shri mahavir ji naturopathy and yoga center

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Language : English


WISDOM LIGHT (Spiritual Science) Originally published in Tamil titled 'A wonder in science'

(Spiritual Science) Originally published in Tamil titled 'A wonder in science' Author

YOGI SRIJI All rights reserved First Edition : 2014 Website : E-mail : Tele : +91 422 2403304 Mobile : +91 99440 92440 | 94871 71717



Published by

TRIKARANA YOGA CHARITABLE TRUST 36, E B Colony, TVS Nagar, Coimbatore - 641025, Tamilnadu, India

Printed by Lavanya Printerss, Coimbatore - 641 012. Tele : 0422 - 2489256 Published by

TRIKARANA YOGA CHARITABLE TRUST 36, E B Colony, TVS Nagar, Coimbatore - 641025, Tamilnadu, India



1. Dedication 2. Foreword 3. Comments on ‘A Wonder in Science’ 4. Publisher’s Note 5. Preface 6. Introduction Part - I 7. Introduction Part - II 8. Power of the Mind 9. Appeal

Page No.

i iii ix xi xv 1 21 47 53

DEDICATION This book is dedicated to my Parents, Family members, my beloved Friends, Well-wishers, and the readers like you. - Yogi Sriji



A.K. Raghunathan, IRS., Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, Coimbatore - 18.

FOREWORD I am extremely happy to have been given the honour of writing a Foreword for Sri Yogi Sriji’s book titled “Wisdom Light”, a very apt title. A book is not worth the paper it is printed upon unless it sheds some light on a given subject. If a book does shed such light and the subject is also concerned with the upliftment of the society, then it deserves to be commended and read widely. I understand Sri Yogi Sriji is a Guru for a number of persons in the field of yoga. The word Guru means one who sheds divine light and dispels darkness. An ordinary guru waits for his disciples to come to him and obtain wisdom whereas, the elders say, a Sathguru is one who is so full of love and compassion for his disciples iii

that He seeks them on his own and leads them in the right path. I wish to see Sri Yogi Sriji as a Sathguru in this part of the world. The book lucidly explains the complete threefold dimensions of yoga. There is a wrong nation that yoga is just an art of twisting the body into various intricate shapes and adopt certain unnatural postures like standing on one’s head. This book explains beautifully that ‘postures’ (Asanas) are nothing but physical exercises and it is the combination of all the three parts of Yoga, namely exercise, breathing techniques and meditation which can yield the desired results. If asanas are difficult due to any physical constraints, then even other exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc can be done. This is a pleasant surprise for me who can now do my pranayamas without feeling guilty that my body has become too rigid to do asanas. iv

The Part - I of the Introduction seeks to tell the reader why men fail and what kind of questions (like who am I...) should bother mankind. There is none on this earth who wants to fail and hence everyone wants to know how to succeed. The failures Sri Yogi Sriji refers to are not the ones at the mundane level but on the higher level, the spiritual level, where kings and emperors miserably fail but beggers and fakirs succeed, with ease and grace. In these days, there is no dearth of literature on the spiritual sciences and the organized institutions in this filed talk about thousands of crores of rupees in donations, contributions and sales. An ordinary man either blindly follows one of these systems or stung by their commercialization, stays away from all such institutions, thereby losing the real benefit of these sciences which our ancestors left for us. It is like throwing the cup away because you have something against the cup, whereas the content is pure nectar. v

Sri Yogi Sriji is not in this for commerce. My interaction with him

say, “Try it. If it works, keep it. If it does not, throw it away”. I have not seen any serious practitioner, throwing his practices away like this. So, I request the reader to understand that this book is a small key which can open great doors. As the famous writer Thiru Balakumaran wrote in his foreword to the Tamil and more elaborate version of this book (“ɨ"hd¤½± xU m¦òj«”). it is not enough to just read. One should get trained by proper teachers. We are lucky to have a living master in Sri Yogi Sriji. Our luck would be fruitful only when we get initiated under masters like him and do regular practices. I wish all the best for you in this path.



'A WONDER IN SCIENCE’ (Original in Tamil)

Popular Tamil Writer Sri Balakumaran has given the following compliment,-

“This book is an excellent guide. Just like an affectionate mother, passionately holding the little hands of her beloved child, leads him to school, this book gently leads the reader of any age to the edifice of Meditation.” The above comment of a veteran writer beautifully conveys the humanism coupled with profound wisdom one can notice in the words and deeds of YOGI SRIJI a living Saint…! Coimbatore-18. Dt. : 28.7.2014

Trikarana Yoga Charitable Trust



YOGI SRIJI is an enlightened spiritual leader. Founder of Trikarana Yoga Charitable Trust registered under the Charitable and Religious Trust Act 1920 in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. It is a non-profitable social organization. He propagates his philosophy 'Yoga of Life' in a new dimension viz. 'Trikarana Transcendental Meditation' (TTM) under a popular title 'NIMMATHI UNKAIYIL' (epk;kjp cd;ifapy); i.e. Peace in Your Hand. He perfectly designed and advocating how to control and balance the threefold unity of body, mind and soul (BMS) of the human kind through a simple scientific technique. It transcends racial, religious, linguistic and national boundaries based upon time tested scientific laws of nature, governing the whole universe.

