ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Weekly Newsletter
Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL 01563 526144 Twitter: @StJoAcad
INSPIRE AND TRANSFORM: Kyle, Raymond, James and John man our stall at the Global Market last Thursday.
CARITAS AWARDS For the second year running St. Joseph’s Academy pupils took to the stage at the Clyde Auditorium, Armadillo in Glasgow to receive their Caritas Awards on Saturday, May 31st. This year 22 pupils from S6 achieved this prestigious award conferred by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. The Caritas Award was created as a legacy of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Scotland to recognise the way in which young people witness their faith through volunteering and caring in the community and parish. For a school of our size to have twenty two recipients is very impressive and is a testament to the incredible work of teachers and parish representatives as well as to the pupils themselves and their families. In particular we would like to thank Fr. McGrattan and Fr. Chambers for their support, Margaret McGrath of St. Joseph’s parish, Mr. Sikora and Mrs. McLaughlin. The awards ceremony was a real event. As well as addresses from Archbishop Tartaglia, Roseanna Cunninghame MSP and the Lord Advocate, Rt. Hon. Frank Mulholland Q.C., the audience (which included over 800 award winners) was treated to a stand-up routine from DJ Des Clarke and a short performance from X-Factor Runner Up Nicholas McDonald. The awards were interspersed with stories of the achievements of young people who were receiving the
award. As well as staff a number of parents and carers attended the event to see their children on the stage. Well done to all those who received an award: unlike every other qualification (Caritas Awards are SCQFrated) this one is about values and honouring the person you are. This award matters as much as other SQA qualifications precisely because, regardless of academic ability, the characteristics that result in success are those that have considerable currency in the world beyond school: commitment, care, diligence, selflessness, dedication and love. In advance of the awards Pope Francis sent a message of encouragement to the 1,000 young people in Scotland who are the recipients of the Caritas Award, praying that they “may continue to courageously witness to the love that God has for every individual person.” The ceremony finished with three P7 pupils reminding the audience of the Pope Francis Faith Award which is designed to recognise achievements by pupils in primary school and mirrors the current award for senior pupils. Inside this edition of the newsletter you can see a photo of all the Caritas pupils who were able to attend on May 31st. Pupils who achieved a Caritas Award, but were unable to collect it on the day of the ceremony can pick up their certificate and medal from the School Office.