606 Studio_Re:Imagine Downtown Garden Grove_Community Participation

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Re:Imagine Downtown Garden Grove Presented By: 606 Studio Elena Tucci I Hieu Nguyen I Joe Gonzalez I Kevin Yuan Principal Investigators: Lee-Anne Milburn I Weimin Li Faculty Advisors: Doug Delgado

Re:Imagine Downtown The Re:Imagine Downtown Garden Grove concept developed as a result of a charrette carried out by City staff members Staff developed ideas in four areas: land use, design, transportation, and branding City officials hope to revitalize the immediate downtown area through the development of design and transportation interventions to better connect the disperse areas of Garden Grove

Source: Photo by Kevin Yuan.

To aid in the development of a vision plan, City leaders solicited the help of the 606 Studio

Source: Photo by Jin Lee & Hieu Nguyen.

606 Studio The 606 Studio has over 35 years of award-winning tradition serving municipalities, NGOs, community organizations and other agencies to solve complex relationships between the human and natural systems The Studio promotes the application of advanced methods of analysis and design to address serious and important ecological, social, and aesthetic issues related to urban, suburban, rural, and natural landscapes with a particular emphasis on preserving and restoring natural systems ~ Lee-Anne Milburn & Weimin Li

Source: Photo by Kevin Yuan.

Goals Enhance public mobility access through the development of a non-motorized transportation and open space network Create an attractive city brand using the theme of “gardens” and “groves” Revitalize the downtown center through creative planning, design, and connection to its surrounding communities ~ Lee-Anne Milburn & Weimin Li

Source: Top. Indianapolis Cultural Trail by vimeo.com. Bottom. Dutch Kills Green, Long Island City by www.wrtdesign.com.

Objectives Connect the disparate areas of Garden Grove and link the city with adjacent communities Integrate the area’s large, disjointed blocks into a cohesive Civic Center– Downtown District Identify opportunities to integrate the city’s socio-cultural context and existing resources Develop a central identity through the creation of a unified design palette that promotes the image of “gardens” and “groves” Recommend opportunities to improve the city’s recreational, cultural, and economic infrastructure through the enhancement and/or expansion of its open space network ~ Lee-Anne Milburn & Weimin Li

Source: Top. Millennium Park, Chicago by www.lafoundation.org. Bottom. High Line Park, New York by www.seasonalwisdom.com.

Community Participation To meet the project objectives, we are soliciting the help of community groups and stakeholders, so that we might gain a more intimate knowledge of the city and the needs of Garden Grove residents The data we get from you should serve to strengthen the design interventions proposed by the team

Source: Photo by Jin Lee & Hieu Nguyen.

Today is the day you can help us to make Garden Grove a better place‌

Share your opinions, ask questions, and participate in our activities!

Source: Photo by Jin Lee & Kevin Yuan.

Also visit us on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/six.osix.94

... and leave your comments at www.reimaginedowntowngg.com

If you want to reach us at our studio e-mail us at gardengrove606studio@hotmail.com ‌ or call us at (909) 869-2673

Source: Photo by Kevin Yuan.

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