Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL
ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Weekly Newsletter
01563 526144 Twitter: @StJoAcad
Above: This week we welcomed Jamie Hamill to the school. For those of you who do not follow the fortunes of Kilmarnock Football Club, Jamie has played for the club as a defender since June. He came in to speak to the Higher PE class about the role of emotion in sport, particularly the management of emotion. Right: This image is a piece of work by Gemma McIvor in S3. We think it is nothing short of genius - a thoughtprovoking poster.
Staff changes This week it was farewell to Mrs. McGeer who has made a wonderful contribution to the Science Faculty. She is off to travel the world for several months and we wish her and her family well and look forward to seeing the snaps and hearing her stories. We also heard this week that Mrs. McInally (DHT) had been successful in her interview for the post of Curriculum for Excellence Senior Education Manager with East Ayrshire Council. This is a secondment for six months in the first instance. We wish her well in her new post and have begun the process of recruiting an Acting DHT who we hope to have in post quickly. Visit by Headteacher from St, Aloysius College, Glasgow We were delighted to welcome John Browne to the school this week for a morning of visiting and discussion to plan what promises to be an interesting partnership between our schools sharing ideas about learning and teaching. S3 Parkour Project A group of 15 pupils from S3 began work with an expert in Parkour or Free Running this week. Over the next few weeks they will develop skills in jumping and running and will eventually put together a full presentation of their skills. Consultation on the Curriculum and the School Day We were thrilled to finish processing all our UCAS university applications this week. Many pupils already have offers coming in. The universities are very clear, however, that those who receive unconditional offers should not stop working for the best grades they can achieve. Last year we saw 40% of our leavers go to university - an excellent statistic. Assessment Calendar Published in this edition of the newsletter is a summary of the main assessments for S4 - S6. We have shared this with parents and carers in order to help them support and plan their child’s revision and homework. Consultation on the Curriculum and the School Day We are beginning the process of consulting pupils, parents and carers, staff and the local community on changes to the curriculum and the school day. You will shortly be receiving a letter outlining proposals and inviting you to attend a meeting to discuss them sign in | of helpthe changes is a range of further. We have already had an initial discussion of the ideas with the Parent Council. The focus
proposals for: Books a book asymmetric week inline with most other East advanced search period/ Ayrshire schools • A so-called 33Find
in S4 - S6 • Six options columns Report Abuse Social and Emotional Wellbeing for kids aged 3More options for pupils to bypass exams in S4 and sit qualifications over two years in S4 and S5 (as already happens in some • 18 has 1 follower and is following 1 person departments "The andbooks other schools) that help you most are those which make you think the most" of Neruda options for pupils in Senior Phase, including more offered by partners such as Ayrshire College • A wider rangePablo The books on this list are not necessarily easy reads, there's a fair few that are pretty hard going, upsetting, or close to the bone, but hopefully they can also help. Kilmarnock, ea, UK week to all parents and carers. This consultation is reason we have postponed the planned S3 - S5 Senior A letter will be issued this member since June 17, 2014
Phase Information evening. An alternative date will follow soon. Public Overview
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Read your way to better Mental Health
Our wonderful librarian, Mrs.
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Kirkwood has put together a
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reading list of 99 books that
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deal with issues of mental
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health for children from 3 -
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18. You can access this list on Shelfari by clicking on the following link: http:// stjoeslibrary/shelf
S4 Parents’ Evening: Parental Feedback The S4 Parents’ Evening took place on Tuesday January 14th. It was a very important opportunity for parents and carers to meet with teachers and discuss pupils’ progress in the light of the prelims. With the exam diet starting in 12 weeks time and a number of internal assessments looming in various classes the pupils have time to develop their learning and skills to improve their attainment, but the pressure is on!
