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Tilted Blocks

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Lace Panel Shawl

Lace Panel Shawl

before marker, remove marker, S2KP, sl st back to LH needle, replace marker, sl st back to RH needle, work in rib as established to last 2 sts, k2—4 sts dec’d. Row 4 With A, k2, cont in rib to 2 sts before marker, p2tog tbl, sm, cont in rib to marker, sm, p2tog, cont in rib to last 2 sts, k2—2 sts dec’d. Row 5 With B, rep row 3. Row 6 With B, rep row 4. Rep rows 3–6 until piece measures 3½"/9cm from beg, end with a row 6.

First Short-row Section Short-rows 1 (RS) and 2 (WS) With A, k92, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 3 and 4 K69, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 5 and 6 K46, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 7 and 8 K23, w&t, k to end. Garter dec row 9 (RS) K to 2 sts before marker, remove marker, S2KP, replace marker, k to 1 st before marker, remove marker, S2KP, sl st back to LH needle, replace marker, sl st back to RH needle, k to end—4 sts dec’d. Short-rows 10 (WS) and 11 (RS) K92, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 12 and 13 K69, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 14 and 15 K46, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 16 and 17 K23, w&t, k to end.


Garter Section Row 1 (WS) Knit, purling the st resulting from the S2KP dec from previous garter dec row. Row 2 (RS) Work garter dec row as before—4 sts dec’d. Row 3 Knit, purling the st resulting from the S2KP dec from previous garter dec row. Dec row 4 K to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, sm, k to marker, sm, ssk, k to end—2 sts dec’d. Row 5 Knit, purling the st resulting from the k2tog dec from previous dec row 4. Row 6 (RS) Work garter dec row as before—4 sts dec’d. Rep rows 1–6 once, then rep rows 1–3 once more.

Second Short-row Section Short-rows 1 (RS) and 2 (WS) With A, k21, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 3 and 4 K42, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 5 and 6 K63, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 7 and 8 K84, w&t, k to end. Dec row 9 (RS) K to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, sm, k to marker, sm, ssk, k to end—2 sts dec’d. Short-rows 10 (WS) and 11 (RS) K21, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 12 and 13 K42, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 14 and 15 K63, w&t, k to end. Short-rows 16 and 17 K84, w&t, k to end. Row 10 (WS) Knit, purling the st resulting from the k2tog dec from previous dec row.

Second Ribbed Section Work rows 5 and 6 of ribbed section, then rep rows 3–6 as before until 2 sts rem in side sections, end with a WS row. Knit 3 rows, dec’ing on RS rows as established. Bind off.


Weave in ends. Block lightly to measurements. •



2nd second 3rd third A, B, C color of yarn approx approximately beg begin(ning) ch chain cm centimeter(s) cn cable needle cont continu(e)(ing) dec decreas(e)(es)(ing) dec’d decreased inc increas(e)(es)(ing) inc’d increased k knit k2tog knit 2 stitches together— 1 stitch decreased k3tog knit 3 stitches together— 2 stitches decreased kfb knit into front and back of same stitch—1 stitch increased kfbf knit info front, back, and front of same stitch—2 stitches increased LH left-hand lp(s) loop(s) m meter(s) M1(L) insert tip of LH needle from front to back under strand between last stitch worked and next stitch; knit into back loop —1 knit stitch increased M1R insert tip of LH needle from back to front under strand between last stitch worked and next stitch; knit into front loop —1 knit stitch increased M1-p insert tip of LH needle from back to front under strand between last stitch worked and next stitch; purl into front loop —1 purl stitch increased MC main color mm millimeter(s) oz ounce(s) p2tog purl 2 stitches together— 1 stitch decreased p purl pat(s) pattern(s) pm place maker psso pass slipped stitch over rem remain(ing)(s) rep repeat(s) RH right-hand RS right side(s) S2KP slip 2 stitches together knitwise, knit 1 stitch, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit 1—2 stitches decreased SK2P slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 2 stitches together, pass slipped stitch over knit 2 together—2 stitches decreased SKP slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over knit 1— 1 stitch decreased sl slip sm slip marker ssk slip 2 stitches knitwise one at a time; insert left needle into front of 2 slipped stitches and knit them together—1 stitch decreased st(s) stitch(es) St st stockinette stitch tbl through back loop(s) tog together WS wrong side(s) wyif with yarn in front yo('s) yarnover(s) * repeat directions following * as many times as indicated [ ] repeat directions inside brackets as many times as indicated



Projects using basic stitches. May include basic increases and decreases.

Projects may include simple stitch patterns, colorwork, and/or shaping.

Projects may include involved stitch patterns, color work, and/or shaping.

Projects may include complex stitch patterns, color work, and/or shaping using a variety of techniques and stitches simultaneously.




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