1 minute read
Friends of the FEC (F.A.C.E
from Year End Giving
by Siuslaw News
Introducing the
new FACE in town!
(You have known and trusted us for decades as “The Friends of the Florence Events Center,” but we’re ge� ng a “FACE li� ” in 2021.)
Our Mission is to support Florence’s Arts, Culture & Entertainment at the Florence Events Center.
Our Goal is to excel at Three Things: 1. Fund capital improvements at the FEC 2. Provide performance grants to help schools, CROW, LRP, SEAcoast Entertainment Associa� on, and others aff ord to use the FEC. 3. Host engaging Arts, Culture, and Entertainment events as fundraisers for arts groups and the FEC such as the Winter Music Fes� val, Indoor Garage Sale, Fes� val of Books, and Art Gallery Galas.
As our own independent 501c3 nonprofi t organiza� on, we are volunteer leaders, doers, organizers, supporters, and cheerleaders for Florence’s Arts, Culture & Entertainment at the Florence Events Center and those who use it. We strive to be trustworthy, dependable, vibrant, fun, high quality, enthusias� c, and engaging while carrying out our mission.
We’re looking for likeminded new members/supporters to join us with their gi� s of � me, talent, and funding in suppor� ng the coast’s best venue for Arts, Culture & Entertainment (and mee� ngs, conven� ons, tradeshows) so our community and its arts groups can get the most out of their use of the FEC, aff ord to use the FEC, and to provide you with the opportunity for meaningful, fulling service while suppor� ng Florence’s Arts, Culture & Entertainment.
541-997-1994 | 715 Quince St., Florence | Find us soon at FlorenceArts.org