple Shoes has been active in Facebook already will make it easier to expand upon the advertising. We will also attach all the information dealing with the “Made Simple” campaign.

4. Creative 5. Brand Strategy Execution

7: Support Advertising - Creative Pieces

Half-page - Campus Newspaper Advertisement

Facebook Profile specific Advertisement

Google Search Ranking Sponsored Link Advertisement


6. Media Plan

Scheduling & Evaluation 42 Media Plan 43 Budget Break-Down 44 Evaluation


6. Media Plan

1: Media Plan

Media Plan


6. Media Plan

2: Budget Break-down

Budget Break-Down Events & Promotion - 48% Traditional Advertising - 24% Online Advertising - 10% Geurilla & Ambient Advertising - 16.95% Point of Purchase POP - 1%


6. Media Plan

3: Campaign Evaluation

Campaign Evaluation Measure the effectiveness

Sales Objective Objective: Increase sales by 15% during the fiscal year of 2010. Evaluation: Get Simple Shoes sales before and after campaign in select retail stores that carry Simple

Creative Execution Before we use our creative tactics we will test them to see how effective they are with our target audience.

Media Objective Objective: Reach 40% of the target audience in the fiscal year of 2010, at least 4 times throughout our campaign. Evaluation: Conduct a survey before and after 12-month campaign

Advertising Objective Objective: Increase brand awareness of Simple Shoes in the Chicago Area by 30% in the fiscal year 2010 among our target audience. Evaluation: Conduct a survey before and after 12-month campaign


Appendix Survey - Questionnaire (Sent on email) 1. How often do you buy shoes? * * 1-2 times a month * 2-3 times a month * 1-2 times every 6 months * 2-more times every 6 months * 1-2 times a year * 2-more times every year * Other: 2. How much are you willing to spend on a pair of shoes? * * $20 - $40 * $41 - $60 * $61 - $80 * $81 - $100 * $100 > * Other:

* Kedz * Spanceys * uqqz * Zoe&Zac * Rockports * Nikes * Addidas * Reebok * Cole Haan * Converse * Clarks * Other: 9. Have you heard of Eco-Friendly shoes? * * YES * NO

3. How important is recycling to you? *

10. If yes. Which brands?

1 2 3 4 5 1. Saying least/Never Recycle 5. Saying recycle all the time

8. If you were aware of a brand of shoes that was exclusively made from recycled and sustainable materials, would you be more likely to purchase that brand? * * YES * NO

4. How important is buying sustainable products “green products� to you? * 1 2 3 4 5 1 Saying never buy/Dont Care 5. Saying buy sustainable products all the time 5. When shopping for shoes, which of these aspects are most likely to influence your purchase decision. * * Style * Trend * Brand * Comfort * Fit/Size * Cost * Other: 6. Which of the following brands of shoes have you bought in the past? * * Toms


11. How often do you research or find out about the latest brands and trends in the market for shoes? * * Every Day * Every Week * Biweekly * Monthly * Once every few months * Other: 12. How do you prefer to buy your shoes? * * Online * Retail Store * TV or Other Media * Other:

Appendix 13. Have you ever purchased shoes online? * * YES * NO * Other: 14. What are your major concerns, when you buy shoes online? * * Comfort level * Feel of the shoe * Style / Color * Size / Fit * Return Policy * Shipping Charges * Credit Card Fraud * Other:

18. What age group do you belong to? * * 12 - 15 * 16 - 17 * 18 - 22 * 23 - 30 * 31 - 35 * 36 - 40 * 40 > 19. What is your sex? * * MALE * FEMALE 20. What is your ethnicity? *

15. What websites do you use to shop online for shoes? * * * * * * * * Other: 16. Have you heard of Simple Shoes? * A sustainable shoes manufacturing brand. * YES * NO 17. If yes. How do you know about Simple Shoes? * * Internet * Facebook * Billboards * Magazines * TV * From a Friend or a Family Member * Newspaper * Simple Shoes Store * Other:

* Asian * African American * Caucasian - White * Hispanic - Latino * American - Indian * Asian Indian * African * Arab * European * Other: 21. What is your education level? * * High School * In College * Some kind of College * Undergraduate Degree awarded * Graduate Student * Masters Degree Awarded * Ph.D Student * Doctorate Degree Awarded * GED * Diploma * Associates Degree * Other:


Appendix Continued survey - Questionnaire (Sent on email)

22. What inspires your trend or style? * 24. What kind of music do you listen to? * * Celebrities * Branding * Fashion Ramp * Magazines * Designers * Your Friends * Internet * TV * Movies * Newspaper * Other:

* Classical * Rock/Alternative * POP Music * Rap/Hip Hop * Dance/Electronic * R&B * Jazz & Blues * Other: 25. When you travel to Chicago, what are the sure spots you check out? *

23. What genre of radio stations do you listen to? * * News (NPR) * Jazz & Blues * POP Music * Rap / Hip Hop * Rock / Alternative *R&B * Classical * Dance / Electronic * Other:


* Shopping Malls in the City * Shopping Malls in the Suburban Areas * Outlet Malls * Stores on Michigan Ave. * Millennium Park/Other Parks in Chicago * Navy Pier * The Lake * Clubbing * Museums * Othe


1.From EBESCO McLaren, Warren, and Sydney. “Green Toe by Simple Shoes : TreeHugger.” TreeHugger. 10 Oct. 2009 <http://www.>. 2. From EBESCO “Simple Shoes - Green Reviews - SustainLane.” People-Powered Sustainablity and Living Guide. 12 Oct. 2009 < 3. From EBESCO “Simple Shoes | Earth Friendly, Natural, Vegan, Hemp, Organic, Vegetarian, Recycled, & Sustainable Sneakers, Sandals, Flip Flops, Casuals, Bags & More - Shop Simple Shoes Today!.” Simple Shoes | Earth Friendly, Natural, Vegan, Hemp, Organic, Vegetarian, Recycled, & Sustainable Sneakers, Sandals, Flip Flops, Casuals, Bags & More - Shop Simple Shoes Today!. 26 Sep. 2009 4. “The Natural Shoe Store.” The Natural Shoe Store. 13 Oct. 2009 < php?m=catalogue&a=vw_sec&cat=1&sec=-1>. 5. “Simple Shoes leaps forward” < 62e%40sessionmgr14&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=aph&AN=44477923> 6. For all history information about Simple Shoes - 7. For parent company information about Deckers Outdoor - 8. For financial reports and data - & 9. All online advertising data has come from Facebook, Google & Twitter. 10. For all the event information we visited,,, 11. For all the information about the PowerLeap / Energy Made Simple - 12. For all the competition information we visited,,, and 13.


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