Signs should not be ignored to protect Gut Health

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Signs should not be ignored to protect Gut Health After pregnancy, many women suffer from digestive problems, joint pain, low libido, depression, insomnia and fatigue. Mother’s schedule is always busy, they have to resort to over-the-counter medication without evaluating the root cause. In many cases, they may have become intolerant to certain foods like caffeine, sugar, soy, dairy and gluten. According to doctors, all of these common signs can be caused by leaky gut problem. The Gut Health specialist Sydney suggests not to ignore the situation and take proper medical help as soon as possible. As the digestive system changes with age, the following signs should not be overlooked to protect gut health.

1. Digestive Issues: Bloating and diarrhea are common signs for gut issues. There is a large number of bacteria i.e microbiome living inside the colon, intestines and stomach jointly known as the gut system . When the balance of bacteria gets disturbed, things like gas formation and bowel irregularity take place impacting the total wellness of the body in the long run. According to the Gut Health specialist in Sydney the imbalance of bacteria is also responsible for improper digestion and eventually fermenting of foods in the colon to produce gas.

2. Sugar Craving: In a recent study by the Gut Health specialist Sydney, it has been revealed that some special kind of proteins similar to leptin and ghrelin; the hunger-controlling bacteria are secreted by the gut. Surprisingly, these bacteria can be responsible for food cravings, especially for sugar. 3. Fatigue: There is a strong connection between gut health and fatigue. Leaky gut syndrome, leads to the production of inflammatory compounds named cytokines which are directly associated with fatigue. This imbalance of the microbiome can lead to low energy levels. 4. Food Intolerance: Another important sign of leaky gut is food intolerance especially for dairy and gluten. According to Gut Health specialist Sydney, the system acts like the gatekeeper which decides whether the food will get in or stay out. As a result, the intestinal barrier becomes leaky and the large protein molecules are able to get into the bloodstream. In this way, an immune response is mounted by the body. 5. Mood Swing: As the study shows, an unhealthy gut disturbs the job of the happy hormone -serotonin and dopamine along with Vitamin D which can lead to feelings of depression and mood swings commonly found in leaky gut syndrome.

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