1 minute read
How to Use This Book
On the left-hand page, use crayons, colored pencils, or markers to color in the picture.


On the right-hand page, use the wooden stylus to trace the lines and reveal the magic art!
Check out the games and puzzles in the back of the book!
Put a paper towel under the book when tracing the scratch-off art. It will catch the crumbs!

One of Pippa’s favorite foods was pizza. She loved it so much that she wanted to make it herself, but she didn’t know how! Who could teach her? She decided to go to the village and ask her friends.

Pippa went to visit Alex the cheese maker.
“Can you teach me how to make pizza?”

Pippa asked.
“I love pizza,” said Alex, “but I don’t know how to make it. Would you like to try some of my cheese?”
Pippa politely said, “No, thank you.”

Pippa headed to the farm, where Mei the farmer was watering her peppers, onions, spinach, and tomatoes. “You can share my vegetables,” said Mei, but she didn’t know how to make pizza either.

Now Pippa was very hungry and worried! Could none of her friends teach her how to make pizza? She decided to walk to the castle.
On the road to the castle, Pippa came across Fiamma the dragon.

“Do you know how to make pizza?” asked Pippa hopefully.
“No,” said Fiamma, “but I know how to breathe fire.”