YOGI SRIJI, was born as Kuttiappan Ganesan in the year 1950 in an agricultural family in Coimbatore, is a post-graduate. He joined the Tamil Nadu Government Service and after a long distinguished service in the department of Commercial Taxes, he retired as Deputy Commissioner. In the meanwhile, having spent more than 25 years of intense spiritual life, he achieved self-realization at the age of 47 and realized that science and spirituality are the same, because science is an experiment and spirituality is an experience on belief. With his relentless search, he was very fortunate to be blessed with a miraculous divine darshan from Almighty in the year 1997. In as much as the almighty is the Guru of all gurus, with His blessings he advocated his innovation in scientific manner for the peace and well-beings of all sections of people across the globe. Yogi Sriji has dedicated his life in helping people to attain perfect physical health,




profound mental peace, vital soul strength, joy, and success in all spheres of human endeavors. However, he remains a 'householder', i.e. he has not broken his family ties, nor renounced the world, but rather lives a life of true detachment devoid of exhibitionism, maintaining family ties and performing his Karma with the insight of a Gnana Yogi. Based on his knowledge of the origin and functions of the cosmos and all the aspects of life as revealed to his inner vision by the Almighty, Yogi Sriji has written an excellent book in Tamil under the title “A wonder in science� in the year 2010. Now He extracts the essence of the Tamil book and presents in English to facilitate each and everyone to attain bliss and wisdom in this world everlastingly. Trikarana Yoga Charitable Trust



PREFACE Dear brothers and sisters and all my beloved youngsters, the beautiful souls of this marvelous universe, please accept the pranams of 'Yogi Sriji' with Love and Good wishes to every one of you. This booklet which you are now holding in the lotus palms of your beautiful hands was originally written by me in Tamil with the title 'A wonder in science' and published by Dina Publications, Coimbatore-641025, in the year 2010. Besides the overwhelming response to that book in Tamil, the longing of many of my beloved brothers and sisters to carry the universal message contained in that book to the nook and corner of the world prompted me to extract the essence from the Tamil book and present it in English. The intention is to facilitate each and everyone residing on all parts of the wonderful xv

planet Earth to attain success fulfilling all his dreams and desires, and enjoy the real life gifted by the Almighty. It is my wish that you begin a new life from today onwards. Many people have a false notion that the philosophy of life and the associated theories are dry subjects that are very difficult to understand and much more difficult to follow. Nevertheless, I assure you all that you can easily understand and immensely benefit from them provided you learn them with the right attitude and in the right manner. This Trikarana Transcendental Meditation (TTM), invented by me after rigorous spiritual contemplation for several years, will certainly help you to gain the wisdom that is needed for living a blissful and meaningful life easily and efficiently. TTM is neither a religious ritual nor a regress exercise; it is a simple scientific xvi

technique and a blending the threefold unity of body, mind and soul (BMS) with no efforts; it is very easy to learn and practice that technique and it does not require any special ability. It is universal in its appeal as it is open to the people of all ages, cultures, educational backgrounds.It appeals equally to people of all sorts and shades regardless of whether they identify themselves with any of the organized religions or have proclaimed themselves to be atheists or agnostics. It is a science of 'Silent Inner Revolution' - the threefold unification for the well being of humankind.

(Commercial Taxes) (Retd) and Advocate, in the High Court of Madras for his review and final touches to make the book more readable and intelligible to a vast majority of people across the globe. I hope that this publication would help in efficient management of infinite powerhouse in everyone's life for enlightenment and enjoyment of the real pleasure forever!

Coimbatore - 25 -YOGI SRIJI


I acknowledge with thanks the valuable assistance of my beloved friend Sri Prama Arumugam, M.A., Deputy Commissioner (Commercial Taxes) (Retd) in translating the contents of this book from its Tamil Original. I am also thankful to my beloved friend Sri S.P. Asokan, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.L., Deputy Commissioner xvii


INTRODUCTION Part - I Dear brothers and sisters,

“AWAKE…. ARISE…. OR EVER BE FALLEN” You are wise enough to know that the words above are not mine; I am quoting the above dynamic words of Swami Vivekananda only to reach to your very soul and open your heart to receive me in full with confidence and love. I had an inner realization, which I have been cherishing for more than Twenty Nine years with an intention to share it with you. Therefore, lend your time, ears, mind to me leaving aside for a while your disbeliefs and skepticism and be prepared to experience the inner revolution I am passionately sharing with you; you may 1

later to come out with your doubts and misgivings, which I shall be too happy to clarify. You know today every human being is desperately searching for 'Nimmathi' (epk;kjp) i.e. 'Peace'; he thinks that he can get it only by achieving all his dreams and satisfying all his desires. However, success eludes him because he does not take the correct way to reach the destination desired by him. I am sure that TTM will give you the right route map that will guide you to reach the stage in your life where you can taste total success and absolute enjoyment of the real happiness in life. The way suggested is the threefold unity of body, mind and soul ( B MS) . T hi s uni t y i s t he p ri m e requirement and purpose of your whole life and all other expectations and aspirations pale into insignificance in the glorious light of this Holy Trinity. 2