Attendance by Parents and Carers at the S4 Parents’ Night Our experience is that most evening events held in January see a lower attendance rate than those held at other times of the year. We have also found that parents and carers are less likely to attend Parents’ Evenings as their child gets older. Attendance at this evening was 50% (roughly inline with attendance figures from previous years for this time of year) and was broken down as follows: 4A1 21 pupils out of 31 were represented 4M1 15 of 32 4A2
13 of 28
7 of 23
15 of 28
If you were unable to make the evening then we are very happy to arrange for you to speak to teachers. Where we have concerns about pupils whose parents or carers did not attend we are contacting home to provide detailed progress information and support improvements in their learning. 18 parents completed the school evaluation sheet. Of the 18, all respondents rated the event as Very effective or effective. 100% also stated that the information they received was either useful or very useful. Only one parent added a comment that the “starting time was too early – 5-7.30pm please”. As ever the Parent Council turned out to the Parents’ Evening to cater, offer support and represent and gather the views of parents and carers. These are reproduced below with responses from Mr. Davis to any issues and concerns raised. POSITIVE COMMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
Appointment times ran smoothly Very quick and effective Organised, informative and effective Went very well, good organising Well informed, kept good time Very positive evening Very efficient, quick Went well Times worked effectively Well informed about son Positive experience, informative Appointment times were kept well, positive improvement on previous years Informative Very positive and informative Times are better earlier Earlier time of 4 - 6.30pm is more suitable for myself. Happy with how smooth the evening went with appointment times Staff know my child very well As usual, everyone knew my child very well and was able to give detailed, useful information Only had 3 appointments but other teachers were very accommodating and made time to speak to me Coffee’s excellent, service wonderful, PC is 1st class!
CONCERNS & ISSUES 1. Timekeeping could be better but in fairness, very comprehensive information given so possibly a longer slot 2. Appointment paper should be given to pupils at least 2 weeks before Pupils could be given a bit more time to gather appointments Hand outs for appointments at least 2 weeks beforehand 3. Timing is a bit tricky if you’re at work 4. Would be better if result papers were given to pupils to give to parents Appalled that prelim results for pupils are being given to parents by fellow pupils – not appropriate! Prelim results shouldn’t be handed out by pupils. Information may be personal for some 5. Suggest e-mail report cards
SCHOOL RESPONSE 1. All teachers are asked to keep to five minutes per appointment, but this can be difficult when they have a full appointment sheet. The planning of parents’ evenings throughout the year do not allow for longer evenings and time slots, but you could contact us for a separate meeting. 2. The appointment sheet was issued as soon as we returned from the Christmas holiday. We did not issue it before this as we felt that it might not get the attention it deserved in the run-up to Christmas. 3. This will be the case for some parents, but there isn’t a time that suits 100% of attendees. We used to run nights from 7 9 pm and the same issue was raised by shift workers. Again, you can arrange a a separate meeting if required. 4. This was not ideal, but did mean that the results were available as soon as they had been process. We apologise for any distress caused. I am happy to discuss this personally if necessary. 5. This is an excellent idea and we are looking into it already. Thank you for your comments. Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher
S4 - S6 Departmental Assessment Calendars: lists of the main assessments for most subject areas over the coming weeks
Week 1 18/08
Week 2 25/08
Week 3 01/09
Week 4 08/09
Week 5 15/09
Week 6 22/09
Week 7 29/09 S4 N5 Spanish Las Vacaciones AVU S5/6 H French Listening Society
Week 8 06/10 S4 N5 French AVU Les Vacances
Week 9 20/10
Week 10 27/10 S5/6 H Spanish Listening Society
Week 11 03/11 S5/6 H French Reading Society
Week 12 10/11 S4 reports S5/6 H French Writing Culture
