1 minute read
Fill in the Blank
Write your own magical story! Fill in each blank with the type of word listed below it.
• noun: a person, place, or thing (examples: book, friend, happiness)
• adjective: a word that describes a noun (examples: red, big, silly)
• verb: an action word (examples: jump, think, giggle)
• adverb: a word that describes a verb or adjective (examples: quickly, sadly)
Once upon a time there was a princess named _________________ and a magical _________________ named (name 1) (animal)
_________________. They loved to _________________ more (name 2) (verb) than anything else. On a _______________ _______________ (adjective) (day of the week) they went to __________________ where they saw a (place)
___________________. “Let’s __________________!” said (noun) (verb)