There are so many people who had already written numerous volumes and spoken elaborately and eloquently about the philosophy of life and my endeavor is to simplify with the blessings from Almighty what all they wrote and talked about and pass it on to you in a pleasant and readily acceptable form. I have termed my inner realization as 'TRIKARANA TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION' (TTM)

and also given it a popular title 'NIMMATHI UNKAIYIL' (epk;kjpcd;ifapy); i.e. 'Peace in your hand'. Before venturing into the core topic of our study, I would like to make you conversant with basic general issues in brief. We are aware that in the universe, there are millions and millions of stars and many sun families. We are also aware that we are living in this earth, which is a part of the sun family. The earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system and the only planet that supports life. It 3

weighs roughly about 59,720,000 million tons and its circumference covers 40,075 km. It is located 149,597,000 km away from the sun. The earth rotates around its own axis at a speed of 1,670 km/hour and it takes 23 hours 56 minutes 04.09053 seconds for the earth to complete one such full rotation. By the time it takes one rotation along its axis travels which we call as a 'DAY' it revolves around the sun at a speed of 1,07,870 km/hour and at this speed it covers 25,41,450 km/day and completes one full revolution, covering 940 million km, around the sun in 365.2564 days which we term as a 'YEAR'. Besides, you would be astonished to know that in the above process sun's peripheral atmosphere wind flows 400 km/second, that is 14,40,000 km/hour. The beauty is that not only the earth but also the things that are lying on the earth - all living creations including vegetation and animals and the human beings, and

lifeless objects are all travelling such long distances at great speed continuously without any break. We are standing, walking, swimming, playing etc. on the earth as if it is static without feeling its movements in the universal space. The moon, which is a natural satellite to the earth, is revolving around the earth once in 28 days. It weighs 735,000 million tones and its circumference covers 10,919 km. It is located 4, 07,000 km away from the earth. This sun family said to have 140 moons viz. Earth has 01 moon, Mars 02 moons, Jupiter 63 moons, Saturn 34 moons, Uranus 27 moons and Neptune 13 moons, but the Mercury and Venus have no moons. Besides dwarf planets like Pluto and Eris, countless comets, asteroids, and meteoroids are there. This information is subject to change since to the vision of the scientists expands everlastingly. We can talk endlessly about the things known about the Sun family



and the rest of the universe; however, we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that the wonders of the universe yet to be discovered by us are far more enormous, magnificent and infinitely incomparable to what little we have so far explored using our limited human capabilities. I, therefore, feel that it is a wiser option to leave it to your imagination, which is also as boundless as the universe. We are blessed with our lives on earth and we have every reason to be proud of this blessing. But, at the same time, we should know that without understanding the purpose of our living and ensuring our association with Almighty we are wasting our life in pursuing the worldly pleasures, which in fact but bring in only pain and stress with occasional glimpses of momentary gratifications. We can see that the majority of people reach the end of their lives without having lived them in health and happiness. The most important 6

advice I give you is to keep faith in yourself instead of going behind things that invariably bring misery and disaster. All our blunders are self-made and they are only all our own creations. Broadly speaking, we can identify four major reasons for the frequent failures in human life. They are, 1)

Doing things without self awareness


Doing things without any goal or aim


Doing things without tolerance; and


Doing things without strong willpower

Strong willpower and conviction cannot come as such, and to acquire it one has to train oneself, practice regularly to balance his threefold unity of body, mind and soul (BMS) and to ultimately understand the purpose of whole life. Life is, no doubt, a mystery. It is not a simple mathematical puzzle with an easy 7

solution. For a few, life is comfortable; but for many others it is miserable. Life is miserable for them not because that they lack money and power but because they have disturbance in their body, mind and soul (BMS). In this context many questions remains unanswered forever. To quote some of them, i)

Who are you?


Where did you come from?

iii) Where do you go when you leave this body?

shy away from answering those questions with the result that frustration and disappointment continue to haunt them constantly. To understand life and to get enlightenment with permanent peace and happiness, all you have to do is to break away from all the boundaries that try to limit you and start practicing TTM. Once you learn its methods and techniques and cultivate the habit of practicing them daily, you will get the enlightenment and enjoy the real pleasure in your life forever. Are you ready for it!

We can raise many such questions endlessly and everlastingly. The human mind limits its boundaries with its own religious dogmas and frozen ideas and

As a first step towards mastering TTM techniques, you have to understand that synchronization of body, mind, and soul (BMS) alone is the sole remedy to free one from the stresses and strains that are confronting one today. The TTM is a simple scientific technique of blending Trikarana i.e. the threefold unity of body, mind, and soul (BMS) designed to solve the problems of humankind and to perfect



iv) What is the object of life? v)

What is the universal truth?

vi) What is Heaven and what is hell? and vii) Who is the best judge of the human behavior?

We should know that selfenlightenment is not a commodity that one can purchase or borrow from somebody. It should emulate within oneself. It is a kind of intuition or instinct. All the great inventions by human minds at all times had been only out of intuition though one may call them varyingly as brain-works, knowledge-products, pearls of wisdom etc. Astounding discoveries become possible during the periods when the intuition potential of the discoverer is at its highest

peak. We, the humans claim that we, unlike animals, have the sixth sense; but the fact is that we too once lived like animals without cloths and behaved exactly like them. Only on gradually and as a process of evolution, we became more and more civilized. We have now reached the stage where we excel in science, medicine, arts, religion, and other disciplines. Today's man is creating, preserving, and destroying things, which were once considered the unique powers of the GOD. He is now challenging the nature in every respect by constantly overcoming his constraints and enlarging his limits. Such a grand outcome of evolution is not manifest in other living beings. The progress of the humanity is attributable to man's sense of reasoning which is a blessing conferred on him by the ALMIGHTY. One cannot procure the intuition potential from outside and one has to extract it from the deepest layers of



the performing ability of every individual. Above all, it is a science of 'Silent Inner Revolution' intended for the well being of humankind and spreading the WISDOM LIGHT for everyone's benefit. This novel method is based upon the time tested scientific laws of nature, governing the whole Universe; and this has nothing to do with race, language, caste, creed, color and religion or religious affinity or indifference.

his conscience in a manner similar to the way one draws water that is present at the bottom of a very deep well. I assure you that TTM is the right device to pump the power of intuition potential into every aspect of your human existence.

ether and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. According to the Old Testament God put the first man into deep sleep and created the first woman from his rib...

