Weekly Newsletter January 23rd

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Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL

ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Weekly Newsletter

01563 526144

ISSUE 13.3

www.saintjosephsacademy.co.uk Twitter: @StJoAcad


Inside: lots of pictures of school life and activity that show St. Joseph’s creativity in action

It’s been all go this week at St. Joseph’s as these pictures show. The S2 pupils in PE have been undertaking self-assessments and performances in gymnastics. The senior activity leaders enjoyed a challenging, stimulating coaching session with rugby Development Officer Ali McCall. As well as all that the senior boys U-15 Basketball team beat Ardrossan Academy 45-32, with John Tamayo scoring a number of baskets.


Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) In previous issues we have shown some of the work that is going on in the school to bring together the so-called STEM subjects (or STEAM if you include the Arts as we like to). This page showcases a tiny fraction of this work. To the left is the Maths department STEM noticeboard which all learners see as they go into the department. Below you can view the work of S3 pupils who are building their own modular furniture in wood using a range of tools including the belt sander and the router.

Book Sculptures in Art As part of a local authority-wide project a group of pupils led by Mrs. Pyott are creating these intricate and extraordinary book sculptures. They are created simply by taking pages of text from old books salvaged from charity shops. This project has developed over several weeks and challenges the creativity, patience and perseverance of the pupils. The sculptures are inspired by the life and achievements of Clarice Shaw, (1883 - 1946) the first woman Labour member of parliament in Ayrshire .

A range of pupils projects in Art from S2 - S5 What you have here is work in progress. The Art and Music department is buzzing with ideas and full of creativity. Below (clockwise from right) is a steampunk style hat being created out of found goods and materials; a piece of still life work undertaken as part of the new national courses; a dress and bodice slowly being put together out of various materials and inspired by Licorice Allsorts; detail from a sketch by an S5 pupil that is influenced by Japanese art; and a gruesome and graphic poster.

S1 Social Subjects Pupils in Mrs. Lindsay’s History class have been learning about the feudal system and in particular about the design and building of medieval castles. The results of their research can be seen here in the six outstanding examples of illstrations produced by the pupils that show the level of detail they have acquired and the way in which they are able to use this to create their own designs. They are now studying Scotland’s very own King Alexander and writing a newspaper article about his death.

Day Tuesday


S5/6 Prelims

Time 13 January 2015 9.00am - 1.30pm

Column E

Subject Practical Cookery

Level National 5

Paper Practical

Duration 2 hours 30 min


20 January 2015 9.00am - 1.30pm


Practical Cookery

National 5


2 hours 30 min


21 January 2015 9.00am - 1.30pm


Practical Cookery

National 5


Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday

The main prelim diet for S5/6 2 hours 30 min begins on January 26th and runs for of a week until February Pupils who are studying Practical Cookery should speak with their teacher to confirm the date their prelim as Friday, the class will be split into 3 12th. The details of the prelims 26 January 2015 12.00pm - 1.00pm A Mathematics National 5 Paper 1 - Non Calculator hour have been communicated1to all 26 January 2015 2.00pm - 3.30pm A Mathematics National 5 Paper 2 - Calculator 1 hour 30 min pupils and parents or carers. A 26 January 2015 11.50am - 1.00pm A Mathematics Higher Paper 1 - Non Calculator 1 hour 10 min copy of the timetable is printed 26 January 2015 2.00pm - 3.30pm A Mathematics Higher Paper 2 - Calculator 1 hour 30 min here. 26 January 2015 12.30pm - 3.30pm A Mathematics Adv. Higher 3 hours

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

27 January 2015 27 January 2015 27 January 2015 27 January 2015


English English English English

Higher Higher National 5 National 5

Reading Understanding 1 hour 30 min Studyforleave will not be granted Critical Reading 1 hour 30 min during the prelim examinations. Reading for Understanding 1 hour Pupils are expected to attend all Critical Reading 1 hour 30 min

Wednesday Wednesday

28 January 2015 9.15am - 11.35am 28 January 2015 9.15am - 10.45am


Modern Studies Modern Studies

Higher National 5

attending an examination. 2 hours 20 min Paper 1 Paper 1 1 hour 30 min

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

29 January 2015 29 January 2015 29 January 2015 29 January 2015

9.15am - 10.15am 9.15am - 10.45am 1.30pm - 2.40pm 1.30pm - 3.30pm


Music Physical Education Art Art

Adv. Higher Higher National 5 Higher

Listening 1 hour place in the small gymnasium. Any Paper 1 1 hour 30 min exceptions to this are detailed on 10 min Written 1 hour the exam timetable. Written 2 hours

Friday Friday Friday Friday

30 January 2015 30 January 2015 30 January 2015 30 January 2015

9.00am - 10.40am 11.00am - 12.00pm 1.10pm - 3.30pm 1.10pm - 2.40pm


Spanish Spanish History History

Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday

02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015 02 February 2015

10.30am - 1.00pm 11.00am - 1.00pm 11.00am - 12.30pm 11.00am - 1.00pm 11.00am - 1.00pm 10.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm - 12.55pm


Biology Biology Drama Drama Physics Spanish Spanish

Higher National 5 National 5 Higher National 5 National 5 National 5

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015 03 February 2015

9.15am - 11.15am 9.15am - 11.15am 9.15am - 10.55am 11.15am - 12.15pm 11.15am - 12.15pm 11.15am - 12.15pm


