Lonely Planet Magazine Campaign

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Experience A Vacation

Michael Plaxico

HEADLINE: Lost in Laos. (Subhead) Where to Next? COPY:

Laos is a Southeast Asian country which tropical climate only adds to its beauty.

Gorgeous sites, historical objects, and excellent weather are the main attraction.

Laos is a tropical country so it is best to avoid rain season. Visiting in between rain

season you witness beautiful scenery throughout your trip. A large portion of Laos is covered with mountains which gives you much to discover.

The country is filled with interesting places. This alone will be sure to make your trip

memorable. Being deep in tradition adjusting to customs will be a great experience. You could spend your time wondering the trails exploring the terrain of Laos.

The currency of Laos is kip. You won’t need many of these since an average trip to Laos

is somewhat least expensive. The fun filled environment will turn out to be all you really need on this vacation.

Your experience of traveling to Laos is one that will never be forgotten. So remember

your Lonely Planet magazine for all the helpful facts inside.

HEADLINE: Amazing Malaysia COPY:

The peninsula of Malaysia is located in the center of Southeast Asia. Malaysia is deep

with culture which will make for a great trip. Separated on two different land masses Malaysia has much to offer.

Located in a large park are the Mulu Caves which are most interesting. You can also visit

the Taman Negara which is Malaysia’s oldest national park. The wildlife you will see in Malaysia is unimaginable. There are animals of all species inhabiting much of the forest.

Malaysia is usually hot and humid. The climate varies highly upon location. You can

take advantage of their beautiful beaches. There are countless attractions in the country so only time will be a factor.

This exotic region holds plenty for any traveler. Whether you are looking for adventure

or relaxation Malaysia is the place for you. Just remember Lonely Planet travel guide on your dream vacation.

HEADLINE: Just Coast! (Subheading) Visit the staples of Naples! COPY:

Did you know that Naples is home to some of the most beautiful beaches as well as

many historic landmarks? Naples is also known for shopping since it is filled with markets and boutiques. Naples is great for any traveler on almost any budget.

For the adventurer, you can explore the underground city beneath Naples. The

subterranean city covers up to almost 80 kilometers. Many portions of the caves have been built since 400 B.C. There is no predicting what you might find.

When it comes to relaxation Naples tops almost any other destination. The beauty

accompanied with the great history will result in a good time. You can spend time soaking up the sun on the Amalfi Coast or in one of the many of the museums.

You will find Naples easily enjoyable. The experience of this vacation is enough to last

anyone a lifetime. Remember to read Lonely Planet travel guide every time you want to “Experience a Vacation.”


The best way to market a campaign at our target audience is the promoting of the

Lonely Planet as a necessity for travel. Our target audience which are age 18‐35 are most interested in the experience of traveling and not so much the education. Many people in this age group prefer to learn by “doing” and that is what we will promote. The thought of experiencing a vacation will make our preferred audience not only want to buy but also read a Lonely Planet travel guide.

Our goal is to influence young travelers to strongly consider or even prefer Lonely Planet

when comes to doing their traveling research. We will use the already popular name and just add a youthful feel which should attract our target audience. Magazine Ads

All of the ads play on the name of each of the three specific countries, which also

displays the company logo along with a distinctive picture of a site in each country. For each country there are visuals used that I find will draw the attention of readers as well as gain their interest in Lonely Planet. Every ad also displays the company website along with the tagline “Experience a Vacation.” All of the ads have the same makeup and feel which make it easily noticeable there connection through a campaign. Radio Script

The radio script included Harrison Ford playing the character Indiana Jones. Indiana

Jones is a popular character who is always depicted as an international adventurer. This will play along great with the idea of the Lonely Planet and “Experiencing A Vacation.” In the script

Indiana Jones explains to the reader why they should read Lonely Planet travel guides, and abruptly cuts out to match an opponent. Promotions

The idea is to market to a younger more outgoing audience. This can be done by

promotion; the idea is to have a monthly vacation getaway. The contest would consist of a daily question on the Lonely Planet website; the participant would have to correctly answer the question to qualify for the monthly trip. The questions would consist of facts about the country that the month’s trip would be. Every question would come out of a Lonely Planet magazine, which would increase viewership of the magazine as well as the website. This would coincide with our campaign of “Experiencing a Vacation.”

Lonely Planet :60 Radio “Indiana Jones” SFX: CRACK OF A WHIP. INDIANA JONES: International traveler here Indiana Jones, and once upon a time I was just like you. I was scared to leave the house until I found Lonely Planet travel guide. After reading I was able to take on my first tour of Asia. When I’m not wrestling down bad guys or running for my life, I’m reading Lonely Planet. I read Lonely Planet imaging my trip and before I know it I’m off on another adventure. For help in all my travels I use Lonely Planet, it’s helpful in the quest for adventure and everything else that comes along with traveling. You can find a new experience in every Lonely Planet, for you it might be traveling the shores of Naples bargaining with merchants. For me……well right now it’s warding off thieves in Tibet. Speaking of. SFX: TWO GUNHOTS. CRACK OF A WHIP. THEME MUSIC ANNCR: (VO) Lonely Planet at a store near you.



Naples and the Amalfi Coast

Visit the Staples of Naples!

Experience A Vacation www.lonelyplanet.com

Amazing Malaysia


Experience A Vacation www.lonelyplanet.com

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