There are ever so many mysteries around us, the greatest among them being the creation of this cosmos. Going by our present knowledge, we could assume that human race exist only on the earth and the scientific community has not so far come out with any concrete evidence to suggest the existence of human lives on any other planet in the sun family or elsewhere in the universe. The Almighty had created this world; He not only created this world but also created all life forms including vegetations and animals with senses varying from one to six. It is said that the Almighty had created the body of the man from the five elements such as soil of the earth, water, fire, air, and

When the humankind began to assimilate the information available before him, he feared the nature's fury and started worshiping it. The Sun was his first object of worship and then he started worshiping the five elements such as earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Afterwards he worshipped every power that he had confronted. He depicted GOD in the form of furious animals he feared. With evolution, he started to find out ways and means to control and contain the nature. He began to communicate his feelings to his fellow human beings with sound; and languages evolved in that process. The rhythmic sounds in languages came to be employed to address the GOD giving birth to various mantras



and Vedas showering praises on the God. The sound that vibrates and re-vibrates in the entire cosmos all the time at all places is 'O‌M'. It is a mystic word recognized by the Hindu mystics in India. In this context, I wish to place on record that this 'O‌M' is nothing but a rhythmic sound of every breathings of all the living creations including the human beings and the moving Nature in a strange rhythm, which we call ATHMA RAGA, the Raga of Soul. This life power alone controls the entire performance of all the creations. In the evolution process, there were many stages and improvements and consequently rituals varied from time to time. When the human race began to live in groups near the river, water happened to be the main source of its livelihood. In the next process of evolution, men began to use the mother earth to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, and security. In the course of time, various modes of

worship began to surface - each group of the human race living in the various parts of the vast world adopting different forms of worship in conformity with the atmosphere and surroundings in which they lived. India, the land of Indus, is the fountainhead of many religions as education was accessible to the Indian civilization. Gurus and Rishies of the yester years passed on their knowledge to fellow citizens orally as there were no writing habits or materials such as paper and pen during those times. The education during those days was confined to recitation of the Vedas and Mantras and recording them in the mind. Refinement of the methods of worship and the evolution of logical reasoning led to the birth of Buddhism and Jainism in India. Pataliputra and Nalanda of the Indian continent were the centers of the education during those days and they were



equivalent to the Cambridge and Oxford of the present. With the invasion of Moguls and the subsequent arrival of Englishmen in India, Islam and Christianity came to be introduced in India. The degrading caste system that was practiced among the Hindus forced many people from the suppressed communities to find new identity and comfort in these new religions. India has now come out of those dark ages and today it is the biggest democratic and secular nation in the world. The Almighty is the unexplainable energy that governs us. We may say that the Almighty is a core question that remains unanswered forever. We call IT by various names such as LORD, GOD, SIVA, VISHNU, BRAHMA, JESUS, ALLAH AND NATURE - like we call our relatives as mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, 16

aunt etc. These relatives are only men and women, but we use many relative terms to identify them. The same person is a son, grandson, father, grandfather, brother, or uncle depending on the person who identifies him. Likewise, the same ALMIGHTY is known by different names such as GOD, LORD, NATURE etc to different people; whatever may be the name by which it is called, the Almighty remains the same as the unexplainable and imponderable source of energy. Let me give an example to you to elucidate the matter further. The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, head, hands, legs, and all other parts of the body cannot function independently as they are all interdependent and the whole body alone could be termed as human being. Likewise, during the early period of evolution men worshiped the nature which he feared but subsequently when he overcame that fear with the information and knowledge he 17

began to see the presence of 'ALMIGHTY' in each and every thing. The central core of creation is the same; you can call it by whatever name you prefer. GOD MEN AND SPIRITUAL GURUS SPRING FROM TIME TO TIME, PERFORM CERTAIN MIRACLES, ATTRACT SOME GROUP OF PEOPLE, AND SETUP THEIR OWN SECTS BY WAY OF CREATING A DISTINCT BRAND TO PERPETUATE THEIR IDENTITY. I can assure, these attractions

are only momentary and bound to vanish with the passage of time. The time-tested philosophy is that there is only ONE SUPERNATURAL BEING, that is DIVINE COSMIC ENERGY. Therefore, the human race could flourish and find peace only if they understand this truth and try to disassociate with 'EGO' that makes claims such as “My society is superior to yours”, “My God is superior to your God” etc. Causing injury to the other religions, nonbelievers and other sects of people is not 18

going to bring Nimmathi (epk;kjp) i.e. peace to oneself. Likewise success and failure in human life is not associated with any race, language, caste, creed, color, religion or ego, but it is associated with his peaceful mind and the attainment of 'Nimmathi' (epk;kjp) will be possible only if the threefold unity of body, mind and soul (BMS) is clearly understood with compassion and clarity. This is the only way we can prosper in this world along with our beloved human beings.



helping the fellow-beings are sure recipes for WORLD PEACE. Please listen to me attentively and visualize how the TTM will relieve the suffering masses from the stresses and strains of life.

