Southern Illinois University Press
Spring and Summer 2018
Contents By Author Boyle/Rice, Inventing Place: Writing Lone Star Rhetorics....................................................................................................12 Burlingame, Sixteenth President-in-Waiting: Abraham Lincoln and the Springfield Dispatches of Henry Villard, 1860–1861..........................................................................................................................................................................5 Cassells, The Gospel according to Wild Indigo.......................................................................................................................7 Corbin, Dilemma of Duties: The Conflicted Role of Juvenile Defenders............................................................................11 Foss, Demystifying the Big House: Exploring Prison Experience and Media Representations.......................................11 Gibb, Californios, Anglos, and the Performance of Oligarchy in the U.S. West...............................................................12 Hager/Miller, Chicago Heights: Little Joe College, the Outfit, and the Fall of Sam Giancana......................................1 Harrold, Lincoln and the Abolitionists.........................................................................................................................................4 Mortenson, Translating the Counterculture: The Reception of the Beats in Turkey ...........................................................9 Pfanz, Where Valor Proudly Sleeps: A History of Fredricksburg National Cemetery, 1866–1933 ..................................2 Samito, The Greatest and the Grandest Act: The Civil Rights Act of 1866 from Reconstruction to Today......................10 Sedore, An Illustrated Guide to Virginia’s Confederate Monuments...................................................................................10 Smith, The Decision Was Always My Own: Ulysses S. Grant and the Vicksburg Campaign..............................................3 van de Graaf, Spitting Image........................................................................................................................................................6 Verdun, Southern Illinois Salukis Football..................................................................................................................................8
By Subject
Beat Studies..................................................... 9 Civil War........................................................ 2, 3 Criminology.....................................................11
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Illinois............................................................... 1 Legal History........................................................10 Lincoln........................................................... 4, 5 Poetry............................................................ 6, 7 Regional ............................................................... 8 Rhetoric .......................................................... 12 Theater ........................................................... 12
Cover image: Girls 6, by Gemma Antón, 2014
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Chicago Heights
Little Joe College, the Outfit, and the Fall of San Giancana Charles Hager with David T. Miller,
Foreword by Louis Corsino, Afterword by Ashleigh D’Andrea A rare insider account of life inside the Chicago Mob
In this riveting true story of coming of age in
weaving his own experiences into the fab-
is plucked from his rural West Virginia home
murder of Giancana.
the Chicago Mob, Charles “Charley” Hager
by an uncle in the 1960s and thrown into
and chop shops, of fix-ridden harness rac-
Street-smart and good with his hands,
Chicago Heights reveals similarities be-
Hager is accepted into the working life of a
chauffeur and “street tax” collector, earning the moniker “Little Joe College” by noto-
rious mob boss Albert Tocco. But when his childhood friend is gunned down by a
hit man, Hager finds himself a bit player in the events surrounding the mysterious,
ing and the turbulent politics of the 1960s, tween high-level organized crime in the city and the corrupt lawlessness of Appalachia.
Hager candidly reveals how he got caught
up in a criminal life, what it cost him, and how he rebuilt his life back in West Virginia with a prison record.
Based on interviews with Hager and
and yet unsolved, murder of mafia chief
supplemented by additional interviews and
Chicago Heights is part rags-to-riches
adds Hager’s unique voice to the volumes
Sam Giancana.
story, part murder mystery, and part re-
demption tale. Hager, with author David T.
Miller, juxtaposes his early years in West Virginia with his life in crime, intricately
extensive research by Miller, the book also
of speculation about Giancana’s murder, offering a plausible theory of what happened on that June night in 1975.
Charles Hager gradually worked his way from sweeping up his uncle’s bar to earning responsibility and trust as a friend of the Chicago Outfit. He left the Heights in 1975 and built a series of successful businesses in West Virginia and North Carolina.
“It’s not a world of ‘glamour and the Godfather.’ It’s tough. It’s gritty. It’s violent and it’s often ugly. This book provides us with an insider’s glimpse of the grim realities.”
Also of Interest
Fueled by vivid recollections of turf wars
an underworld of money, cars, crime, and
murder on the streets of Chicago Heights.
July $22.95t Paper 978-0-8093-3672-2 168 pages, 6 x 9, 15 illustrations
ric of mob life, its many characters, and the
David T. Miller is a writer and editor based in Lexington, Kentucky. He contributed to several books and edited Earned in Blood: My Journey from Old-Breed Marine to the Most Dangerous Job in America by Thurman Miller.