Week 13 17/11 S5/6 H Spanish Writing Culture
Week 14 24/11
Week 15 01/12 S4 Prelim S4 N5 French Listening Les Etudes
Week 16 08/12 S4 N5 Spanish La Vida Sana Reading S5/6 reports
Week 17 15/12
Week 18 05/01
Week 19 12/01 S4 Parents’ Evening S5/6 H French Talking Learning
Week 20 19/01 S4 N5 Spanish La Technologia Listening S5/6 H Spanish Reading Learning
Week 21 26/01 S5/6 Prelim S4 N5 Spanish La Technologia Talking
Week 22 02/02 S5/6 H Spanish Talking, Writing Employability
Week 23 09/02 S4 N5 French Reading En Bonne Santé
Week 25 23/02 S5/6 Parents’ Evening S4 N5 SPANISH TALKING EXAMS
Week 26 02/03 S5/6 H FRENCH TALKING EXAM S4 N5 French Writing En Bonne Santé
Week 28 16/03
Week 29 23/03
Week 30 30/03
Week 31 20/04
Week 32 27/04 SQA exams begin
Week 33 04/05
Week 34 11/05
Week 35 18/05
Week 36 25/05
Week 37 01/06
Week 38 08/06
Week 39 15/06
Week 40 22/06
Social Subjects Assessment Calendar 2014 - 15
Geography Higher NAB 3
Feb 23 wb
Geography N5/N4 Human Environment
March 2 wb
Geography N4/N5 Global
March 30 wb
Geography Prelim
February 5
History Higher Value Added (Extended Essay)
March 23
History N5 Value Added (Extended Essay)
March 23
History Higher Internal Assessment 2 [S5/6]
History Higher Internal Assessment 3 [S5/6]
Feb 26
History N5 Internal Assessment 2 [S4]
History N5 Internal Assessment 3 [S4]
Feb 26
History Prelim
30 January
Modern Studies Higher Value Added (Extended Essay)
March 23
Modern Studies N5 Value Added (Extended Essay)
March 23
Modern Studies Higher Internal Assessment 2 [S5/6]
Modern Studies Higher Internal Assessment 3 [S5/6]
March 1
Modern Studies N5 Internal Assessment 2 [S4]
Modern Studies N5 Internal Assessment 3 [S4]
March 15
Modern Studies Prelim
Jan 28
Art and Music Department Faculty MUSIC DEPARTMENT S4 Monday 19th January 2015 Monday 23rd February 2015 9th February – 20th March 2015 23rd March 2015 30th March 2015 S5 Tuesday 17th February 2015 Tuesday 10th March 2015 9th February – 20th March 2015 23rd March 2015 30th March 2015 ART DEPARTMENT S4 – S6 Art and Design 30th March 2015 S4 – S6 Photography 30th March 2015
Forthcoming Assessments (S4-S6)
Music Through the Ages Assessment (Understanding Music) Scottish Music Assessment (Understanding Music) Final SQA Performance Exam (external) – National 5 Deadline for Composition Folios (ongoing throughout term) Deadline for Completion of Nat 4 Added Value Unit (ongoing throughout term) Classical Music Assessment (Understanding Music) Romantic and 20th Century Music Assessment (Understanding Music) Final SQA Performance Exam (external) – National 5/Higher Deadline for Composition Folios (ongoing throughout term) Deadline for Completion of Nat 4 Added Value Unit (ongoing throughout term)
Completion of all folios/final pieces (Nat 4 – Higher) ready for uplift by SQA Completion of all folios/final submissions (including Unit Work)
Biology Assessments
End of unit assesment
National 4
31 11 14
National 5 (4th year)
31 11 14
National 5 (5th/6th year)
30 10 14
31 10 14
National 4
31 1 15
National 5
31 1 15
National 5 (5th/6th year)
31 1 15
31 1 15
National 4
31 3 15
National 5
31 3 15
National 5 (5th/6th year)
31 3 15
31 3 15
Added Value unit National 4
30 3 15
Assignment National 5 (4th year)
30 1 15
Assignment National 5 (5th/6th year)
30 3 15
Physical Education Assessments National 5 will move on to their Portfolio, which is submitted to SQA. This is an ongoing written assessment lasting 8 weeks. Higher - the prelim on 29th Jan will be their only 'official' assessment. English Assessments All of the Internal Assessments for the 1 year courses have been completed. However, a couple of other dates for the diary: 5th March - N5 Folio deadline 23rd March - N6/Higher Folio deadline 24th & 25th March - S4 (2 Year Higher) prelim Religious Education: S6 Caritas report (this secures pupils an SQA qualification) Pupils have been issued with the following information: Support notes issued 27th Feb. 1st draft due by 13th March. Returned 17th March
Final submission 27th March
Maths Assessments 5/6 prelim Monday 26/1/15 S4 N5 second prelim - last week of term prior to Easter break. Design and Manufacture Assessments March 9th will be the final submission date for all units for Nat 5 Design & Manufacture. The new Higher Design & Manufacture internal deadline for all units is 31st March. Chemistry Assessments
National 5 Chemistry
End of Unit
National 5 Chemistry
End of Unit
Higher Chemistry
Higher Chemistry
National 5 Chemistry