So far, I have tried my best to make you conversant with the basic issues in brief. Let us move on to the main subject of Trikarana Transcendental Meditation (TTM) now. Man is a social animal. While he lives, he has to live in harmony with members of his family, the society, and his country; he has to fulfill certain duties that are expected of him as a citizen, however unpleasant or arduous they may be. When everyone develops this kind of attitude and cultivate the habits of tolerance and respect for the rights and feelings of others, there will be no room for any trouble in family, society and in the world. Spreading compassion and

The success or failure in human life depends upon one's physical health, strength of one's soul and the level of one's mental peace. For any person, his own body is more familiar and dearer to him than anything else is, but unfortunately, he knows very little about it. The human body is a wonderful and mystic formation which represents one of the most perfectly designed and coordinated structures. Each part of the body is unique and unparalleled. Even the best science today cannot make an exact replica of a human body. The human body consists of a number of interacting systems. The skeleton forms a rigid framework with 206 bones attached to the muscles, facilitates movements ordered by the nervous



Dear brothers and sisters,

system, and is responsible for the body's reaction to stimuli. Hormones produced by the endocrine system, control many functions including growth and developmental changes such as puberty. The cardiovascular system circulates blood around the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients and collecting carbon dioxide and waste, while the respiratory system exchanges carbon dioxide with the inhaled oxygen. The lymphatic system fights infection. The digestive system derives from food energy and nutrients required for growth and repair. The urinary system eliminates waste and helps to regulate chemicals in the body. The reproductive system is concerned with producing offspring. Thus, the human body is functioning as a factory endlessly right from womb to tomb. Further, the size of the human body is firstly determined by diet and secondly by genes. Body type i.e. slim, fat, tall, short,

wide-shouldered, etc. and the body composition like percentages of bone, fat, muscle and all other elements are influenced by factors such as diet and exercise. By the time the human reaches adult-hood, the body has 100 trillion cells. Each organ is designed to perform an essential life function. The human body consists of 70-90% water and its significant portion is composed of carboncontaining organic molecules. Oxygen therefore contributes a majority of a human body's mass, followed by carbon. In order to understand the relation of food to the nourishment and repairing of the body, it will be necessary to learn, at first, what the human body is composed of and what elements contained in the food are required to build and keep the body in a healthy condition. Ninety nine percentage (99%) of the mass of the human body is made up of major six elements i.e. oxygen 61%, carbon 23%, hydrogen 10%, nitrogen



2%, calcium 2%, and phosphorus 1%. The remaining elements such as sulfur, potassium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, zinc, and silicon constitute 1% only. Human body is just like an engine of a vehicle. It is dangerous to drive a vehicle fitted with a defective engine. We must make our bodies firm, strong and fit for work. We find that some people have a strong body and a soft nature. Some, on the other hand, have strong body and rough character because they lack true knowledge and real experience. One can make one's body fit for work by adopting the following methods: 1.

Firstly, know what makes the body healthy and strong and what makes it weak and sick.


Always keep a close watch on whether he is digesting what he eats.


From time to time, skip a meal or two and let the stomach rest. 25


Play games or do exercise daily. Through exercise, the body becomes strong and through games, one can gain mastery over the movements of the body.


Make a firm vow to follow a fixed routine.


Never miss an opportunity to perform good deeds.


Do not hesitate to take on whatever task presented it to him.

While doing so in a proper manner and on regular basis, all the functions are synchronized with the threefold unification of the body, mind, and soul (BMS) of humankind. However, because of enormous powers acquired by a man there are lot of stresses and strains in him. When a machine exceeds its installed capacity wear and tear is bound to occur. Remedial measures therefore become necessary; similarly, TTM provides 26

solution to the stress redden life by instigating the human power to secrete the required output to kindle one's knowledge and wisdom besides providing good health cheer and peaceful mind. Therefore, to bring out the success and brightness from within everyone and to experience the glowing eternal bliss it is our primary duty to protect the 'threefold unity' through regular practice of some simple asana or physical exercise, breathe exercise and meditation. Before that, I wish to enlighten those seven organs of the endocrine system of the human body viz. Pineal gland; Pituitary gland; Thyroid and Parathyroid glands; Thymus; Adrenal; Liver and Pancreas and the Reproductive organs are classified as the core points of Seven Spiritual Chakras in Hindu philosophy to attain Salvation / Nimmathi in human life. The following explanations harmonize the said philosophy with science. 27