—Richard C. Lindberg, author of Gangland Chicago: Criminality and Lawlessness in the Windy City Shattered Sense of Innocence: The 1955 Murders of Three Chicago Children
The Gambler King of Clark Street: Michael C. McDonald and the Rise of Chicago’s Democratic Machine
Richard C. Lindberg and Gloria Jean Sykes
$22.50sp Paper 978-0-8093-3513-8 438 pages, 6 x 9, 48 illustrations
Grafters and Goo Goos: Corruption and Reform in Chicago, 1833–2003 James L. Merriner
Richard C. Lindberg with a Foreword by John Miya
$22.50sp Paper 978-0-8093-3583-1 332 pages, 6 x 9, 30 illustrations
Southern Illinois University Press
$19.95t Paper 978-0-8093-2874-1 344 pages, 6 x 9, 18 illustrations
Where Valor Proudly Sleeps A History of Fredericksburg National Cemetery, 1866–1933 Donald C. Pfanz
Honoring the Civil War dead at one of the nation’s oldest national cemeteries Many books discuss in great detail what
interments in trenches—though many sol-
explore what happened to the remains of
grisly work the Burial Corps performed, re-
happened during Civil War battles, but few
those who made the ultimate sacrifice. This in-depth study explores a battle’s immediate and long-term aftermath through a focus on
Fredericksburg National Cemetery, one of the largest cemeteries created by the U.S.
government after the Civil War. Donald C. Pfanz reveals how legislation created the
National Cemetery System and describes
constructed, operated, and maintained the
grounds, Pfanz tells about particularly notable individuals among the 15,300 or so men and women who are buried there.
By sharing the stories of the cemetery,
its current form, a place of beauty and re-
Burials of wartime dead were haphazard
at best. Pfanz describes initial postbattle
explains how the cemetery evolved into flection replete with trees and flowers and
featuring five monuments to the Civil War soldiers who are buried there.
“This might be the best book ever written about a national cemetery. With a depth of knowledge born of decades of work, Donald Pfanz tells in vivid form and in close detail the story of how, over time, a place of struggle became a place of remembrance, and how the meaning of that place to the community and nation has evolved over decades.” —John J. Hennessy, author of Return to Bull Run: The Campaign and Battle of Second Manassas
War, including Richard S. Ewell: A Soldier’s Life and War So Terrible: A Popular History of the Battle of Fredericksburg. In his career with the National Park Service, he worked at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields Memorial National Military Park, Petersburg National Battlefield Park, and Fort Sumter National Monument.
See more books in the Engaging the Civil War series at Turning Points of the American Civil War
Mending Broken Soldiers: The Union and Confederate Programs to Supply Artificial Limbs
Edited by Chris Mackowski and Kristopher D. White, with a Foreword by Thomas A. Desjardin
$24.50sp Paper 978-0-8093-3621-0 264 pages, 6 x 9, 31 illustrations Engaging the Civil War
tion to featuring the individuals who created,
as well as how later veterans, their wives, tional cemeteries.
Also of Interest
that are seen at the cemetery today. In addi-
its workers, and those buried there, Pfanz
and their children also came to rest in na-
Donald C. Pfanz has written five books about the Civil
burying dead soldiers into the orderly rows
the means by which the Burial Corps identi-
fied, collected, and interred soldier remains
March $26.50sp Paper 978-0-8093-3645-6 248 pages, 6 x 9, 48 illustrations Engaging the Civil War
diers received no burial at all—as well as the
Villainous Compounds: Chemical Weapons and the American Civil War
Guy R. Hasegawa
Guy R. Hasegawa
$24.95t Cloth 978-0-8093-3130-7 160 pages, 6 x 9, 22 illustrations
Southern Illinois University Press
$29.50sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3430-8 200 pages, 6 x 9, 30 illustrations
The Decision Was Always My Own Ulysses S. Grant and the Vicksburg Campaign Timothy B. Smith
Exploring Grant’s leadership during the Civil War’s most complex and decisive campaign The Vicksburg Campaign, argues Timothy B.
River for the Union.
military genius. From October 1862 to July
such a successful general, Smith presents a
Confederate river city. He maneuvered and
and the campaign. His fresh analysis of
Smith, is the showcase of Ulysses S. Grant’s
1863, Grant tried repeatedly to capture the adapted numerous times, reacting to events
and enemy movements with great skill and
finesse as the lengthy campaign played out
on a huge chessboard, dwarfing operations in the East. Grant’s final, daring move allowed him to land an army in Mississippi
and fight his way to the gates of Vicksburg. He captured the Confederate garrison and city on July 4, 1863, opening the Mississippi
Showing how and why Grant became
fast-paced reexamination of the commander Grant’s eight key decisions during the Vicks-
burg siege and battle details the process of campaigning on military, political, administra-
tive, and personal levels. In the first in-depth examination in decades, Smith shows how
these decisions created and won the Civil
War’s most brilliant, complex, decisive, and lengthy campaign.
Timothy B. Smith teaches history at the University of Tennessee at Martin. He has published fifteen books on the Civil War, including Grant Invades Tennessee: The 1862 Battles for Forts Henry and Donelson and Shiloh: Conquer or Perish.
