We provide caring, high-quality, free education and related services to at-risk children and their families in their own neighborhoods in order to prepare and empower them for success in school and life. The Child Family & Network Centers, is an Annie E. Casey Foundation Families Count National Honors Program honoree, has received the President’s Award from the Points of Light Foundation, and has received an Excellence in Virginia Government Award from Virginia Commonwealth University.
The Child and Family Network Centers was founded by a group of mothers living in Alexandria’s public housing when they learned that their children were failing kindergarten – and would be denied entry in first grade.
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Rigorous long-term research validates the positive effects of early-childhood education. One study – which tracked low-income, minority children – found that at age 40 those who had attend preschool were a: MORE like to own a home, b: MORE likely to have a savings account and c: LESS likely to be arrested.
OUR STRATEGY Determined to help their children, these mothers started their own preschool in the summer of 1984. the school they founded became nationally-recognized success story. Since the Child and Family Network Centers (CFNC) has changed the lives of thousands of the northern Virginia’s neediest three and four year old children.
But there are still thousands of children in northern Virginia who are at risk of school failure from the very beginning. By reaching these children and giving them the chance for success right from the start, we can chainge their lives – and change the future for their families and our whole community.
Our simple, free enrollment policy – together with our multiple community-based locations – make it possible for us to reach children living under the radar in neighborhoods that have the highest concentration of families living in poverty.
Accredited ny the National Association for the Education of Children, each of our centers is staffed by credentials teachers, most of whom are parents of former students. They have since attained their Child Development Associate’s Credential and are continuing their college education. Our preschools used High/Scoop curriculum, which is nationally recognized as particular effective with at-risk children in multicultural settings.
Poverty is the #1 risk factor for school failure, and every year thousands of children enter kindergarten unprepared to learn.
In addition to a high-quality curriculum, we address the development needs of our children by providing speech, language, and occupational therapy; psychological assessments; and social skills groups – all at no cost.
Through our Family Support program, bilingual social workers provide workshops, individual and family counseling and case management. They work with parents towards goals that lead to position parenting, stable living environments, English language acquisition, worthy wages and healthy families. They also provide lessons on civic participation , parentinal involvement, financial planning, and understanding medical terminology. We also work with parents and the public schools to ensure that out children successfully transition into kindergarten classrooms
Our Health Services program is administered by a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), who coordinates dental, hearing, and vision screening and provides referrals for both children and family members. The FNP ensures children have up-to-date immunizations and health insurance. She also helps families find insurance, schedule doctor’s appointments and develop heathier lifestyles.
In Memory of ________________________________ Preparing children for success in school can make all the difference. Here’s how you can help:
One full day of preschool for one child
VISA, American Express or Mastercard
Lending library books for one classroom
Credit Card Number _ ____________________________
One Week of full-day preschool for one child
Expiration Date _________________________________
One field trip or event for one classroom
V-code _ _______________________________________
One year of school supplies for one classroom
Signature _ _____________________________________
Check (payable to CFNC)
Furnishings and equipment for one classroom
Name(s) _______________________________________
One year of full-day preschool for one child and supporting services for his/her family
You can change a child’s life – right from the start
Tomorrow: You can make a lasting difference in our community
Address ________________________________________
Email _ ________________________________________ YES!, I work for a matching gift company! Employer _ _____________________________________
WWW.CFNC-ONLINE.ORG To learn more or donate, visit: 3701A Mt. Vernon Avenue Alexandria, VA 22305 703-836-0214