4 minute read
Situated midway on the central Oregon coast, Florence is perfectly placed to welcome visitors to all the best the coast has to offer. Whether you’re seeking a new home, business opportunity or place to play, you’ll find it in Florence. It’s easy to see why the city — just an hour away from Eugene — is steadily growing. The coastal community boasts such famous attractions as Heceta Head Lighthouse, Sea Lion
Caves, Cape Perpetua and the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. A drive on scenic Highway 101 grants stunning views of the Pacific Ocean, sandy beaches and rock formations hewn by time and the elements. The lush, green Siuslaw National Forest meets the natural lakes and sand dunes while the historic Siuslaw River Bridge spans the photogenic river, and a profusion of native rhododendrons blooms along the roadways.
Walk down the riverside boardwalk or meander through Historic Old Town Florence, where you can experience some of the best seafood, retail shopping and lodging as well as the sights and sounds of the city’s harbor, dotted with fishing and sport boats. Port of Siuslaw has a seasonal outdoor market on its boardwalk, offering organic produce and local vendors, as well as hand-caught tuna and live crab. Oregon’s Premier Coastal Community Welcome Florence
The city features world-class entertainment at Three Rivers Casino Resort and Florence Events Center, showcasing outof-town entertainers and homegrown talent and artistry. Small venues, City Lights Cinemas and local restaurants also bring live entertainment and specialty events.
There’s always something going on — and the area’s outdoor recreation opportunities continue throughout the year.
With an active Urban Renewal District, continued economic development initiatives, partnerships with county and state resources and an innovative spirit, Florence is revitalizing business. The Pacific View Business Park, near the Florence Municipal Airport, and many business opportunities on Highway 101 make the city an ideal location for all trades and new growth.
ReVision Florence — a partnership between the city,
Florence Urban Renewal
Agency and Oregon Department of Transportation — is bringing a new vision to Highway 101: a bold, creative spirit with increased focus on the area’s natural beauty and better access to businesses and amenities on the highway corridor.
Florence is full of friendly people, courteous services and a variety of businesses to suit your every need. Whether
you are deciding to relocate or just passing through, welcome to Florence.

4 Welcome 8 Explore Florence 9 Sights & Attractions 12 Living in Florence 13 Upriver & Mapleton 15 Business & Economy 16 Florence Facts 19 Service Opportunities 20 Local Governments 21 Siuslaw Awards 24 Arts & Culture 27 Community Calendar 28 Florence City Map 33 Schools & Learning 36 Health & Services 39 Explore Outside 40 Transportation 43 Business Directory
A publication of the Siuslaw News
P.O. Box 10 148 Maple Street Florence, OR 97439 541-997-3441
Central Coast Publishing No part of this publication may be duplicated without permission.
Jenna Bartlett EDITOR Ned Hickson MARKETING
Susan Gutierrez – director Jeanna Petersen DESIGN/LAYOUT
Chantelle Meyer – features editor PRODUCTION Ron Annis – supervisor PHOTOS Editorial Staff
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