“In this fine volume, Smith thoughtfully and skillfully examines the Civil War’s most decisive western campaign and analyzes the man, the decisions, and the lessons that defined a compelling leadership style in the war’s most important Union victory.” —Stephen D. Engle, author of Gathering to Save a Nation
June $34.50sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3666-1 272 pages, 6 x 9, 28 illustrations World of Ulysses S. Grant
“Smith’s detailed study will satisfy the most demanding historian, yet it is both readable and entertaining. Smith ferrets out contradictions or inaccuracies that have been overlooked by many previous authors. This is definitely a meaningful addition to the Vicksburg bibliotheca.” —Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Parker Hills
See more books in the World of Ulysses S. Grant series at Also of Interest Engineering Victory: The Union Siege of Vicksburg
Justin S. Solonick
$37.50sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3391-2 304 pages, 6 x 9, 37 illustrations
The Best Writings of Ulysses S. Grant
The Vicksburg Campaign, March 29–May 18, 1863
Edited by John F. Marszalek
$32.95t Cloth 978-0-8093-3411-7 232 pages, 6 x 9, 20 illustrations World of Ulysses S. Grant
Southern Illinois University Press
Edited by Steven E. Woodworth and Charles D. Grear
$32.50sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3269-4 272 pages, 6 x 9, 22 illustrations Civil War Campaigns in the Heartland
Lincoln and the Abolitionists Stanley Harrold
Examining Lincoln’s evolving, long-term relationship with the abolitionists In Lincoln and the Abolitionists Stanley Harr-
abolitionists. Lincoln’s initial priority as
tance from abolitionists, they influenced his
to destroy slavery. Nevertheless, many
old traces how, despite Lincoln’s political disevolving political orientation from the 1840s through the Civil War. He also explains Lincoln’s specific connections with, and his
separation from, this often fiery group. For most of his life Lincoln regarded abolition-
ists as dangerous fanatics. Yet, during the 1840s and 1850s, Lincoln was branded an
president was to preserve the Union, not factors—including contacts with abolitionists—led him to favor ending slavery. After
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclama-
tion in 1863 and raised black troops, many,
though not all, abolitionists came to view him more favorably.
Providing insight into the stressful, evolv-
abolitionist because of his sympathy toward
ing relationship between Lincoln and the
sion of slavery.
Northern politics, society, and culture during
black people and opposition to the expanLincoln’s election to the presidency
and the onslaught of the Civil War led to a transformation in his relationship with the
abolitionists and into the complexities of the Civil War era, this concise volume illuminates a central issue in Lincoln’s life and presidency.
Stanley Harrold is a professor of history at South Carolina State University. He is
the author of a number of books, the most recent being Border War: Fighting over Slavery before the Civil War. He is also a coauthor with Darlene Clark Hine and William C. Hine of The African-American Odyssey, the best-selling black history textbook.
“This is a welcome addition to the scholarship on Lincoln and racial reformers and to the Concise Lincoln Library.”
April $24.95sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3641-8 160 pages, 5 x 8, 10 illustrations Concise Lincoln Library
—John David Smith, author of Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops
“Clearly and lucidly written, this book by one of the foremost historians of abolition authoritatively explores the complex relationship among Lincoln, abolitionists, and Radical Republicans.” —Manisha Sinha, author of The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition
See more books in the Concise Lincoln Library at Also of Interest Crusade Against Slavery: Edward Coles, Pioneer of Freedom Kurt E. Leichtle and Bruce G. Carveth
Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment
Lincoln and Freedom: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Thirtheenth Amendment
Christian G. Samito
Edited by Harold Holzer and Sara Vaughn Gabbard
$34.95sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3042-3 280 pages, 6 x 9, 9 illustrations
$34.95sp Cloth 978-0-8093-2764-5 280 pages, 6 x 9, 18 illustrations
Southern Illinois University Press
$24.95sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3424-7 184 pages, 5 x 8, 8 illustrations Concise Lincoln Library
Sixteenth President-in-Waiting Abraham Lincoln and the Springfield Dispatches of Henry Villard, 1860–1861 Edited by Michael Burlingame
The most intensive journalistic coverage Lincoln ever received Between Abraham Lincoln’s election in No-
Bulletin. Lincoln welcomed Villard and en-
ington three months later, journalist Henry
the only full-time correspondent for out-of-
vember 1860 and his departure for WashVillard sent scores of dispatches from
Springfield to various newspapers describing the president-elect’s doings, quoting or paraphrasing his statements, chronicling
events in the Illinois capital, and analyzing the city’s mood. With Sixteenth President-in-Waiting, Michael Burlingame has
couraged him to ask questions, as he was town papers. Villard spoke to many inside
sources, including Lincoln’s private secre-
taries John G. Nicolay and John Hay, close friends like Jesse K. Dubois and Stephen
T. Logan, and Illinois political leaders like Governor Richard Yates.
Villard’s extensive dispatches are not
collected all of these dispatches into one
only informative but also highly readable.