Chemistry Design & Manufacture French French Music Music

National 5 Higher Higher Higher National 5 Higher


04 February 2015 9.15am - 11.45am




prepared they30 mi Paper 1 & 2 for each exam: that 2 hours

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

05 February 2015 05 February 2015 05 February 2015 05 February 2015


Geography Geography Geography Physics

Higher Higher National 5 Adv. Higher

Paper 1 should be, that they have 1 hour they the30 min Paper 2 1 hour 15 min proper equipment etc. Paper 1 1 hour 30 min Paper 1 & 2 2 hours 30 mi


12 February 2015 1.00pm - 3.30pm




Paper 1 & 2 in the exam hall for2the hours 30 mi remains

9.30am - 11.00am 11.30am - 1.00pm 9.30am - 10.30am 11.30am - 1.00pm

Higher Higher Higher St Joseph's Academy National 5

classes when they are not

Almost all prelim exams will take

Reading and responsibility Directed Writing of pupils 1 hour It is the to 40 min Listening and Writing 1 hour be aware of their SQA Candidate Paper 1 2 hours 20 min Number and their seat number for30 min Paper 1 1 hour

the exams, both of which will be displayed outside the exam hall Paper 1 & 2 2 hours 30 mi prior Paper 1 &to2 exams commencing.2 hours

1 hour 30 min

2 hours During the exams, pupils should Paper 1 & 2 continue to wear full school 2 hours Reading and Writing 1 hour 30 min uniform. Any pupil who attends Listening 25 minutes school during the exam period out of uniform risks being sent home Paper 1&2 2 hoursto change and missing the start of Paper 1 2 hours Reading Directed Writing 1 hour 40 min their and exam. Listening and Writing 1 hour Understanding Music 1 hour Please support your child by Understanding Music 1 hour

ensuring that he/she is properly

know the times of papers, where 11.45am - 1.15pm 2.15pm - 3.30pm 2.15pm - 3.30pm 11.45am - 2.15pm

USEFUL LINKS FOR PARENTS & CARERS You can assist your child with their revision and their prelim experience by using the resources below and by contacting the school for assistance: http://www.npfs.org.uk/nationals-in-a-nutshell/ http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/69284.html http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/70267.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/education http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/63010.html

It is important that your child

duration of the exam. Pupils shall not be permitted to leave the exam hall before the scheduled end time of their exam. If you feel that circumstances outside of school, such as a family bereavement, mean that your child may be disadvantaged in the exams, please contact Mr. McGinn or your child’s Pupil Support teacher to discuss possible assessment arrangements.

Rock and Alternative music Celebrating diversity together at this all ages event. Make sure to bring your mosh! New Farm Loch community centre January 31st - 6pm Tickets £2 Tickets go on sale on January the 5th To purchase tickets speak to David Mckay, Donald Jessop, Michael Merrick, Matthew Dougan IMPORTANT DATES...................................................................

February 6th - 11th February Weekend

January 26th Prelims begin

holiday (pupils return on 12th)

February 2nd Parent Council 7 pm

February 14th Ordination of Bishop Nolan

February 3rd Consultation Evening on the

February 24th 4.00 pm - 6.30 pm

proposed 33 period week

S5/6 Parents’ Evening

WEEKLY HOME ROOM REFLECTION: Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27th) Each year British society is invited to observe 27 January as Holocaust Memorial Day. This date is the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp by the Soviet Army on 27 January 1945. In Hebrew the word Holocaust means 'burnt offering', but many Jews prefer to use the word Sho'ah to describe the murder of the Jews and other groups during the Second World War. The word Sho'ah simply means desolation, destruction or catastrophe. During the war it is estimated that 2 million Jews were killed by Nazi troops in the Soviet Union, 3.5 million Jews were killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Chelmno, Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka, and half a million Jews died in the ghettos of Eastern Europe of reprisal attacks, hunger, disease, and exhaustion: 6 million in all. Millions more Gypsies, Slavs, Russian POW's, the physically and mentally disabled, homosexuals and others in minority groups perished. The Holocaust Memorial Day was proposed to commemorate not just the Holocaust or Sho'ah, but also to acknowledge the repeated occurrences of genocide, such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda and Bosnia, and to renew the commitment of the British people to combat racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia. On Holocaust Memorial Day we pray for those who died when madness ruled the world and evil prevailed on earth. If we forget, the way is prepared for yet more holocausts, yet more Sho'ah. Therefore we must never forget. As Pope Benedict XVI said: ‘The memory of this enormous tragedy that so severely struck mainly the Jewish people should represent for all a constant warning so that the horrors of the past are not repeated, so that every form of hatred and racism is overcome, and so that the respect and dignity of the human person is promoted.’ Let us pray: On this day when we remember life lost through hatred, lack of respect and indifference, let us pray for a better future. May we cherish in our hearts the truth that every person is made in the image of God so that we build bridges to those who are different and speak out against discrimination.’ Amen PARISH MASS TIMES St. Matthew’s: 9.30 am, Fr. Chambers St. Michael’s: 4.30 pm (vigil) St. Paul’s: 11.30 am, Fr. Chambers St. Sophia’s: 6.00 pm (vigil) Fr. Chambers St. Francis Xavier, Patna: 5.00 pm (vigil)

St. Joseph’s: 6.00 pm (vigil), 11.00 am Fr. Latham Our Lady of Mount Carmel: 9.30 am, Fr. McGhee Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Patrick: 6.00 pm (vigil), Fr. McGrattan St. Thomas the Apostle: 9.00 am, Fr. McGrattan St. John the Evangelist: 10.45 am, Fr. McGrattan

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