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Fairy Bodies

Apply a mixture of Burnt Sienna, Van Dyke Brown, and Sap Green to skin shadows with a #1 round. Apply Permanent Yellow Deep to the shadows of the baby’s outfit. Apply a medium tint of Permanent Yellow Deep to the outer part of the lighter wing and Yellow Orange to its teardrop shapes. Apply a light tint of Permanent Yellow Light to the center of the middle flower in the mother’s hair. Add Cerulean Blue to the outer part of the left wing and Violet to its teardrop shapes. With Raw Sienna and a #1 round, deepen the edges and shadows of the mother fairy’s gown. Apply a medium tint of Permanent Rose to the lips of both mother and baby.


10. Paint the Third Fairy and Finishing Details

Using a light tint of Permanent Rose loaded to a #1 round, paint the gown of the third fairy. When dry, apply a light tint of Viridian to her wings. Apply a mixture of Raw Sienna and Van Dyke Brown to her hair. Apply a mixture of Burnt Sienna and Van Dyke Brown to the areas of her skin that turn from the light.

Using a dark tint of Van Dyke Brown and Ivory Black loaded to a #00 round, paint the curls of both the mother and baby fairies. Apply a medium tint of Winsor Green to the bottom layer of the mother fairy’s gown in the areas that turn from the light. Using a medium-dark tint of Van Dyke Brown loaded to a #2 round, outline the mother fairy’s wings. Apply Yellow Orange to the centers of the flowers in the mother’s hair, then finish them with shades of Raw Sienna at left and Cerulean Blue in the center and right.

Outline the background fairy’s wings with a medium Indigo tint. Apply Permanent Rose to her gown where it turns from the light, as well as to her cheeks and the markings on her wings. Finish shading her hair with deeper shades of Raw Sienna and Van Dyke Brown.

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