Best known as a successful nineteenth
coln-Douglas Senate race, translated from
insightful and informative volume.
-century railroad promoter and financier, German-born Henry Villard (1835–1900) was
also among the most conscientious and
able journalists of the 1860s. While em-
bedded in Springfield, Villard filed stories almost daily to the New York Herald, the Cincinnati Commercial, and the San Francisco
His little-known coverage of the 1858 Linthe German for the first time, is included as an appendix. His vivid descriptions of
Lincoln’s appearance, daily routine, visitors, and views, and the fresh information about Springfielders, state politicos, and the capital, constitute an invaluable resource.
May $45.50sp Cloth 978-0-8093-3643-2 392 pages, 6 x 9
Michael Burlingame is the award-winning author of Abraham Lincoln: A Life,
The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln, and Lincoln and the Civil War and the editor of many collections of Lincoln primary source materials. He is the Chancellor Naomi B. Lynn Distinguished Chair in Lincoln Studies at the University of Illinois Springfield.
“Villard’s well-written newspaper reports from Springfield are the best source that we have on Lincoln during the critical months after his election, when he was waiting to become president, as secession was unfolding in the lower South. General readers as well as historians owe Burlingame a debt of gratitude for this valuable edition of Villard’s dispatches.” —William C. Harris, author of Two against Lincoln: Reverdy Johnson and Horatio Seymour
Also of Interest Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Lincoln’s Springfield
An Oral History of Abraham Lincoln: John G. Nicolay’s Interviews and Essays
Lincoln’s Journalist: John Hay’s Anonymous Writings for the Press, 1860–1864
Bryon C. Andreasen
Edited by Michael Burlingame
Edited by Michael Burlingame
$19.95t Paper 978-0-8093-3382-0 128 pages, 6 x 9, 164 illustrations
$30.00s Paper 978-0-8093-2712-6 424 pages, 6 x 9, 1 illustration
Southern Illinois University Press
$22.00s Paper 978-0-8093-2684-6 328 pages, 51⁄2 x 83⁄4
Spitting Image
Poems by Kara van de Graaf
Investigating fatness, the female body, and contemporary culture Kara van de Graaf’s debut collection her-
verse, implicitly calling for poetry to en-
contemporary poetry. Through poems that
Throughout, van de Graaf’s poems ask:
alds the arrival of an essential new voice in
balance personal recollection with ekphra-
sis, science, and meditation, van de Graaf searches for answers in the fluctuating relationship between the body and the self.
Taking as its primary theme the explora-
gage with the female form in fresh ways. In a time where we have more agency to
define ourselves than ever before, what barriers still remain? What do our bodies mean to who we are?
At turns oblique and direct, van de
tion of the female body in current culture,
Graaf’s poems strive to create space for
sections of the body and gender, desire,
porary poetry but also in a larger world that
Spitting Image considers the myriad inter-
relationships, and otherness. Van de Graaf interrogates underrepresented elements of the female experience, especially the physical, rhetorical, and aesthetic limitations of
fatness in poetry and other arts. She then
complicates those limitations through her use of innovative forms and imaginative
themselves not only in the field of contem-
has been prone to ignoring or shaming women for their bodies. That these poems succeed on both counts is a testament to
this remarkable new poet, who claims, “That millimeter of space that means / all of us are apart, that means / we can never really
touch / anything. . . . Yes, I want that, too.”
Kara van de Graaf is the recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize, the
Hoepfner Literary Award from Southern Humanities Review, and a Tennessee Williams Scholarship from Sewanee Writers’ Conference, among other honors. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, New England Review, Southern Review, Crazyhorse, and Best New Poets 2010. She is a cofounder and an editor of Lightbox Poetry and an assistant professor of English at Utah Valley University.
March $15.95t Paper 978-0-8093-3662-3 80 pages, 6 x 9 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry
“‘Things keep happening,’ Kara van de Graaf begins with her fine careful eye and ear on the large and the small. . . . And always the body fascinates and troubles. . . . Treasure this poet, her close and her far.” —Marianne Boruch, author of Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing
At the creek by the campsite, my hands work the soiled shirt, mill it against the board
In my family, we eat our words like bread.
that keeps on stuttering out its one word. When I was a child, I heard my mother
This is how we have not come to speak of you.
make this sound, her fingers lacing into wet cloth. I beat my own chest, thumped
This is how I learn some things should not be spoken of.
my palms in time to her rhythm, bleating out broken music as she rubbed the sheets,
Let us pretend we might have existed in the same space, that your life would not mean my death by omission.
the collars, her metal bucket rocking. Spiraled with soap. I sang my music and my mother’s body
Sometimes we shock a nerve so much it dies.
kept pivoting up and back at the hip, as if all the washing were one long motion that didn’t start
If you had not gone to war. If you had come back. If she was
or stop, as if she were rendering, with her cracked hands, what was pure from the earth.
some other woman, in some other life:
Southern Illinois University Press
the dresses fine and made of cotton, the roses on the table big as fists.
