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Reviews from GIHM Alumni
Quality Manager Artemis Hospital, Gurugram
Formerly at : Uppal Neuro Hospital- Amritsar Parekhs Hospital - Ahmedabad Aryan Hospital - Gurugram Columbia Asia Hospital Paras Hospital - Gurugram
Alumni : GIHM - Delhi Symbiosis Healthcare - Pune
I am sharing my experience of my Hospital & Healthcare management journey with GIHm, Delhi & Six Sigma star Healthcare Pvt. Ltd delhi.
As we all are aware HeALTH IS reAL WeALTH, WITHOUT HeALTH NO ONe cAN LIVe A beTTer LIFe IN THIS WOrLD. behind every Developing country, there is always Healthy Peoples of that country to make economically strong of their Nations.
There is no second chance in healthcare.One mistake can cost of one life. We need trained manpower to manage all departments in hospital.
New diseases burden is increasing day by day. New Hospitals are opening day by day & working 24*7 & 365 days.NO HOLIDAYS in healthcare. every Patient demand better Quality Healthcare facilities & to manage these facilities we need Hospital & Healthcare management peoples.
That’s why I came into this field.
I did my graduation & Post Graduation in Hospital management from GIHm.The best thing was,Here I got the opportunity to visit, Learn & Get practical exposure in many Hospitals- . I visited in Jammu, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Dehradun, bhopal,Keral - 40 + hospitals during my student journey with the GIHm all over India. Then I got the placement in third year of my graduation in Uppal Neuro hospital, Amritsar, I worked there as manager and learn so many things like how the hospital departments functions like OT, IcU,IPD & OPD, Hr DePArTmeNT, PHArmAcY mANAGemeNT, LAb & rADIOLOGY mANAGemeNT , emerGeNcY DePArTmeNT mANAGemeNT etc. many more departments.
HOSPITAL mANAGemeNT is best course, I recommend if anyone wants to do something new, challenging & work as ceO, cOO, HOSPITAL mANAGer, QUALITY mANAGer then you can come in this field & GLObAL HOSPITAL & HeALTHcAre mANAGemeNT INSTITUTe, Delhi is a best & Top institute in India.This is great platform to start a new journey.
myself sapna, working as a Nursing superintendent in Khetarpal Hospital, bali Nagar, New Delhi-110015 from last 4 years .
I started my career from moolchand medicity as a GNm Student Nurse from 20102014.
Firstly I joined Action bala Ji hospital as a casuality staff nurse in 2014-2015.
Then I joined in 2015 to 2016 Jaipur golden hospital ,rohini as a emergency nurse as well as infection control nurse . In this period I completed my post basic b.sc Nursing from SGT University gurugram.
Then I started my mbA-HA from GIHm and six Sigma given me a opportunity to grow myself and I converted myself from staff nurse to Admin level and I was gained my experience and confidence level.
Then I gone to AbrOL meDIcAL ceNTre , GUrDASPUr and Dr. KArAm SINGH memOrIAL HOSPITAL, AmrITSAr as a manager-Quality from 2016-2017 approx 1.5 years.
And I joined in Nursing again in 2019 to till now because I love nursing and my nursing profession is my passion and that work I do from my choice, and also love to care needful patients .
And after that I started my P.hd under guidence with Dr. PrADeeP bHArDWAJ sir .
I shared my total experience till now and I thank Dr. Pradeep bhardwaj for helping me and improve me.
Also want to say that GIHm courses is good and beneficial to improving self and organisation quality and self confidence level. Sapna
Nursing superintendent Khetarpal Hospital, New Delhi
Formerly at : Action Bala Ji - New Delhi Jaipur Golden Hospital - Delhi Abrol Medical Centre - Punjab Dr. Karam Singh Memorial Hospital - Punjab
Alumni : GIHM - Delhi