Workplace Playbook II Connect
CONNECT is a system in how to think when communicating in the workplace. It programs you to gain the respect of peers, superiors, and subordinates.
Module 8: The End Game
The End Game
Copyright 2010, Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of the author.
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
Pre Game Breakdowns Minimizing The Process Tool Box Managing Conflict Walking On Eggs Common Tasks End Game
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
CONNECT AND THE THINK MODEL Here are some picture painting questions applied to the model.
EXPECTATIONS What are the objectives of this mission / job?
PROCESS How should we go about attaining the target(s)? What can we do to improve the processes?
RESOURCES What systems do we need to improve the processes? What tools do our people need to execute the processes? What kinds of talent do we need to optimize performance? How can we design the environment to optimize performance? How adequate is our budget?
INCENTIVES How do we make certain compensation is adequate? How well are we communicating with our people? How should we recognize those who excel? How can we be sure our objectives are reasonable? How much control do our people have over their jobs?
TRAINING What skills are needed to execute the processes? How can we make certain everyone is competent?
FEEDBACK What data do we need to track and keep us on target? Are the people on target? What are some things we can do to improve?
MOTIVATION Are all the tactics in place? How do the people feel about their jobs?
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
HOW WOULD YOU RESPOND TO THESE STATEMENTS “Wow I’ve got a great idea.” “What we need to do is add a couple of new parts.” “That’s a bad way to go about improving our situation.” “The cost is too high.” “What time should we meet?” “Look let’s talk about price.” “I’m planning to increase our sales force.” (You disagree) You’re leading a discussion and a different point of view is offered.
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
SUGGESTED RESPONSES “Wow I’ve got a great idea.” “Oh, what is it?” “What we need to do is add a couple of new parts.” “What will that do for us?” “That’s a bad way to go about improving our situation.” “Why’s that?” “The cost is too high.” “How did you determine that?” “What time should we meet?” “Offer your suggestion straight forward.” “Look let’s talk about price.” “No question that price is important, but I think we still need to be clear about what we want to do in more detail before we can start estimating price.” “I’m planning to increase our sales force.” (You disagree) “Why do you want to do that?” Then, after hearing a reason that we’ll assume is still invalid, consider something like, “I’d like to offer a reason for reconsidering that decision as well as an alternative strategy for your consideration.” You’re leading a discussion and a different point of view is offered. “That’s very interesting. Did you all hear his/her thoughts? Who can add to his/her thinking?”
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
GOOD CHEMISTRY AND HARD WORK It’s been discussed that if someone has a problem with “good chemistry”, it is difficult to correct. This is because interpersonal style is developed starting in early childhood and becomes part of one’s makeup after continuous reinforcement over the years. Comedy Writing Secrets by Melvin Helitzer provides some insights to illustrate the difficulties with interpersonal or the soft skills. “Tommy Smothers said, „One of the hardest things for comedy writing is to write in the vague–the spaces, the timing, the attitude.‟ Woody Allen discovered that stand-up is a funny man doing material, not a man doing funny material. The personality, the character, not the joke, is primary.” “Emotion is the area most often referred to when talking about natural talent–the inexplicable factor that produces stars. It can‟t be taught, only encouraged. Performers learn from each other by scrutinizing timing, characterization, and structure. What can be taught are techniques for maximizing emotion.” “A person with the right personality can take what is written and make it funny. Many comedians have become good actors in films and sitcoms, but you rarely hear of a good actor becoming a great comedian.” When it comes to soft skills, you can see that a couple days of training can’t easily overcome lifelong habits. This does not mean training is not useful; it does suggest that if there is a need for improving chemistry, a person needs to work very hard at constantly focusing on and practicing the skills. The only answer to fixing the problem is: 1. Owning up to a problem communicating, if one exists. 2. Committing to doing one of the hardest things in life; to change the way you communicate. 3. Committing to doing whatever it takes to produce the desired change. 4. Working at it every day for as long as it takes.
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
DEVELOP A PERSONAL PLAN Here is an opportunity to develop your own improvement plan for developing relationships. Set an objective of establishing “good chemistry”. Develop a process or how you will accomplish your goal. *
Make a list of accomplishments and things you have done over time. Leave plenty of space in between each.
With respect to each item indicate how you communicated well and how you did not do so well.
For each item in need of improvement, consider what needs to happen to produce positive change based on the skills and the rules for earning respect.
Think of each person you touch as a capable and trusted partner.
Use whatever resources that will help get the job done … telephone, email, activities, doing thoughtful things, etc.
Plan to listen most of the time, developing two-way conversation, and seeking opportunities to give a healthy “pat on the back”.
Plan training—perform real live practice, practice, and practice by doing what needs to happen every day.
Determine how you will know you are progressing and doing what needs to be done.
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
SUMMARIZING CONNECT LEARNING: Use the principle of painting the picture to let others express themselves at length, which develops cooperation and respect. TESTING: interest.
When conversation is lacking, use Testing to stir up
DELAYING: When interrupted and the subject is changed, defer the point until later at a more appropriate time. COMMON TASKS: Manage and resolve everyday tasks including rituals/pastimes, planning objectives & strategies, handling internal and external issues, giving feedback, and counseling people. REVERSING: Continues people painting after they have started on a point of discussion. WHAT IF: “What if” statements cause people to respond to real situations revealing potential weaknesses in their own positions. TIME OUT: When resistance continues with no progress, it may be timely to take a Time Out and break from the subject until later. CONFRONTING: When there are “undiscussables” it’s necessary to confront the person and speak your mind without being offensive.
"If a thought can’t be expressed in a few words it may not be worth expressing." —Gostan Zarian—
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
Pre Game Breakdowns Minimizing The Process Tool Box Managing Conflict Walking On Eggs Common Tasks End Game
You can accomplish anything in life, provided you don’t mind who gets the credit. —Harry S. Truman—
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
STAGES OF COMPETENCY Now that the CONNECT playbook has been completed, one might ask, at what stage of competency am I? The chart below is an interesting way to view how people progress with respect to mastering anything in life (Source Unknown).
Before starting and learning any new concept, we are, UNCONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT (or, unaware of what we don’t know) When beginning to learn some new concepts, we are, CONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT (or, becoming aware of what we don’t know) When finished learning the new concepts, we are, CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT (or, aware of and able to practice what we know) Over time and continuous practice, we become, UNCONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT (or, instinctive…like driving a car)
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
When you started with the CONNECT playbook you were probably UNCONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT, or unaware of what you didn’t know about communicating. As you progressed through the playbook you gradually became CONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT, becoming aware of what you didn’t know about communicating. Now that you have completed the playbook and programmed yourself with the CONNECT skills, hopefully you have become CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT. That is, you can access and use your new found skills from your conscious mind. So now the name of the game is to put the skills to work over and over again so eventually you will be UNCONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT or INSTINCTIVE in communicating effectively.
It's the tragedy of the world that people don’t know what they don't know. And the less they know, the more sure they are they know everything. —Joyce Cary—
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.
The End Game
End of The End Game CONGRATULATIONS! Contact the coach the 866-506-4209 to review this final module. If you would like to send any questions, thoughts, or suggestions, please email: That’s it folks. Here is hoping Playbook II has provided you with some ways to communicate when playing and winning at the game of work…and life. Wishing you the best of health, happiness and success.
“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." Chinese Proverb
Copyright 2010 Ara Bouloutian. All rights reserved.