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Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare Management
The hospital industry in India is growing at a rapid pace and is expected to touch USD 133 billion by 2023. The healthcare industry in general is expected to reach USD 372 billion by 2022. Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors both in terms of revenue and employment. This rapid growth in this industry has resulted in great demand for healthcare managers who can work in settings like hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and community health organisations. Healthcare administrators are involved in efficiently running patient care services. They also play a strategic role in planning, coordinating and supervising the functions of healthcare facilities and the staff who work there. To fulfil this role, they require in-depth understanding of both healthcare policies and administration.
The PG Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare management (PGDHHm) is a course that will provide the student with managerial skills essential for planning and administering healthcare services. The student will learn how to operationally manage the clinical and support services in a hospital by practical experience (e.g. Hospital/Departmental visits, cases etc). The course will also provide the students practical tips of implementing quality and accreditation standards in the healthcare settings. Students will also learn about medical laws and regulations governing healthcare services in India and the role of insurance in healthcare.
This course will prepare the students for administrative and managerial roles in the hospital sector. Successful students may find job opportunities across the spectrum of healthcare services such as small and large clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and medical colleges. In addition, opportunities exist in allied industries like health insurance, medical KPOs, pharmaceutical and medical device companies.
WHy HosPitAl AnD HeAltHcAre MAnAGeMent
Hospital and Healthcare management is a recession free and challenging profession. Hospital administration is one of the most competitive and challenging careers you can embark on and one of the most rewarding. Hospital administration is concerned with planning, organising, staffing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating health services for the community to provide maximum patient care of superior quality at low cost. Hospital administrator is responsible for overall management of the hospital and healthcare services. Hospital administrator are in great demand, In fact, they are the most sought after professionals in healthcare sector today. Hospitals are becoming a highly scientific and complex medical centres and are becoming hub of whole system of healthcare. medical sector is becoming increasingly competitive and capital intensive the need for managing hospitals has become even more acute.
The hospital administrator plays a vital a role in saving lives, without having to take scalpel in hand. The growth of healthcare service sector has increased the need for management professionals to manage hospitals affairs. Hospital management has become the need of the hour today. Healthcare is the world's largest and fastest growing industry. According to WHO : The value of the Indian healthcare industry is estimated at 2.7 trillion. The industry is growing at a fast rate of 13% per annum. The private sector accounts for nearly 88% of the total healthcare market in India while the public sector accounts for the rest.
eliGibility criteriA for PGDHHM
For obtaining admission to the PGDHHm course, the student should have a bachelor's degree either in the medical or dental field.. There is no age limit as part of the PGDHHm eligibility criteria.
WHo sHoulD Pursue A PGDHHM course?
Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health management course is a postgraduate course which involves a combination of management and health science. This course gives the knowledge of scientific aspects to manage the materials and communicate with the people.
Those aspirants who are ready to attain knowledge about how to challenge their everyday problems in healthcare management and are interested in the field of managing, and administrating the healthcare system course.
WHen to Do PGDHHM course?
The students can pursue PGDHHm course in India after completing graduation from either the medical/ dental or any field.
HoW to Get ADMission for PGDHHM?
Those candidates who want to apply for the Post Graduate Diploma Hospital Health management program should have completed graduation.
HoW to APPly?
The applications for the PGDHHm course are accessible in both online and offline modes. For the online process, the students need to go through the GIHm website and for the offline process, the students need to visit the GIHm office. candidates applying for the PGDHHm program should have all the necessary documents such as graduation degree and ID verification.
tyPes of PGDHHM courses
PGDHHm course is a very popular course that can be pursued. many colleges provide the benefits of doing this course in any of the three modes i.e Full-time, Part-time, and Distance education, but you get 100% placement assurance from GIHm, Delhi
full-tiMe PGDHHM
The full-time PGDHHm program is typically for one year, where students will have to attend classes in person, submit assignments, and write their exams on-campus. The advantage of a full-time PGDHHm course is that students will gain a lot more exposure, experience and knowledge through direct interaction with their peers and faculty.

The part-time PGDHHm course is designed for students who cannot attend regular classes. The parttime course is all about having a different schedule, few assignments, alternative classes, and much more benefits. A part-time course is very useful for students who are working professionals or a job person.
PGDHHm distance education is specially designed to take the online study benefits of the best-featured colleges which are too far. The students who are doing job responsibilities can take admitted to this course.
Job AsPects, 100% PlAceMent AssistAnce by GiHM
• Dean and Director of Hospital/Medical Colleges • Healthcare Manager • Hospital Administrator • Medical Superintendent • Medical Director • Quality Manager etc.