MULADHARA : This chakra is placed at the bottom end of the spinal centre of region below genitals. It is the root of the very life. This chakra is the very base for the entire human body Meta mephitis. It controls the Adrenal glands and kidney and their proper functioning. If this chakra is activated under proper supervision, you can escape from the adverse effect of the failure of this organ. SVADHISTHANA : This chakra lies just below the navel point. The sexual attraction emanates from and controlled by this chakra. Testicles, ovaries are under this control. It has the power of knowing things beyond the five senses. The birthplace of man's EGO emanates only from here. MANIPURA : This chakra is located above the navel point in the central part of the human body. This place is the spring of all the feeling. This chakra controls 28

liver, gallbladder. The muscles around this part would go non-functional if this chakra has not been induced. ANAHATA : This chakra otherwise known as Heart chakra is situated in the region of heart. Love, goodwill, affection, faith, religion, and good conduct all emanates from this chakra. Heart and lungs are controlled by this chakra. The Thymus gland is associated with this chakra. VISUDDHA : This chakra is available in throat and thyroid and Para thyroid are associated with this chakra. Communication expressing feelings and the creativity are emanates from this chakra. Throat, tongue, respiratory channel, footpath, and hands are under the control of this chakra. AJNA : This chakra lies between the eyebrows. Telepathy, knowledge, steadfast mind are controlled by this 29

chakra. The third eye is also believed to be located here; it controls spinal card, lower part of the brain, eyes, nose, and ears. Pituitary gland is associated with this chakra. SAHASRARA : This chakra is located in the upper part of the brain and the gland associated with this chakra is pineal. Man gets wisdom and knowledge from this chakra and the intuition potential begins from here and induces performance of tangible actions. KUNDALINI is the Divine Cosmic Energy in human bodies. If all these chakras are in proper synchronization with one another, one can gradually raise the mystic power of 'Kundalini' from Muladhara through sushmnanadi (spinal cord) by regular practice of some asana breathe exercises, and meditation. Only that mystic power can liberate a man from his animal behavior and enable him to attain eternal peace in his life. 30

YOGA SYSTEM is an ancient Indian technique of integrating human personality at the physical mental moral and spiritual levels. It can be described by a system consisting of the following eight aspects: 1.

Yama' is a moral principle like nonviolence, truthfulness, honesty, integrity, abstinence from sexual and secular pleasures.


Niyama' is a rule of discipline like purity, contentment, austerity and dedication to divinity


Asana' is a Yogic posture of comfortable sitting that will be helpful to achieve the target.


Pranayama' is the preservation of vital energy in the body through inhaling, exhaling and controlling the movements of breath.


Pratyhara' is the control of mind and sense organs 31


Dharana' is a concentration of one's mind


Dhyana' is a deep meditation or concentration of mind at one-point.


Samathi' is the stage of transcendental consciousness when the individual unites with the Universal power.

Nevertheless, nowadays majority of the peoples are under a wrong notion that YOGA means 'Asana' only and they believe that if they practice some asana for a few minutes daily for a specified period, all their physical problems, soul weakness, mental ailments, stresses, and strains will vanish. However, the fact is that asana is only one among the above eight aspects of YOGA System. My endeavor is to convergent the wandering mind into a single focus for the benefit of humankind. For this, everyone has to practice the three major aspects of YOGA i.e. Asana, Breathe 32

Exercise, and Meditation on a regular basis and then only one can achieve perfection in all other aspects. These three are the only practical aspects of the YOGA system and the remaining are the resultant manifestations. However, in the modern science physical exercise is an alternative for asana. Many people attempt to learn asana, but when they face difficulties, they just lack motivation to continue and give up their practice. Besides, they wrongly conclude that this should be started when one is young and then regularly practiced without any break in order to attain the ability to perform the asana postures perfectly. In this present world, all the physical problems and allied mental ailments can be treated with appropriate asana techniques or physical exercises. In my view every human being may cultivate the habit of doing few asana slowly for 10 to 15 minutes 33

daily; as an alternative, one can do some simple physical exercise at least for 30 minutes at one's convenience either in the morning or evening regularly. That is enough; in fact, physical exercise is more effective than asana for the present generation to overcome the stresses and strains that are confronting them today. To elucidate the issue further I am giving a chart below to know how much calories are exhausted per hour through various regular exercises,Squash: 844c; Skipping, Swimming: 704c; Basket-ball, cycling, running, walking upstair: 563c; Football, Iceskating, Tennis: 493c; Cricket, Skating: 352c; Dancing: 317c; Golf, Table tennis: 281c; Housework, walking: 246c; Standing: 120c; Sitting 90c & Sleeping: 65c. BREATHE EXERCISE is nothing but

Pranayama; it is a preservation of vital 34

energy of Oxygen or Pranasakthi in the body through inhaling, exhaling and controlling the movements of breath. As per the law of science, oxygen is the prime factor in the life of human race. The human energy, his mental peace, and his performance are all governed by the intake of oxygen only. In the human body, the oxygen is absorbed by the blood stream in the lungs, and then transported to the cells where an elaborated process takes place. The living cell is the site of tremendous biochemical activity called metabolism. Oxygen plays a vital role in the breathing processes and in the metabolism of the living organisms. Oxygen supports our life, oxidizes, or burns food to create energy and heat for our bodies. This process of chemical and physical change goes on repeatedly in the human body being responsible for the build-up of new tissue, replacement of old tissue, conversion of food to energy, disposal of waste materials,

reproduction and all the activities that we characterize as "life." Even a nonprofessional would understand that only as long as one breathes he is considered a living being; otherwise, he is a corpse, a dead body. Circulation of blood throughout the body facilitate digestion of food, nourishment on the body and mental thinking- all these activities performed with the help of the power of Oxygen only. It is essential for each and everyone to learn the technique of controlling and utilizing the power of Oxygen for stilling the restless mind. Besides, Oxygen diffuses through membranes into red blood cells after inhalation into the lungs. The enzyme uses oxygen to catalyze many oxidation reactions in the body, which is called metabolism. Carbon dioxide, a waste product, is released from the cell and into the blood, where it combines with bicarbonate and hemoglobin for transport



to the lungs. Blood circulates back to the lungs and the process repeats. It has been evaluated that normally a man inhales an average of 6 liters of air in a minute with a speed of 160 km/hour totaling to 8,640 liters in a day. MENTAL PERFORMANCE IN THE HUMAN BODY CAN IMPROVE BY FEEDING THE BRAIN WITH EXTRA OXYGEN. The oxygen

regimen improves alertness, reflexes, memory, and apparently intelligence. Therefore, everyone should do the breathe exercise at least for 10 to 15 minutes before meditation regularly for having more oxygen. If one were able to control the breath in tune to the set of rules properly then the entire body would be under his command.