The Gospel according to Wild Indigo Poems by Cyrus Cassells
Ecstatic lyric poems of love and loss Consisting of two dynamic song cycles,
the many men lost in the juggernaut of the
Gospel according to Wild Indigo, keeps the
the reader to consider the duality of grief
Cyrus Cassells’s sixth poetry volume, The
reader on edge with a timeless and beguil-
ing feast of language that fuses together history, memory, and family.
AIDS crisis. Throughout, Cassells invites and love, as well as the shifting connections between past and present.
Cassells’s language is always striking,
The first cycle, rooted in the culture of the
unpredictable, and beautiful, conjuring a
Islands, celebrates the resilience of the
/ in priest-gentle pines / like festive Christ-
Gullah people of Charleston and the Sea
rice- and indigo-working slaves and their descendants who have forged a unique Africa-inspired language and culture. Set against a Mediterranean backdrop,
the second cycle explores themes of pilgrimage, love, and loss, concluding with
a pair of elegies to the poet’s mother and
world not only of “placid seagulls perched mas ornaments” but also one where “Death
prevailed, / tireless as a forest partisan.” His poems transport the reader across time, space, and language, searching constantly
not just for empathy but also for the human
spirit in its triumph, for “our human joy, / laced with an ageless grieving.”
Cyrus Cassells is the author of The Mud Actor, winner of the 1981 National Po-
etry Series Competition; Soul Make a Path through Shouting, nominee for the Pulitzer Prize and winner of the William Carlos Williams Award; Beautiful Signor, winner of the Lambda Literary Award; and The Crossed-Out Swastika, finalist for the Balcones Prize for Best Poetry Book of 2012. He teaches at Texas State University in San Marcos and has served on the faculty of Cave Canem.
“This book is an ecstasy, a god’s-eye view of place, time, and the vivid revelations of flesh and spirit. Cassells strides from Georgia Low Country to Van Gogh’s Auvers, to a tank pulling out of Dachau, and rapturously on and on. In this great sweep, I recognize a poet at the height of his powers becoming “all poetry, / all silence and verse.”
March $15.95t Paper 978-0-8093-3660-9 96 pages, 6 x 9 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry
—Tracy K. Smith, Pulitzer Prize winner and current U. S. Poet Laureate
A TALE OF TWO HIKERS Often there were eye-catching poppies along the train tracks—
portions of available light—sudden pennants of sumptuous peach,
then our shrewd mothers) were still fallible and potent, still crackling,
Sky-opened and sea-opened, in Manarola, I’d follow
clerical red, and sublime purple— sharing those precipitous colors
deepdown, under our lids, we were rung like a dusk-lit
the steep, rain-freshened way of wild red valerian
with a genial stranger, still elated from his coastal trek.
campanile’s black bell. And then our human joy,
and light-trapping lemons, to the lofty, cached-away
Below our enlivening cat’s cradle of revealed connections,
laced with an ageless grieving, our obvious fatigue
village of Volastra, then down to the scenic
the jutting rocks, the blue dories, and the sea’s austere jewelry
from the strenuous up-and-down between villages,
cliffside paths: Green-garbed May was the ideal time,
all began to glow and dull in the swiftly amassing
our slowing, May-time voices were hushed by the dark-at-last
the ideal temperature for hailing the sea’s laudable glamour—
day’s end. When we both confessed our irrecoverable parents
tide’s acrobatics, by the rampant, inspiriting
In tranquil Corniglia, I relished the horizon’s final, heart-quickening
(both of us had lost, first our industrious fathers
prophet-sound of the sea …
Southern Illinois University Press
Southern Illinois Salukis Football Dan Verdun, with a Foreword by Jerry Kill A rich history of a remarkable program
Southern Illinois Salukis Football, the
and Jim Hart, revealing where the play-
gram and its history at Southern Illinois
what they accomplished while wearing
first book to focus solely on the pro-
University Carbondale (SIUC), details
the organization’s greatest moments, from its origins around the beginning of
the twentieth century through the ex-
traordinary leadership of head coaches William McAndrew, Rey Dempsey, and
Jerry Kill, to the present-day team and
its coach, local hero Nick Hill. Dan Ver-
dun draws on more than one hundred interviews with coaches, players, sports
historians, and sports reporters, as well as newspaper and magazine archives and other sources, to give readers an
in-depth look at Saluki football from all Available $39.95t Cloth 978-0-8093-3619-7 240 pages, 81⁄4 x 91⁄4, 76 illustrations
fared after college. Additional chapters
cover recruiting, transfers, rivals, ven-
ues, and celebrated supporters such as Mike Reis, the “Voice of the Salukis.” A
final chapter offers media analysis of the fans’ central debate: which historical Saluki team was the greatest? Ap-
pendixes include “All-Century Team,” “Retired SIU Jersey Numbers,” and “Sa-
luki Hall of Fame” and list SIU players in the NFL, the AFL, the CFL, the USFL, and the Arena Football League.
