Complementary Medicine - Effective ways to Control Hot Flushes

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Complementary Medicine - Effective ways to Control Hot Flushes Menopause or you can say ‘change of life’ is the inevitable part of every woman’s existence. This change brings along many symptoms which influence both the physical and psychological balance. Many women experience night sweats and hot flushes during this period. While some of them try hormonal replacement therapy, complementary medicine is also getting its share of popularity. Generally, the symptoms of menopause are caused by the fluctuating as well as a lower level of estrogen hormone. The Complementary Medical Doctor Sydney suggests using natural ingredients to control the symptoms of the hot flushes as they don’t have to worry about health risks.

Change in Life Style: There are certain necessary changes in lifestyle which can bring magical effects on night sweats and hot flushes. The Complementary Medical Doctor in Sydney combines sleep hygiene and

relaxation techniques which will guide you towards a positive attitude to menopause. It will help to reduce stress, sleeping disorders and control mood swings. Red Clover Leaves: The Complementary Medical Doctor Sydney advises to use red clover leaf extracts in order to control hot flushes. It contains the phytoestrogens which are an important ingredient of over the counter medicines. The doctor also suggests using the extract early in menopause to manage the vasomotor symptoms. Black Cohosh: This herb is getting scientific attention for its positive effects on hot flushes along with bone health, sexual health and night sweats. It will have no side effects and totally safe to use over a number of years. Dong Quai: This Chinese herb has been used for years to treat gynecological conditions. It is also used to reduce hot flushes. However, the Complementary Medical Doctor Sydney warns about the usage of this herb by the women who are suffering from blood clotting problems like hemophilia and fibroid as it may increase the bleeding problem. Pine Bark: This special bark of Mediterranean Pine is a great source of the proanthocyanidins which is known to improve the symptoms of menopause. Consult with your complementary doctor about the required dosage to get an effective result in a hot flush. While using all of the herbal ingredients to manage the symptoms like hot flushes, don’t forget to take some safety measures. Always consult with any trained herbalist or complementary doctor about the quantity, safety and purity of the supplements.

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