threefold unity of body, mind and soul (BMS) and a method detaching oneself from physical problems, mental anxieties etc., by silent meditation and repetition of a rhythmic mystic sound to attain bliss and wisdom and enjoy the real happiness. It is a method for acquainting our mind with good feature. There is limitless power in the human mind. Those who can consolidate this power and make it onepointed become renowned for their genius in the world. If one is not able to concentrate this power, it is wasted. To be successful in the battle of life, search for the infinite storehouse of power accumulated in you. With great seal and determined perseverance, you can once bring your mind under control; and. there will be nothing that you cannot achieve.

Finally, I am coming to my new mechanism of TRIKARANA TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (TTM). It is a Spiritual Science and a simple scientific technique of blending the

Naturally, the mind is extremely restless and obstinate. It is very difficult to restrain it from going in the direction it is accustomed to it. Again, if the mind is



engaged in good thoughts, it will naturally tends towards that direction and make one's life sublime. You must realize finally that you possess an infinite power within the mind. Therefore, to direct the mind to the proper path, you should observe the following principles: 1.

Always keep the mind engaged in noble thoughts


Perform all jobs, big or small whatever it may be with great care so that no one will find fault with your work


Look upon all people as your own brothers and sisters; love all the lands as your own motherland


Have respect for all religions and religiously unaffiliated people and the society.


Hold on to the knowledge that the mind is your servant and you are the master of your mind firmly. Do not let the mind become easily excited. 39


Do not give expression to any weakness or sentimentality in the mind and


By thinking of the loveliness and majesty of the Almighty and great souls, the mind becomes pure, clear, one-pointed and strong forever.

When your mind is peaceful, free from all worries and mental discomforts, certainly you will experience the true happiness. If you train your mind to become peaceful you will be happy all the time, even in the most adverse conditions, but if your mind is not peaceful then even if you have the most pleasant external conditions you will not be happy. Therefore, it is very important to keep your mind peaceful always by regular practice of meditation. Asana or physical exercise and Breathe exercises are the pre-steps to clear the body and soul and to create an ideal platform for the wandering mind to carry out meditation. The essence of the 40

meditation is convergence in the forehead just above the nose in between the eyebrows and from there to the middle of the brain at the base pituitary gland located and behind this at back pineal glands is situated. Therefore, one, comfortably sitting at a quiet place, should meditate without any interruption from outside influences for Twenty (20) minutes daily each in the morning and evening. It will cause perfect functioning of pituitary gland and pineal gland and induce the thymus (mind) to secrete the required output to kindle one's worldly knowledge and wisdom besides providing good health and peaceful mind. Above all, it creates a 'Silent Inner Revolution', the threefold unity for the wellbeing's of humankind. The benefits are boundless‌!


To say few,1)

Improving the daily performance by increasing the mind power through instigation of intuition


Develop self confidence and enable one to perform his duties all through the day with rejuvenation


Removes defective tendency, lack of confidence and shows the path towards success


Help to have free flow of blood, breath, sustain the general health, soul strength, and provide mind peace, happiness


Remove all the stresses, strains that confront human beings today, and provide complete liberation from all worries


Bless everyone with total peace, ultimate success, and joy in life forever. 42


Spreads compassion and helps the humankind in attainment of WORLD PEACE

Now I hope that it is my privilege to sharing my wonderful experience with fellow human beings and making them feel the perfect physical health and profound mental peace in this troublesome world. All who have eyes to see and ears to hear are requested to avail this great opportunity not only for their personal benefit but also for the welfare of humanity as a whole. Therefore, I need your full involvement and co-operation in this joint pursuit so that I could impart permanent happiness and joy in everyone's life forever! Before coming to the conclusion, I wish to make clear that the intuition potential is an important factor in human life and my emphasis is to bring it to light and give it a platform to enact a full play. 43

The compassion within a human being is not visible to others. The synchronization of the parts of the human body needs no explanation. When a man experiences a pain in his leg, that feeling of pain gives rise to tears in his eyes. There is no enmity among the parts of the human body. While the soul departs from him, it leaves the whole body behind silently to be consumed by the soil. But when it comes to the society you could see competition, vengeance, anger etc and the society is divided between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak, the beautiful and the ugly; the oppressors and the oppressed. Everywhere there are negative thoughts. Why is this division and disparity? When will this sorry state of affairs change? It is a matter of fact that everyone is having some kind of deficiency. I wish to ask one question to all of you. Is there anyone who is cent-percent perfect in this world? When 44