Illustrated with approximately sev-
enty-five color and black-and-white
gram’s history through biographical
and other subjects, Southern Illinois
sketches of coaches as well as legendary players such as Marion Rush-
—Todd Hefferman, award-winning writer, Southern Illinoisan
the maroon and white, and how they
Many of the chapters tell of the pro-
“[This book] is an immersing story about one of the greatest comebacks in college football history.”
ers came from, why they chose SIUC,
ing, Carver Shannon, Houston Antwine,
photos of players and coaches, games,
Salukis Football offers readers a fresh, colorful perspective of the SIUC football program.
Dan Verdun
grew up in Odell, Illinois, and holds degrees from Eastern Illinois University and Northern Illinois University. He is the author of books on Northern Illinois, Eastern Illinois, and Illinois State football.
“Interesting and informative, Dan Verdun’s Southern Illinois Salukis Football provides readers with much personal information about many SIU football standouts. . . . It’s a keeper.” —Fred Huff, author of Saluki Sports History: 100 Years of Facts and Highlights
Also of Interest 20 Day Trips in and around the Shawnee National Forest
Larry P. and Donna J. Mahan
$19.95t Paper 978-0-8093-3255-7 160 pages, 6 ⁄8 x 91⁄4, 102 illustrations Shawnee Books
Illinois Wines and Wineries: The Essential Guide
The State of Southern Illinois: An Illustrated History
Clara Orban
Herbert K. Russell
$39.95t Cloth 978-0-8093-3056-0 232 pages, 81⁄2 x 11, 262 illustrations Shawnee Books
Southern Illinois University Press
$22.95t Paper 978-0-8093-3344-8 216 pages, 6 x 9, 150 illustrations
Translating the Counterculture The Reception of the Beats in Turkey Erik Mortenson
Lessons in countercultural drift If countercultural literature is meant to
discussed, and used in Turkey to rethink the
other culture borrows that critique? Trans-
“counter” a culture, what happens when an-
possibilities they might hold for social critique
lating the Counterculture addresses that
By focusing on the ways in which local
question by examining the reception of the
conditions and particular needs shape re-
message of dissent is being given renewed
standing of the Beats in both popular cul-
Beat Generation in Turkey. There, the Beat
ception, Mortenson questions our underture and academic discourse. Translating the
life as publishers, editors, critics, readers,
Counterculture takes a revolutionary look at
and others dissatisfied with the conserva-
tive social and political trends in the country
how contemporary readers in other parts of
have turned to the Beats and other counter-
the world respond to the Beats. Challenging
cultural forebears for alternatives. Through
and unsettling an American-centric under-
an examination of a broad range of literary
standing of the Beats, Mortenson pushes
translations, media portrayals, interviews,
the discipline toward a fuller consider-
and other related materials, Translating the
ation of their cultural legacy in a globalized
Counterculture seeks to uncover how the
twenty-first century.
Beats and their texts are being circulated,
Erik Mortenson spent ten years as an assistant professor in the Department of
Cover art may change
English and Comparative Literature at Koç University in Istanbul, and is now a senior lecturer at Wayne State University’s Honors College in Detroit. He is the author of Ambiguous Borderlands: Shadow Imagery in Cold War American Culture and Capturing the Beat Moment: Cultural Politics and the Poetics of Presence, which was selected as a Choice outstanding academic title in 2011.
April $40.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3654-8 280 pages, 6 x 9, 15 illustrations
“A necessary antidote to the nostalgic cults of personality that have accompanied the cultural and critical apotheosis of the Beat Generation, [this book] participates in and advances the transnational turn in Beat studies specifically and American studies more generally. Innovative in both method and material.” —Loren Glass, University of Iowa
Also of Interest Capturing the Beat Moment: Cultural Politics and the Poetics of Presence
The Green Ghost: William Burroughs and the Ecological Mind
Allen Ginsberg’s Buddhist Poetics Tony Trigilio
Chad Weidner
Erik Mortenson
$38.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3013-3 240 pages, 6 x 9, 10 illustrations
$27.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3126-0 280 pages, 6 x 9
Southern Illinois University Press
$35.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3486-5 212 pages, 6 x 9
The Greatest and the Grandest Act
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 from Reconstruction to Today Edited by Christian G. Samito
Defining national citizenship and protecting civil rights In this volume, ten expert historians and legal
president to use the nation’s military in its
the first federal civil rights statute in American
Amendment operated to overturn the Dred
scholars examine the Civil Rights Act of 1866, history. The act declared that all persons born in the United States were citizens without regard to race, color, or previous condition
of slavery. Designed to give the Thirteenth Amendment practical effect as former slave states enacted laws limiting the rights of African Americans, this measure for the first
time defined U.S. citizenship and the rights associated with it.