Outcome 1
National 5 Chemistry
National 5 Chemistry
Higher Chemistry
Higher Chemistry
National 5 Chemistry
End of Unit
Physics Assessments Teacher
Mr. Monaghan
E&E Unit Test
Wk/Beg Monday 2/3/15
Prelim 2
Wk/Beg Mon 23/3/15
Mr. Barbour
Wk/Beg Mon 19/1/15
Mr. Monaghan
S5 (col D)
Friday 16/1/15
S5 (col E)
Friday 23/1/15
S5 (col D)
Friday 20/3/15
S5 (col E)
Friday 20/3/15
Prelim 1
Mon 2/2/15
Prelim 2
Mon 23/3/15
Prelim 1
Mon 2/2/15
Prelim 2
Wk/Beg Mon 20/4/15
E&E Unit Test
Wk/Beg Monday 16/2/15
W&R Unit Test
Wk/Beg Mon 23/3/15
Wk/Beg Monday 9/2/15
Prelim 1
Mon 2/2/15
Electrical Phenomena (NAB)
Wk/Beg Mon 26/1/15
Wave Phenomena (NAB)
Wk/Beg Mon 20/4/15
Prelim 2
Wk/Beg Mon 20/4/15
Jan – Feb (individually timetabled)
Mr. Barbour
Mr. Barbour
Day Tuesday
S5/6 Prelims
Time 13 January 2015 9.00am - 1.30pm
Column E
Subject Practical Cookery
Level National 5
Paper Practical
Duration 2 hours 30 min
20 January 2015 9.00am - 1.30pm
Practical Cookery
National 5
2 hours 30 min
21 January 2015 9.00am - 1.30pm
Practical Cookery
National 5
Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday
The main prelim diet for S5/6 2 hours 30 min begins on January 26th and runs for of a week until February Pupils who are studying Practical Cookery should speak with their teacher to confirm the date their prelim as Friday, the class will be split into 3 12th. The details of the prelims 26 January 2015 12.00pm - 1.00pm A Mathematics National 5 Paper 1 - Non Calculator hour have been communicated1to all 26 January 2015 2.00pm - 3.30pm A Mathematics National 5 Paper 2 - Calculator 1 hour 30 min pupils and parents or carers. A 26 January 2015 11.50am - 1.00pm A Mathematics Higher Paper 1 - Non Calculator 1 hour 10 min copy of the timetable is printed 26 January 2015 2.00pm - 3.30pm A Mathematics Higher Paper 2 - Calculator 1 hour 30 min here. 26 January 2015 12.30pm - 3.30pm A Mathematics Adv. Higher 3 hours
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
27 January 2015 27 January 2015 27 January 2015 27 January 2015
English English English English
Higher Higher National 5 National 5
Reading Understanding 1 hour 30 min Studyforleave will not be granted Critical Reading 1 hour 30 min during the prelim examinations. Reading for Understanding 1 hour Pupils are expected to attend all Critical Reading 1 hour 30 min
Wednesday Wednesday
28 January 2015 9.15am - 11.35am 28 January 2015 9.15am - 10.45am
Modern Studies Modern Studies
Higher National 5
attending an examination. 2 hours 20 min Paper 1 Paper 1 1 hour 30 min
Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
29 January 2015 29 January 2015 29 January 2015 29 January 2015
9.15am - 10.15am 9.15am - 10.45am 1.30pm - 2.40pm 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Music Physical Education Art Art
Adv. Higher Higher National 5 Higher
Listening 1 hour place in the small gymnasium. Any Paper 1 1 hour 30 min exceptions to this are detailed on 10 min Written 1 hour the exam timetable. Written 2 hours
Friday Friday Friday Friday
30 January 2015 30 January 2015 30 January 2015 30 January 2015
9.00am - 10.40am 11.00am - 12.00pm 1.10pm - 3.30pm 1.10pm - 2.40pm
Spanish Spanish History History
Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday
02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015
10.30am - 1.00pm 11.00am - 1.00pm 11.00am - 12.30pm 11.00am - 1.00pm 11.00am - 1.00pm 10.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm - 12.55pm
Biology Biology Drama Drama Physics Spanish Spanish
Higher National 5 National 5 Higher National 5 National 5 National 5
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015
9.15am - 11.15am 9.15am - 11.15am 9.15am - 10.55am 11.15am - 12.15pm 11.15am - 12.15pm 11.15am - 12.15pm
Chemistry Design & Manufacture French French Music Music
National 5 Higher Higher Higher National 5 Higher
04 February 2015 9.15am - 11.45am
prepared they30 mi Paper 1 & 2 for each exam: that 2 hours
Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
05 February 2015 05 February 2015 05 February 2015 05 February 2015
Geography Geography Geography Physics
Higher Higher National 5 Adv. Higher
Paper 1 should be, that they have 1 hour they the30 min Paper 2 1 hour 15 min proper equipment etc. Paper 1 1 hour 30 min Paper 1 & 2 2 hours 30 mi
12 February 2015 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Paper 1 & 2 in the exam hall for2the hours 30 mi remains
9.30am - 11.00am 11.30am - 1.00pm 9.30am - 10.30am 11.30am - 1.00pm