it is the fact that no one is perfect, why everyone is blaming others and not accepting and adopting the deficiency and weakness of others in the society? In this context, I request all of you to have it in mind that the life, once completed, cannot be brought back at any cost. Therefore, everyone should understand this fact and try to live with more compassion and love. The compassion towards the human beings should rise in every heart and it should instigate the intuition to adjust and adapt to the needs of common living, education, religion, and peaceful presentation of issues and refine man into a livable and lovable social being. Let the past be buried, I welcome you one and all to come and join me to start a new beginning with an understanding of my innovation. A true and sincere faith in TTM, the simple and modern scientific technique and its regular practice would definitely lift all of you to unexpected levels. Worldly 45

motives will seem paltry and fade away and an earnest and ceaseless activity involving sacrifice would embrace you. In this earth, we could see death and life, decay and growth, corruption and purification existing together at every point of time. In this paradox, the human mind needs to shed its stress to find the peace. Furthermore, in this stressdominated world, blending of the 'threefold unity' in a scientific manner is necessary for the suffering masses to attain Bliss and wisdom with total peace and success in life forever. I, therefore, once again invite all of you, to join me, share the beautiful moments that I have been experiencing for the past thirty years and enjoy the life gifted by the ALMIGHTY. - YOGI SRIJI


POWER OF THE MIND “Take up one thought. Make that one thought for your life – think of it, dream of it, and live on that thought. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that thought, and just leave every other thought alone. This is the way to success…. If we really want to be blessing, and make others blessed, we must go deeper and deeper.

worshipping Almighty, or in doing anything, the stronger the power of concentration, the better will that thing be done. This is the one call, one knock, which opens the gates of the nature, and lets out floods of light. How one has all the knowledge in the world been gained but by the concentration of the powers of the mind. The world is ready to give up its secrets if we only know how to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point; that is the secret.

The more this power of concentration, the more knowledge is acquired, because this is the one and only method of acquiring knowledge. Even the lowest shoeblack, if he gives more concentration, will black shoes better; the cook with concentration will cook a meal all the b et t er. I n m a king m oney , or in

The main difference between men and the animals is the difference in their power of concentration. All success in any line of work is the result of this…. The



difference in their power of concentration also constitutes the difference between man and man. The difference is in the degree of concentration. The ordinary human being wastes Ninety per cent of thought force, and therefore he is constantly committing blunders; the trained man or mind never makes a mistake. So, to attain purity living in this life shall we all go to the forest? What good would it do? If the mind is not under control, it is no use of living in a cave or forest because the same mind will bring all disturbances there. We will find thousands and thousands of devils there because all the devils are in the mind. If the mind is under control, we can have the cave or anywhere, wherever we are. It is our own mental attitude, which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful and our thoughts make things ugly. The whole 49

world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light. All the great prophets, saints, and seers of the world – what did they do? In one span of life, they lived the whole life of humanity to come to perfection. In one life, they perfect themselves; they have no thought for anything else, never live, a moment for any other idea, and thus the way shortened for them. This is what is mean by concentration, intensifying the power of assimilation, thus shortening the time. No force can be created; it can only be directed. Therefore, we must learn to control the grand powers that are already in our hands and by will power make them spiritual instead of merely animal. Thus, it clearly seen that chastity is the correctstone of all morality and of all religion. Free! We who for a moment cannot govern our own minds, nay, cannot hold 50

our minds on a subject; focus it on a point to the exclusion of everything else for a moment! Yet we call ourselves free. Think of it‌ The mind uncontrolled and unguided will drag us down, down, foreverrend us, kill us; and the mind controlled and guided will save us, free us. What work do you expect from men of little hearts? Nothing can in this world! You must have an iron will if you would cross the ocean. You must be strong enough to pierce mountains. Good and evil thoughts are each a potent power, and they fill the universe. As vibration continues, so thought remains in the form of thought until translated into action. For example, force is latent in the man's arm until he strikes a blow, when he translates it into activity. We are the heirs of good and evil thoughts. If we make ourselves pure through the instruments of good thoughts, these will enter us. The good soul will not be receptive to evil thoughts. 51

In the history of humankind, you will find that there come these Messengers and that from their very birth their mission is found and formed. The whole plan is there, laid down; and you see them swerving not one inch from that. Because they come with a mission, they come with a message, when they speak, each word is direct, and it bursts like a bombshell. What is in the world, unless it has the power behind? What matters it what language you speak, and how you arrange your language? What matters it whether you speak correct grammar or with fine rhetoric? What matters it whether your language is ornamental or not? The question is whether you have anything to give or not? It is a question of giving and taking, and not listening. Have you anything to give? – That is the first question. If you have, then, give.� - Swami Vivekananda 52


Construct and renovate hospitals, hostels, orphanages, educationalinstitutions to the welfare of the deprived peoples


Remove all the stresses and strains that are confronting human today, provides complete liberation from all the worries and blesses everyone with total peace and success in life forever


Build YOGI SRIJI'S dream project of a wonderful 'WISDOM TOWER' in a prominent place of the world to spreads compassion and helps the humankind in attainment of WORLD


Promote physical intellectual and spiritual growth amongst children and the adults through his new mechanism (TTM) scientifically and educate them in the widest possible platform


Start and establish as many TTM Centers as possible to the people of all ages, cultures, educational backgrounds, and for all religion or religiously unaffiliated


Publish books, e-books, magazines, pamphlets, images, videos and CDS etc. on issues involving development of the society

Therefore, your offerings help the Trust to extend more and more opportunities to the people who are donating and hopeful sustainable living.


Offer scholarships, books, fees, uniforms, shelters and other monetary assistance to the uplift of the deserving students

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