Essays examine the history and legal
ramifications of the act and highlight
competing impulses within it, including the
often-neglected Section 9, which allows the
enforcement; investigate how the Thirteenth Scott case; and illuminate New England’s role in the passage of the act. Also analyzed is
the operation of the act in several states such
as Kentucky, Missouri, and South Carolina
during Reconstruction. Also considered is the act and its interpretation by the Supreme
Court during its first decades. Other essays include a discussion of the act in terms of
contract rights and in the context of the post– World War II Civil Rights Era as well as an
analysis of the act’s backward-looking and forward-looking nature.
Christian G. Samito holds a law degree and a doctorate in history, practices law,
and teaches legal history at Boston University School of Law. He wrote Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment and Becoming American under Fire: Irish Americans, African Americans, and the Politics of Citizenship during the Civil War Era.
May $45.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3652-4 296 pages, 6 x 9
An Illustrated Guide to Virginia’s Confederate Monuments Timothy S. Sedore
Offering an expansive collection of memorials to Virginia’s Civil War past From well-known battlefields, such as Manas-
Much more than a visual tapestry or a
sas, Fredericksburg, and Appomattox, to
tourist’s handbook, An Illustrated Guide to
Cemetery and Rude’s Hill, Sedore leads
scholarly and field research to reveal these
lesser-known sites, such as Sinking Spring
readers on a vivid journey through Virginia’s Confederate history. Tablets, monoliths,
courthouses, cemeteries, town squares, bat-
tlefields, and more are cataloged in detail and accompanied by photographs and meticulous commentary. Each entry contains
descriptions, fascinating historical information, and location, providing a complete portrait of each site.
Virginia’s Confederate Monuments draws on sites as public efforts to reconcile mourning
with Southern postwar ideologies. Sedore an-
alyzes in depth the nature of these attempts to publicly explain Virginia’s sense of grief after
the war, delving deep into the psychology of a traumatized area. From commemorations of famous generals to memories of unknown
soldiers, the dead speak from the pages of this sweeping companion to history.
Timothy S. Sedore
is a professor of English at the City University of New York, Bronx Community College. He regularly teaches undergraduate courses in composition, literature, and religious rhetoric.
Southern Illinois University Press
May $24.50sp Paper 978-0-8093-3674-6 352 pages, 7 x 10, 371 illustrations
Demystifying the Big House
Exploring Prison Experience and Media Representations Edited by Katherine A. Foss
Challenging the media’s distorted images of incarceration When most people think of prison life, they
breastfeeding while in prison, transgender
portrayed in popular culture. The reality,
examine the ways in which media messages
imagine the stereotypes that have been however, is much different. This book looks at popular depictions of prison, the function
and influence of television and film in shaping
discourse on prison life, and wide-ranging personal experiences of incarceration,
ultimately challenging the media’s inaccuracies and misrepresentations about the prison experience.
Essays in this volume illustrate how shows
such as Orange Is the New Black and Oz
impact the public’s perception of crime rates, the criminal justice system, and imprisonment.
Contributors look specifically at prison wives
in reality television, portrayals of death row,
prisoners, and black masculinity. They also
ignore an individual’s struggle against an all too frequently biased system and instead dehumanize the incarcerated as violent
and overwhelmingly masculine. Scholars
from cultural and critical studies, feminist studies, queer studies, African American
studies, media studies, sociology, and psychology offer critical analysis of media
depictions of prison life and rich ethnographic
work. Together they address identity and experience in prison populations, bridging
the media’s portrayals of incarcerated lives
with actual experiences and bringing to light forgotten voices in prison narratives.
Katherine A. Foss is an assistant professor in the School of Journalism at Middle Tennessee State University. She is the author of Breastfeeding and Media: Exploring Conflicting Discourses That Threaten Public Health and Television and Health Responsibility in an Age of Individualism. Her research explores media representations of marginalized groups.