Higher Higher Higher St Joseph's Academy National 5
classes when they are not
Almost all prelim exams will take
Reading and responsibility Directed Writing of pupils 1 hour It is the to 40 min Listening and Writing 1 hour be aware of their SQA Candidate Paper 1 2 hours 20 min Number and their seat number for30 min Paper 1 1 hour
the exams, both of which will be displayed outside the exam hall Paper 1 & 2 2 hours 30 mi prior Paper 1 &to2 exams commencing.2 hours
1 hour 30 min
2 hours During the exams, pupils should Paper 1 & 2 continue to wear full school 2 hours Reading and Writing 1 hour 30 min uniform. Any pupil who attends Listening 25 minutes school during the exam period out of uniform risks being sent home Paper 1&2 2 hoursto change and missing the start of Paper 1 2 hours Reading Directed Writing 1 hour 40 min their and exam. Listening and Writing 1 hour Understanding Music 1 hour Please support your child by Understanding Music 1 hour
ensuring that he/she is properly
know the times of papers, where 11.45am - 1.15pm 2.15pm - 3.30pm 2.15pm - 3.30pm 11.45am - 2.15pm
USEFUL LINKS FOR PARENTS & CARERS You can assist your child with their revision and their prelim experience by using the resources below and by contacting the school for assistance:
It is important that your child
duration of the exam. Pupils shall not be permitted to leave the exam hall before the scheduled end time of their exam. If you feel that circumstances outside of school, such as a family bereavement, mean that your child may be disadvantaged in the exams, please contact Mr. McGinn or your child’s Pupil Support teacher to discuss possible assessment arrangements.

Rock and Alternative music Celebrating diversity together at this all ages event. Make sure to bring your mosh! New Farm Loch community centre January 31st - 6pm Tickets £2 Tickets go on sale on January the 5th To purchase tickets speak to David Mckay, Donald Jessop, Michael Merrick, Matthew Dougan IMPORTANT DATES...................................................................
February 6th - 11th February Weekend
January 20th S3 Enspire Day
holiday (pupils return on 12th)
January 26th Prelims begin
February 14th Ordination of Bishop Nolan
February 2nd Parent Council 7 pm
February 24th 4.00 pm - 6.30 pm S5/6 Parents’ Evening
WEEKLY HOME ROOM REFLECTION: FREEDOM Over the last few days we have seen the worst of humanity. We have also witnessed the best of people as they rallied to show unity and love in the face of hatred and intolerance. The events that took place in France last week should make us stop and think – they should challenge our view of the world. Tragic and shocking as they are, similar atrocities take place across the world each day, but do not receive the media coverage (or provoke the public response) that we have seen in Paris and internationally. For many of us the response to such attacks is fear and incomprehension, we are filled with questions. How can people do such things? Why did they do it? Will it happen here? Am I safe? Can I trust people of other religions? Of course these attacks were designed to create paranoia, mistrust and disunity amongst people. Our Christian response (in common with Muslims and other religions) must be to reach out, to act with love, to show faith. We must also challenge inequality and exclusion wherever we find them as it is often the case that young people who have been radicalised have suffered poverty, loss of identity and mistreatment. In reflecting on the events in Paris Pope Francis commented, ‘Wednesday’s terror attack in Paris brings to mind so much cruelty – human cruelty – so much terrorism, both isolated incidents of terrorism and of state terrorism. Of how much cruelty is man capable!” He then offered a short prayer which we will use today. Let us pray: We pray for the victims of this cruelty – so many of them – and we pray also for the perpetrators of such cruelty, that the Lord might change their heart. Amen. PARISH MASS TIMES St. Matthew’s: 9.30 am, Fr. Chambers St. Michael’s: 4.30 pm (vigil) St. Paul’s: 11.30 am, Fr. Chambers St. Sophia’s: 6.00 pm (vigil) Fr. Chambers St. Francis Xavier, Patna: 5.00 pm (vigil)
St. Joseph’s: 6.00 pm (vigil), 11.00 am Fr. Latham Our Lady of Mount Carmel: 9.30 am, Fr. McGhee Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Patrick: 6.00 pm (vigil), Fr. McGrattan St. Thomas the Apostle: 9.00 am, Fr. McGrattan St. John the Evangelist: 10.45 am, Fr. McGrattan