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Our People: Anna Miles
Anna Miles
From Bruks Siwertell’s Americas offi ce, in Alpharetta, Georgia, Anna Miles enjoys solving everyday challenges as part of a team, working at an international level and getting to know numerous customers and many diff erent types of heavy machinery
OUR BASE IN ALPHARETTA is a busy hub, serving local, national and international industries. This means that I can oft en leave my desk behind and go to meet many of our wonderful customers. These might include purchasing and operations managers, plant operators and many more.
I work in service, and good service support is essential to successful businesses. I believe that aft ersales and the aft ermarket is as important as the initial delivery. We do everything that we can to ensure spares and wear parts are available and can be delivered quickly when needed. Commitment to our customers does not end when we sign a new deal, it is a life-long partnership, and our department is an important part of this.
Parts for all the portfolio
Because I work in the spare parts team, I get to work with all the machinery for all our products. Traditionally, this included Bruks machinery, but this has expanded to Siwertell equipment as well. Our parts activities cover a range of products including Bruks stackers and reclaimers, conveyors, such as air-supported systems like TubulatorsTM and The Belt ConveyorTM, right through to ship unloaders, loaders and our extensive wood-processing portfolio including chippers, butt-flare reducers and truck dumps.
Knowing individual parts of equipment means that you have to understand how they work together. It is a great way to get to know the engineering capabilities of our equipment and how it is used in the field.
Dedication is paramount
I have a diverse and interesting job, and take great pride in the service that we off er to customers. The spare parts that we sell, and the service that we provide, ensures that our equipment operates at its design capacities, so that it delivers safe, optimal performance.
If I think about what you need to do my job, I would say that dedication to customer service is paramount. You also need good organizational skills, and the ability to multi-task and ‘think on my feet’. The most appealing part of my job is working together as a team to solve the challenges that we face every day.
Bruks Siwertell is a market-leading supplier of dry bulk handling and wood processing systems. With thousands of installations worldwide, our machines handle your raw materials from forests, fields, quarries and mines, maintaining critical supply lines for manufacturers, mills, power plants and ports.
We design, produce and deliver systems for loading, unWe design, produce and deliver systems for loading, unloading, conveying, storing, and stacking and reclaiming loading, conveying, storing, and stacking and reclaiming dry bulk materials, alongside equipment for chipping, dry bulk materials, alongside equipment for chipping, screening, milling and processing wood for the bioenergy, screening, milling and processing wood for the bioenergy, biofuel, board, sawmill, pulp and paper industries. biofuel, board, sawmill, pulp and paper industries.
We are global and local. You will find our main offi ces in We are global and local. You will find our main offi ces in the US, Sweden, Germany, China, the Philippines, Russia the US, Sweden, Germany, China, the Philippines, Russia and Taiwan, supported by a dedicated network of hundreds and Taiwan, supported by a dedicated network of hundreds of representatives and dealers worldwide.
An extensive global service team off ers support to all Bruks Siwertell Group customers whenever and wherever it is needed.