July $38.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3657-9 368 pages, 6 x 9 Perspectives on Crime and Justice
Dilemma of Duties
The Conflicted Role of Juvenile Defenders Anne M. Corbin
Minefields in the juvenile justice system The role of a juvenile defender is riddled with
system, and addresses the powerful influence
because of their lack of life experience and their
resources for defenders. Tasked with guiding
conflict, and clients are uniquely challenging
underdeveloped decision-making abilities. In Dilemma of Duties, Anne M. Corbin examines the distinct function of defense counsel in juvenile courts, demonstrating the commonplace
presence of role conflict and confusion, even
of the juvenile court culture and the lack of
these children, counselors frequently must contend with and manage their clients’ general
distrust of adults as they attempt to serve as their voices to the court.
Understanding how juvenile defenders de-
among defenders in jurisdictions that clearly
fine their role and experience role conflict
defense attorneys in North Carolina, where it
justice system, especially its role in uphold-
define their role. This study focuses on juvenile
is mandated that counselors advocate for their client’s wishes, even if they do not agree it is in the client’s best interest.
Corbin outlines patterns of role conflict that
defenders experience, details its impact on
counselors and clients in the juvenile justice
provides valuable insights into our juvenile
ing due process rights. Such knowledge points to the importance of the training and practices of juvenile court functionaries and
the efficacy, credibility, and legitimacy of the juvenile justice system itself.
Anne M. Corbin is a social scientist whose research centers on the professional development of lawyers. She consults periodically for the Police Foundation and has taught at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Thomas College in Maine, and Michigan State University.
Southern Illinois University Press
June $35.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3664-7 248 pages, 6 x 9 Perspectives on Crime and Justice
Inventing Place
Writing Lone Star Rhetorics
Edited by Casey Boyle and Jenny Rice
Exploring the intersections of place, culture, rhetoric, and personal narrative Inventing Place: Writing Lone Star Rhetorics
barbecue; the racist past of Grand Saline;
the spatial-temporal dynamics that compose
views of Texas and how the state (or any place)
offers a sustained but varying examination of place. Bringing together methods and scholars from rhetoric and related disciplines, es-
says blend personal and scholarly accounts of Texas sites, examining place as an embodied poeisis, a creation formed through the col-
Denton and authenticity as rhetorical; negative is subject to reinvention; social, historical, and economic networks of place and their relationship to the food we eat; and Texas gun culture and working-class character.
Spanning the wide geography of Texas,
laboration of a body with a particular space.
essays model methods for examining place
Texas regions, essays consider a wide range
physical or geographic attributes. Although
Divided into five sections corresponding to
of subjects, including aesthetics, buildings, environment, food and alcohol, private and public
memory, and race and class. Among the topics covered by contributors are the Imagine Aus-
tin urban planning initiative; the terroir of Texas
in ways that are not reducible to common focused on Texas, Inventing Place offers universal concepts for the study of place, culture, and rhetoric by bringing in the personal alongside the scholarly and demonstrating new approaches to writing.
Casey Boyle is an assistant professor in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing at
the University of Texas, Austin, where he researches and teaches digital rhetoric and media theory.
April $45.00s Paper 978-0-8093-3650-0 280 pages, 6 x 9, 33 illustrations
Jenny Rice is an associate professor at the University of Kentucky and the author of Distant Publics: Development Rhetoric and the Subject of Crisis.
Californios, Anglos, and the Performance of Oligarchy in the U.S. West Andrew Gibb How the first generation of Mexican Americans Fashioned a New Nation
Andrew Gibb argues that the mid-nine-
meeting rooms of the California Club in down-
californios—the Spanish-speaking elites who
top of San Francisco’s Nob Hill to the dining
teenth-century encounter between Anglos and ruled Mexican California between 1821 and 1848—resulted not only in the Americanization
of California but also the “Mexicanization” of
town Los Angeles and the Pacific-Union at the rooms and parlors of Pasadena mansions and Hillsborough estates.
This study draws on performance studies,
Americans. Employing performance studies
theatre historiography, and New Western His-
historical events, Gibb traces how oligarchy
of historical California were constituted and
methodologies in his analysis of everyday and evolved and developed in the region.
The oligarchic rule of the californios has
significantly shaped the social and political development of the greater U.S. West from the
nineteenth century to the present day. Traces
of that power are still visible in the places where
California’s elites continue to gather—from the
tory to identify how the unique power relations
perpetuated through public performances—not only traditional theatrical productions but also
social events such as elite weddings and community dances—and historical events such as
the U.S. seizure of the city of Monterey, the feting of Commodore Stockton in San Francisco, and the Bear Flag Revolt.
Andrew Gibb
is an assistant professor of theatre history, theory, and criticism at Texas Tech University. He has published work in Theatre History Studies, the Latin American Theatre Review, Theatre Symposium, Comparative Drama, the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Texas Theatre Journal, and the edited collection Querying Difference in Theatre History.
Southern Illinois University Press
Cover art may change
May $45.00sp Paper 978-0-8093-3647-0 264 pages, 6 x 9, 22 illustrations Theatre in the Americas
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Spring and Summer 2018